Unconsciously, another period of time passed.

During this period of time, Morax and Guizhong did not come, so there must be trouble.

Jiang Xun was happy to be free, so he could concentrate on studying alchemy.

And just a few days ago, he finally entered the red stage.

I thought I could use alchemy to rub a dragon by hand.

But reality gave him a hard time, telling him not to daydream.

He found that he could indeed create highly intelligent creatures now, but he could not directly create a complete body.

At most, he could only create a juvenile body. If he really wanted to rub a dragon by hand, he would probably only be able to rub a small snake-shaped body and then stop, and then he could only wait for it to grow up slowly.

Jiang Xun guessed that this should be because he had just advanced to the red stage and could not give the creature a complete body of life for the time being.

Knowing this, Jiang Xun decisively gave up the idea of trying it.

After all, if he tried, he would die.

He was not interested in playing a cultivation game, not to mention that this game was the Demon God version.

The length was calculated based on thousands of years. Although it would not kill him, it could annoy him to death.

But even so, it is not useless after advancement.

Animals don't do it, but plants can!

After all, plants only need to take root in the soil, water it every day, and bask in the sun.

For example, the Pea Shooter can continue to spit out peas, how fun!

He doesn't need to worry about this at all, and most importantly, his IQ is very high.

\"Yes, that's the strength.\"

At this time, Jiang Xun was sitting on a chair, looking very happy.

Behind him was a small tree, but its branches were resting on Jiang Xun.

It looked like a massage.

And it was true.

Hearing Jiang Xun's words, the small tree shook ignorantly, as if responding to Jiang Xun.

\"What's going on?"

Gui Zhong, who arrived at this time, looked at this strange scene and asked.

If he didn't know that Jiang Xun was a demon god, he would have thought that he was kidnapped by a tree.

Jiang Xun heard this and then explained to her

\"Yeah, that's a pretty amazing ability.\"

After listening to the explanation, Gui finally understood the role of alchemy.

In the end, he believed that this was Jiang Xun's authority as a demon god.

\"By the way, have you encountered any trouble recently? \"

Jiang Xun asked

\"Is my brother concerned about me?"

Gui Zhong did not answer immediately, but instead said with a smile.

\"Just take it as it is\"

Jiang Xun ignored her teasing, took a sip of tea and said calmly.

He was already immune to the other party's way of speaking.

\"Call me sister and I'll tell you\"

\"Oh, a little to the left.\"

\"By the way, what did you say? \"

Jiang Xun pretended to be puzzled and asked

\"Call sister....\"

\"A little further to the right\"


\"Down, down\"

Gui Zhong stared at Jiang Xun with his big eyes. This guy did it on purpose!

\"Humph, so unlovable!"

Gui Zhong said angrily.

But she still told Jiang Xun about it.

\"The Emperor discovered that the demons on the seashore have been very restless recently, so we have been keeping a close watch on that place.\"

The demons on the seashore?

They should be the group of demons led by Osel.

It seems that the octopus dumpling will soon be suppressed.

Jiang Xun knew that the Emperor of Rock King had suppressed it under the Lonely Cloud Pavilion, and it seems that it will happen soon.

However, Jiang Xun did not know when Guizhong sacrificed himself.

I feel that it should be related to this time. I should pay more attention to Guizhong's situation recently.

\"Finally, I'll give you a gift\"

Jiang Xun suddenly spoke up when he thought of this.

Gui Zhong was stunned for a moment, then he was happy.

He didn't expect that this big shot would take the initiative to give him something?!

\"What is it?

Jiang Xun then stretched out his palm and slowly spread it out.

As his palm opened, the smile on Gui Zhong's face turned from joy to confusion.

\"Is this what you are going to give me? \"

Looking at the Glazed Lily seeds in Jiang Xun's hand, Gui Zhong was a little bit unbelievable.

I have heard of other demon gods giving away secret manuals and weapons, but I have never heard of giving away seeds......

\"Forehead.....feel good\"

Gui Zhong finally took the seed.

She then observed it carefully in her hand, but she didn't find anything special.

It looked very ordinary.

But Gui Zhong didn't dislike it. After all, this was the first time Jiang Xun gave her a gift. She must keep it well.

Then she put the seed in the storage mechanism and prepared to plant it sometime.

\"I'll leave now. I'll come back later.\"

Gui Zhong then said goodbye to Jiang Xun.

She didn't have much time to rest this time, and she needed to go back to guide Gui Zhong in the arrangement of the machine. Jiang Xun nodded and watched Gui Zhong's hurried figure disappear from his sight. The seed was an alchemical creation, and Jiang Xun had spent a lot of effort on it.

It had great potential for growth, and it was the best creation Jiang Xun could make at the moment.

The seed was connected to Jiang Xun, allowing him to know the general situation around him.

This was also a kind of guarantee.......

\"Emperor, something has happened! \"

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun said in a panic

\"What's wrong? \"

Morax, who was sipping his tea, asked in confusion

\"The Vortex Demon and his followers are heading towards Liyue Harbor\"

Morax frowned after hearing this, then stood up and formed a seal with his hands.

A golden seal suddenly formed.

Then he said

\"All immortals, follow me to Liyue Harbor to prepare to fight the enemy. Those immortals who are not good at fighting will stay behind to protect the people.\"

\"Obey the Emperor's order!"

After Morax finished speaking, he flew directly towards the seaside.

Looking at the black clouds approaching not far away, he rushed out directly to stop them from moving forward.

The rest of the immortals followed closely behind, and soon, a bilateral confrontation was formed.

Guizhong, who was arranging the Guizhong machine in Guiliji, also received the order, but she knew that she was not good at fighting, so she did not go over.

After she would not be of much use if she went over, and might even cause trouble.

But suddenly, Guizhong seemed to feel something and looked up to the north.

The originally blue sky in the distance became overcast at this time.

Guizhong knew that this was a strange phenomenon formed by the demon god releasing his breath.

The black clouds approached Guiliji from different directions.

\"Oh no, we've been tricked!"

After considering the whole incident, she realized that they were tricked by the demons.

The confrontation on the beach was probably just to delay time, in order to attract firepower for the real main force.

\"Hurry up and gather the people of Guiliji and head towards Liyue Harbor\"

Gui Zhong quickly turned around and said to the soldiers around him

\"yes....Yes, sir.\"

The soldier felt that many extremely powerful demons were approaching them, and he was filled with fear.

When had he ever seen such a scene?

Many demons personally attacked the city?

This was definitely the first time he had seen such a scene.

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