"That's OK?"

"No, it has to be lower"

"You said that half an hour ago"

"Just put it in its place!"

* Clak

The room door opened slowly

"What are they doing?" Leo asked curiously to see Rias standing on a chair holding the edge of a banner while Sona was standing next to her holding the other side of the banner

"Heh !?" Sona and Rias exclaimed in unison when they noticed the group that was at the entrance of the room

"Surprise ..." Rias forced a smile.

* Pam

With a big noise, the banner fell from Sona's hands.

"Pft" Akeno covered her mouth with her sleeve trying to contain her laughter.

"Hou" Tsubaki looked curiously inside the room trying to understand what was happening.

"Well ... We'll be back later" Leo said as he slowly closed the door.


"So you were planning a surprise party," Leo smiled after hearing Rias's explanation.

"So you were planning a surprise party," Leo smiled after hearing Rias's explanation. "If they hadn't taken too long, the surprise would have been a success. What were they doing all this time? We were training for more than two hours." Leo looked at the duo curiously.

"It's because of Sona, she insisted that everything had to be perfect" Rias complained.

"Huh" Sona snorted.

"Don't worry Sona, the intention is what counts. Although for the next one, you should calculate the time better, "Leo said with a smile trying to comfort Sona.

While Leo continued to comfort Sona, Rias and Akeno separated a little from the group.

"How was the lesson?" Rias asked.

"I think was Fine ..." Akeno thought for a moment before answering.

"Something happened?" Noting Akeno's uncertainty, Rias asked worriedly.

"Hmmm, how should I say it? his ability is a little peculiar "


"Yes, the ability itself is not too complicated. You have to have good control of demonic energy and you must mark the target. The hardest thing is to create the brand but with the help of Leo-san, I could create it quickly although I still can't create it by myself" Akeno gave a summary of how Leo's ability worked.

"It seems quite simple, is it so difficult to create the brand?" Rias asked she had never tried something so strange.

"Yes, it causes a lot of stress and the further the target is, the demonic energy expenditure is higher" Akeno replied

"Hm" Rias nodded and decided not to continue with the subject, she may be interested in Leo's ability but for the moment, she wanted to enjoy the party.

After the brief talk, the duo joined Leo and continued to annoy Sona. Tsubaki, on the other hand, tried to keep her distance with the rest but the others did not allow it and tried to include her in the group, although at first, she refused, over time Sona's persuasion proved effective.

With the inclusion of Tsubaki, the party continued normally and without them noticing, Leo's departure time had arrived.


Once the party was over, Sona and Rias met in the lounge to say goodbye to Leo.

"Are you ready?" Serafall asked. She had already prepared a magic circle to teleport Leo to the human world only this time Serafall would not go with him.

"Wait a moment, Serafall-sama." Before Leo could answer, Rias interrupted.

"What happened Rias?" Leo asked.

Before answering, Rias fumbled in her pockets for a few seconds and pulled out a piece of paper that had the Gremory clan symbol drawn on it.

"Take," Rias said and gave the paper to Leo.

"This paper will allow you to invoke me or Akeno when you want them, and we can fulfill any wish you want as long as you pay the right price" Rias explained.

"Oh, I would be delighted to be the first person to form a contract with you." Leo smiled and put the paper in his pocket.

"Do you know about contracts?" Rias asked surprised.

"I know one or two things about the contracts. But I still don't know what to wish" Leo replied.

"Well, you have enough time to think about it, there's no hurry," Rias said quickly, she was a little excited since Leo would probably be the first person with whom she would make a contract.

Noticing the emotion on Rias's face, Leo shook his head and turned his gaze to a certain person who was staring at him.

"Sona, don't you want to give me something?" Leo looked at Sona and asked sweetly.

"I have nothing to give you, just leave." Sona looked at Leo with annoyance and gestured for him to leave with her hands.

"Are you sure you're not interested in forming a contract with me?" Leo asked surprised.

"Do you want to be part of my peerage?" Sona asked sarcastically.

Leo said nothing and fell silent

"That's your answer" Sona responded to Leo's silence.

Leo looked surprised and did not answer, and after a few seconds, Sona approached Leo while holding a paper in her hands.

"Take and go" Sona handed him the paper and walked away as fast as she approached him.

Leo quickly put away the paper and went to the center of the magic circle.

"I'm ready," Leo told Serafall.

"By the way, Sona, you're as bad acting as doing surprise parties" Leo sneered before quickly disappearing.

"YOU!!!" Sona gritted her teeth in anger.

"It seems your plan didn't work," Rias said with a small laugh.

"Huh" Sona snorted.

"Hehehe" Looking at the two girls, Serafall laughed softly.

"It seems she had a lot of fun." Serafall thought to look at the smiling Sona who was arguing with Rias.


In a dark room, several people were dressed in lab coats.

All these people were sitting at a large table around an old man who seemed to be in his 50s dressed in a priest suit, wearing small black glasses without a rod that was usually used for reading, his hair was black with some gray strands.

"What were the results of the experiment?" The old man asked.

Listening to his question, one of the researchers holding some papers got up.

"As in the previous attempts, we failed to transfer the light attribute from one user to another but thanks to this, we have obtained valuable information that will help us improve the chance of success," replied the man after giving a brief look at papers.

"How much the possibilities have increased?" The old man asked again while in his eyes a trace of emotion could be seen.

"Approximately 30% we need more tests to improve the results but for now, we will continue with the tests after deciding how to continue the experiment" The man responded quickly.

"Hahaha WONDERFUL! Keep up the experiments, make sure you get all the possible information from the failed experiments." The old man laughed maniacally with emotion.

"Remember, every failure is a step towards success"

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