\"Congratulations to the host for completing Mission 4: Withered Glass Lily\"

\"The reward for this mission is: Word of Truth (fragment)\"

Jiang Xun was awakened by the system's prompt. Jiang Xun moved his body subconsciously and found that he could move.

The huge injuries on his body had also been repaired.

Jiang Xun opened his eyes and was about to get up, but he found something wrong.

At some point, a group of people had gathered around him, looking at him vigilantly.


What's going on? Where is this place?

Why is my resurrection point here?

Jiang Xun looked at the surrounding environment, which was completely different from before he crossed over. At this time, he was in a field of glazed lilies, and his position was in the center.

At this time, an old man came forward and said to Jiang Xun earnestly: \"Young man, I don't know what grudge you have with the descendants of the owner of this tomb, but no matter what, you won't implicate your ancestors! \"


Jiang Xun was even more confused after hearing this. What was going on?

Not to mention that he had just woken up.

You can say that the fact that his ancestors were implicated must have been caused by his descendants not surrendering in time. Besides, he was not one of those stupid treasure-stealing gangs. Who would be interested in other people's ancestors all day long?

\"No, sir, it's not what you think.\"

After a while of confusion, Jiang Xun regained consciousness and roughly guessed what happened.

He ended up here.

He must have lost consciousness after submitting the mission and his body was brought to this place.

Because this time his body didn't break down like the first mission.

So the default teleportation point is here.

Wait, does that mean this is his own tomb?

\""The Qianyan Army is coming!"

Someone in the crowd suddenly shouted.

After hearing this, the people who had just gathered to watch the excitement consciously made way.

Soon, several Qianyan Army soldiers came to Jiang Xun.


Sir , what are you doing here?

\"Just got up and ready to have breakfast.....Do you think it's reasonable?

Jiang Xun asked uncertainly.

But after seeing the other party's expression of"Do you think I'm a fool?", he knew that the other party thought it was unreasonable.

\"Our steamed buns and pickles are pretty good too.\"

The leader of the Qianyan Army said gloomily.

In the end, Jiang Xun was taken away by the Qianyan Army on suspicion of tomb robbery.

Along the way, he felt that he was wronged.

I dug myself....Bah, no, I'm not dead yet!

Why should I be arrested for getting up from my own tomb?

Besides, can't the dead get up and move around?

The dead still have the word"person" on them!

Ha, it turns out that the laws of the living world cannot understand the operations of the underworld.

But complaints are complaints.

Jiang Xun had no idea of escaping, although it was very simple for him.

But the consequence might be a five-star warning.

Afterwards, Jiang Xun was taken to prison and locked up, as if waiting for the descendants of the tomb owner to solve the matter.

However, no one came after waiting for a long time.

And Jiang Xun didn't have any treasures on him.

After the detention time was up, he had to be released.

And Jiang had maintained a confident attitude during this period, after all, he was a single dog.

It would be a ghost if someone came!

After leaving the prison, Jiang Xun realized that he was not in Liyue Port at this time.

Looking at the decoration, it should be in Guiliji.

After that, Jiang Xun began to visit around. After all, he really didn't take a good look at what the inside of Guiliji looked like before.

The town style is similar to Liyue Port, but you can always find some differences.

Jiang Xun also saw a big statue in the center of Guiliji.

It was Guizhong.

Guizhong, she is really popular!

After sighing in his heart, Jiang Xun left the statue with a smile on his face.

Continue to visit the style inside Guiliji.

It took some time for Jiang Xun to see the whole Guiliji.

At this time, he felt a little greedy.

He found a popular restaurant and started to order dishes.

But what surprised Jiang Xun was that the dishes here were very expensive.

The price was just as expensive as Liuli Pavilion and Xinyuexuan.

If it was before, Jiang Xun would definitely not be able to afford it.

But fortunately, there was the generous help of the brothers of the Treasure Hunting Group before.

Let Jiang come here to taste it with confidence.

Polite Treasure Hunting Group: You!

Then he ordered a few dishes that looked good.

Then he started to wait.

However, the waiting process is always long.

So Jiang Xun started to look around bored.

I have to say that the decoration style of this restaurant is still very good, and it gives people a good first impression. Although

Jiang Xun had never been to Xinyuexuan and Liuli Pavilion before because of the price.

But it feels like the pretentiousness here is not much worse than the previous two.

Suddenly, Jiang Xun's eyes stopped on a girl.

The girl was wearing a glass-colored long dress and looked cute and pure.

But Jiang Xun stared at her not because of these two points.

He felt that the other party gave her a very familiar feeling.

The girl who was eating seemed to notice that someone was staring at her and turned her head subconsciously.

She thought it was another guy who was attracted by her appearance, but when she saw Jiang Xun for the first time.

She also had the same feeling as Jiang Xun in her heart.

It felt very close, but she couldn't remember who he was.

Jiang Xun saw the other party looking at him and realized that his behavior seemed a little inappropriate.

After apologizing, he shifted his gaze.

But his mind kept recalling.

The final result was no result.

He could guarantee that he had never seen the other party, but where did this inexplicable sense of familiarity come from?

Just as he was about to recall it again, the dishes he ordered were served.

Jiang Xun decisively chose to give up thinking and concentrate on tasting.

Since there is no face of the other party in his memory, what else can he think about?

It's probably an illusion.

Jiang Xun was eating.

But the girl was not in the mood to continue eating.

The feeling of closeness became stronger and stronger, and a person's appearance began to emerge in her mind.

But she couldn't see it clearly.

Even if she urged her immortal power, she still couldn't break this vague barrier.

It was as if it was sealed by some more powerful force.

This result made her a little angry, but it aroused her competitive spirit.

For thousands of years, whether it was studying or doing things, she could do her best, and even surpassed some old immortals in some aspects.

Even the emperor said that she had a bright future. This feeling of failure was the first time.

But being competitive does not mean being brainless. She was sure that she could not break this barrier with her current ability.

She just wanted to turn around to find the person who made her feel familiar, but found that the other party had left at some point.

This made her feel a little lost, as if she had been abandoned.

But the emergence of this emotion surprised her.

Why did she feel this way?

\"It's really strange\"

The girl said to herself.

She didn't expect that something like this would happen when she came down the mountain to play in Guiliji today.

At this time, she no longer had the idea of continuing to play.

After paying the bill, she left directly.

The direction she was heading was Jueyunjian.

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