After a few minutes, Leo was finally able to open his eyes normally even though he still looked like he had been crying.

Quickly wiping the tears from his eyes, Leo looked at the remaining three exorcists.

'With two out of the game, all that remains is to find the shooter…' Leo thought with a smile. With two fewer exorcists, the pressure on him decreased significantly.

'Also, you can't shoot and hide at the same time.'

Slamming his palms to the ground, a wave of flame erupted and engulfed the area he was in, forcing the trio approaching him to back off immediately.

Quickly, he pierced the circle of fire and his leg slipped like a whip against the first person he saw.

Before his kick could land, an exorcist stopped his attack by hitting his leg causing him a big injury to the leg.

"Shit!" Leo muttered with a frown.

Supporting his hands against the ground, he pushed his body and slid back. Adjusting his posture, he wrapped the dark matter around his leg to heal the wound. After a few seconds, he stomped on the ground with his injured foot to make sure it was healed and returned to the attack.

The group leader looked at Leo and thought of a plan but as he examined his body, he noticed a wound on his right shoulder and looked back at his body that was full of wounds.

"Maybe ..." The leader muttered and an ȧssumption formed in his head. If he could use that strange dark substance to heal himself, why didn't he heal all of his wounds? Each wound on his body was not lethal and the strangest thing was that none was bleeding, some were deeper and had traces of blood but the bleeding had already stopped.

Not only that, the wounds on his limbs and those that could hinder his mobility were immediately healed. This was all too strange, his healing and most importantly. Why did not he withdraw? if he knew he couldn't win it was stupid for him to stay unless he was expecting something ...

'Withdrawn' The leader signaled with his hand to a close partner, he did not want to risk falling into a trap.

"Their teamwork is a nuisance," Leo muttered as he looked at an exorcist but in that brief moment, he noticed the signal from the leader followed by the other exorcists positioning themselves in a strange formation.

Frowning, he decided not to give them time to finish what they were planning and he lunged for a nearby exorcist.

But before he did this, he focused his attention on the group and tried to form a spell. He had already learned from his previous mistake, this time he was not distracted and made sure not to hit randomly. After all, who in their right mind would let someone charge an attack without doing anything?


The usual shot rang out accompanied by the same trail of light only this time, Leo protected himself in time with his right hand that was covered in dark matter.

"I found you," Leo said with a big smile.

A wave of dark matter exploded outward when small dark circles could be seen surrounding him and the area where the shooter was located.

"You have been a great nuisance. I wanted to try this with your team members but you wouldn't let me try it so you will be the first" When he finished speaking, he transformed his arm into a claw that reached out to the man.

The man tried to back away but when he did, one of the flakes formed of dark matter touched his robe and it was immediately consumed. The man stared at all this in horror and quickly took off his robe and his action allowed Leo to easily catch him and drag him towards him.

Before the exorcist could fight, Leo touched his ċhėst and the man felt a great suċkɨnġ force. Sweat trickled from his face when he tried to scream but instead of a scream, the only thing that came out of his mouth was a small luminescent ball.

Leo looked at the ball with interest. He slowly brought the ball of light to his mouth and tasted it for a few seconds before swallowing it.

* Glup

The sound echoed in the forest. The remaining two exorcists only reacted after hearing Leo swallow and saw their partner's body drop to the ground like a lifeless rag doll.

On the other hand, Leo was in his world enjoying the warm sensation that ran through his body. There was only one word that came to mind DELICIOUS, EXQUISITE, EXCELSIOR.

It was sweet but at the same time salty, it was crispy but at the same time, it was not. He tried to compare it with something but he could not, he had never tasted something so delicious.

Leo's body trembled briefly and after a few seconds of enjoying the sensation, a claw-shaped mark appeared in his left eye. As if alive, dark matter moved through Leo's body and healed his wounds at a visible rate.

"Playtime is over," Leo said coldly as he licked his lips.

The exorcists did not sit down and waited for Leo to kill them. As soon as they saw his partner's lifeless body and how as Leo's wounds disappeared, they fled without hesitation.

Smiling, Leo transformed his arm into a sword and attacked.

* Slash

Like an octopus, his arm moved quickly and slashed the exorcist's arms and legs.

"AHHH" The exorcists could only see a black blur and before they could react, his limb disappeared.

'Damn monster' the leader thought as he fled, he didn't know if it was luck or skill but he managed to dodge Leo's attacks.

Leo paid no attention to the leader. Approaching the exorcist without limbs, he placed his hands on the exorcist's ċhėst and extracted his soul.

"I can get addicted to this," Leo murmured with a sadistic smile. Once he released the body of the lifeless exorcist, he looked at the bloody man who was crawling on the ground, was missing a hand and had a large wound on his leg.

"Don't worry, I have not forgotten you" Leo said before extracting his soul

Inspecting his surroundings, he fixed his gaze on the man who was leaning on the tree. He slowly walked towards him but as he got closer to the man, he could hear his ragged breathing.

"I didn't expect you to be alive," Leo exclaimed in surprise.

"Damned!" The man exclaimed in anger. A few moments ago he was just a boy and in an instant, he transformed into a monster.

"Do you think you are invincible? you're just a child who has power he can't control. "The man screamed with difficulty.

"Mn. You are right, outnumbered me, you were more experienced and your teamwork was pretty good. If only you had been a little stronger, you could close the gap between us" Leo commented as he reflected, he felt that everything he said was true. Although they were human, they could fight the devils and even kill them.

After he finished speaking, Leo held the man by the neck and, as with the others, extracted his soul.

"What will it taste like?" Leo muttered with a smile as he played with the small ball of light, unable to suppress his dėsɨrės, he quickly swallowed it down.

* Crack

Before he could enjoy his newly acquired food, the sound of a snapping branch caught his attention.

Looking towards the sound source, Leo waited a few seconds before giving a big sigh: "Sigh ... You didn't have to come" Leo muttered to himself before disappearing.

A few seconds later, Leo appeared a few meters from his original position.

"Well... Akeno. what are you doing here?" Leo asked.

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