\"Fa Nan, you also think there is something wrong with the rules, right?\"

\"Ah, Brother Fushe, I....I didn't expect that watching a play would bring trouble to myself. I didn't know what to say for a while, and I stammered and couldn't say a word.

\"It's okay, don't worry.\"

Fushe had a confident smile on his face. He felt that his sister would stand by him.....

\"Actually, I think Axun and Yingda are right.\"...Yes

\"Haha, look, Fushe, don't ask, everyone thinks so except you\"

Seeing this, Mi Nu said with some gloating

\"Oh, okay, I......\"

Buzz buzz buzz.

Fushe stopped talking before he finished.


The expressions of everyone present except Jiang Xun changed.

Xiao, who was originally sitting aside watching everyone playing, appeared beside Jiang Xun without knowing when.

His expression was also a little serious.

Jiang Xun knew that something must have happened.

Sure enough, Fushe turned to Jiang Xun and said:"I'm sorry, brother Jiang, we may have to end today.\"

Jiang Xun listened and did not ask the other party why, but just smiled and nodded.

\"I understand. Be safe.\"


Perhaps because the mission was urgent, several Yakshas hurriedly apologized and left.

But Jiang Xun's smile made their apologies disappear.

Yes, there is still a chance, it's not like we won't see each other again......

Jiang Xun watched them leave and returned to his home in Liyue.

A few days later, Jiang Xun came to look for them again.

The five guardian Yakshas were still there, but the expressions on their faces looked a little painful.

Seeing Jiang Xun coming, they quickly put away their painful expressions and put on a smile.

However, what they didn't know was that Jiang Xun had already seen the painful expressions on their faces clearly.

\"Brother Jiang, I'm sorry. I've been busy these days and forgot to contact you.\"

As the eldest brother, Fushe spoke first

\"It's okay, you have your own tasks, so you have to deal with them first.\"

\"Haha, thank you for your understanding, Jiang Xun\"

Mi Nu said with a smile on his face

\"Um, I just noticed that you guys don't look very well, are you sick? Do you need my help?....\"

\"Thank you for your concern, but it's not necessary, we just have to bear with it.\"

Fanan interrupted Jiang Xun.

She didn't want Jiang Xun to pay a price for her.

The others nodded, expressing their agreement.

\"That....All right\"

Seeing their insistence, Jiang Xun no longer insisted.

Although Jiang Xun did not want to see the five people in pain, but looking at their attitude, it was indeed unrealistic to expect them to accept treatment obediently.

This matter still needs to be considered in the long run. Anyway, there will be a chance sooner or later.

\"By the way, are you hungry? I just learned some new dishes recently.\"

Seeing that the atmosphere on the field was a bit dull for a while, Jiang Xun took the initiative to speak

\"Hahaha, we are immortals and won’t be hungry, but if it’s the dishes you cook, I would be a little greedy.\"

\"I want almond tofu.\"

\"Then I want....\"

The five Yakshas all reported the dishes they wanted to taste.

These things were the bond that allowed Jiang Xun to get closer to them.

After all, Yakshas were also immortals. They might not be interested in the gold, silver and jewelry of the human world, but food was an exception.

The God of the Kitchen, Marcosius, did a good job in promoting food. Even the immortals seemed to be able to accept and like these things.

\""Ahahaha, the dishes are ready!"

Jiang Xun brought the dishes up like a secret agent.

Smoke was coming out of the dishes, and the fragrance was drifting around with the breeze in the air.

Jiang Xun had also made them on the spot when he was selling recipe books before, and he even went to Xiangling to discuss it.

In addition, he himself liked to eat delicious food, so he was very confident in this aspect.

When they saw the dishes on the table, everyone came over.

They picked up their chopsticks and started eating.

\"Wow, brother Jiang, your cooking is really amazing. It's a pity that you don't open a restaurant.\"

Fushe said while not forgetting to give a thumbs up

\"That's right, Xun, please teach me when you have time. I also want to learn.\"

Yingda immediately expressed his desire to learn

\"Haha, Yingda, goodbye, you almost made me....\"

\"Shut up!! \"

Seeing that Mi Nu was about to expose his dirty laundry in public, Ying Da used a threatening look to tell him to shut up.

Mi Nu:\"....\"

\"Mm, delicious\"

Xiao picked up a piece of tofu, put it in his mouth, felt the sweetness and tenderness of the tofu, and made an evaluation from the bottom of his heart.

\"Okay, call me next time you want to eat.\"

Jiang Xun said with a smile.

Perhaps it was the satisfaction brought by the food they liked that alleviated a lot of their pain.......

In the next few days, Jiang Xun gradually had"patients" again. It seemed that Morax had suppressed several more demons, and the Yakshas began to get busy again.

But it was not yet the turn of these guardian Yakshas to take action.

\"It seems that the war is about to end. Many demons have fled to the Dark Sea.\"

\"That's great. After the war, we finally have time to do what we like. I heard that there are many interesting things in the human world!\"

\"Yes, that's it......I don't know if I can hold on until then.\"

As soon as these words came out, the originally cheerful atmosphere disappeared.

The five Yakshas were all silent. In fact, there were some things they knew best. They just said these things to themselves.

\"Hey, Mi Nu, can you speak?"

Ying Da shouted at him angrily.

\"We're going to be fine, what are you talking about?\"

\"Haha, sorry, I said the wrong thing. We agreed that we can secretly go to Liyue Harbor together.\"

\"Humph, that's right!\"

\"Hello everyone, do you want to have a midnight snack tonight?"

Jiang Xun came forward with some food in his hand, then raised it and asked

\"What is midnight snack? \"

Fa Nan didn't quite understand the meaning of this word

\"Haha, midnight snack is food after dinner.\"

\"That's great. I really want to eat something. Sorry to bother you, Brother Jiang.\"

\"Hi, little things\"

Jiang Xun wanted to wave his hand to indicate that it was not a big problem, but the fact that he was holding something in his hands was a bit funny.

Finally, he entered the kitchen amid the laughter of several people.

However, when Jiang Xun finished cooking and brought out the dishes, he found that the five people who were at the door just now had disappeared.

\"Going to kill monsters again? \"

Although he knew that the other party was probably on a mission, Jiang Xun had a bad feeling this time.

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