Unlike the grim situation in Inazuma,

Liyue is still thriving at the moment, and even a little restless.

It's because Liyue's annual Lantern Festival is coming, although it's still a while away.

But the people of Liyue have always valued festivals, not just big days like the Lantern Festival, but also some other festivals.

After all, for them, every festival has a history, and the reasons behind some festivals are all immortal stories.

This alone can make the people of Liyue, who have grown and developed under the grace of the Rock King and the immortals, pay attention to it. Although the Rock King is in trouble on the surface, this concept formed over a long period of time cannot be eliminated in a day or two. What

's more, it is never a bad thing to pay attention to history.

Many people in Liyue began to consciously prepare for the opening of the Lantern Festival. During this period, many vendors who make lanterns are the busiest.

The purchase of large quantities of materials has injected new vitality into this industry.

Liyue appears peaceful on the surface, but undercurrents are surging in secret, and many people with ill intentions may be planning how to gain benefits.

" Well, what you said makes sense, but what does it have to do with me? I am just an ordinary Liyue person who is powerless."

Liyue General Affairs Department

Jiang Xun replied in the tone of a guest official.

This made the Qianyan Army in front of him not know how to respond for a moment.

He came to Jiang Xun for help on the orders of Keqing. It seems that he was attracted by the information that this guy had accumulated before. After all, the goods that this guy sold before were more diverse than one another.

The information contained in it must be indispensable.

This time he came to him to ask him to help observe.

In fact, it was true, but he, Jiang, had stopped doing it a long time ago. In the past, he had to act according to their faces, but now he can proudly say that it is completely unnecessary!

Listening to the other party's undisguised refusal, the Qianyan Army finally understood why Lady Keqing told him that it was not easy to deal with.

Most people would be in awe of him when they see the clothes on him, not to mention being afraid. On the contrary, Jiang Xun. There was no change in his tone and expression. It seemed that this was not the first time he had talked to them.

" If there is nothing else, I will leave first"

Jiang Xun waved his hand and turned to leave, but the staff behind him said something that stopped him in his tracks.

" Wait, this time you will be paid, and you will definitely be satisfied"

" OK, tell me what you want to do"

Jiang Xun's attitude immediately changed drastically.

It seemed as if the person who had just looked unwilling and disgusted was not him.

Ignoring the strange looks from the staff, Jiang Xun looked normal, not caring at all about how others looked at him.

He is not a saint or a sucker. Even brothers have to settle accounts clearly, let alone they are not. It is difficult for me to do anything if you don't talk about compensation.

Even if there are countless ways to get Mora easily if he wants, but since he has chosen to live as an ordinary Liyue resident.

He should earn his salary in the way ordinary people do. Zhongli and he have the same idea on this point.

Because of this, it is no longer a joke that the Geo King does not have Mora, but a fact.

" Ahem, please rest assured, we have found many people like you. Your work will not be too heavy. You just need to stand at the entrance and exit of Liyue Harbor to see if there are any suspicious objects or people."

This statement was very direct, directly stating the purpose, and the task was indeed not too heavy. It just so happened that he had nothing to do recently, so it was a good opportunity to find a job.

" No problem, when does it start?"

Jiang Xun nodded and asked.

Hearing this, the staff flipped through the schedule in his hand and said

" I don't know if you can adapt to the night shift, the rest of our shifts are already full."

Jiang Xun nodded and said yes. For him, it didn't matter whether it was morning or night.

The body of the demon god no longer required a simple recovery method such as sleep. He could handle it as usual at any time.

"Okay, thank you for your understanding"

The staff member stopped talking after he finished speaking, and Jiang Xun left the General Affairs Department.......

At night,

Jiang Xun appeared at the work place on time. The General Affairs Department arranged for him to be at the main gate exit of Liyue.

Although it is close to the hour of Hai (9 to 11 pm), there are still many people entering and leaving Liyue Harbor through this gate, most of whom are businessmen. The only difference from the past is that now there are not only the Qianyan Army standing near the gate, but also several Liyue residents.

Jiang Xun did not know these people, but they should have been invited to work.

The coming and going of personnel almost disappeared until the early hours of the morning, and Liyue Harbor fell into a deep sleep at this time.

Except for Jiang Xun, a trace of sleepiness appeared on the faces of the others. People's vigilance will be reduced when they are tired.

And strange things always happen at this time.

" Interesting, this area actually has an evil aura, and it seems that someone is fighting with it"

Jiang Xun touched his chin and said to himself.

A single yin cannot produce anything, and a single yang cannot grow.

Jiang Xun was not surprised that there were still evil spirits in Liyue. After all, such things could not be completely eliminated, even if countless Yakshas patrolled day and night.

But what made him curious was who was the person fighting with him.

Judging from the other party's breath, he did not seem to be an immortal, but there was a trace of immortal air on his body.

Feeling this, Jiang Xun was a little curious, and then he used the immortal technique to leave a clone in the original place, and then his original body went there in person.

Almost in an instant, he crossed countless distances and arrived at his destination.

Jiang Xun looked around and found that this was an open space. It was usually sparsely populated, so it was no wonder that the evil spirits had not been discovered.

But what he cared about was not this, but the identity of the evil spirit and the person fighting with it. Jiang Xun's arrival did not attract the attention of the two.

At this time, the two were still fighting together, and the surrounding environment was also damaged a lot in the aftermath of the battle between the two. The land was dug up and the trees were destroyed. It looked very tragic.

" Hey, it's her"

Jiang Xun understood something and said with interest.

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