The bird-shaped demon's body was shaking wildly.

Just feeling the pressure from Jiang Xun was enough to make him feel terrified, not to mention the thought of resisting.

\"big....Sir, I am sorry for the offense. I didn't know you were.....\"

The demon god said hesitantly.

But Jiang Xun was not in the mood to listen to him continue. With a cold face, he threw a punch, and after a burst of earthquakes, the body of the giant demon god was blown up.

In an instant, the blood of the demon god splattered everywhere.

Seeing this, Heulia hurriedly wrapped her people with a layer of salt.

The blood of the demon god contains a power that mortals cannot bear, and it also carries the will of the demon god.

Even a little bit of it may make it go crazy.

Countless blood fell on the salt layer and began to melt the salt layer.

Fortunately, this is just blood, not the demon god’s body, and it was easily blocked in the end.

Jiang Xun shook the blood off his hand, then turned and walked towards the people behind.

Heulia, who walked out of the salt cover, also saw this terrifying existence walking towards them. The pretty little face was suddenly filled with uneasiness and tension.

She didn't know where this powerful demon god came from, nor did she know whether the other party was hostile to them.

I just hope he is not a bloodthirsty demon god

\"this....Sir, can you please let us go? We don't want to fight for territory, we just want a place to live.\"

Seeing Jiang Xun getting closer and closer, Heulia couldn't help but beg.

Jiang Xun listened to the other party's tone.

He immediately understood why she was stabbed to death by her people in the end.

This behavior was simply too aggrieved.

The God of Salt was too weak and could only give in step by step.

The anger in the hearts of the people would inevitably explode after accumulating to a certain extent.

\"I have no interest in your land, nor do I like killing humans.\"

\"but.....I'm interested in you.\"

Jiang Xun looked at Heulia and replied

\"You to me......\"

Heulia looked a little embarrassed.

She had heard that the victorious side would usually do something extremely cruel to the defeated demon god.

Especially when a male demon god treats a female demon god.

Removing the divine power would be considered a light punishment.

Heulia bit her lip and finally seemed to have made a decision.

\"As long as you can protect my people, from now on, I am yours.\"

Heulia said.

Jiang Xun: ? ?

Are you seriously ill?

\"Did you misunderstand something?

Jiang Xun said speechlessly.

He just wanted to use this to bring out the other party's personality problems and then propose a way to change them. But he didn't expect it to turn out like this.

It made him look like a weird netizen.

Lord Salt God, you don't want your people to be killed, do you?

\"I'm interested in your character.\"

Jiang Xun explained.

Heulia realized that she had misunderstood, and her face instantly turned red.

Others were talking seriously, but she actually thought in that direction.

Fortunately, only she and the adult opposite heard this sentence, otherwise it would be heard by his people.

I guess I won't have the face to face them in the future.

\"right....Sorry, I misunderstood.\"

Heulia apologized shyly.

Jiang Xun waved his hand to show that he didn't care.

Then he continued:"Your personality is destined to not survive the battle between demons. If you want, I can help you change it.\"

\"My character?"

Heulia was a little confused for a moment.

Now she didn't think there was anything wrong with her character.

In fact, she felt that she did this to protect the safety of her people.

She thought that avoiding war would prevent casualties among her people.

But she didn't know that it was her behavior that became the fuse for the people's riot.

\"But why should you help me? I have nothing to give except myself.\"

Heulia was not overwhelmed by the excitement, but talked about the pros and cons.

\"Just think of me as someone who is bored and looking for something to do.\"

\"And you don't need to think too much. If I really want to do something, can you resist me with your strength?

Jiang Xun replied.

After hearing the other party's explanation, Heulia remembered that the other party had just killed a demon god who was much stronger than herself.

This reason is indeed possible.

\"Well, thank you for your help.\"

Finally, after Jiang Xun's explanation, Heulia believed him.

Jiang Xun felt that this was due to the peaceful appearance, otherwise the other party might not believe him so easily.

Then he untied the huge salt cover. When everyone saw the salt cover was untied, they all looked at their gods.

They saw that the powerful demon god just now stood with their god, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

\"My people, you don't have to move away, this is still our territory!"

He said with a smile on her face again.

Since the demon god was killed, this land and the other party's territory will belong to them.

Everyone smiled when they heard it, and cheered.

It is best not to leave, and being forced to leave your home is very painful.

Although they don't know what the two demon gods talked about, they don't care about it.

People in war always only care about the results, as for the process, it is up to God to decide.

Hearing the cheers of the people, the smile on Heulia's face became sweeter.

However, soon, she couldn't laugh anymore.......

Return to Heulia's Palace

\"You are too weak to keep running away from war.\"

Jiang Xun said

\"However, if a war breaks out, my people will suffer casualties, and I don't want to......\"

Hearing this, Heulia directly expressed her true thoughts

\"Have you ever thought about what would happen if they couldn't get any benefit from you one day?

Jiang Xun asked again.

But this time, Heulia couldn't answer.

The result she could think of was that the final territory would be occupied and her people would be enslaved.

And she didn't know what the ending would be.

\"Your showing of weakness will only make them more aggressive.\"

\"Only if you hurt them, they will not bully you.\"

Jiang Xun said again.

Jiang Xun looked at Heulia after he finished speaking.

She lowered her head and said nothing, and was in a dilemma.

Jiang Xun sighed when he saw this.

Sure enough, how could a demon god's long-standing character be changed by just a few words?

\"Alchemy Creation. Giant God Puppet\"

As soon as Jiang Xun finished speaking, several huge puppets appeared outside.

Each of them exuded a terrifying aura.

This was the aura of the devil.

Jiang Xun's alchemy was close to the top level of Chicheng at this time.

He would soon be able to break through again.

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