After hearing this, Diekarapian was certain of this.

It was indeed the case!

No wonder he chose to return to Mondstadt even though he was by his side.

"I see. I'm suddenly curious about the old friend you mentioned. Can you take me with you?"

Dikarapian continued to ask.

But there was a hint of danger in his tone.

" This....."Are you sure?"

Jiang Xun asked with some doubt.

He was wondering whether he should think of a reason to reject her.

After all, that drunkard Wendy was there too.

Although Diekarapian no longer cared about the position of the God of Wind,

Jiang Xun was not very clear about what happened between her and Wendy.

He felt that the probability of a conflict would not be small.

However, Jiang Xun's reaction had another meaning to Diekarapian.

In her opinion, Jiang Xun's answer was more like he didn't want her to meet the old friend he mentioned.

But this made her want to meet the so-called old friend even more.

"Yes, since you are my friend, I would like to get to know you."

Diecarpian replied.

Jiang Xun felt a little strange.

Why did he feel that Diecarpian seemed to have other intentions?

But he didn't think much about it. Since the other party wanted to meet, let's go together.

Even if they really wanted to fight, he was now fully capable of stopping it.

" If you want, then let's go together"

Jiang Xun answered casually.

Then, Jiang Xun led the way in front, and Dicaprian followed slowly behind him.

Jiang Xun contacted Zhongli.

He learned that the other party was with Wendy at this time.

Jiang Xun walked slowly according to the address given by the other party. After searching all the way, Jiang Xun finally saw two figures, one yellow and one green, in a leisure place.

The two seemed to be discussing something at this time, and did not realize Jiang Xun's arrival for a while.

But Wendy is worthy of being the God of Wind.

He can still see clearly the flow of the wind around him.

Jiang Xun and the other party were noticed by the other party when they got a little closer.

" Hey, Jiang Xun, you are here. Who is the one behind you?....The Lonely King of the Tower?!"

Wendy's voice came out cheerfully.

But when she saw Decarabian behind Jiang Xun, her voice became a little shocked.

Wendy obviously recognized the other party's identity.

" So you are Jiang Xun’s old friend"

Dikarapian ignored the shocked Wendy.

She was inexplicably happy at this moment.

Not for anything else, but just after knowing that the old friend Jiang Xun mentioned was Wendy.

Although she didn't like him very much, she didn't hate him that much either.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have given her power to him and then fell into a deep sleep. What really made her happy was that the old friend Jiang Xun mentioned was Wendy, a male wind elf.

This was no threat to her.

The other one was a nobleman in luxurious clothes.

Although she didn't know who the other person was, it was obvious that he was no threat to her.

He believed that Jiang Xun's orientation was normal.

Knowing this, Dikarapian felt much better.

" Um, I am right"

Wendy replied

" Well, that's good"

Diekarapian nodded and said.

Listening to the other party's answer, Wendy was a little confused for a moment.

Why is this attitude good and bad?

Could it be.....Sleeping can also change the demon god?

Then the reason why I like to slack off must be because I have been sleeping for a long time!

Wendy thought so.

" Jiang Xiaoyou, is this also your old friend?"

Zhongli, who had been silent, suddenly spoke up.

Zhongli's impression of Jiang Xun was that he got along well with him, and another thing was that.....I have many good friends.

"Yes, her name is Die Carabian, well, she is my friend"

Jiang Xun nodded

"Yes, but we are very good friends!"

Dikarapian suddenly interrupted, especially putting emphasis on the word"good".

It seemed that he wanted to emphasize this point.

" Well, that's how it is. Jiang Xiaoyou, you should pay attention to regulating the relationship between those friends."

Zhongli thought for a moment and said calmly.

Jiang Xun:?

What do you mean?

Jiang Xun was a little confused for a moment.

What on earth is Zhongli talking about?

After thinking about it, Jiang Xun still didn't understand what the other party meant by this sentence.

Why does he, Jiang, need to adjust the relationship between friends?

However, although he couldn't figure it out, Jiang Xun was not interested in continuing to discuss this issue.

"By the way, how is your discussion going?"

Jiang Xun turned his attention to the two like-minded people.

I believe that with the strong cooperation of the two slackers, the result of the discussion will naturally not be bad.

" Hey, of course there is a result"

Wendy said with a smile.

He risked being beaten by Mr. Zhong yesterday and argued with him for a long time before finally convincing him.

Therefore, he was very satisfied with the result of his discussion. He felt very accomplished.

" Tell me"

Jiang Xun looked at Wendy who looked very proud and said

" Hey, don't be impatient, listen to me slowly."

Wendy then recounted the results of their discussion yesterday.

It must be said that this guy is really good.

This result satisfied the other three people present.

It is worthy of being called Wendy.

No matter how comfortable you are in slacking off, even Zhongli can't compare to you.

Jiang Xun also acknowledged the strength of this guy Wendy in his heart.

Seeing the expressions of several people, Wendy also showed a proud expression on his face.

After all, being recognized by others in the field you are good at, even a god would feel happy.

Although his Heart of God has been taken away, at least he was once

" Well , the plan is good, but do we have Mora?"

Jiang Xun's sudden remarks directly destroyed the atmosphere on the field......

The three of them didn't have any Mora, and they still wanted to go out and travel?

Even if they didn't need food, Zhongli liked to drink tea, and Wendy liked to drink wine.

All of this required Mora.

For the two of them, if the good scenery was not matched with good tea and good wine, they might as well continue to fish in the city.

"Mora? Is that what you are talking about?"

The next moment, Diekarapian threw out a bag of Mora.

The sound coming from the bag was obviously quite heavy.

" You....Where did these Moras come from?"

Jiang Xun asked in shock.

" Of course I exchanged it for treasures"

Diekarapian answered casually.

When she woke up, she found that the world had changed a lot, and a currency called Mora was popular.

Although she didn't have this thing, as the former Lord of Mondstadt, she naturally had a lot of treasures.

She could exchange a little for a lot of Mora.

" Um, Diekarapian, are you still in need of an errand boy?"

Wendy asked with anticipation in her eyes.

" No, I don't want you even if I want you!"


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