The next second, Zuo Zi appeared silently in front of the two people who were"showing affection" without any precautions.

Everything happened in the blink of an eye, so fast that even the afterimage could not be seen clearly. This incredible speed was really contrary to common sense. It was more like wiping out a distance between two coordinates.

"Uzumaki Naruto, it seems that you had a great time~~~……"

The sharpness contained in Samsara's eyes is chilling.

The tone was almost on the verge of explosion. Zuo Zi clenched his pink fists with an expressionless expression, and his originally pleasing eyebrows were twisted into a ball at some point.

Looking at the girl who was trying to teleport in front of him even though he was using his power, Naruto couldn't help but"thump" in his heart.

He sensed danger instinctively.

Uzumaki Naruto's intuition has always been slow, but this time... even he could see the other person's abnormality at a glance.

Although he didn't know the reason, Naruto was sure that Sako was 100% angry now.

In his opinion, that slightly baby-fat face was colder than ever, enough to completely freeze a living person from the inside out, including blood vessels and muscles.

Um...why is there such a big difference from the picture I imagined of the three of them holding hands and having fun? ?

I went out early in the morning today, so I shouldn't have done anything excessive to make her unhappy, right? ? ?

Naruto swallowed out of reflex as the girl stared directly at him.

Normally, Sako would call him something like"idiot""、"idiot"、"Of course, there are some slightly ambiguous words such as"Crane Tail". Of course, there are times when the person is called by his first name, but most of them are when the other party is extremely angry.

Therefore, for Naruto, being called out by Sako in full The full name basically represents the harbinger of impending disaster. Being beaten and scolded is not a big deal, but it may last as short as two or three days or as long as a week.

So... why did the situation develop like this?(╥╯﹏╰╥)

There is no strategy to deal with this part of the plan... What should I do? It's really hard to guess what a girl is thinking...

Naruto was puzzled.

After all, you have to have a reason to be angry, right?

This morning he didn't stay in bed or make any trouble. He also reported his whereabouts honestly on a piece of paper. From beginning to end, he couldn't find any fault.

The young man really couldn't figure out where he went wrong.

But continuing to use it will do nothing but make the atmosphere more awkward.

Helpless, Naruto could only muster up the courage to look level with those beautiful dark eyes as deep as night.

"Uh... Zuo, Zuozi... why are you here? Don't you usually stay at home at this time? ?"

"Tsk, it means that my sudden appearance disturbed your peaceful little world, right?"

This sentence obviously has a questioning tone and reflects the emotions of the person involved very closely.

"No no no!!!...Sako, you misunderstood!!!Σ(゚∀゚ノ)ノWe are innocent between Gaara and me. Kakashi-sensei can testify that it was the reception task she assigned to me that day!"

Naruto, who realized that he had said something wrong, quickly changed his words and tried to save it, but it was too late.

The IQ of women who are angry will generally plummet. At this time, it is completely futile to blindly reason, because they will not listen at all.

The only solution is to admit your mistake and stand at attention to be beaten, and then use the right opportunity to say a few sweet and earthy words of love. Finally, when he is unprepared, you can change the offensive and hit him with a domineering wall-bang or a slap in the face. The crisis will naturally be resolved smoothly..

Although it is cliché, it is very useful... and the effect is even immediate.

How to make awkward girls happy is indeed a very sophisticated skill.

Unfortunately, as a benchmark in the field of straight men, Naruto did not get it. When he got to the point, he just buried his head in defense, trying to impress the other party with his sincere eyes and words.

However, he didn't know that there was a word called concealment, which is commonly known as covering up. Once suspicion arises, the crime will become true.

Synchronicity was established.

Sako's gloomy expression did not improve at all.

In her eyes, Naruto's hurriedly arguing was obviously trying to make excuses for himself, and his hesitating tone also showed that the girl was guilty. Those bad conjectures before.

To be honest, Zuo Zi no longer cares about who is right or wrong, or even what the truth is.

The girl's mind is now in chaos. She hopes to hear Naruto's words more than a feeble"quibble". Comfort.

Even if it is just a simple"I'm sorry", Zuo Zi is willing to pretend to be careless and let some idiot go down the road, but it is very regrettable.…………In terms of disappointing, Uzumaki Naruto never disappoints.

The boy, who thought he was not working hard enough, tentatively raised his voice a little.

Tsk………It is indeed a piece of wood.

