Jiang Xun was secretly pleased when he saw the other party's angry look.

I told you not to make trouble!

Let me let you taste the good juice of electric shock!

" So you are here"

After a while, an anxious voice came.

It attracted the attention of Jiang Xun who was watching the show.

The same purple hair, but the temperament is much gentler than the silly one trapped in his formation.

"Hey, you are here"

Jiang Xun greeted the newcomer.

Then she continued to look in the direction of Ying.

At this time, she was still trying to escape from inside.

"Um, Jiang Xun, can you please let Ying go this time? I promise that this won’t happen again next time."

Seeing his sister like this, Zhen finally turned to Jiang Xun for love.

" Yes, you can, but you have to stop her later"

Jiang Xun rubbed his chin.

Then he answered.

He didn't have any deep hatred with the other party, at most there were some minor frictions.

Now he had taught the other party a lesson enough.

And Zhen came to beg for mercy again.

Then it should stop here.

After all, it would be impolite to continue like this.

However, there is still a problem now.

That is, if he let the other party go, would she lose her mind and chase him to chop him.

This is a problem worth noting.

After all, no one wants to be chased and hacked with a knife, right?

" Don't worry, I will definitely stop her"

Miss Zhen nodded when she heard this.

She had a better impression of Jiang Xun.

He must be a magnanimous demon god who could forgive others' offense so easily.

Jiang Xun didn't know that his action had a bit of an unintentional effect.

Without thinking too much, he changed his gesture.

The barrier of the formation that originally trapped Ying disappeared.

Those phantoms seemed to have lost their lives.

In an instant, they turned into ordinary water and fell on the sea.

There were quite a few waves.

Ying was a little confused at this time.

How come these annoying phantoms suddenly disappeared?

The barrier seemed to have disappeared as well.

Just when Ying was at a loss, she saw Zhen's figure.

She was standing next to Jiang Xun at this time.

In an instant, another story appeared in her mind again.

In order to save her from the predicament, her sister committed herself to this bastard for help. They must have reached some agreement between them.

As for the content, she didn't dare to think about it any further.

The next moment, she turned into a lightning and rushed towards the two of them.

Then she stood in front of Zhen in an instant.

With an indifferent look,

Jiang Xun was still on guard against the other party's attack at first.

But gradually he found that she didn't seem to have such intention.

Then he slowly let down his guard.

Zhen was also a little shocked to see the figure suddenly blocking him.

He thought she was still misunderstanding, and just when he was about to explain, who knew that the other party's next words made her speechless.

" Let her go, I promise you"

Jiang Xun who was on guard:?

Zhen who was about to explain:?

What the hell?

Jiang Xun was in a daze, we just discussed it and you know it?

There is something.

Jiang Xun suddenly felt that the silly-looking guy in front of him might be pretending.

Who knows, she might have made some protective equipment next to Zhen. Otherwise, how to explain that they just discussed it and the other party knew it right after? It is really impossible to do this without some tricks.

Seeing Jiang Xun's scrutiny, Ying also confirmed her guess.

This guy really has ideas about Zhen.

And there should be a contract method similar to the God of Contract.

Zhen is not good at force. If he falls into his hands, he can only be at his mercy.

But she is different. She can still find an opportunity to counterattack.

Although she feels very unwilling, there is no other way.

At this time, Ying is glad for the first time that her appearance and figure are the same as Zhen.

Otherwise, it might be in jeopardy.

" Ying, you agreed?"

Miss Zhen asked in surprise.

She thought she would need a lot of words to persuade the other party.

After all, she knew her sister's temper. She would never give in or give in easily.

Although she didn't know why she agreed so easily, it was a good thing anyway.

" Well, don't worry about me"

Ying said calmly.

I breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

It seems that she is not just showing off.

" Then let's put this matter to an end and go back first."

Seeing that the matter had been resolved, Zhen Zhen smiled again.

To this, neither of them objected.

But on the way, Jiang Xun found that Ying seemed to have some problems.

Because she looked at him with strange eyes from time to time.

He wondered if the other party was two-faced. She agreed on the surface, but was actually thinking about how to retaliate against her?

Then, she found that the other party was getting closer and closer to her.

He stopped until they were almost touching.

Jiang Xun glanced at her face.

The expression on her face was full of indifference.

It was impossible to tell what was in her mind.

" What do you want me to do?"

Suddenly, this sentence abruptly appeared in Jiang Xun's ears.

He didn't understand what this guy was thinking.

"How to do it?";

"Yes, but I hope you won't go too far"

Ying's tone obviously changed when he said this.

There was a warning in his calm tone.

The hand holding the knife was tightly clenched.

He was waiting for the other party's answer.

If he dared to make some excessive demands, then he would directly chop with the knife.

I believe that at such a close distance, even he would not be able to react.

Even if he didn't die, he would be able to make the other party lose a layer of skin!

" that.....I hope you won't come to me again."

Jiang Xun replied in a low voice.

Make sure that only the two of them can hear the voice.

Although he didn't know why this guy became so strange.

Not only did he not chop himself, he also took the initiative to ask himself for something.

But, as the saying goes.

If you don't take advantage of an opportunity, you are a bastard.

Jiang Xun naturally didn't want to be a bastard.

How could he refuse such a benefit that was delivered to his door?

He is not a saint.

But he couldn't think of anything to ask for a while. He might as well solve the problem of his relationship with the other party first.

At least let him do his work in peace, and don't interfere.

Jiang Xun's words also shocked Ying.

She didn't understand why the other party would make such a meaningless request.

Could it be that he knew that I was different from Zhen and it was not easy to attack me directly?......

Well, it must be like this!

This thought popped up in Ying's head.

The more she thought about it, the more possible it seemed.

This also made her complacent, celebrating that she had once again seen through the tricks of this masked demon.

And this result made her shocked and a little happy.

Even she didn't know why her mind was working so fast recently.

Maybe.....This is what mortals call growth.

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