When Sako was released from prison, the sky was extremely gloomy.

The dome was dim and dull, as if it would drip rain any second.

Although it is muggy outside, it is much stronger than the air that is blocked and stagnant inside the iron windows.

Without any warning, the cool breeze blew through the branches and ruffled the girl's extremely soft hair.

Kakashi crossed his arms across his chest, and his original dead fish-eye smile turned into two crescent moons.

Looking at the little kitten next to him who had curled up into a ball due to fear of the cold, a certain white-haired cat coughed twice while resisting the urge to hug the kitten and kiss it fiercely.

In order to successfully get the lifeless master out of prison, she put a lot of effort into it.

Not only did he spend his whole day dealing with the Four Great Nations and the Konoha Elders to put in good words for Sako, who was an S-class felon, he also sent people to the Daming Mansion every now and then to urge for a pardon.

Kakashi could clearly feel that his face was thicker than before.

However, this is a common problem among all politicians.

It is worth mentioning that the woman did not wear the vest with the words"Six Fires" sewn on it during this trip, and even the iconic red hat was missing.

It can be seen that rather than being Hokage, she hopes to be an ordinary teacher and walk side by side with her favorite student while reminiscing about the past after a long absence.

But Zuo Zi didn't think so.

From the moment she stepped out of the prison door, she kept a distance from him intentionally or unintentionally.

This made Kakashi very depressed.

Sigh...why has Zuo Zi been so resistant to getting close to me until now?

After all, it's still a master-disciple relationship... There's no need to put on a cold face and put on a posture of rejecting others thousands of miles away, right? ?

Could it be that Naruto was the only one who could make her open up her heart without any scruples? ? Don’t we deserve a smiling face if we work hard for it? ? ?

I'm so sad, I'm going to cry (T﹏T)……

There was a brief flash of disappointment in his eyes.

With a helpless expression and a soft sigh, an older leftover woman raised her hand and put it on the other person's shoulder.

"How about it? Sako-chan, how does it feel to be free again? ?"


The girl said nothing and nodded instead of speaking.

After much deliberation, she finally straightened her waist and bowed respectfully to the other party.

"Thanks, Kakashi... No, it's time to call you the Sixth Generation. Mr. Rokudai, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to come to the prison to pick up me, a criminal."

"Um...it's too disrespectful to call me that. Based on our relationship, it would be awkward to be too polite. Just save yourself the red tape.……"

Kakashi waved his hand flattered.

The polite and well-behaved person in front of him was far different from the image of the ruthless revolutionary who had sealed the nine tailed beasts with just a glare not long ago.

Such a strong contrast was hard for her to accept for a while.

Kakashi is really not used to Sako speaking so softly, with words of honor interspersed between the lines.

In her opinion, it is normal for that unruly girl to speak and act with a domineering coldness and arrogance.

"Sako-chan, remember... you were released mainly because of your outstanding achievements in dismantling the Infinite Tsukuyomi with Naruto, and it has nothing to do with me, the newly appointed Hokage. not to mention…………"

The woman paused slightly

"The five major ninja villages, including Konoha, have united with their respective daimyo to sign your pardon. Mr. Raikage and Kirabi have also made it clear that they will not forgive you for their previous offenses.

In other words... you are no longer a criminal in any sense."


"Hmm... So, be careful in the future and don't accidentally choose the wrong path again."

The dead fish eyes became gentler and gentler, and finally reached an extreme level.

Kakashi couldn't help but touched Sako's head.

But the girl surprisingly did not avoid it.

This undoubtedly gave someone a piece of reassurance.

In an instant, Kakashi Cassie's courage also grew.

She poked the girl's slightly fat cheeks unscrupulously, and while intoxicated, she did not forget to make a series of"hey hey" weird laughs, which looked exactly like the"slut" in people's minds. There was absolutely no difference.

Without the mask, saliva would have flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Facing Kakashi's obscene behavior, he frowned without any trace.

