Wendy rubbed his eyes subconsciously.

He thought the scene in front of him was an illusion.

But even though he was about to rub his tears, the person who was supposed to be dead was still standing in front of him.

" Really....Is it you?"

Wendy's tone was full of disbelief.

She saw the other person fall in front of her with her own eyes.

But why is he standing in front of her again?

And this time he is meeting her as the old man's old friend.

" Nice story, Wendy"

Jiang Xun said with a smile.

Hearing the familiar voice, Wendy was more certain of the existence of the person in front of him.

Hearing the voice of an old friend.

He seemed to have returned to the time of the lonely king.

The wind elf and the young man, and he, who was regarded as a tyrant's lackey by the world at that time.

The scene of the three of them chatting together in the evening.

Although the wine at that time was not as delicious as it is now.

But it had a taste that is not available now.

However, as he witnessed Jiang Xun's fall and the young man's death, that taste was gradually forgotten by Wendy.

Gradually turned into a trace of precipitation in his long years.

Buried deep in a corner of his memory.

He thought he would never remember it again, but the appearance of the person in front of him filled his mouth with that taste again.

Haha, I'm so happy.......

"Hey, thanks for the compliment"

Wendy said with a smile

" Since you two know each other, it saves you the trouble of introducing each other."

Zhongli also interrupted and said

"By the way, Jiang Xun, I remember you said you would treat me to a drink next time we meet."

Wendy suddenly said.

Jiang, who was immersed in the joyful reunion atmosphere, suddenly looked puzzled.

"I said that?;

"Of course!"

Wendy answered immediately.

He remembered the drinking incident more clearly than anyone else.

Even the old friends who had passed away were recorded in his little notebook.

Jiang Xun recalled it carefully and found that he had indeed said this sentence at that time.

His mood suddenly became a little subtle.

" I can treat you to a drink."

"Hey, that's great"

" I just didn't bring Mora...."

? ?

What the hell are you talking about!

Wendy's smile froze instantly.

Knowing that her old friend was alive and well and being able to have a free meal was a happy thing.

But without Mora, it was a sad thing.

" that....Wendy, I see you made a lot of money just now, why don't you borrow it first?"

Jiang Xun then looked at the Mora bag in Wendy's hand.

" In terms of universal rationality, you can give it a try"

Zhongli nodded at this time. Obviously, he thought so too.

After all, neither he nor Jiang Xun had Mora on them.

Wouldn't this persecute the richest person among the three of them?


Wendy became alert when he heard this.

He couldn't help but tighten the purse in his hand.

Later, under the persuasion of Jiang Xun and Zhongli (physical), Wendy finally agreed to temporarily use the Mora he earned.

However, since Jiang Xun and Zhongli didn't like drinking very much, they didn't go directly to the Angel's Gift.

Instead, they went to the popular local Deer Hunter Restaurant for dinner.

During the period, Zhongli asked the other party about the beautiful scenery of Mond.

It seemed that the two fish-slacking monsters resonated, and the questions Zhongli asked seemed to hit Wendy's heart.

As the God of Wind, he is very familiar with his land.

Any breeze on the land of Mond can provide him with information.

Immediately, Wendy began to talk freely.

Whether it is playing or enjoying the scenery, the other party has his own way.

It's conceivable.

What on earth has this guy been doing in all these years when he was not in charge of things.

I don't know if the people of Mond will have their faith destroyed after knowing that their Wind God is like this in private.

Jiang Xun did not participate in this discussion.

After all, in terms of understanding Mond, he is far inferior to Wendy.

In the end, he could only sit aside and listen.

However, while listening, Jiang Xun's eyes suddenly caught a figure in a huge robe.

Jiang Xun's eyes could not help but be attracted by the other party.

Because he was very familiar with that huge robe.


.....Isn't it Diocletian's robe?

Jiang Xun had some suspicions in his heart.

How could the other party's robe appear in Mond?

Isn't Diocletian still asleep?

Or is it just that it looks very similar.

Many doubts emerged in Jiang Xun's mind and he couldn't help but want to find out.

Jiang Xun didn't know why he cared about this matter.

Maybe it was pure curiosity, maybe it was because of sudden interest.

It may also be because of his sympathy for the lonely king.

The other party's figure disappeared on the street in just a moment.

The two retirees were just discussing a place to slack off, and they didn't seem to notice the fleeting figure.

" I have something to do, you guys talk first"

Jiang Xun stood up and rushed towards the direction of the figure after he finished speaking.

However, the figure of the other party had disappeared at this time.

Jiang Xun then used magic.

A divine light appeared in his eyes.

In an instant, the originally simple world changed in his eyes.

Jiang Xun could see the elements of the world flowing.

The most eye-catching of them was the footprints with strong wind elements on the ground.

Jiang Xun followed the footprints all the way.

After going around in circles, he finally found that the footprints went straight into a tavern called Angel's Gift.

Jiang Xun hesitated for a while and pushed the door open.

The tavern was very lively.

Even though it was daytime, there were still many Mond residents drinking and chatting here.

The strong smell of alcohol made Jiang Xun frown.

At this time, he was sure that the other party should not be Diekarapian, because he knew that the other party did not like places with so many people.

She was very proud and never bothered to guess.���The thoughts of ordinary people naturally disdain to stay with mortals.

His eyes were looking for the figure in black robes.

But there were too many people in the tavern.

Without using magic.

For a moment, even he couldn't lock the target directly.

But Jiang Xun didn't know that at this time, there was a pair of eyes staring at his face in shock.

Hidden under the black robe, Diekarapian pinched her face subconsciously.

The touch on her face and hands made her understand that everything in front of her was not an illusion.

The beautiful eyes instantly turned red.

Found you!......

Jiang Xun observed for a while and found that he did not see the other person.

Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly found that his eyes became dark.

It was as if he was covered by something.

Then he felt a soft touch from behind.

Jiang Xun was about to resist when he heard a familiar female voice.

" Be brave! Don't move";

" Let me hold you for a while!"

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