
After a long time, Leo tries to open his eyes, to discover that he can not, try to move. When he feels his arms and legs he breathes a sigh of relief and in doing so he feels something sticky enter his mouth so he closes it and tries to open his eyes.

When he opens his eyes, the only thing he can see is a kind of water. When he checks again, he realizes that he is submerged. He tries to swim to what only a wall stops him. After touching the wall, he hears the voice of a woman.

"Suezo, come fast the baby is moving." The woman says with great joy

"Satomi, you do not have to get excited every time the baby moves." Suezo answers

"In agreement". Satomi answers with a pout.

[Flashback end]

Genesis made me reborn as a fetus, I heard for my mother (do not ask how) I have eleven weeks. In these eleven weeks, I have been constantly with a sensation of swimming and it is also rare when you feed on the umbilical cord, apart from that everything is good since all I have to do is eat and sleep. So I only have to wait a few months to be born.

A week later

Today after twelve weeks of life, I have faced the greatest crisis of my short existence.


"Well Satomi-san, do not move so we can see how the baby is doing." The doctor instructed Satomi while applying the gel to her stomach. Satomi and Suezo waited.

"Congratulations, it's a boy." The doctor says with a big smile while listening to the sounds of a heartbeat.

"Hahaha, we are going to have a child, A CHILD!" While Satomi and Suezo celebrated they begin to hear the sound of several beats simultaneously.







Listening to the beats, the doctor's expression was filled with astonishment and she checked the monitor where the baby is seen. At the sight of the doctor's expression, Satomi was filled with curiosity.

"Doctor, what's wrong? There's something wrong with the baby." While Satomi speaks, watch as the doctor's expression changes from amazement to disbelief

"Well, so it seems they're not going to have a single child." The doctor explains with a stiff face while I look at the screen. "At the beginning, you can hear a single beat, but there are more than one." Turning to give a smile that is not known if it is condolence or grief.

Upon hearing the doctor's words Satomi's body tenses and Suezo can not believe what he is hearing.

"How many," Satomi and Suezo ask in unison.

"Five or seven ..." The doctor answers with a bigger smile. "Congratulations"

Satomi: "..."

Suezo: "..."

Leo: "..."

Why did this have to happen to him?


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