Sand Hidden Village.

Kazekage's House


Outside the door, Kankuro, who had already finished cleaning up, was pacing back and forth, scratching his head and looking down at his watch from time to time, looking quite impatient.

They had been invited by the Sixth Hokage some time ago and planned to put aside the tedious government affairs for the time being and go to Konoha as a family for a few days and nights, which was considered a short vacation.

Take advantage of the opportunity to play, relieve your body and mind that have become increasingly tired in the past two months, and also relax your brain.

According to the plan, today is the day to set off.

If everything goes normally, the three of them should have almost reached the edge of Sunagakure by now.

But when it was time to set off, Gaara, who had always acted neatly and neatly, locked himself in the room and refused to leave, citing the need to choose a suitable set of clothes.

This really exceeded their expectations

"Is there any mistake? I've been staying in there for almost an hour. I just changed into clothes that are convenient for going on a long trip. Is it such a waste of time? ?"

Finally, Kankuro's little patience was gradually worn away.

"Ahhh!! I can't stand's too slow!!! What on earth was Gaara doing in the bedroom? If we don't hurry up, we'll miss the time we agreed with Konoha in advance. No... I have to go in and urge her."

"Tsk, don’t look for trouble."

Hearing this, Temari raised her hand to stop her stupid brother who was born with a lot of nerves.

"Don't be impatient, you won't die if you wait a little longer."

Unlike Kankuro who could only shake his head and complain, Temari, the eldest sister, kept a calm face from the beginning to the end.

Perhaps because they are both women, she expressed her understanding of Gaara's abnormal behavior today.

"After all, you finally go out to the village to play, why don’t you allow people to dress up carefully? Furthermore, Gaara represents the entire Sand Hidden Village and even the Kingdom of Wind, so he will naturally appear in the most perfect image."

"But it takes too long to dress up, right? Besides, that guy usually does things vigorously and efficiently, but today he seems to be dragging his feet inexplicably. No matter how you think about it, it feels weird.……"

"What could be weird? Is it difficult to understand the principle of"women look after those who please themselves"? ?"

"ah? What does it mean? (⊙∀⊙) What does it look like? Whose face pleases you? ?"


"Temari? Why are you silent all of a sudden? ?"

"That's enough... Idiot, just shut up."


This one is too colorful and looks gaudy, and this one is too monotonous and looks old-fashioned.………

In the simply furnished boudoir, Gaara, who had a sad face, looked at the clothes scattered on the bed and felt troubled.

Only when it comes to matters related to Uzumaki Naruto, will she change from her normal behavior and become so hesitant and hesitant.

Hmm... This one is quite beautiful, but it's a bit revealing. If I wear it, Naruto will definitely think that I am a bad girl who is not reserved.

In order to avoid the possibility of leaving a bad impression on someone, after thinking for a while, the girl slowly put down the low-cut lace skirt in her hand.

Time is still passing by minute by minute, and the ticking sound of the wall clock is disturbing.

In desperation, Gaara, who was troubled by difficulty in choosing and had a headache, could only silently change his gaze and looked at the window sill not far away with a pleading look.

There, lying on the ground was a group of unknown creatures that were all khaki in color.

His body was quite bloated, almost turning into a ball, and his body was only about the size of a teapot.

The dark blue stripes are densely distributed and irregularly distributed on the surface of the skin. A tail takes up two-thirds of the body length, and it looks very rough, as if it is covered with a layer of mixture of half sand and half horny. shell.

His facial features are barely normal, except for the dark bags around his eyes, and his pupils are an unprecedented cross star shape.

Although everything about the body is weird, the overall appearance is still within the acceptable range. At first glance, it feels a bit like a fat civet cat that has lost its hair.

"Shukaku, don't sleep in all day long... It's time to leave for Konoha soon. You should also help me with my advice and see what clothes I should wear."

"Whatever... Wear whichever one you like, just make your own decisions about such small things, don't bother me all the time, you know? My sleep time is very preciousᕙ(`▿´)ᕗ…………"

The tanuki spirit known as Shukaku spoke out of boredom, his tone full of perfunctory.

