[In the Sitri clan]

"Sigh ... I can't let you go."

"Linet-san please," Sona pleaded.

Linet looked at Sona and replied, "It is impossible, Serafall-sama gave direct orders not to allow you to visit the human world again."

"But ..." Sona grumbled.

"Linet-san, you don't have to worry, Akeno and I will accompany Sona"

"Rias-sama," Linet called.

"Yes?" Rias replied shyly.

"I would appreciate it if you stopped supporting Sona. You two know that it was very dangerous to go alone to the exorcist base and now do you want to return?" Linet said as her gaze swept over the duo.

"We promised Isaiah that we would take them to the exorcist base so he could say goodbye to his deceased friends before he died and happens, we are sure we can defend ourselves," Akeno spoke suddenly. Sona had already told them about her talk with Isaiah and Rias offered to accompany her, so naturally, she would also go with them.

(NA: Isaiah is a Yuuto)

"Akeno, a training fight does not compare to a proper one. You may feel that it is not dangerous but you are wrong, the situation can become chaotic and any accident that they may suffer would lead their brothers to chaos," Linet replied exasperated.

"Linet-san, you don't have to worry. I will accompany them." A person burst into the room and his voice interrupted Linet's sermon.

"Souji-sama" Linet greeted as she bowed slightly.

"As I was saying, Sirzechs-sama asked me to accompany them so ..."

"No," Linet immediately denied without letting Souji finish speaking.

"Serafall-sama left me in charge of Sona-sama therefore, her safety is my responsibility also, she may not return to the human world until further notice," Linet explained.

The discussion continued for a few more minutes before both sides came to a standstill to where Sona was already resigned to not being able to go.

"We have already wasted a lot of time. Sona-sama, remember you have to continue with Tsubaki-sama lessons," Linet said.

When she finishes talking, someone knocked on the door, drawing the group's attention.

"What happened?" Linet asked the maid who has just entered the room.

"Linet-san ..." The maid approached Linet and whispered something in her ear.

"Okay, thanks for letting me know." Linet thanked the maid, looked at Souji, and said, "I will accept that Sona-sama travels to the human world, but I hope Souji-sama can take care of Sona-sama."

"Eh?" Sona and Rias exclaimed in confusion.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of her," Souji ȧssured Linet.

Souji felt strange about Linet's attitude but didn't have time to find out why her change of heart was so radical. So he left quickly followed by the group.

After the group left the room, Linet waved her wrist, and immediately a magic circle appeared in her hand and brought it to her ear.


"I swear I was working" Serafall shouted from the other side of the magic circle.

"It not related to work, Lord Sitri has returned from his journey"


Linet only had to wait for a few minutes before a magic circle appeared in the center of the room, accompanied by a flash and Serafall.

"Where is he?" Serafall had required. There was no trace of her usual teasing attitude.

"In the main hall," Linet replied.


Somewhere in the Sitri hospital, a nurse carried Isaiah in a wheelchair outside the hospital.

Isaiah tried not to move as much as he could, his body did not have enough energy and the pain got worse the more he moved

As the journey continued, he recalled his conversation with Sona.

"You are dying"

Isaiah heard the words of the strange girl who looked like she was about to cry without interest and instead of being surprised by the news, he was silent.

Sona looked at Isaiah uncomfortably without knowing how to continue. She had already told him what she had to say and had not got the answer she expected. There was no trace of frustration, fear, or pain.

"What happened to them?" Isaiah whispered.

"Huh?" Sona exclaimed in confusion and after a few seconds understood what he meant.

"Unfortunately ... there were no survivors"

"Hehe... so. They could not escape" Isaiah muttered as tears streamed down his face.


"Liars," Isaiah whispered as he tightened the sheets in frustration.

There was only one question in his mind. Why did they risk it for him? Why did they sacrifice themselves for him? Why him?

Sona analyzed Isaiah in silence without knowing what to do or say.

"You ..." Sona muttered.