It's almost impossible to get him to take the initiative... Perhaps, I shouldn't have had such unattainable extravagant hopes from the beginning.

There was a trace of loss in the depths of his eyes, and the resentment reflected in them was so overwhelming that it seemed like it could fill a lake.

Beside him, a yellow-haired idiot with negative emotional intelligence was still chattering.

Tsk, it’s so noisy…………

Unable to bear it, Sako's forehead burst out with veins uncontrollably.

"snort(╯^╰)……Shut up. Why are you talking so much nonsense? ? After all, crane tail...don't you just think I'm in the way? ? ?"

After saying that, the girl flicked her hair and decisively chose to turn around and face him.

"If that's the case, then I'll just leave"

"Wait, Sako, don't go!!!Σ(っ °Д °;)っ"

In desperation, he could no longer think about it, and Naruto's limbs reacted faster than his brain.

With the help of his natural cheekiness, the little hedgehog firmly clamped the girl's wrist at the risk of being beaten.

He was afraid that Sako would be angry, and he was even more afraid that the goodwill he had accumulated after countless unforgettable efforts and persistent pursuits would be lost inexplicably.

"open!! Crane tail!!!"

"I don't!"

"I repeat again... Uzumaki Naruto, don't force me to do it"

"Won't!! Zuo���He is the gentlest, so he is reluctant to hit me!!!(๑´∀`๑)~~"


Naruto successfully choked Sako into speechlessness with a strange move of retreating.

After much hesitation, the girl's clenched pink fist finally failed to land on someone's head.

Sometimes, Zuo Zi is really annoyed by this idiot's habit of sticking up to him at every turn. No matter how hard he tries to get rid of him, he can't get rid of him. He is even more clingy than maltose cooked in a big pot over slow heat.

Tsk... Idiot Naruto, he always knows how to mess with people outside and make me angry.

You also always try to be tough and talk to everyone as your friend. Do you think that all girls in the ninja world can be friends? ? ?

Big idiot, you know?

Some actions and words are destined to belong to only two people.

When will you be able to distinguish the blurred established line between friendship and romance? ?

Zuo Zi sighed in despair.

Most people's attitude towards"love" is selfish. Everything in the world, even light and shadow, blend with each other, but it is the only thing that cannot be cut and shared.

"The saying"love is bondage" is not groundless, because it is a kind of possessiveness that is infinitely close to madness.

Extreme love is like the moon, softer than the moon; like fire, stronger than fire.

Of course Sako understands that beside him The word"love heart" has nothing to do with this person.

That idiot is just too naive. As a result, now that he is an adult, his mind is still in an ignorant child's state.

To be honest, Yu Zhi. Hasako doesn't regret her decision.

She just hates fate.

She hates Naruto for being unreasonable. Why... the guy I like is such a slow fool.

What? ~~~ But if you think about it carefully, without that unique stupidity, most of the stray eagles would not give up the boundless sky and choose to return home? ?

Every tiny corner of the body.

Forget it, I will reluctantly forgive you this time... Unknowingly, the girl's eyes were no longer full of sadness, replaced by tenderness down to her bones..

Of course, due to her arrogant nature, she thought so in her heart, but she said something completely different:

"Hum, Cranetail, don’t think that’s the end of the matter, go away... I’ll take care of you after I get home.(╯^╰)~~~"

Before he finished speaking, Sako took Naruto's arm and moved his feet.

But the latter didn't take a few steps before he suddenly braked and was stuck in place.

With doubts, Zuo Zi turned sideways slightly, and his eyes happened to be mixed with those dark green pupils that had been waiting for a long time.

"I'm sorry, Uchiha Sako, but Naruto can't leave with you just yet."

Gaara, who had been a silent spectator, finally spoke.

His voice changed from the gentleness of the past, every word and every syllable was filled with determination that could not be refuted.

Gaara has always been indifferent to the world, but only She would not give in even an inch when it came to matters involving Naruto.

This was her bottom line and her reverse scale.

"The two of us have made an appointment today, and Naruto wants to go shopping with me now"

"profound? What do you mean, is this an order to expel guests? ?"

"If you insist on understanding it this way, then there is nothing I can do about it. However, a reminder……"

As she spoke, the girl pulled the clothes tightly in her hands toward her.

"It's because we have an appointment. It would only be rude for you to interfere without permission."