His voice was extremely hoarse, as if mixed with dust and gravel, and it didn't match the round and naive figure at all. Although the sound is slightly muddy, it is far from the point where you have to stretch your ears to identify the bytes.

After casually deflecting the girl's question, Shukaku raised his front paws and stretched with a contented expression.

At the same time, a series of unexplained grunting sounds came from his throat.

With the end of the Fourth Ninja War, the tailed beasts that had been used as weapons by the five major powers were also freed from their shackles and completely restored to their freedom.

Except for the eight and nine tails that voluntarily stayed in the Jinchūriki's body, the other tailed beasts all fled to the mountains and forests, living a leisurely and secluded life without caring about the world.

Shukaku, who was naturally dissolute, spent two months traveling around various countries, and finally found that he was still comfortable in the same place.

So, having become accustomed to the company of the sky full of yellow sand, he returned to Sand Hidden Village after a lot of detours, and with many excuses, he shamelessly lived in this"cage" that he had desperately longed to escape from.".

In fact, I just got tired of hanging out... I wanted to find a familiar and stable environment to eat and drink for a long time so I could lay down and relax.

However, Gaara had no objection at all to this shameless prostitution-style behavior.

Her relationship with Shukaku has long since changed, and the hatred and fear of the Jinchuuriki period have gradually been replaced by understanding as they grow older.

During the Fourth Ninja War, the girl's bravery and bravery, regardless of her own safety, fought in front of the demon statue of the outside world, which also left a deep impression on a certain tanuki.

It can be said that from the moment Gaara's eyes were completely split and he shouted to Uchiha Madara,"I would rather die than let you take Shukaku away", he completely opened his heart and recognized that silly girl.

Although today's one person and one beast have lost the secret seal to connect their lives, their tacit understanding has improved dramatically, and they get along very harmoniously. They have become an alternative partner different from Naruto and Kyuubi.

"Shukaku, don't act like it's none of your business, why don't you give me some advice?(。í _ ì。)……I'm really worried now"

"What advice can I give you? ? You know, the aesthetics of tailed beasts have nothing to do with humans. In my eyes, it’s okay even if you go for a walk on the street naked."


A flash of disappointment flashed between his brows, and Gaara bit his lip tightly, his pure jade-colored eyes glowing with a cold yet elegant arc.

Such a longing gaze naturally made Shukaku's heart tremble.

"Tsk, did you make a's just a piece of clothing, do you need to be so entangled? It's not the first time I've been back to Konoha. Can I just wear whatever I wore before this time? ?"

"Things are different!!! Previously, when I went to other countries as a Kazekage envoy, I had to wear a uniform according to the regulations, but this time I went to the Land of Fire as a friend. If I were to be so formal, it would seem too restrictive... Naruto would definitely not like it."

Haha... It turns out that all this verbosity is because he cares about Uzumaki Naruto's opinion.

Shukaku, who finally found out the truth, suddenly wanted to laugh.

It seemed that in order to let the sun shine more evenly, he adjusted his posture with great effort, from lying down to lying down. In order to lie down.

It looks like a pet cat waiting to be fed, and it has nothing to do with the tailed beast that is rumored to have the ability to destroy the world.

Huh~~ It's quite powerful, that stinking fox jinchūriki. You kid, you can actually make Gaara so uneasy.…………

Love is such a boring human emotion.

But there is no other way, after all, I am my partner... I still have to help appropriately when it is time to help.

The corner of Shukaku's mouth raised slightly.

It seems that on this trip, it is necessary for me to go with you to meet the charming Uzumaki Naruto~~~


"Aju!!!...Strange, who is talking about me?"

The sudden itching sensation made Naruto couldn't help but sneeze.

At this time, the young man who was confused by"Political Economics" could never have imagined that in just two days in the future, he would face a... The tragedy was comparable to the"bloody storm" of the decisive battle in the Valley of the End.

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