Seeing the somewhat stunned expression on the man's face,

Qiqi felt a sense of pride, as if she had won a great victory.

She quickly suppressed her inner fluctuations and asked calmly,"Who are you, and why do you want to disturb my brother's eternal sleep?"

Jiang Xun was still dissing the system in his heart, wanting it to come out and explain the current situation.

But the system just pretended to be dumb and didn't say a word.

It wasn't until Qiqi asked a question that Jiang Xun stopped bombarding the system with words.

\"Your brother's eternal rest?"

Jiang Xun didn't know how to answer for a moment. After holding it in for a long time, he said

\"Is there a possibility that your brother has had enough sleep and wants to experience the beauty of the world again? \"

Qiqi frowned after hearing this.

\"Are you kidding me?! \"

Qiqi's voice was filled with anger.

Her eyes were cold.

Even though the other person gave her a kind feeling, she would not allow anyone to joke with her brother!

Jiang Xun also felt that what he had just said was a bit ridiculous.

However, this was indeed his true thought.

At this time, Qiqi suddenly shouted

\"Ice Mage. Sword\"

As soon as Qiqi finished speaking, an ice sword gathered in her hand.

Then the opponent rushed towards Jiang Xun at an extremely fast speed.

The sword in his hand slashed straight at him.

Seeing this, Jiang Xun had a headache.

Now it is certain that Qiqi did not recognize him, but it seems that she still retained some memories.

Forgot, but not completely forgotten.

Although I don’t know why it is not the case as the system said, but now I still have to let her calm down.

Wherever Qiqi’s sword passed, ice crystals appeared in the air.

This is equivalent to having a means of secondary attack.

Jiang Xun looked at it and nodded secretly. This method can indeed catch the opponent off guard.

But the premise is that the gap between the two is not too big.

Jiang Xun stretched out his fingers and clamped the ice sword directly.

With a little force, the ice sword broke with a sound.

The next attack was also easily resolved.

Qiqi saw that the opponent crushed her sword so easily, and her expression gradually became solemn

\"Actually, we can sit down and talk......\"

Jiang Xun tried to persuade him, but Qiqi, who was in anger, didn't seem to want to listen to him.


There is nothing to talk about. Hand over my brother's body!......

Jiang Xun was really sad and happy when he heard this.

He was happy because he had a good sister who cared about him.

But he was sad because this good sister wanted to kill him.

\"In fact, we can have other solutions, such as.....\"

Before Jiang Xun finished speaking, Qiqi attacked again, but this time with even greater force.

The ice swords in the sky were like an ice dragon, attacking Jiang Xun.

This kind of power was no longer something that the Eye of God could achieve.

It was already touching the power.

Jiang Xun sighed as he watched the ice swords in the sky coming towards him.

Was he shooting himself in the foot?

\"Creation. Rock Wall\"

Alchemy was performed, and a huge rock wall appeared in front of Jiang Xun.

The ice sword hit the rock wall and it fell into pieces of ice.

Finally, it was hit and dented.

\""I got you!"

Qiqi's cold voice suddenly came from behind.

The next moment, she attached the talisman in her hand to Jiang Xun.

Then she activated her immortal power.

The power of the talisman continued to surge, and the area of dozens of kilometers around Jiang Xun turned into ice.

Looking at Jiang Xun who was frozen into an ice sculpture, Qiqi didn't speak.

Because of the strange emotions in her heart, she didn't kill him, but just froze him.

This level is completely withstanding for a life of her level.

Just as she was about to take him away for interrogation, cracks suddenly appeared on the ice.

Then the next second, the ice that froze Jiang Xun exploded.

Qiqi was a little stunned.

This talisman is enough to freeze those mid-level demons, but he actually broke free?

Jiang Xun looked at the created ice and snow world around him and nodded with satisfaction.

\"Not bad, the once naive little girl has also started to be strategic.\"

Before Qiqi could speak, Jiang Xun said again

\"Well, although you may not believe it, I did not steal your brother's body.\"

\"There are some things I don't understand yet, I'll tell you when I figure them out.\"

Jiang Xun touched Qiqi's head and disappeared. Qiqi was left standing there in a daze.

She touched her head with both hands, recalling the scene just now.

It was this familiar feeling again.............

Jiang Xun returned to Liyue Harbor.

Along the way, he kept thinking about this matter.

Why did Qiqi still retain that trace of memory?

In this regard, the wisdom of the Age of Gods gave countless results, but many of them were not very likely.

In the end, Jiang Xun came to the most likely result that Qiqi was special after all.

Because he not only reversed Qiqi's life and death, but also helped her ascend to heaven in one step.

These two things violated the rules, making the causal relationship between them very large.

This led to her not completely forgetting herself in the end.

Although it sounds reasonable.

But, this is just a guess.

There is no actual basis.

Jiang Xun wanted to ask the system for a solution.

But this thing seemed to have crashed and kept silent. Jiang Xun was not too persistent in not getting an answer for the time being. He believed that there would be an answer by then. Back home, Jiang Xun changed into a new set of clothes. Then he lay down on the bed and went to sleep.


After a few days, the Moon-Chasing Festival arrived as scheduled.

The streets were filled with all kinds of delicious food.

Jiang Xun unconsciously wandered around here.

The Moon-Chasing Festival is a major festival in Liyue. At this time every year, many people will come back to celebrate the festival together.

Enjoy the lively atmosphere.

Enjoy the joy of reunion.

Jiang Xun likes this kind of atmosphere.

He doesn't like separation, so he will try his best to complete the task.

It is to save those who have passed away.

The crowd is noisy, but Jiang Xun has completely integrated into it at this time, and he is enjoying this moment.

But he didn't realize that he had just passed by an old friend.


Zhongli, who was walking in the crowd, felt something, as if he felt something.

But when he turned around and looked, he only saw a dark crowd.

After watching for a while, Zhongli shook his head.

Then he said self-deprecatingly

\"The dead cannot be resurrected, Morax, Morax, when did you become so indecisive? \"

Then he continued to walk forward.

The purpose of this trip was to relax, but it unexpectedly brought back some memories of the past.

\"I want to buy some osmanthus flowers to go with the wine, but it's a pity that I've lost my friend. When will we meet again? \"

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