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The same person who couldn't figure this out was the warrior who flew backwards.

He could clearly feel the fishy smell rising in his nose.

But he didn't care.

Because compared to the fishy smell in his nose, the bitterness in his heart was even worse. He really didn't understand how Mingye did it, and why he could fight back in that situation?

""Every punch I threw just now felt really good! He should have lost his ability to move!"

The Ruoji warrior thought so as he looked at Mingye after he jumped up from the ground.

However, Mingye stood there, breathing slowly, and did not choose to continue attacking.

This performance made the Ruoji warrior realize one thing, that is, the five consecutive punches just now were not completely ineffective against Mingye!

"If it really didn't work, he would have pounced on me again instead of standing there!"

"So now his body has been affected!"

After a brief analysis, the Ruoji warrior stared at Mingye with a gleam in his eyes.

Then he kicked his legs hard. The thigh muscles instantly contracted and expanded, and the whole body rushed in front of Mingye like an arrow again, which was his own attack range.

But Mingye still did not move at this time, which made the Ruoji warrior completely convinced of his judgment, that is, Mingye had just been hurt.

"Then let's do it again!" After taking a deep breath, the warrior opened his eyes wide.

Then he suddenly shouted:"Ha!"

Suddenly, fist shadows intertwined.

Bang, bang, bang, bang!

11 With five muffled sounds, another perfect straight line formed on Mingye's body.

However, at the same time when the young warrior finished his fight, he also saw a huge fist coming towards him.

When he saw this fist, he instinctively wanted to dodge or block, but it was too late!

Because the fist was only a few centimeters away from him.

He could only stand there and watch himself being hit by the fist.

And this time, the force of the fist was greater than before!

Not only was the young warrior's feet off the ground, but his body also turned several circles in the air.

Then he was forced back to the starting point again.

This scene really stunned everyone present.

Because in their impression, the warrior's fighting style is one of the most fierce representatives of the Kengan Society. With his skilled and experienced striking skills and unmatched strange power, he has always been the one to oppress others.

However, today, he was repeatedly repelled!

Or in the offensive link

"How on earth did he do it!"At this moment, everyone in the field looked at Fujii Meiye who was standing two meters in front of the Wakatsuki Samurai, and they felt a little nervous.

Because the person he just knocked away was not an ordinary person, but a Wakatsuki Samurai who weighed 193kg. With the weight of the Wakatsuki Samurai, he was still able to knock him into the air.

And his body was still spinning in the air, which shows that the punch just now was extraordinary!

However, even those who are not fighters can see that the action of the punch just now is a bit clumsy!

But the result of that blow was so strong that it made them feel extremely confused.


Not only the audience, but even the few fighters in the arena did not understand why Mingye's punch could be so powerful.

Only a few people in the arena understood the principle.

Erde in the lounge pushed up his glasses.

Looking at the gleam in Mingye's eyes on the screen, he sighed sincerely.

"It's amazing! Fujii-kun was able to deliver such a punch, and even after being perfectly hit by the five-punch combo twice in a row!"ま""Great!"

This was what Erde really thought. As one of the representatives of using skills to achieve rigid suppression

, he could clearly tell Mingye's power system through Mingye's striking action just now.

But because of this, he was even more surprised.

Because Mingye's seemingly clumsy punch just now actually completed a perfect power system from his point of view.

Whether it was the strength of the legs, the waist, the shoulders, or the power of the body joints, they were all included in the punch just now.

But what amazed him even more was the naturalness of Mingye's punch!

That kind of naturalness was undisguised, and Erde could not see any traces of deliberate modification.

This meant that the punch just now was completely thrown out by Mingye's physical instinct.

And what does this mean?


"What a genius!"Mushi looked at Mingye, with a flash of admiration in his eyes.

The longer he knew Mingye, the more Mushi could discover Mingye's genius.

If possible, he really wanted Mingye to learn under him. Mingye is so powerful now!

He couldn't imagine how strong Mingye would be if he had been systematically trained and educated by him!

Thinking of this, Mushi couldn't help but reveal a trace of regret in his eyes when he looked at Mingye.

Because such a genius would suffer his first defeat in his life today, which would definitely be a big blow to him.