"Isaiah ... my name is Isaiah, that's what they called me," Isaiah said as he wiped away the tears.

After he finished wiping, he looked at Sona and asked, "I will die?"

Hearing his words, Sona struggled internally without knowing if she should tell him the truth, but she chose the most painful option.

"Si," Sona muttered as she bit her lip in frustration.


Just like before. Once Isaiah finished speaking, the room was silent again.

At this, Sona sighed and said: "I can help you, your condition is critical but there is a method, with this method you will stop being human but ..."

"I'm fine" Isaiah interrupted Sona. No matter what, he didn't want to be used for experiments again.

The discomfort increased even more after Isaiah's words

"Do you need anything else? If you want something else, you can ask for it" Sona asked. She had a lot of questions, but she didn't think this was the right time.

"I would like to visit their graves," Isaiah replied after thinking for a few seconds.

Sona looked at Isaiah in surprise, expected something simpler, and never expected anything of this magnitude.

"It is impossible, right?" Isaiah said dejectedly.

"I will try that you can visit their graves," Sona said after looking at his face.

"Mn" Isaiah nodded to Sona.

Sona no longer had anything else to do, so he left the room, still had problems to solve with his fiancé, and now another one was added.

After Sona left the room, Isaiah settled into bed and thought about what to do next.

He had nowhere to go and nowhere to go, but all he knew was that he had to run away.

At first, he didn't expect Sona to consider his request, but that wouldn't change a thing. He didn't know what she wanted, but he would not give in so easily.

Although Isaiah wanted to run out of the room, her body was not in condition, but she didn't care.

First, he had to find an escape route and find out how many people were watching him.

While Isaiah thought about how to escape, the nurse entered the room.

Isaiah watched as she approached him and pulled out a syringe. He already knew what the syringe contained, so he lay back on the bed. He would sleep for a few hours.

After injecting the tranquilizer, the nurse returned to the monitoring room.

In the room, the nurse sighed wearily. Sona underestimated Isaiah's condition. The boy had lost something very important, confidence.

"Sona-sama, you won't have it easy," the nurse muttered as she sat down in the chair. She had to continue supervising the boy. It would be bad if he committed suicide.


After the girls left the Sitri clan, they made a brief stop at the hospital to pick up Isaiah and headed to the human world.

The group was in the hotel where Rias and Akeno stayed for a few hours.

While the girls chatted, Sona looked at Rias

"Thanks." Sona smiled.

"Why?" Rias asked curiously.

"If it weren't for Souji-sama, I couldn't keep my promise to Isaiah"

"It is thanks to my brother, he convinced my parents and asked Souji-sama to accompany me," Rias replied, returning the smile.

The group continued walking for a few more minutes until they reached what was previously the exorcist base.

By the time they arrived, Sona felt that everything was strange. There was nothing and no one, not just the surrounding area, the exorcist base was deserted, not a person, not a single tree. The overall view was not what Sona expected.

"Was it like this before?" Sona asked Isaiah.

"I don't remember, I was too busy running away," Isaiah replied.

At his words, an awkward silence spread throughout the group, and nobody dared to speak. They were afraid to touch on a delicate subject.

The nurse studied her surroundings, oblivious to what the group was saying.

The group continued to walk toward what was once the exorcist base, but they did not dare enter.

"Any news on your engagement?" Rias asked.

Since they were a few meters from Isaiah and the nurse, Rias considered it appropriate to ask about Sona's progress regarding her engagement.

"No ... everything remains the same" Sona replied with a smile. She still didn't want to rush and tell Rias about her current situation. She wanted to talk with her father first.

Rias nodded, as they were in the same situation. She was even more interested in what Sona would do about their engagement and also wanted to help her as much as possible.

"By the way, Sona-sama, what happened to Leo?" Akeno can't contain her doubts any longer and interrupted Rias.

"Leo? I don't know, I haven't seen him since the incident." Sona replied.

"What are you doing here?" A voice interrupted the group's conversation again, only this time it came not from an acquaintance.

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