" it the other way around? He and I now have an open and honest cohabitation relationship... In comparison, you, a visitor from another village, are more like an 'intruder'’"

Facing Gaara's argument, Zuo Zi was not afraid at all, but crossed his arms over his chest and retorted in a harsher tone.

After all... the members of the Uchiha family can't lose anything but their momentum.

The dazzling black onyx and the sparkling emerald are facing each other, and neither one is willing to take a step back.

The situation suddenly became tense.

The crackling sound of electric sparks could even be heard where the two people's eyes met.

Invisible gunpowder smoke began to fill the air quietly, and as time passed, a faint smell of gunpowder gradually emerged in the air.

The stalemate lasted for about ten minutes. Perhaps because he realized that this was a waste of time, Gaara, who still had some sense, spoke first and broke the silence.

"There's no point in standing here and staring. It's better to let Naruto make his own choice. After all... he is free to go shopping with whom he chooses, and we have no right to influence him."

"Humph, I had this intention for a long time."

Zuo Zi, who was aroused to win or lose, agreed without even thinking about it.

"Crane tail, who do you choose?!!"

"Ah? ?Σ( ° △ °|||)………"

Seeing that the contradictory points went around in a circle and finally returned to him, Naruto, who thought he had finally gotten through it, was suddenly shocked.

Even his heart, which had just shown signs of calming down, rose to his throat again.

"Um...can't you choose both?"

"Can't""Tsk, are you dreaming?"

The two people's similar answers ruthlessly extinguished the last remaining fantasy in the boy's mind.

He first looked at the confident Sasako, and then quickly turned his head to look at Gaara with an expectant face. He repeated this process dozens of times, until his head was dizzy, but Naruto still couldn't make up his mind to make a decision.

He didn't want to offend anyone, and he couldn't afford to offend anyone.

What should he do? What should he do???(╥﹏╥)

No matter which side you choose, the other party will be angry, right?

There is no solution to this problem, which is similar to being blocked at both ends!! Please...God, please torture me like this!!!

Naruto, who was about to cry without tears, raised his head at a 45-degree angle and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, he completely hated the multiple-choice questions.

Due to their special status, they quickly attracted the attention of villagers on the street.

People passing by stopped to watch, and without exception, they all looked like they were eating melons and watching the show. Some even took out the prepared dried peanuts from their pockets.

It is human nature to like liveliness engraved in our genes. Usually when neighbors quarrel, they have to stick out the window to watch for a long time, not to mention this large-scale emotional dispute that is rare in decades. ?

No one knows what kind of love and hatred can arise between the ninja hero, the last descendant of Uchiha and the current leader of Sunagakure Village.

Including the three parties involved in this story.

Naruto felt like he was going crazy.

The young man finally realized what it means to live a, seconds are like years.

For him, every minute and every second now is torture.

Being surrounded by beautiful women is not always a good thing. The little hedgehog wished that a hero would come down from the sky to help him escape.

In desperation, Naruto could only place his last hope on the vixen inside him.

Hey...Jiu Lama...don't sleep, help me quickly


Didn’t we agree before? No matter how promiscuous I am, if anything happens, you will be responsible for taking care of it.


Do you want to regret it?


Don't play like this!! Ninth Lama, you can’t just die without saving me!!! (˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅)~~


Nine lamas!!!

…… silence. silence.

Still silent.

I don’t know whether he was asleep or deliberately pretending not to hear. Anyway, Kyuubi sounded the silent death knell for someone without saying a word.

"Crane tail, don't be in a daze, answer quickly!!"

"It's okay, Naruto, take your time, I believe you~"

Ahead, Sako and Gaara were still pressing forward step by step.

Faced with this dilemma, the young man should���Hope, and this is indeed the case.

Anyway, Naruto compromised.

He was ready to accept...accept his destined, tragic, and unreasonable dramatic ending.

In desperation, he was about to collapse and simply chose to break the jar and throw it away.


Naruto pointed to the sky with one hand, his posture was particularly heroic, but his tone was unexpectedly calm, with a sense of sadness that"a strong man will never return"

"I don’t want either of you."



There is always a price to pay for being cool without considering the consequences.

Without a trace of suspense, with the accompaniment of the long cicada chirping, everyone in Konoha witnessed a certain ninja hero resounding throughout the sky. screams


Uzumaki Naruto truly felt that this was the most unlucky morning since he was born, unlucky enough to be recorded in history.

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