That's right, even if the current situation is that Wakaba Samurai is suppressed by Mingye, Mushi still doesn't think Mingye will win.

This is the uncrowned king of Kengankai, Wakaba Samurai. A deep impression left on everyone!

If we must find a representative figure for the word"fighter", then no one is more worthy of this word than Wakatsuki Samurai!

Whether it is talent, skills, or mentality, Wakatsuki Samurai is at the top. There is no reason for such a person to fail here!

Even if the opponent is Fujii Meiye, whose talent is no less than Wakatsuki Samurai, and may even be better than Samurai.

Mu Shi still thinks so!

Because fighting does not only rely on talent, but also requires accumulation, and Wakatsuki Samurai's more than 300 fighting games and years of practice.

They are all his strong capital!

But Meiye does not have the capital brought by this experience, so in the eyes of everyone, he will lose!


The highest point of the arena.

After listening to the same analysis from Kano Ka and Mu Shi, Pianyuan Mietang did not say anything, but continued to turn his head to look at the game in the arena.

At this time, Wakata Warrior stood up again, even though his nose was bleeding.

His eyes were a little erratic compared to before, but he still approached Mingye again at a very fast speed.

His momentum was as fearless as when he fought with Kano Ka before.

However, his movements were a little more delicate.

Pianyuan Mietang could not help but nod in approval. At this time, Wakata Warrior was much stronger than when he was defeated by Kano Ka before.

This kind of growth is like growing from a green young tiger to an experienced and strong tiger.

It can be said to be a considerable improvement.

In contrast, Mingye was much more immature and green in Pianyuan Mietang's eyes, but for some reason.

In this game, Pianyuan Mietang felt that Mingye would win!

He couldn't explain why

"Fujii-kun, my luck has always been very good. I bet on you to win this time. Please don't let me down!"

Kayuan Miedang muttered in his heart.

His dim old eyes flashed with a clear and bright light.


In the field,

Ming Ye looked at the warrior rushing towards him again.

Although his face was still calm, the pain in his body was real. However,

Ming Ye ignored the pain and clenched his fist again, aiming at the warrior's face again.

He was ready to punch again.

When Ming Ye clenched his fist, his body inevitably felt stiff.

He knew that this was because the warrior hit several of his vital points when Meng Hu used the five-hit straight punch.

For the abdomen and chest, Ming Ye could protect himself and reduce the force by tightening his muscles.

The center of his eyebrows was protected by strong bones and would not be hurt too much.

However, the damage to the throat and philtrum was real. The warrior's karate attainments were indeed quite high.

The penetrating force of 280 really affected Ming Ye.

And this impact made his feet feel like they were stuck in a mud pit, weak and difficult to move.

The only thing he could use was his fist. He needed time to recover from the damage before he could move again.

But the warrior was obviously not going to give him this chance.

He had to find it himself!

And to find this opportunity, he had to stop the warrior first!

He was confident about it!

Because he had gradually adapted to punching in this situation, and the second punch that hit the warrior was also quite good.

"As long as I can hit him with one or two punches, I can get some time to buffer!" Ming Ye thought so, and then he found the right time and punched the center of the Ruoji Warrior's face again.

At the same time, Ruoji Warrior's set of five straight punches also hit Ming Ye again.

This time the part was exactly the same as the previous two times, without any deviation, which made Ming Ye, whose feet were already weak, stagger slightly.

And this time, Ruoji Warrior flew back at a faster speed, and even turned a few more times in the air.


The audience couldn't help but think of a word when they saw the two of them attacking each other.

""Hollywood-style duel!"

In Hollywood movies, two tough guys often fight like this, attacking each other without dodging or avoiding, until they fall down!

The current situation of the two people is very similar to that.

And such scenes are often the most enthusiastic for the audience.

""Come on, both of you!"

I don't know who shouted first! Then cheers came from the arena.

There were voices supporting Ruoqi Warrior and voices supporting Mingye.

At this moment, the two tough men got everyone's affirmation!

And Ruoqi Warrior stood up from the rubble again! Regardless of the blood in his nose, he stared at Mingye with bloodshot eyes.

What burned in them was an increasingly hot will to fight! _

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