"I see. I will do my best to collect relevant information. Does Mr. Jiang Xun have any other requests?"

In the Mulou Tea Room, Shenli Linghua nodded and said after listening to Jiang Xun's request.

" No, I only have this one request"

Jiang Xun shook his head after hearing that.

Jiang Xun did not make any other requests.

After all, he did not want to do the troublesome work of looking for things, and the other party could save him a lot of effort.

He really could not think of anything else she could help him with.

Could it be that the Kamisato family could help him fight the demon god?

Obviously, it was not realistic.

" Is that so? Don't worry, I will personally supervise this matter and will do my best to find it."

Kamisato Ayaka paused for a moment before answering.

Although it seemed that she hesitated for a while before making the decision.

But Jiang Xun knew that this was just for him to see.

And it was indeed the case.

Finding information was not a problem for the Kamisato family, one of the three major families of Inazuma.

They were in charge of the agency that was closest to the people.

What's more, there was the Princess Egret who was loved by the people. It was just a matter of a sentence to mobilize the people to collect information.

But although it was simple, it could not be expressed.

To prevent the other party from adding more conditions.

Jiang Xun was naturally very clear about this.

He had also learned about this when he was setting up a stall.

Now if he wanted to, he could do it easily.

However, since you can fish in vain, why do you have to do it yourself?

" Jiang Xun, why are you collecting this information?"

Paimeng, who had been eating, finally stopped eating and asked.

Jiang Xun took a sip of tea, glanced at her, and then said

"Nothing, I just suddenly became interested in this aspect of history"

" What's wrong, do you want to see it too? I don't mind learning with you"

Jiang Xun then continued

" Hey, no, no, I'm not very interested in this"

Paimon shook her head quickly after hearing this.

She was only interested in delicious food, and always stayed away from things that could kill brain cells.

" Paimeng, lazy!"

Ying directly expressed his opinion.

Jiang Xun thought it was very appropriate.

"Hey, I'm saving my energy for other things! I'm not lazy!"

Paimon retorted.

She tried to save her image of only knowing how to eat

, but no one present believed her.......

In the next few days,

Jiang Xun has been waiting for news in Inazuma Castle.

By the way, he also enjoyed the scenery of Inazuma Castle.

If you only look at Inazuma Castle, it is still very good.

As for the pain in the wild, leave it to Ying and Paimong.

Anyway, he doesn't need Mora.

Now all his expenses are paid by the Kamisato family.

This was proposed by Miss Kamisato herself.

It seems that she wants to improve his favor.

Afterwards, Jiang Xun also experienced the joy of going out without a wallet.

After going out to spend money, he can directly send the bill to the community magistrate.


The incident on the execution platform has calmed down a lot now.

The manpower originally used for the pursuit has become less and less.

Now there should be only a few teams.

After all, with Inazuma's current state, General Raiden stays in the castle tower and does not go out, and the Fatui are constantly stirring up trouble inside.

How can there be so many troops to capture someone who may not be caught for a long time?

Because of this,

Ying and Paimong have no worries when going out on the street.

They just need to be careful so as not to be discovered.

"Mr. Jiang Xun, we have finished your business. Please move to the Mulou Tea House."

Jiang, who was drinking tea and admiring cherry blossoms outside the store, suddenly heard a voice behind him.

The tone was emotionless.

If the other party had not shown any killing intent, Jiang Xun would have punched him no matter how high he was.

" Sorry, I'll go now"

Jiang Xun nodded and said lightly.

As soon as he finished speaking, the figure who spoke had disappeared.

During this period, no sound was made.

" Even without the Eye of God, he still has such physical fitness and control, which is not easy"

After whispering, Jiang Xun stood up and walked towards the Mulou Tea House.

"Good morning, Ms. Kamisato"

Jiang Xun greeted Shenli Linghua who had been waiting here for a long time.

"Good morning, Mr. Jiang Xun, we have found what you are looking for, but there is no relevant information about the war you mentioned five hundred years ago."

Kamisato Ayaka quickly told the collected information

" Well, it doesn't matter, since I can't find it, then forget it."

Jiang Xun looked at the pile of information on the ground.

He thought that the other party really didn't find it.

But this was in line with his expectations.

After all, the war involved Kanreya, a country that was hostile to heaven.

Naturally, the things involved would not be spread to the public.

It was impossible for someone to write a book and publicize it everywhere.

"Thank you for your understanding. I have something else to do, so I'll leave now."


After a conversation, Kamisato Ayaka also said goodbye and left.

There must be something to deal with.

Jiang Xun didn't pay too much attention to the other party.

Instead, he turned his eyes to the pile of information on the ground, which exuded a bit of ancient atmosphere. Some of them had turned yellow, and it could be seen that they were very old.

But it was unexpectedly well preserved.

There was no damage.

To be able to find such information, the influence of the society must be extraordinary.

Afterwards, Jiang Xun began to make up for his knowledge.

The more he read, the clearer he had a clearer understanding of the development of the country of Inazuma.

These materials are recorded in great detail.

Among them are the Kitsune Palace and Kaigi Daimikami that Jiang Xun had heard of before he crossed over.

Without exception, these things are much more detailed than what is given in the game.

Although the information is contradictory and messy, Jiang Xun still quickly memorized them completely.

When putting the last piece of information back in place.

Jiang Xun showed an expression of"as expected".

These materials cover everything.

But there is no information about the war in Kanreya.

It's as if it was completely erased.

Strange things

" Never mind. If that's the case, we can only adapt to the situation."

Jiang Xun said to himself.

After sorting out all the information on the ground,

Jiang Xun left the Mulou Teahouse.

During this time, no one noticed that he left.

The next moment, Jiang Xun's figure appeared at the door of the castle tower.

He looked at the tall building and waited for the system's prompt.

Sure enough, the next second, the familiar prompt sounded in his mind.

" Detection: The host has arrived at the destination. Do you want to start the mission?"

The system's voice just fell.

Jiang Xun chose yes without hesitation.

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