Several days passed and the time for Rias's visit to the Sitri Clan had arrived.

During that time, Tsubaki adapted as best he could to her new life as a devil.

At first, interacting with her was quite complicated. She didn't leave her room, she didn't speak unless someone started a conversation with her and even if she was hungry she wouldn't ask for food.

But what worried Sona the most was her panic at the mirrors. Due to her experience in the Shinra clan, Tsubaki avoided mirrors as if they were a plague. Naturally, Sona explained that she no longer had to worry about strange creatures appearing since her ability had become her Sacred Gear and that with practice, she will learn to use her Sacred Gear.

Although a bit skeptical at first, Tsubaki could do nothing but trust Sona's words and try to overcome her fear even though she was still avoiding mirrors and any reflective surface.

On the other hand, Leo was more surprised by Sona's performance than Tsubaki. Not only had her mood improved dramatically, but she also acquired an air of security and as a good teacher, she patiently guided Tsubaki in her learning about magic and helped her overcome her fears and insecurities.


Standing in front of Sona's patio, Leo looked at the master and servant duo.

Tsubaki was sitting in a meditative posture with her eyes closed. And Beside her was Sona watching her closely.

"Focus on feeling the magical energy around you. Remember her shape, her movement and try to gently draw her towards you "Sona explained slowly.

As Sona didn't want to push Tsubaki too much, she decided to postpone her training until she got used to it but since Tsubaki learned about her Sacred Gear, she insisted on starting her training.

Leo did not dare to interrupt so he stayed at the door so as not to damage the atmosphere. However, to his dismay, Sona had already noticed his presence and nodded slightly to him before returning his attention to Tsubaki.

"Do not hurry. If you force the energy towards you, you can't control it. Let it flow and slowly take it to your body, not too fast or too slow." Sona explained patiently.

Following her instructions, Tsubaki relaxed her body and slowly guided the energy to her body.

At first, guiding the magic particles to her body was quite difficult for her. No matter how much she tried to guide them to her body, the magic particles kept running away from her, feeling annoyed, she kept trying.

"Enough, that's all for today, tomorrow make sure you come back at the same time to continue. I am sure that you will soon be able to absorb the magical energy of the environment" Sona had already noticed Tsubaki's mental state, and if she continued like this, it would be increasingly difficult for her to absorb the magical energy.

Nodding, Tsubaki got up and prepared to leave.

"Tsubaki, do you want to join us for tea?" Sona asked with a smile.

"No thanks ... I want to continue training on my own" Tsubaki replied and left quickly.

Sona could only sigh with regret.

"How is it?"

"We progress slowly, still not able to interact perfectly with people, just thinking about relating to a person generates anguish and deep discomfort and avoids it at all costs."

"It's normal, she facing an environment she isn't used to and her new identity as a devil. Also, she has been exiled by her clan and is afraid of her powers, it won't be easy for her." Leo warned.

"I don't know if it will be easy, I don't know if when she could accept me as her king, I don't know how long it will take to earn her trust. But I know that I must be the best master for her, I know that my efforts will give results and I know she will be great, "Sona said proudly.

"Why do you think that?" Leo asked uncertainly.

"Because she is my queen" Sona said with a small smile.


"Akeno, are you sure you want to train with Leo? You've been very busy training with Grayfia. "Rias asked Akeno. As a result of Akeno becoming his queen, Grayfia increased the intensity of Akeno and her training.

"I am sure, I have already committed to training with Leo-san, and it will only be a quick meeting," Akeno explained briefly.

While the two girls were chatting, a servant moved the carriage curtains.

"Rias-sama, we have reached the Sitri clan" The servant informed.

"Hm" Rias nodded slightly.

After a few minutes, the carriage stopped and the door opened.

"Rias, Akeno" Sona greeted the duo with a smile as he invited them in.

"Hm" akeno and rias nodded in unison before following Sona.


"Are you okay? you don't have to force yourself to do this." Leo exclaimed as he looked at the girl sitting in front of him, shaking slightly.

"I'm fine" Tsubaki gave an almost inaudible murmur.

"Just think of something else, if you are still determined to make a good impression, Sona will be angry"

"will she get ... mad?" Tsubaki asked with concern.

"Eh? Of course not, Sona cares about you and she is happy while you are happy. "Leo corrected quickly.

'What did Sona tell her to behave like that?' Leo thought to himself.

"Good ..." Tsubaki muttered under her breath.

At that moment, Tsubaki felt guilty. Because of her nervousness and hesitation, Sona would be in a bad place.

The training she did was not only to control her powers, nor to have fun. It was to prove to herself that she could change! that she was no longer that girl from the Shinra clan now she was a new person and she was going to show that she could be strong by herself.

I'm not that girl anymore. I have dreams too!


In Sona's yard, Leo took time to cheer on Tsubaki, while trying to talk to her without feeling uncomfortable.

"I'm back" Said Sona

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