"I declare that Sako wins! Next is the stage where both parties make a seal of reconciliation."

"Who wants to reconcile with that cold zombie face?! The game is not over yet!!!"

"However, Naruto, you have been down for more than five seconds. According to the rules of ninja battles,………"

"Ahhh!! I don't care, Iruka-sensei, I want to compete with her again anyway!!!"

"Tsk... Crane tail, what, do you mean you are not convinced?"

"Of course I'm not convinced!!! Uchiha Sako, I'm warning you, don't get too carried away. Just now I just saw that you were a girl and I didn't use my full strength.……"

"profound? So, my winning was purely a result of luck? ?"

"So, do you dare to fight me with real swords and guns? This time, I will never show mercy again!!!"

"Hum~~ Crane tail, are you so sure? ? Don't pretend to be pretentious. In the end, you will be easily knocked to the ground by me within two seconds and become the laughing stock of everyone.……"

"Stop looking down on others!! Can a genius be invincible? Also, don’t call me Cranetail, you are so ugly and paralyzed!!!"

"Okay, Uzumaki Naruto...since you are actively seeking death, then I will do as you wish."





Why, why do I suddenly appear here?

Didn't I just fight with that idiot in the Valley of the End? ?

Could it be that everything that has happened so far is really just a dream? ? ?

In the darkness, Zuo Zi looked around with a confused face.

Her face was hazy, her eyes were wandering, and every move she made showed caution and vigilance.

It looked like a little beast that had been abandoned by its owner and then lost in a strange environment.

The picture in front of me is so real, as if the time we spent together day and night happened yesterday.

Sako stared straight at the memories that were recalled one by one like movie slices, and naturally put all the questions in his heart to the back of his mind.

Her pupils were very deep, like an old well with no end in sight.

The light reflected in it is very weak and difficult to detect unless you stare closely at it.

Ahead, my young self was still closely entangled with the stubborn boy whose brows were full of stubbornness.

Zuo Zi felt that his body was moving in that direction uncontrollably.

"I really miss it~~~"


The familiar voice spread from far to near, like ripples on the surface of a lake.

Hearing this, the girl turned around suddenly.

That very recognizable blond hair suddenly caught your eye.

"Crane tail? ?"

The pupils dilated instantly. Looking at the boy beside her who seemed to appear out of thin air, Zuozi forgot to hide her inner feelings for a moment.

She showed her truest reaction in front of him without reservation.

"When did you come?"

"I was probably a little earlier than you... But seeing you so absorbed, I didn’t have the heart to go over and disturb you."

"Can you see it too?"

"What does it mean?"

"Don't act stupid, you know what I'm referring to"


Without speaking, Naruto responded with a nod instead of words.

Zuo Zi also chose to remain silent.

For people who are in tune with each other, just an ordinary eye contact can accurately convey each other's thoughts.

The line of sight stretches all the way to some unknown end.

The battle was still going on. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, accompanied by a wave of flying dust, the former Uzumaki Naruto once again ended the game in a funny manner like a dog chewing mud.

"Haha~ Sure enough, no matter how many times I challenge, I am always the loser without any doubt.……"

Naruto smiled cheerfully.

That look of relief, if seen by an outsider who didn't know why, might even be mistaken for the winner.

"However, this is normal. After all, Sako is a genius~~ Looking back now, I was indeed a little overestimating my abilities back then... I actually dared to compete with you one after another even though I knew the gap was huge. It was simply funny. of"

"It is because of this inexplicable persistence that you are the Uzumaki Naruto in my impression."

Brows gradually relaxed, Zuo Zi stared at the young man's profile infatuatedly, as if he had inadvertently fallen into a cage woven by memories.

After a little consideration, the girl followed her heart.

Since it has been exposed, then There was no need to continue pretending.

Zuo Zi took the initiative to hold Naruto's hand, and the latter clenched her five white jade fingers as if he had planned it.

"Sako, do you know? I've always envied you……"


"You are strong, beautiful, of noble birth, and popular among your peers. You don’t need to deliberately rely on pranks to highlight your presence. Just sitting quietly by the window can gain a large number of admiring or admiring looks.……"


"At first, I was more jealous of you, but as we spent more time together, I gradually learned about your past.……"

"Then what?"

"Then, I fell in love with you out of control………"

As soon as such naked words came out of his mouth, they shattered Zuo Zi's heart with lightning speed.

Those blue pupils were as fiery and sincere as ever, purer than the sky. No matter how hard she searched, she could not find even the slightest impurity in them.

The girl felt that she was about to be burned.

The sunset dyed the roots of his ears red. In order to avoid being embarrassed by Naruto, Sako began to use strength and tried to break free from the other's restraints.

But the young man remained motionless.

Just kidding... During countless sleepless nights, Naruto tossed and turned in bed, his mind filled with longing for Sako.

Now, after countless hardships, the lonely wolf has finally returned to him.

How could he let it go casually after finally getting what he wanted? ? ?

Seemingly realizing this, Zuo Zi gave up his struggle.

No one knows the stubborn temper of those around her better than she does.

In desperation, the girl had no choice but to cover up her embarrassment by changing the subject.

"The end of the crane... In fact, you don't have to follow the route I have taken to chase, your experience is also worth savoring carefully...

From the nine-tailed demon fox that everyone despised, to the son of prophecy that Konoha has high hopes for, and finally to save the world great hero. I'm afraid you don't even dare to write a novel like this, right? ?"