"Hey, that's pretty much it. Don't push yourself too far, Kakashi.(〝▼dish▼)……"

"ah! ~~I'm sorry, I don't know why I got so distracted at the moment……"

Besides, you can’t blame me entirely. Your cheeks are as tender and smooth as a peeled hard-boiled egg.

How could anyone bear such a wonderful touch?

Kakashi withdrew his hand as if he was electrocuted.

Then, she quickly switched to an innocent face and pretended to be pitiful.

The proficiency of the movements can be described as smooth and flowing.

From this we can see that this is definitely a habitual offender

"Sako-chan, don't be angry. I promise I won't do it again next time. Just forgive the teacher this time, okay?( ớ ₃ờ)ھ"


Zuo Zi rolled his eyes at the unscrupulous silver-haired woman next to him with disgust.

Tsk, I thought that Kakashi would restrain himself after becoming Hokage, but who would have thought... He is still as careless and unreliable as before.…………

Should I be lucky or unlucky to have such a rare talent as Hokage? ? ?

In any case, one thing is certain: the future development of Konoha will be long and difficult.………

The girl, who had completely transformed into a complaining machine, silently began to output wildly from the bottom of her heart.

For the first time in her life, she was worried about the future of the village.

Kakashi, who was completely unaware of this, continued to talk:

"Okay, Sako-chan, time is tight, put other things aside, let’s go see your new home first~~~"

"New home?"

Hearing this, Zuo Zi was startled subconsciously.

The pair of sparkling black gems also revealed a few doubts at the same time.

"Do you want me to settle in Konoha?"

"if not?"

There was no direct response, but he didn't deny it immediately. Kakashi cleverly answered Sako's words with a meaningful rhetorical question.

"You are a child of Konoha. Where else would you settle in Konoha? ?"


"In other words, do you want to leave without saying goodbye like you were before?"

"no i just………"

"Okay, it’s useless to talk anymore, come with me quickly~~ As for the money issue, don’t worry... All the expenses of the house, including water and electricity, will be fully borne by Konoha. You can just move in~~~" Do n’t give it to Sao at all. After giving the opportunity to speak, Kakashi grabbed the opponent's wrist.

After a few symbolic struggles, the girl gave up her resistance and followed her pace. There was a trace of nostalgia, even though... that nostalgia only came from an idiot who couldn't even cook.

There was only a whisper from Naofeng. After a while

, they arrived at their destination as Kakashi said. In other words, this house is perfect, with a total of two floors and a balcony on the second floor. The overall location faces south and has its own courtyard and fence.

The most important thing is that there are almost no other residents nearby, and the environment is extremely quiet, with only hearing. The tireless singing of the lark is a little less busy and hustle and bustle of the world, but the unique quietness has a unique charm.

"Kakashi, is this really the accommodation arranged for me?"

"Of course, can that still be false? Okay, don’t just stand outside and admire it, go in and take a look, your roommate should have arrived long ago"

"roommate? ? ?"

The beautiful eyes expanded instantly.

As if he realized something, Zuo Zi turned the doorknob in disbelief.


"Yeah~ You came so quickly. The bedroom, kitchen and toilet have been tidied up, but the living room is still a little bit unfinished. I can’t help it, I just arrived not long ago~~

Well, it seems that we can only separate a few more The shadow clone is at work~~~"


"By the way, you have to buy some large furniture, otherwise even sleeping will be a problem. I just took a look and found that there is only one bed in the bedroom"


"Hehe... Although it is very abrupt, from now on, we will live under the same roof. Please give me some advice.(*σ´∀`)σ~~~"


"Ah? Why don't you say anything? Are you too happy? ?"


Long before the advent of swords and ninjutsu, words alone were enough to save souls.

In the center of the messy living room, Naruto Uzumaki, wearing an apron, wiped away the dust with his wide cuffs, and then raised his head with dozens of his shadow clones and smiled stupidly.

Those blue eyes that encompassed the sky remained the same.

Clear and translucent, as clear as a mirror, purer than the sun

"In short, no matter what……"

The young man tilted his head slightly.

The tone is natural and unchangingly sincere.

"Welcome home, Sako."

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