

"You have finished your attack, right? Then it's my turn!"The moment Ming Ye finished saying this, before Wu Lianyi could react, Ming Ye pounced on him like a tiger out of the cage.

His momentum was as fast as lightning and as strong as the wind!

When Ming Ye came close to Wu Lianyi,

Wu Lianyi had just enough time to quickly open the liberation, but when he opened the liberation, a huge hand grabbed his skull. He held his entire head firmly in his hand!

And then threw it hard to the ground.


As the back of Wu Lianyi's head collided with the ground paved with cement and asphalt, cracks appeared on the ground, and a hole shaped like a football appeared on the ground.

But this is not over yet! Ming Ye continued to hold Wu Lianyi's head tightly with one hand, rubbing the ground forward and gradually accelerating!

When he was about to reach the tall building next to him, Ming Ye suddenly grabbed Wu Lian and slammed him against the wall!


The wall There was a dull sound when it collided with the back of Wu Lianyi's head, and Ming Ye continued to sprint with this force, causing the back of Wu Lianyi's head to rub against the wall, leaving a long blood mark on the wall.



During the friction between Wu Lianyi and the wall, gravel kept falling! But Ming Ye had no intention of stopping at all. With bloodshot eyes, he continued to pull Wu Lianyi's head and sprint against the wall.

But at this moment, Wu Lianyi, who had not moved since the back of his head came into close contact with the ground, suddenly sank into a horse stance, and then used the friction of the ground to forcibly stop Ming Ye's move!

And he climbed his hands on Ming Ye's forearm and tried to move Ming Ye's arm away!

Seeing this, Ming Ye finally stopped moving!

Turning his head, he looked at Wu Lianyi again with bloodshot eyes. Through the gaps between his fingers, Ming Ye could clearly see the fear in Wu Lianyi's eyes at this moment.

"Do you want to continue?" Ming Ye's words were like a drumstick hitting a bell, stopping Wu Lianyi who was struggling hard.

But after a moment, Wu Lianyi used his right index finger to poke Ming Ye's wrist from bottom to top.

His left hand tried to delay time by pulling Ming Ye's wrist with force.



Wu Lianyi's finger pierced into Ming Ye's wrist as he wished, and blood dripped down Wu Lianyi's fingers to the ground.

This made Ming Ye understand what he meant, so he pulled Wu Lianyi up from the ground with a sudden force of his right hand, and pressed him on the intact wall next to him with a snap.

Then his right hand began to exert force!

And this powerful force also made Wu Lianyi struggle more violently. He frantically wanted to pry open Ming Ye's fingers, but these fingers were stronger than steel.

As for his intention to poke into Ming Ye's wrist The index finger that damaged Mingye's tendons was also stuck by the forearm muscles because of Mingye's strength at this moment!

Not to mention cutting Mingye's tendons, he couldn't even pull out his index finger at this moment!

But the force Mingye exerted on his head was getting stronger and stronger!

What kind of terrifying grip is this?

Wu Lianyi couldn't describe it!

Because even the last descendant of their clan, Wu Lei'an, who was called the taboo and was known as a demon and could be 100% liberated, could not have such a degree of grip!

After liberation, Wu Lei'an could easily tear steel plates with his hands and crush coconuts with his bare hands.

Maybe he could also crush the skulls of ordinary people.

But he definitely couldn't crush a member of the Wu clan, which was something Wu Lianyi was very sure of, but the man in front of him obviously surpassed the demons of their family in terms of grip strength alone!


""Is he going to die?" At this moment, Wu Lianyi had no other thoughts except this one.

Even if he pressed his foot against Mingye's chest and pushed back with all his strength, he still couldn't kick Mingye away.

He even heard a creaking sound!

As someone who often used skull crushers on people, he knew that this was the sound of the skull being squeezed and broken bit by bit.

""Do you want to continue?" The unknown man in front of him asked again. Under the threat of death, Wu Lianyi recalled the past like a revolving lantern.

"Surrender or not surrender?" Wu Lianyi thought about this question for the first time in his life.

But he soon chose to refuse. Born in the Wu clan, he had his own pride. He would never surrender even if he died in battle. This was the bottom line!

Looking at Wu Lianyi's fearful but determined eyes, Ming Ye continued to exert force mercilessly! Force! Force again!

To be honest, he had never used all his grip strength, because he clearly remembered a description in the original comics.

"Huashan has never clenched his fist with all his strength, because he feels that if he does, his fist will be crushed by himself!"

How strong is the level of grip that can crush a fist? Mingye didn't know without comparing the data, but at this moment, in the process of slowly crushing Wu Lianyi's head.

Mingye still didn't feel much resistance! It seemed that as long as he exerted force slowly, no matter what it was, it would be crushed and smashed by him!

(Thank you all for your support. Although I am a social animal, seeing that your purity is so high, I decided to work hard to get closer to your purity. I will continue to work hard tonight and strive to add two chapters tomorrow. As for the saved manuscripts,It's really nothing. As someone who works from nine to eight, I also want to have this thing, and I'm working hard for it. Now I'm still worried about putting it online and exploding. Sigh! I'll continue writing! )

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