"Yes... It's incredible. I've come so far without realizing it... Sometimes when I look back on the past, I can't help but wonder if I'm in a dream."

"But reality is often more magical than dreams"

"Haha, Sako, you are still the same as before, with a serious face and saying some big principles that we don’t understand... In comparison, you make me look like an idiot~~"

"Um? Aren't you an idiot? ?"

"Um...even if it's the truth, it needs to be tactful. It would make me sad to say it so bluntly.(๑ŏ﹏ŏ๑)…………"


The girl smiled, really smiled.

At this moment, she was not the reincarnation of Indra, nor was she a revolutionary who was burdened with the darkness of the ninja world.

She was Sako Uchiha, a person who was tortured repeatedly by fate and still remained A seventeen-year-old girl who can grit her teeth and glare at all injustices

"The world kisses me with pain, but wants me to repay it with song."

Sako has never understood Naruto's desire to transform everything with love.

She is not that great, and she doesn't need to be that great at all.

A girl cannot retaliate with kindness. In her opinion, forgiving an enemy is an extremely stupid thing.

Fuck""Love" maintains peace... This idea is not only naive, but also ridiculous.

But there is no way, the idiot who firmly believes in this concept is named Uzumaki Naruto.

He has the transcendent power to turn the impossible into possible.

The most important point is... He is his only one.

Therefore, even though he knows that the hope is slim and even infinitely close to zero, Zuo Zi is willing to believe in the young man... to help him achieve that idiotic ideal that is almost impossible to achieve in theory.

""Love" is so unreasonable.

It makes people blind, slow, impulsive, and reckless... Like a magic spell, even Sako, who has always been known for his calmness, cannot escape its influence.

In a trance, the surrounding scenes The rapid transformation started again, the space opened a gap on its own, and the Ninja Academy was involved in the boundless whirlpool.

This time, Zuo Zi was particularly calm.

The boy's body temperature was extremely clear, and nothing could make him feel more at ease.

"Now~~ Sako, do you still remember the scene when I was tied to a stake by Kakashi-sensei because of my poor performance in grabbing the bell?"


"Originally, I was prepared to take on the challenge on an empty stomach in the afternoon, but who could have imagined... But you took the risk of being eliminated and handed over a steaming lunch box."


"At that time, I thought...how could there be such a perfect girl? People are long���She's pretty, has good grades... she's kind-hearted, and can't fault her. She's clearly the template for a heroine in a fairy tale.…………"


"Sako, you laughed then"

"……Have it?"

"Of course! I remember it clearly... That was the first time I realized that you, who have always been as cold as a porcelain doll, can also laugh~~~"

"Tsk, why don't you have such a good memory when memorizing the order of seals?"


"Idiot, I know how to giggle all day long (╯^╰)…………"

Zuo Zi rolled his eyes at the boy next to him rather angrily.

However, the gentleness of the tone didn't sound like a reproach, but was closer to the deliberate teasing between lovers.

The two looked at each other and smiled, their synchronization rate was perfect, and their tacit understanding was unprecedented.

They held hands and walked side by side, crossing the darkness and ushering in the first memory


"Sako, we are probably dead."

The shadows of the sycamore trees were speckled on the ground, like a huge and fragmented net.

Naruto sat slumped on the familiar swing, his eyes slightly absent-minded than before.

"I should have noticed... If you can't even feel pain, what else can it be but death?"


"By the way... the Pure Land is different from what I imagined, and I don't know if I can meet my parents here... By the way!!!"

As if he suddenly remembered something, Naruto jumped up, then grabbed Sako's shoulders and started shaking him crazily.

"Unlimited monthly reading!! What to do with unlimited monthly reading? ? If both of us are dead, who will break that damn illusion!!!"

"Humph, you are already dead, are you still thinking about the future of the world?"

"The world can't continue to be like this, right? ?"

"Don't worry... Kakashi and Uchiha Obito are still here, they may be able to think of a way"

"I hope so…………"

Sako's comfort did not alleviate his worries, and Naruto hugged his knees worriedly.

Sorry, Kakashi-sensei, I promised you that you would never die before becoming Hokage... I'm going to break my promise.

An inexplicable chill swept over him, and the young man shivered and curled up into a ball, and the next second it turned into dots of white light.


"Ding bell~~~"


The ringing of the bell briefly drew away Zuo Zi's attention. When she came back to her senses, the figure of her loved one was no longer there.

As far as the eye could see, there was only an empty swing.

In an instant, an overwhelming emptiness filled my heart.

Before they fade away, sadness and fear come together like a tide.

Sako wasn't sure how to describe this feeling.

It's like, when you're drowning, you know you should breathe, but you can't.

I can only sit and wait as the cold water continues to squeeze my chest, and with the pain of suffocation, I feel the gradual passage of vital signs in the darkness, until I sink alone to the bottom of the eternal abyss.

"Please, Naruto, don't leave me…………Naruto...didn't you say you wouldn't let me walk into the darkness alone?

Naruto, you big liar...Naruto...come back soon...Naruto…………"

The light of the Samsara Eye is getting dimmer. At this moment, Sako, who has completely transformed into a repeater, is completely different from the cold-blooded revolutionary who just controlled the complete Susanoo and vowed to eliminate all bonds.

For the first time in her life she began to beg.

This feeling of powerlessness has a more appropriate name.

That's despair.

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