In High School Dxd With Powers Of Nanatsu No Taizai

Chapter 42 - It's hard, to tell the truth

I am sorry for the delay in the previous chapters; I have had to resolve some personal issues. Also, I couldn't bear having to translate this chapter ... I felt that I could still improve the translation, but I didn't know-how.

Still, I hope you enjoy the chapter. I think I have to hurry in the development of characters but I think for now I am doing a splendid job with Sona in a few chapters it will be Leo's turn.


The windows of the church were wide open, allowing passersby to observe the ceremony taking place inside.

"Kusunoki Yachi, do you accept Ryo as your wife?" The priest asked.

"I agree," she said.

"Itami Ryo you accept Yachi as your husband"

"With the power that the church gave me, I now pronounce your husband and wife"

[10 years for them to marry] Leo wiped away his imaginary tears.

He didn't know at what moment he was so immersed in the couple's history. He also couldn't deny that at first, it was all very boring but after looking at 25 years of memories of a random person; he started having a little fun, everything was like a movie, it had drama, suspense and it was relaxing.

Leo did not forget the reason he observed Yachi's memories so he concentrated on learning everything he could and learned useful things, for the first time in his two lives he learned how to pay taxes, how to avoid paying taxes, real estate information and more.


"Yes, dear"

"Awake. In an hour we will go to the laboratories" She exclaimed.


"I know, you don't have to remind me I don't want to see that lunatic."

Still reluctant, Yachi reluctantly got out of bed and went to the closet to change.

The woman looked at Yachi and nodded, she did not like going to that place but it was her superior's order and she could not refuse.

"Come on, the sooner we leave the faster we can return." She sighed.

Leo observed all this and still did not understand what was happening.

[Is it some kind of protection? no, I don't think anyone will be able to seal the memories of souls and if someone had such an ability, they would not use it for useless memories like those of their wedding] Leo contemplated.

Leo was thinking for a few seconds before the scene of memories will change again.

The place where they were now was a huge room quite dark and gloomy, the only thing in the room was six rows full of hospital beds. Every one of them had a white veil that made it difficult to discern what was inside.

"You know what you have to do, the new patients are ready and I need you to help me secure their transfer to the clinic," A man in a doctor's gown said as he read a sheet of paper.

"No problem." The woman who accompanied Yachi replied with a friendly smile.

[What's going on?] Leo thought with confusion.

For the next fifteen minutes, fragments of memories filled Leo's mind. At first, he only saw one single memory at a time but as time went, the number of memory fragments he saw increased to the point where hundreds of scenes overlapped making it impossible for him to understand what was going on.

This confused him quite a bit, even he did not know what was going on so he did the most sensible thing he could do.


Opening his eyes, Leo awoke slowly from his stupor and surveyed his room carefully. Stopping his gaze in the right corner of his room where the clock was located.

"It's only been an hour..." he muttered in amazement, what to him was about 20 years of memories was only an hour in reality.

Still feeling strange about the state of Yachi's soul, Leo decided to put that aside for now, he would have time for his investigation.

As his thoughts wandered, he caught a gleam out of the corner of his eye that caught his attention. He had been so focused on the exorcist's memories that he completely forgot about the barrier.

Its brightness was dim, the formations that formed the outer layer had disappeared, exposing the inner layer of the barrier.

Although inside he was dying to examine the barrier, unfortunately, lacked the necessary knowledge to do it.

If his memory didn't fail him, Tosca's Sacred Gear can create shields and barriers that could last for years. As a side effect the time inside the barrier stopped.

That was the only thing he remembered about her, also if it wasn't for Yuuto he would have completely forgotten about her.

"Well, I still have quite a few souls left," Leo muttered.

'If I start now I could probably finish looking at all the memories at the end of the day.'


In one of the Sitri clan hospitals, Sona walked quickly through the waiting room.

The seated people instantly recognized her, some looked at her in surprise and intrigue, others were curious to know what she was doing in a place like this while, others simply waited for the doctor trying not to die from the pain.

Sona ignored the looks accompanied by the murmurs and continued on her way calmly.

Her recent conversation with Linet made her think, she still didn't have any plans in mind, she chided herself for this several times, still, she couldn't find a plausible solution in this short time.

Knowing this, she decided to clear her mind and go visit the boy she had found in the forest.

After going through the reception and getting the boy's room number, she headed to her destination.


Sona exhaled before opening the bedroom door.

The room was small, the space was just enough for two people to be inside at the same time. On the front wall, two tables were equipped with numerous devices typical of a hospital.

At the table of the left, a vital sign monitor continuously displayed data on the screen, next to it, an EKG machine continuously checked the condition of the patient's heart.

All of these machines were monitored by a nurse but this did not matter to Sona, the moment she entered the room, her gaze was drawn to the large glass that allowed her to observe what was happening in the next room.

