In the great hall inside the enemy base, there was a man and a woman watching the entrance of the legion by a transmission.

Sitting on the throne was the man, his appearance was difficult to discern because it was hidden in a kind of shadow.

Unlike him, the woman showed a more mȧturė appearance, her eyes had a dark and evil tone. Her clothes consisted of straps around and under her brėȧsts, gloves that ran up to her arms with small chains that hung from them, and shoulder protectors with three large spikes that sprouted from her right shoulder and black heel boots to the thɨġhs.

"How is the situation?" The man asked in a dominant voice

Accustomed to his attitude, the woman approached him and explained the situation.

"Lucifer and Serafall have already crossed the barrier, they will arrive approximately in fifteen minutes. Their soldiers were divided once they entered to cover the north and south, while a team of five soldiers heads to where the hostages are. "

"Looks like it's time. Raynare activates the barrier, we must avoid that Lucifer and Serafall are free we still need time to evacuate"

Listening him, Raynare went to a table in the center of the room and pressed her fingers against the surface of the table, once this was done, numerous magic circles appeared that were part of the formation of the barrier, sliding her fingers towards an area empty, created a magic circle that was integrated with the formation activating the barrier.

"Are you sure? Do you think the barrier will be able to resist two Satans?" Raynare asked doubtfully.

"I am very sure, the barrier is specially designed to resist them. Besides, neither Lucifer nor Serafall should get out of the barrier. "

"What do you mean?"

"Lucifer and Serafall can get rid of the barrier seal easily, but they won't and that is why we have something they want."

"The hostages"

"Exactly, they can't move until they have the hostages insured. Some of them are important members of families of the 72 pillars."

"I was ready to use them as an experiment but from that useless house Nefarius was killed by that Nekomata, Sirzechs managed to get information from us and we got in his sights. So it was necessary to keep them intact, we don't need to anger two Satans." The man replied with a certain irritation.

"Sigh… gather some devils and head towards the area where the hostages are. I doubt Sirzechs leaves this mission to simple soldiers."

"Do not forget ..."

"I will not forget, I'll give you the Twilight Healing user information in addition to not intervening with what you do." The man answered.

"I hope so"

Spreading its wings, Raynare took flight and left the place.


While the group was on their way, they were stopped by Toshiko.


"Oh? then this will be faster" Toshiko added.

"What's up?" Yasuo asked curiously.

"Enemies are approaching" Nara replied.

"How many?" Gacus asked.

"I can't determine your number exactly..." Toshiko replied with a frown.

"Be more specific!" Gacus ordered

"Many ... I can't determine their numbers exactly because there is some kind of interference" Toshiko replied while creating a magic circle.

Once the magic circle was created, white energy particles gathered around it causing it to become unstable

"Magic of light!" Yasuo exclaimed with surprise.

Without knowing the exact number the team was at a disadvantage. There were only five and the greater the number of enemies the less chance of winning they will have.

"Did we intercept their ambush here or attack them?" Nara asked. They needed to hurry and not knowing their number they didn't have enough time to deal with them.

"Here? No, that won't work." Gacus denied.

"So we could go deeper into the forest?" Yasuo proposed.

"No, neither," Gacus denied once more.

"What if ...?" If more ideas, Yasuo tried to find another solution.

"It seems that there are also enemies behind. In the worst case, there is the possibility that we are surrounded" Nara interrupted.

"In that case, we could separate. One group will be in charge of protecting the rearguard while another will continue "Gacus proposed

Before the proposal of Gacus, Leo decided to intervene

Listening to Leo, the team was surprised because Leo had not spoken all the way.

Observing their expressions, Leo could not help but shake his head, it was not that he did not want to speak, but because his voice still sounded childish he decided not to do so to avoid questions, so he was always trying to use magic so that his voice will sound less childish. Because who would want a child in the army?

"Although staying together is the easiest option, we cannot defend forever..." Refute Nara.

"We cannot defend ourselves and if we separate we will be vulnerable to their numbers. But even so, someone must take care of the rear while the others continue."Yasuo proposed.

"Are you suggesting someone as bait?" Gacus asked with a frown.

"That's right," Yasuo said.

Listening to Yasuo, the others did not know what to answer.

"And since I have been the one who proposed it, I will do it, I can deal with a few hundred easily. Besides, they won't wait for us to decide." Yasuo smiled.

Knowing that they were approaching the enemy, the others decided not to continue the discussion.

Nodding towards Yasuo, the team continued on their way.

With the enemies approaching, they decided not to continue the discussion.

After a few minutes, you could hear the battle signs from a distance.

"It seems that it has already begun," Leo muttered to himself.


Once the enemies were in sight, Leo could see the group of devils that the hundreds could count, some armed with swords and others seemed to be magicians.

"Toshiko! Nara! thin out the numbers" Shouted Gacus.

Once Toshiko and Nara listened to Gacus. As if the demonic energy were suddenly stimulated he gathered towards the two forming numerous magic circles.

At the time this happened, the magic circles came to life while numerous chains shot out chaining the devils. While this was happening, explosions stormed the formation of the devils causing chaos.

Surprised Leo could not help but shudder, the barrier is supposed to interfere with his spells but they were still capable of causing so much damage.

Although the barrier caused some interference with their spells, Toshiko and Nara could still use their magic only that it would be less powerful.

Nodding Toshiko and Nara, Gacus took the lead and charged towards the horde.

"HAA" Gacus shouted as he drew his spear and swept toward the nearest enemy.

Not wanting to be left behind, Leo transformed his arm into a sword and went inside the horde


Separating the head of the devil, Leo continued on his way while searching for his next target.

Turning his body to avoid an attack, he turned his arm and transformed it into a claw to protect himself.


Being bombarded by several attacks, Leo was forced to defend himself.

Dark nebula

Once he used the skill, a dark aura enveloped his body as it rapidly expanded, destroying the attacks that approached him and the surrounding devils.

Having time to breathe, Leo jumped and sank his sword into the neck of two devils who managed to escape.

At the same time, a magic circle spread across the battlefield creating a new set of chains that prevented all devils from attacking Leo and Gacus.

Seeing how Toshiko and Nara controlled the horde of devils preventing them from attacking them, Leo smiled.

Turning his body he held two devils and smashed them to the ground.

"Although Toshiko and Nara are doing a good job, they can't control so many devils. The first thing is to reduce their numbers. "Leo thought to himself.

Dark snow

Several snowflakes began to fall around the entire area. Everyone who came into contact with snowflakes was wrapped in a dark substance killing them instantly.

The devils paled when they saw this.

While the chains enveloped the devils limiting their movements and were totally at the mercy of the black snow. Some of the devils tried to protect themselves with barriers but still, the snow destroyed their defensive spells, and the black substance covered their bodies at a visible rate.

All this happened in a matter of minutes and half of the horde of devils had disappeared.

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