"You are in such a hurry to find me, and you want to find out the next story in advance?"

At night, Jiang Xun came to a sparsely populated place.

It was not that he wanted to see the night view of ancient Inazuma on a whim. He was invited.

At this moment, the inviter was sitting under a cherry tree.

His eyes were immersed in the moonlight and the scattered cherry blossoms.

The gorgeous purple pupils were trembling slightly, as if shocked by the scenery in front of him.

Jiang Xun's sudden opening made the other party recover from this intoxicated state.

After reading it for a while, her pretty face blushed.

Even so many times, this kind of cheating behavior still makes Zhen feel embarrassed.

However, after all, he has experienced it many times, and Zhen recovered quickly.

" No, I just feel a little bored and want to invite you out to enjoy the scenery"

Zhen had a smile on her face.

But Jiang Xun felt something was wrong.

Although she hid it well, he still caught a moment of worry and reluctance.

"Okay, just take it as a break"

Jiang Xun did not point this out, but answered it.

Then he sat down opposite Zhen casually, took a sip of tea

" Good technique"

"Thank you for the compliment"

After these two simple sentences, neither of them continued to talk.

Instead, as they had agreed in advance, they quietly admired the cherry blossoms scattered at night.

" Really beautiful, isn't it?"

Suddenly, Zhen spoke.

It was a question, but it was full of affirmation.

Because this was her inner portrayal of beauty.

It is always short-lived, but it is eternal.

It is like a flash in the pan, but it can be seen often.

"Yes, it is beautiful"

Jiang Xun nodded.

After saying that, Jiang Xun's eyes quietly turned in the direction of Zhen.

He found that the serene smile on the other's face had disappeared.

Instead, it was only sadness and worry.

Because she knew that there might not be many such opportunities.

She was also afraid, not knowing what the future of Inazuma would be.

The reason was just because of the order from the sky not long ago.

Let her go out with the other six gods to fight against the godless country together.

As the current Ming Shen, the general of Inazuma, she can't refuse this matter, nor does she want to refuse.

Because this is her duty.

However, the outcome of the matter is still unknown.

The most terrifying thing is always unknown.

She didn't know much about Kanreya, but she could let the person in the sky who ordered the seven gods to go together.

It would definitely not be simple.

Its horror might even exceed the war of demons.

She had a clear understanding of her own strength.

Without Ying's protection, even if she had powerful means of governing the country, it would be of no help.

But this time, Ying was destined not to go with her.

Because she still needs to stay and guard Inazuma

" Are you worried?"

Jiang Xun asked softly.

Seeing the look on the other person's face, Jiang Xun probably had a guess.

" Nothing, just some bad memories"

Zhen paused, but didn't say it in the end.

Because Jiang Xun had nothing to do with it.

He shouldn't be involved in this dispute that shouldn't have happened.

"Okay, take a rest"

Since the other party didn't want to talk, Jiang Xun didn't continue to ask

"Thank you for your concern"

Zhen smiled and nodded gently.

He seemed to be in a much better mood.

After he finished speaking, the scene fell into silence again. The only sound at the scene was the evening breeze blowing the cherry blossoms.

In the swaying, another piece of cherry blossoms fell with the wind.

Zhen seemed to have no interest in talking.

He quietly admired the falling cherry blossoms in front of him.

Jiang Xun did not disturb him, but sipped his tea quietly.

" Thank you for taking the time to accompany me tonight."

I don't know how long it took.

The tea in the teapot was empty.

Zhen then stood up slowly.

Holding a paper umbrella, she said with a smile on her face.

At this moment, she seemed to be integrated with the floating cherry blossoms behind her.

For a moment, people had an illusion.

The people and scenery in front of them were not real, but beautiful moments that existed in the painting.

Jiang Xun's pupils widened slightly. He was amazed at that moment.

But the next second, he returned to normal.

He waved his hand and said casually:"No need to thank me, I am very happy tonight too.""

"Good night, wish you a sweet dream"

Jiang Xun finished speaking and prepared to leave


But Zhen suddenly called him.

Jiang Xun was puzzled when he heard it.

Turning around, he found that Zhen seemed a little embarrassed at this time.

Then, as if he had mustered up the courage, he asked:"Well, we have known each other for so long, and I don't think I have seen your face yet, so......"

Zhen spoke more and more quietly, and in the end her voice disappeared.

She must be embarrassed.

Even though there was no second half, Jiang Xun understood what she meant.

He subconsciously touched the mask on his face.

Only now did he realize that only three people seemed to have seen his face since the start of this mission.

At first, he wanted to hide his identity, but he got used to it after wearing it for a while. He has been wearing a mask ever since.

" How do I look? Is it so important to you?"

Jiang Xun then asked.

Hearing this, Zhen hurriedly explained:"No, no, I just....Somewhat curious"

At this moment, her tone was no longer as confident and calm as before.

Instead, she faltered and defended herself like a little girl who made a mistake.

Zhen was in the same mood at this moment.

She regretted why she couldn't help asking.

A person who always wears a mask must have his own difficulties and even scars.

And what she said just now was a bit like deliberately exposing someone's scars.

However, some things have been suppressed in the heart for a long time, and they will inevitably be stimulated at some point.

She was also curious about Jiang Xun's face hidden behind the mask for a long time.

After all, a mysterious demon god who knows almost everything, his appearance will naturally arouse curiosity.

And this was the case with Zhen just now.

"Haha, there is nothing shameful about my face."

As he spoke, Jiang Xun put his hand on the mask.

Then he took it off.

His true face also appeared in Zhen's eyes.

Zhen's pupils shrank slightly.

Jiang Xun's face did not have any scars as she thought.

Instead, it was very white.

His face was delicate and handsome, and people would have a good impression of him at first sight.

"What? Is it eye-catching?"

Jiang Xun asked with a smile

" No, I was just a little surprised, it was better than I thought"

" Really? Then I'll take it as a compliment."

Jiang Xun replied shamelessly.

Hearing this, Zhen couldn't help but laugh out loud.

" This is satisfying"

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