Heulia looked around.

She didn't see Jiang Xun.

But the attacks just now disappeared without a trace.

Suddenly, she felt the necklace in her hand move. She quickly let go of it.

She found that the necklace was emitting a soft light, and there were many mysterious runes on it. It was completely different from the ordinary appearance before.

The next moment, the light gathered and formed the figure of Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun looked back at his apprentice who was kneeling on the ground in a daze.

It was a little funny.

" You really make me worry"

"However, your performance is not bad. Do you remember what I just said?"

Jiang Xun asked.

He Wulia nodded subconsciously.

" Yeah, very good!"

Jiang Xun nodded.

" Then, congratulations, you have successfully graduated"

Jiang Xun said with a smile.

It should have been a happy thing to hear that she was recognized by her master.

But for some reason, she felt a little sad.

" Finally, let me give you another gift, just as....Farewell gift"

Jiang Xun finished speaking, then turned and looked at the demon gods.

They were all cowering and dared not step forward.

The sudden appearance of this man made them feel scared from the bottom of their hearts.

What was even more terrifying was that the other party was obviously just a phantom.

The phantom alone made it impossible for them to have the idea of resisting.

How terrifying would his real body be?!

The demon gods who saw this scene were now frantically greeting the demon god who made the suggestion.

If it weren't for that guy, how could they have come to their door, and how could they have provoked such a being?

If I had known that a group fight would also be counter-killed, I would have........

" The demon that attacks today will be turned into dust"

Jiang Xun's calm voice fell.

Words come true!

The next second, the rules between heaven and earth changed. They were operating in accordance with what Jiang Xun said.

Because at this time.

His words were the truth!

Those demons were horrified to feel that they were slowly losing their body perception.

The body of the demon that was originally enough to split mountains and rocks was now like soft and fine dust, slowly drifting away.

There was fear on their faces, but they were even more shocked in their hearts.

Is he the law of nature?

Why does he have such power?

Countless doubts kept emerging from their hearts, but they were destined to have no chance to hear the answer.

Because the war between demons is the law of the jungle.

The weak are not qualified to make demands on the strong.

As the figures of the invading demons disappeared.

The rules between heaven and earth that were originally disrupted by Jiang Xun returned to normal again.

But at this time his figure was a little dim.

After all, this is not the main body. Killing so many demons at once is not strong even for him.

It also requires a lot of consumption.

Heulia looked at all this blankly.

With just one sentence, all the demons that made her despair disappear.

What kind of existence is Master?


"Master, what is the farewell gift you just mentioned?....."

Heulia suddenly reacted and asked hurriedly

" Well, I'm leaving, maybe for a long time"

Jiang Xun replied

" that.....Can I come to see you?"

Heulia asked expectantly.

" No need, this time I leave, I don’t know how long it will take for us to meet again, maybe never"

"As I said before, you only need to know the name Jiang Xun, you don’t need to remember it, and.....Maybe you will forget me"......

" But as long as you stick to who you are now, it will be worth our meeting."

Jiang Xun replied

"I.....I will never forget my master!";

" I believe we will meet again. No matter how long it takes, I will wait for that day."

Heulia's eyes were red.

But she didn't cry. She didn't want to leave such an impression on her master at this moment.

She knew that she couldn't change Jiang Xun's decision.

But she could make a decision for herself. As she said, she was willing to wait until the day she met him again.

"Haha, maybe. I am very happy to be your master and disciple. Please take care of yourself in the future!"

Jiang Xun looked at Heulia's face and replied with a smile.

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow of Jiang Xun in front of him slowly dissipated.

It turned into dots of light and sank into the earth.

Heulia held the necklace tightly in both hands, and tears silently slid down her cheeks.

"Take care, Master Jiang Xun!";......

" Mission 6: The Weak God of Kindness has been completed. The reward for this mission is: Peaceful Appearance"

Jiang Xun returned to the original timeline and appeared on a street.

The monsters that originally lived here have all disappeared.

He also found that there are also Thousand Rock Army patrols here.

I think Heulia should have chosen to ally with Morax later.

Jiang Xun took the time to visit this new town.

Maybe because Liyue Port is far away, it is not particularly prosperous.

Most of the people living here are elderly.

It is less noisy and more quiet.

It is also good.

After learning about it, Jiang Xun did not stay any longer, but went to Qingce He walked towards the village.

According to the experience of the past few times, this time travel should have been about half a day.

Although the delay was not long, Jiang Xun did not want to put things off.

Since he saved half a day's journey, he might as well fly directly.

He soon arrived at Qingce Village.

After asking for directions, he found a merchant who specializes in selling bamboo shoots.

After helping the young man order a batch of bamboo shoots, there was nothing for him, Jiang, to do.

The rest would be left to Liyue's transportation department.

Jiang Xun, who had completed the task, was a little bored.

Then he hurried south while enjoying the scenery.

But on the way, he met a familiar yet unfamiliar person.

"Hey, girl, we meet again"

Jiang Xun greets a girl wearing a glass dress

" Hey, are you the one I visited at the end of Guiliji last time?....that"

" My name is Jiang Xun, hello"

"My name is Jiang Ruoli"

Jiang Ruoli introduced herself.

After meeting this man named Jiang Xun, she felt the familiar intimacy coming again.

The outline in her mind deepened a little, as if it would soon break through this barrier.

"Haha, your last name is also Jiang, what a coincidence!";


"By the way, I think it’s a bit late today. Has Mr. Jiang Xun found a place to stay?"

Jiang Xun shook his head when he heard this.

He didn’t even think about finding a place to sleep.

" It's very dangerous outside at night!"

Jiang Ruoli said again.

But what he got in return was Jiang's disdain.

With his current physical strength, there are very few demons who can fight him in a melee.

Not to mention the monsters and beasts in the wild. It's a gift to come here.

" In that case, my home is nearby, Mr. Jiang Xun can stay with me."

Jiang Ruoli is talking to herself again


Jiang Xun: There is also a honey trap in Teyvat, and it is so obvious. The Thousand Winds Army does not do anything about it?

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