"Sona-sama" The nurse greeted, her mood was not the best but she tried hard not to show it.

"How is he?" Sona asked focusing her attention on the nurse.

"Bad" replied the nurse.

"Didn't the treatment work?" Sona asked worriedly.

"It didn't do what it was supposed to do"

"What do you mean by that?" Sona asked again even more confused than before.

"he's dying"

"Wh... but he will improve, right?"

At her words, the nurse shook her head.

"How long?" Still disturbed, Sona asked again.

"We don't know exactly"

"One year? A few months? " Sona spoke slowly until the last sentence became a whisper.

Sona's words made the nurse's expression break: "Less than 24 hours"

"He knows?"

"No, you are the only one who is allowed to receive information about your condition."

"Sigh... why?" Sona questioned.

"Serafall-sama ordered it." The nurse replied.

"How bad is his condition"

"He came to the hospital with an infection, but it was too late to treat it."

"What kind of infection?"

"It doesn't matter, I know whatever this kid went through was the worst thing they could do to him. They destroyed the part of his body that was fighting the infection. When we found out, it was too late, the infection had spread to his heart," The nurse explained patiently.

"And the medications? I am sure we have many that can be used against infections. Also, there must be other treatments with which we can treat your disease," Sona asked quickly.

"Antibiotics work with the immune system but his immune system no longer exists, it is true that we have discovered treatments for this type of case but there is a problem... he is not a devil. His body will not be able to resist the treatment and as he is a human the effects of the treatment will be significantly reduced." The nurse answered her question.

Hearing her words, Sona tried to process all the information.

"If it's his heart, can't he have a transplant?" Sona asked after a few seconds.

"A transplant would not do, the infection has spread and there is nothing that can help it."

"But... "

"I'm so sorry Sona-sama but there is nothing we can do," The nurse muttered under her breath.

* Sigh

Sona sighed regretfully and looked back at the nurse: "Does he know?"

"No" The nurse quickly denied.

"Why hasn't anyone told me?" Sona asks.

"It's an order" The nurse explained regretfully.

"My sister ... right?"

"Yes, she considers that her mental state is not indicated to know that he is going to die"

"Hm ..."

Sona had nothing more to say, what the nurse said was true. The boy's mental state was not the right one but she believed that he had a right to know his condition, she believed in that more than anyone.

"Are you going to tell him the truth?

"Hm" Sona nodded silently.

"Sona-sama, with all due respect. I don't think I'll be able to deal with the situation." The nurse spoke with a smile.

"I can do it"

"Can you tell him that after all his efforts to survive he will die? The moments when he struggles to resist the pain, when his body was unable to move but he forced his body to do it. He passed all those moments hoping to survive, can you destroy his hopes? "

"I... I can do it" Sona stuttered, the hesitation showed in her words.

Hearing her words, the nurse sighed. She also went through the same thing, at first she believed that she could do it and that over time she would be less affected by what happened to the patients but she was wrong.

"No, you can't do it"

Sona bit her lip in frustration, she was right but still considered it necessary to tell him. In his opinion, each person should be able to decide for himself and in this case know the truth.

"I'll try to do it"

"Will you do it no matter what I say right?" The nurse said with annoyance.

"Yes," Sona affirmed, she was determined to do so.

The nurse sighed once more. If she continued like this, she felt that he was going to expel her soul through her mouth.

"First of all, stop thinking that you can minimize the pain. Many people fear the word "death", you gotta get straight to the point, he won't read your mind" The nurse suddenly said.

Surprised by her directions, Sona quickly nodded "I get it"

"No I don't think so. When you look into his eyes, you will feel the instinct to postpone it, eliminate it. So, give him time to process the news, let him know that you will be with him during the process, don't be scared if he shows rejection towards you, it's normal, you just have to give him his space." The nurse explained while examining the monitors.

"Good luck"

"Hm" Sona nodded and quickly went to the room where the boy was.

Standing in front of the bedroom door, Sona exhaled deeply trying to prepare herself for what was to come.

Holding the door handle, she slowly opened the door fully prepared for what was to come.

Inside the room, she saw the same thing that she saw through the large glass.

his body was in a serious state of malnutrition, his chapped lips tried to utter a word but the only thing that came out was a dry mȯȧn. Unable to speak, his eyes locked on Sona.

His drooping eyelids threatened to close at any moment but he forced himself not to, his glassy eyes looked directly into Sona's eyes without avoiding eye contact he might be tired and drugged but he was already used to it.

Sensing his gaze, Sona's mind went blank, she forgot all the words that what the nurse said to her and did not know what to say.

She had noticed his condition through the mirror but it was different to be in front of him, to hear his erratic breathing, the constant sounds of the machines, the dripping of the serum, and feel the child's fixed gaze in his eyes made her unable to think.

A lump formed in her throat and she observed the state in which the boy found himself with watery eyes.

"You are dying"

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