"Hello, Xiao Qiqi, my name is Jiang Xun, come, I'll treat you to a candied haws."

Jiang Xun squatted down and took out the candied haws that he had prepared long ago.

This thing is very attractive to children.

Sure enough, Qiqi's eyes were directly focused on the candied haws.

She subconsciously wanted to reach out to take it, but her hand retracted halfway.

Jiang Xun smiled, grabbed her hand, and then put the candied haws in her palm.

" Don't be afraid"

Jiang Xun said softly

"Mr. Jiang, is this too expensive?"

Qiqi's father asked.

Jiang Xun waved his hand and didn't care.

" It's just a snack, not worth much. I don't like to eat it myself, so it's a waste to leave it alone. I might as well give it to Qiqi."

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang."

"Thanks...."Thank you, brother!"

Qiqi's soft voice came again.

Although it still sounded a little scared, it was indeed much better than before.

Jiang Xun smiled and touched her head.

" If you want to eat more, come to me"

Perhaps attracted by the taste of the candied haws, Qiqi nodded in a mysterious way.

" Then Mr. Jiang, we won’t bother you anymore. Remember to come and play when you have time."

"Yes, definitely"

After that, the couple took Qiqi away.

Jiang Xun looked at their departing backs and smiled.

It seemed that he had come quite early.

Qiqi was a little smaller than when he saw her.

It was still some time before Qiqi was on the verge of death......

In the following period of time, Jiang Xun also visited from time to time.

And he would bring some snacks every time.

After a while, he and Qiqi gradually became familiar with each other.

At least the other party would take the initiative to talk to Jiang Xun now.

Jiang Xun expected this result. As for children, it is still easy to make her trust you.

Let her feel your kindness, and the relationship will naturally become familiar.

However, Jiang Xun found that he did not often see people visiting and walking around.

And there seemed to be a lot of empty houses in the village.

People were always seen.

This problem.

In several chats with Qiqi's parents, Jiang Xun mentioned this intentionally or unintentionally, and the question was answered by them.

It turned out that because Liyue Port is now developing rapidly, many young people in the village have taken their families to Liyue Port.

The only ones left are the elderly who are unwilling to leave and the children who can't leave.

As for why their family didn't go with him.

He is the doctor in the village, responsible for treating illnesses.

If he leaves, the elderly and children in the village will be sick and there will be no way to treat them.

And good herbs are needed to treat illnesses.

Relatively speaking, Jueyunjian is a place of immortals, and the herbs there are more spiritual and have better effects.

If you go to Liyue Port, it will take a long time to go back and forth......

"By the way, Brother Jiang, you said you are an immortal seeker, how much do you know about immortals?"

Qiqi's father suddenly asked.

When he asked this question, the two people next to him also looked over.

They seemed to be very interested in this.

After all, there are many mortals in this era who seek immortal fate.

But basically none of them succeeded.

"Haha, although I am an immortal seeker, it is not so easy to get information about immortals."

Jiang Xun made up a reason.

Of course he knew about immortals, even their big brother Morax had been drinking tea and idling with him.

But there was no point in saying this.

It would be better to just find a random excuse to get away with it.

" That's a pity, but don't be discouraged, brother Jiang. As long as you are sincere enough, I believe you will succeed one day."

"Haha, I hope so, but I think Xiao Qiqi is quite destined to be an immortal."

Jiang Xun smiled and turned his gaze to Qiqi who was about to fall asleep.


"Haha, really? Then I am looking forward to seeing if there will be a little fairy in my family."

Qiqi's father obviously took this as a joke.

Immortal fate is slim, how can it be determined by a single sentence?

Even if the person who spoke is a seeker of immortality..........

It is the annual Lantern Festival.

Even this backward village is decorated with festive red.

Only at this time does this originally quiet village become lively.

"Brother, Happy Lantern Festival!"

Early in the morning, Jiang Xun's door was knocked, and a small figure was standing at the door.

His face was filled with a happy smile.

"It’s the seventh day of the seventh lunar month. Happy Lantern Festival. This is a gift for you."

Jiang Xun saw the other party coming and then took out the gift he had prepared.

"Wow, it's a little sparrow!"

Qiqi's big eyes stared at the little sparrow when she saw it.

" Do you like it?";

" I like it. Thank you, brother!"

Jiang Xun put the little sparrow in Qiqi's hand.

This was created by him using alchemy.

Compared with ordinary sparrows, this one has a much longer life and stronger adaptability.

It can be regarded as a long-term playmate for her.

"Brother, you are really amazing. You can do anything."

Qiqi touched the little bird in her hand and looked at Jiang Xun with admiration.

During such a long time together, she had not encountered anything that Jiang Xun could not do.

No matter what the problem was, Brother Jiang Xun could solve it.

Now in Qiqi's eyes, Jiang Xun was an omnipotent being.

Jiang Xun also calmly accepted the praise from the child.

Shen Dai's wisdom was that he could learn and master anything in a very short time.

There were indeed very few things in the world that he could not understand.

Moreover, how difficult could a child's problem be?

"Brother Jiang, Happy Lantern Festival!"

Qiqi's parents also came out at this time.

" Well, happy Lantern Festival to both of you. I wonder what plans you have for the festival?";

" We plan to go to Liyue Harbor for the festival this year. After all, Qiqi has never been there in her life."

Qiqi's mother said, looking at Qiqi with some guilt.

" Really? That's great. I'm also planning to go back. We can go together and have someone to look after us."

Jiang Xun said with a smile

" Great, my brother will celebrate the festival with Qiqi this time!"

Qiqi was a little reluctant to leave the village for the festival.

But when she heard that Jiang Xun was also going to Liyue Port, she immediately changed her attitude.

Jiang Xun thought it was a little cute......

After packing up, the group set off on the road to Liyue Harbor.

Since the Lantern Festival had just begun, they were not in a hurry and were observing the scenery of Liyue along the way.

Qiqi was traveling far away for the first time and was very curious about everything.

She asked Jiang Xun questions along the way.

Jiang Xun also patiently answered them one by one.

" Brother Jiang is indeed a seeker of immortals, his knowledge is vast."

"Haha, thank you for the compliment, I just know a little bit!";

" Of course, my brother is the best"

Qiqi said proudly at this time.

If you don't know, you might think she is praising her.

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