They say that everything is difficult at the beginning, which means it must not be simple.

Jiang Xun sat there for several days in a row, but he didn't wait for Yaksha, but he waited for a group of real customers.\"!

\"Oh, Doctor Jiang, can you tell me if there is any hope for me?\"

\"Uncle, you just have a common cold. Just go back and keep warm.\"

\"Doctor Jiang, what about that family?\"

\"Girl, please don’t get so close to me. You are in good health. Just go eat some Luoluo berries!\"

\"Dr. Jiang, I....\".....

Jiang Xun sent these people away helplessly.


His own medical patients were clearly written down, why are there so many weird people coming here to mess around?!

Yaksha hasn't waited for any of them these days, and they have criminal tendencies. He did catch a few of them, and Jiang Xun reported them right after he finished checking them.

For this reason, Qianyanjun came over to commend him and check him out.

Fortunately, Jiang Xun really has that stuff, otherwise he would have been playing mahjong with those big brothers in prison now.

Well, he is mahjong.

As for why, he can only say that he used to sell medical books. If he didn't know a thing or two, how could he fool people, no, how could he get others to buy?.....

\"Doctor, I....\"

\"If you want to cooperate with me to sell coffins, forget it. I am here to save people, not to give them away.\"

Jiang Xun looked at the man in the black robe and said casually.

Recently, there are always people who come to him to sell these things, and they always wear black robes. Isn't this to ruin his reputation?

If he treats everyone and dies, who will be willing to come to him? I'm afraid he will be regarded as a spy and die on the spot.

\"No, doctor, my symptoms are the same as what you wrote.\"

A voice came from under the black robe again.

However, his voice was filled with a hint of pain. Although it was well concealed, Jiang Xun still heard it a little.

After hearing this, Jiang Xun looked at the person who came carefully. He saw that the person was wrapped in a black robe, and wisps of black air came out from it from time to time. He looked like a stinking smoke version of the Undead Mage.

\"You stretch out your hand\"

\"Well, sir, be careful.\"

As he spoke, the other party stretched out a strong arm from his black robe. However , unlike ordinary people, there were black lines on his arm......Karma?

Jiang Xun placed his fingers on the opponent's tendons and veins, pretending to feel the pulse, but actually devouring it secretly.

The next second, the black mist continued to flow into Jiang Xun's hands as if guided.

Jiang Xun felt a chill filling his body, his eyes slowly turned red, and his mind was filled with thoughts of killing.

Seeing that he was about to lose control, Jiang Xun immediately removed his fingers. He took a deep breath to suppress the murderous intent that kept emerging in his heart.

Jiang Xun could feel that the karma was constantly transforming into a pure force that was constantly feeding back to himself.

Feeling that the body was rapidly getting stronger.

This phenomenon surprised not only Jiang Xun, but also the Yaksha opposite.

He found that he was not so uncomfortable now, and the karma in his body seemed to have dissipated a little.

Although not much, it was already to the point where it could be suppressed.

This feeling made him feel relieved.

He suddenly couldn't suppress the karma in his body just now, and then he happened to see these three medical guidelines.

Thinking of seeking medical treatment in a hurry, he didn't expect it to really work?!

\"Doctor, are you okay? \"

Seeing Jiang Xun's eyes were red, the Yaksha quickly stood up and asked.

Jiang Xun shook his hand.

\"I'm fine, but your illness needs to be treated over several days. You should just come a few more times in the next few days.\"

Hearing Jiang Xun say this, the Yaksha nodded.

\"By the way, if you have other friends who have this symptom, remember to ask them to come to me.\"

Jiang Xun reminded the other party before he left.

Yaksha must have karma.

Isn't this just a pure ATM machine for Jiang Xun?

Although it is a bit uncomfortable when withdrawing money, it can strengthen oneself.

Not only can he complete the task, but he can also improve himself. It is simply like Qin Shihuang looking in the mirror, a win-win situation!

Jiang Xun's current body can only bear so much. After he digests the karma in his body and further improves himself, he will surely be able to bear more karma......

The next day, the Yaksha came again, but this time he did not wear a black robe.

Jiang Xun also saw the true face of the other party at this time, a sturdy man.

Jiang Xun did not press his hands directly on the tendons.

After a night of digestion, the karma in Jiang Xun's body has been transformed into his own strength.

Now his body is three or four times stronger than yesterday.

It can be said that the improvement is great, so the karma absorbed today is also much more than yesterday.

\"Doctor, are you really okay? \"

Although he was very happy that the karma that had been bothering him had disappeared, he was unwilling to do so if it came at the cost of someone else's body.

\"Don't worry, what can happen?

Jiang Xun still waved his hand and said.

It seemed that seeing that Jiang Xun's eyes were just a little red and nothing else happened, the Yaksha was relieved and concentrated on receiving treatment.

In the next few days, as Jiang Xun continued to absorb, the karma in the Yaksha's body almost completely disappeared.

This result really made him very happy, and he hurriedly asked Jiang Xun if there was anything he needed help with.

But he still only got that sentence.

\"If there are people with the same condition as you, just let them come to me\"

Hearing this, the Yaksha was somewhat moved and bowed to Jiang Xun.

\"Thank you, Doc.\"......

Maybe the other party really did spread the word.

For a while, Jiang Xun became known among the Yaksha clan.

Many Yakshas came to Jiang Xun with the mentality of giving it a try.

As for them, Jiang Xun accepted all of them.

These were all experienced babies, who would refuse?

��It was devouring!

In the blink of an eye.

A year passed.

During this year, Jiang Xun devoured countless Yakshas' karma.

His body was no longer comparable to the one he had before.

Jiang Xun once sneaked out in order to test his current physical strength.

The result was quite impressive.

Now he can completely smash a mountain with one blow.

This level of physical body is completely at the level of a demon god, right?

But Jiang Xun would not make it public, although he can now protect himself in the demon god war.

But that's all.

He still can't compare with powerful demon gods like Osel and Morax.

In summary, it's better to develop in a wretched way, don't waste time!......

\""Fanan, have you heard that the Yakshas are discussing a human being recently?"

Fire Rat General Yingda whispered to General Razor next to him.

\"Oh, is that so? I'm not sure about that.\"

After hearing this, Fa Nan tilted his head, somewhat puzzled.

\"Hehe, let me tell you......\"

At this moment, the two of them were just like ordinary girls, sharing their little secrets with their besties.

\"What are they having fun with? \"

Fushe was a little confused when he saw the sisters chatting about something new.

Compared to chatting, he thought it was more fun to draw on Xiao's face!

\"I don't know, but Fushe, what do you think of the clothes I brought you last time? \"

Xinyuan General Mi asked with a smile

\"Not so good, I have four hands, and the clothes you bought only have two cuffs, how do you want me to wear them?!" (In fact, you can refer to Lani in the Elden Ring)

Thinking of this, Fushe felt angry, he felt that this guy was just making fun of him!.....

General Xiao of the Golden Roc sat aside and watched this scene, with a slight smile on his face.

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