Because everyone present knew Jiang Ruoli well, Jiang Xun did not doubt Jiang Ruoli any more.

Looking at the familiar scene around him, Jiang Xun thought he had returned to more than 2,000 years ago.

However, some obvious changes still allowed him to distinguish the time he was in.

The next morning,

Jiang Xun was woken up by Gui Zhong.

\"Jiang Xun, have you been to Guiliji? It can be very different now.\"

Gui Zhong woke Jiang Xun up early in the morning and said excitedly

\"I've been to Guiliji.\"

Jiang Xun took a sip of tea and replied

\"Ah, when did you go there? \"

Hearing this, Gui Zhong's mood suddenly became depressed.

She originally wanted him to see the city she had saved with her own hands.

By the way, she could also show her governance ability.

Most importantly, she wanted him to praise her.....

\"I took a quick look around before and then I ran into Ruoli.\"

Jiang Xun shrugged and turned the topic to Jiang Ruoli.

Gui Zhong's eyes also turned to Jiang Ruoli.

Finally, after receiving the other party's affirmation, the whole person seemed to have lost motivation.

But she suddenly thought of something and regained her motivation.

\"By the way, if I remember correctly, there is a festival in the Guili gathering recently.\"

Gui Zhong said happily.


Jiang Xun thought to himself, he didn't remember any festivals in Liyue recently.

\"Hehe, don't think about it, this is a festival dedicated to Guiliji!"

Guizhong seemed to see Jiang Xun's doubts and said proudly

\"Yes, mom is right. Calculating the time, it should be about to start.\"

Jiang Ruoli suddenly interrupted.

After hearing what the two said, Jiang Xun's curiosity was also aroused.

He also wanted to see what this mysterious festival they were talking about was.

\"Is that so? Then I want to go and see it.\"

Gui Zhong was delighted when she heard this.

She felt that Jiang Xun had not seen the best side of Guiliji.

But this time, with her leading the way, she would definitely impress him!

Jiang Ruoli did not plan to go because she had her own plans.

So only Jiang Xun and Gui Zhong were left.

After a while, the two left the garden and walked towards Guiliji together.

Along the way, Gui Zhong kept introducing the event to Jiang Xun.

Jiang Xun was also listening carefully.

After listening once, he understood what the event they were talking about was.

As we all know, King Chen Gui Zhong is famous for his wisdom, so an event about this aspect naturally emerged in the millennium development of Guiliji.

During the event, local scholars will come up with a variety of difficult questions for challengers to answer.

Challengers include those from Liyue and other countries.

During the event, there will be corresponding rewards for answering the questions correctly.

The more questions you answer, the richer the rewards.

Jiang Xun couldn't help but nod after hearing this. This kind of festival is indeed interesting. It can not only attract scholars from other countries to challenge.

The most important thing is that there is a chance to keep them in Liyue to do things after the event.

This is undoubtedly trying to steal the support of other countries, but they have no other options.

After all, they didn't kidnap anyone, they just came voluntarily.......

Soon, the two arrived at Guiliji. Jiang Xun was a little emotional when he returned to this place.....It was the last time.

But this time is indeed different from the last time Jiang Xun came.

Many stages have been set up on the streets of Guiliji, which should be prepared for the upcoming events.

As soon as Gui Zhong entered Guiliji, she dragged Jiang Xun around. She didn't worry about being recognized at all.

Like Zhongli, she now prefers to hand over the city to humans for management.

The interaction with the public has also gradually decreased as the war subsided.

Even during the annual invitation to the gods, her true face has never been revealed.

Along the way, Gui Zhong introduced to Jiang Xun the origins and functions of many buildings and things.

Because these were all personally guided by her, it was natural for her to introduce them.

Jiang Xun nodded frequently.

After listening to these introductions, he admired Gui Zhong for considering so many things.

Although he is smarter than him, he often only considers things for his own purposes.......

After receiving Jiang Xun's affirmation,

Miss Gui Zhong's smile became even brighter.

She really enjoyed the feeling of hanging out with important people.

It was only last night that Gui Zhong remembered that she had been busy protecting her people and had never been as free as she is now.

However, when she was free, Jiang Xun was gone.

Now that he was back with her again, she must seize this opportunity!

Jiang Xun also enjoyed this atmosphere very much.

He hadn't experienced the feeling of being with close people without worries for a long time.......

After walking through the entire Guiliji, the two stopped.

It was dark at this time.

But the lights were still on inside Guiliji.

Jiang Xun could clearly sense that there were many people wearing costumes from different countries in the crowd.

They were probably here to participate in the challenge.

\"Now that we have finished the introduction, let’s go and try the food!\"

Finally, he suddenly said

\"Well, I haven't eaten for a long time.\"

Jiang Xun nodded in agreement.

He stayed on duty for a long time each time on each mission, and during that time, he basically didn't eat much.

After all, he was either in a war or his cooking skills were backward.

He really had no mood to taste delicious food.

But this time he had a chance, so he naturally had to try it.

Afterwards, Gui Zhong took Jiang Xun to a small shop.

The people of Liyue love food, so there are naturally many restaurants. It

's just that it's a bit difficult to reach the level of Liuli Pavilion and Xinyuexuan.

Not only must the skills attract customers, but there must also be a lot of Mora behind the scenes to support it.

However, since it's about tasting food, naturally you can't just go to high-end places.

Gui Zhong brought Jiang Xun into the store. Today she was the guide, so everything was decided by her.

After Gui Zhong ordered a few dishes, the two began to wait for the dishes to be served.

\"It seems you come here often.\"

While waiting for the food, Jiang Xun said

\"Of course, this is the city where I grew up. I have been to all the places in the city many times, many times!"

Gui Zhong emphasized this upon hearing this.

It seemed that he was trying to emphasize his ability to Jiang Xun.

This lovely scene made Jiang Xun laugh.

\"Well, what are you laughing at?\"

\"Nothing, I just feel that you haven't changed, still the same......\"

\"So what? \"

Guizhong frowned in dissatisfaction.

She hated this kind of behavior of saying half of something.


Jiang Xun replied with a smile.

However, this answer caused dissatisfaction in Miss Gui Zhong.

She snorted and turned her head away.

She looked angry.

But Jiang Xun knew that she was pretending.

How could Gui Zhong, who could tolerate her not coming back for a thousand years, be angry because of such a thing?

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