After this battle,

Heulia truly felt the thoughts of her people.

Feeling the joy in their hearts, she knew that she had done the right thing this time.

Until now, although her character was still gentle, she also had a little more strength.

She would not take the initiative to attack and invade other demons' territories, but she would not let others invade them either.

With the assistance of the puppets, the invading demons would never return.

"Master, is there anything you want to teach me today?"

Heulia looked at Jiang Xun with great expectation.

But to her disappointment, Jiang Xun did not tell her the new knowledge as usual.

Instead, he shook his head.

" I have told you what to do. Now it is up to you to slowly understand it."

Jiang Xun spoke.

In fact, his teaching had already ended.

All that was left was for Heulia to practice on her own. But every time, the other party asked Jiang Xun to repeat it again on the grounds that he did not understand.

Once or twice was fine.

But this was the fourth time!

Jiang Xun seriously suspected that Heulia had a dark side and liked to play tricks on him?

Heulia was a little disappointed after hearing this.

She actually understood it a long time ago, and asked Jiang Xun to repeat it just because she wanted to talk to him more.

After all, for so long, her communication with Jiang Xun was limited to teaching.

Other aspects were not involved too much.

Even if she wanted to find a topic, she couldn't find one.

"Okay.....By the way, Master, it's been so long and I still don't know your name!"

He Wulia suddenly asked.

Jiang Xun was a little stunned.

He didn't intend to tell the other party his name. According to his guess, even if he told it, it would be forgotten in the end.

Not everyone is like Qiqi.

" My name is Jiang Xun, but you don’t need to remember it, just know it."

But in the end, Jiang Xun still answered.

Since she wanted to know, it would be fine to tell her.

" The master is Jiang Xun......Well, I remember it!"

Heulia secretly memorized this name deeply in her heart.

Because it was Jiang Xun who changed her life and made her no longer bullied.

" By the way, Master, you...."

Heulia wanted to continue speaking, but was interrupted by Jiang Xun halfway through.

" Let's talk about it later. Didn't you notice anything?"

Jiang Xun reminded.

Hearing this, Heulia suddenly realized that something was wrong.

Another demon god is coming?!

"Master, what should I do next?"

Heulia asked Jiang Xun for his opinion

" What do you think you should do?"

Jiang Xun did not answer her directly, but asked

"I....I think we should first find out the other party's intentions and then plan the next step."

Heulia looked at Jiang Xun's face while speaking.

It seemed that she was observing Jiang Xun's attitude towards the answer.

Jiang Xun also noticed this.

After looking at him, he nodded slowly.

Seeing that the master agreed with her idea, the uneasiness on Heulia's face disappeared in an instant.

The happy smile returned to her face again.

" I understand. I'll go right away!"

Heulia was like a child being praised by his parents.

Jiang Xun looked at her back as she left, but he had a headache.

The development of things seemed to have exceeded his expectations.

Heulia's character had changed, but Jiang Xun didn't expect that she had a new problem at this time.

That is, she was too dependent on herself.

During this period of time, whether it was managing the people or dealing with the problem of the demon god,

Heulia would ask for his opinion before executing it.

If it was only once or twice, it would be fine.

But the other party asked for his opinion on almost everything.

It was as if he was the god who protected them. He was a complete labor force.

A master works for his apprentice every day?

And there's no pay!

Is this reasonable?

And this will inevitably affect Heulia's development.

I have to solve this problem myself.

Just as Jiang Xun was thinking, Heulia came back.

This surprised him a little

"It was resolved so quickly?"

Jiang Xun asked curiously.

Usually at this time, both sides should be arguing in front of the two armies.

" I don’t know either. The demon left immediately after seeing us."

Heulia also had some doubts on her face

"Master, what do you think is the reason?"

Heulia then asked Jiang Xun again.

But this time, Jiang Xun did not answer.

Although with his wisdom, he already had some ideas.

But from now on, he will no longer give advice to the other party.

Seeing Jiang Xun just looking at her, silent.

Heulia did not care, thinking that the master did not know.

However, in the next few days, she gradually found something wrong.

Jiang Xun no longer spoke to her, no matter what the topic was.

This sudden change made Heulia a little overwhelmed.

Her previous decisiveness completely disappeared, and now she hesitates every step she takes.

Without Jiang Xun's affirmation, she dared not implement it without scruples.

"Master, did I do something wrong to make you angry? If so, please tell me and I will definitely change."

During a meeting, Hewulia asked in a low voice.

There was some grievance in her eyes.

She didn't know what she had done wrong to make Jiang Xun ignore her.

Although she wanted Jiang Xun to point out the problem.

But this time, she was destined to be disappointed.

Jiang Xun still said nothing, just sitting in a chair and drinking tea.

The disappointment in Hewulia's eyes was even worse.

"Sorry to bother you, Master. I will leave now."

Looking at the other person's somewhat lost back,

Jiang Xun also felt a little reluctant.

But he had to do it.

If he told her the reason, the effect would be greatly reduced.

The other person would still think that he would come out to cover her.

This result was not what Jiang Xun wanted.

Only by going through the most difficult and helpless time alone could she truly become a qualified leader.......

In the beginning, Heulia's decision-making was really problematic.

Fortunately, she remedied it in time, and no major losses occurred in the end. However, after a period of time, Jiang Xun could clearly perceive that the other party's style of doing things began to become cautious.

Every decision made was better than the last.

He saw all these changes.

He also knew that this was the other party beginning to get rid of his influence.

He could already make his people happy by his own decisions.

Jiang Xun was very happy to see this.

But he did not express it immediately.

After that, every time the two met, Jiang Xun said nothing.

But even so, Heulia still talked about her own things.

Just some interesting things encountered during this period.

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