

After Wu Fengshui left, Mingye continued to read the book as usual.

But the speed at which he turned the pages began to become faster and faster.

Because he gradually discovered that a large part of the knowledge he read had been stored in his brain through the template.

It was just that he could not use it.

In the process of flipping the book, he only needed to take a glance to recall the knowledge.

After about 30 minutes,

Mingye's Oliva character unlocking degree had been increased to 5%.

And he also scanned 10 books on the bookshelf, and made rapid progress at an average speed of one book every 3 minutes.

At this time, he realized one thing.

That is, the unlocking degree cannot fully cover the overall knowledge of a template.

For example, Oliva can divide his template into two aspects: wisdom and strength.

Exercise can certainly increase strength and increase knowledge by a certain percentage, but perhaps the overall improvement of strength will be more.

Now Mingye has a similar feeling. After reading these books, he knows very well that he is much better than before in the so-called use of force. This degree of improvement is definitely not covered by 5%!

This 5% more represents the lower limit of his comprehensive quality improved this time!

That is, in terms of his strength, he gained a 5% bonus for unlocking the Oliva template.

Unfortunately, as he continued to read the books in the Silver Gym,

Mingye found that his improvement was getting less and less.

But this is normal, and he has long been accustomed to it.

At this time,

Wu Fengshui, with a sullen face, also came back.

When she came back, she sat next to Mingye angrily, and her face showed that she had lost miserably!

So Mingye did not ask more questions, but continued to absorb knowledge in the limited time.

Wu Fengshui sat aside angrily, recalling the game just now.

Her opponent in the first round was Zou Ryuin Akemi, a polite girl who made her feel no dislike even as an opponent.

Although the strength was much greater than she expected, she was still easily won by her as a member of the Wu clan!

But the second game, which was the final!

Thinking about it now, Wu Fengshui still has lingering fears!

""Who on earth is that guy?" Wu Fengshui muttered in his heart.

Thinking of the weird scene he just saw, Wu Fengshui couldn't help but tighten his trouser legs.

The opponent in the final was Sakura Hibiki, whom she had seen at the door of the training room before.

That friendly look made Wu Fengshui completely misjudge her.

She originally thought that this game should just be a formality.

But when the two shook hands, she suddenly found that Sakura Hibiki opposite her, not only had an aura!

Even the style of painting had changed!

From the previous soft girl, she turned into a refined muscular girl!

This change made Wu Fengshui subconsciously start to liberate!

But after the referee, Coach Jie Xiong, said to start.

This game is still It was over at a flying speed!

Even though she had used all her strength when using the release!

But she was still killed by Sakura Hibiki in seconds before she could react!

This was not the biggest shadow on her.

The biggest shadow was the devil-like aura on Sakura Hibiki's body when Jie Xiongmingzo announced the start of the game. She was so scared that she couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat despite having undergone a lot of training since she was a child!

In contrast, Sakura Hibiki's relaxed look after the game made her feel severely hit!

Thinking of this, Wu Fengshui leaned against the wall, moved her legs onto the stool, and then buried her face deeply in her knees.

She now had only one idea.

"I must not let Ming Ye know that I was so embarrassed just now!"

Looking at Wu Fengshui's expression, Ming Ye knew that she was in a bad mood and did not ask any more questions.

But at this time, the broadcast in the lounge sounded again.

"Members of the men's group, please enter the competition venue, the competition is about to begin!"

"There are a total of 32 participants in this competition!"

"Divide into four groups abcd to compete simultaneously! The members of each group have been arranged!"

"Please find your group according to the signboard outside the waiting area!"

"Please take your positions as soon as possible!"

Listening to the voice of Jie Xiongmingzao on the radio, a group of strong men waiting for the game in the lounge were all ready to go, and walked towards the competition venue with a grin!

Ming Ye also closed the book in his hand.

After putting all the books back on the bookshelf and arranging them neatly, he was ready to set off for the competition venue.

As for Wu Fengshui, who was still autistic just now, he was already standing aside.

Waiting for him to set off together.

There was no need for communication between the two, everything was self-explanatory.

After the two arrived at the competition venue.

Ming Ye found that he was in group D, and Jie Xiong was in group A, which meant that he would meet Jie Xiong in the end.

That would only be in the finals!

"Did he arrange this deliberately?"Mingye turned his head and looked at Jie Xiong. Jie Xiong also felt Mingye's gaze and turned his head.

After looking at Mingye, he took out a whiteboard, wrote a few words on it, and then held it high and showed it to Mingye.

It said:

"Mr. Fujii, I didn't make any deliberate arrangements! This is all God's choice. Let's work hard together and see you in the finals! (Note: Your muscles told me all this!)"

After Mingye finished watching, Jie Xiong put away the whiteboard, and then did a double latissimus dorsi extension for Mingye. I didn't know what it meant!

Mingye guessed that he meant it as encouragement!

Although Mingye was still able to remain calm on his face, he was actually completely shocked by Jie Xiong's actions.

"Jie Xiongming Zao, do you have the ability to read other people's inner thoughts through muscles?"

"What exactly is his limit? This is not just about muscles, right?"

"This is clearly a superpower!" Ming Ye complained in his heart for once.

The scope of the street hero's ability is too buggy for this world.

And he is about to fight with such a person, which makes Ming Ye's heart raise a trace of solemnity for a long time.

But more of it is excitement!

"It would be fun to defeat such an opponent!"Mingye looked at the street hero who was playing.

As for the referee of the game, it was a substitute temporarily found by the street hero, Zou Liuyuan Zhu Mei.




With the order from Zou Ruyuan Zhumei,

Jie Xiong's opponent, a two-meter-tall, muscular, white-bearded uncle, was instantly killed by Jie Xiong.

The speed was so fast that it took less than a second!

The moment his hand touched the cushion, a strong air wave spread to the entire venue!

It took two seconds to subside, and Jie Xiong also turned back to his usual kind appearance and shook hands with his opponent in greeting!

Even so, the players in Group A were already as pale as death. The shocking scene just now made them clearly realize

"There is no chance of winning against this man!"This was the common thought of the remaining six people in Group A.

So before the next game started, the six people also requested to withdraw.

Street Hero instantly became the qualifier of Group A!

But the more outrageous thing was that when Street Hero was about to start the game of Group B, all the contestants began to walk out.

"Hey! Everyone, don't leave! The competition hasn't started yet!"Jie Xiong Ming Zao, who didn't understand what was going on, tried to persuade the contestants to stay.

But in return, he only got a look that was so resentful that anyone could understand it.

It was almost like telling Jie Xiong

"How can we win the championship with you in this game?"

Jie Xiong, who understood what they meant, became listless in an instant and squatted in a corner.

He drew circles and muttered to himself in a low voice:"It's all my fault, it's all my fault for wanting to participate in this game!"

"If I don’t participate in this game, everyone won’t leave!"

"I shouldn't have participated!"

Looking at Jiexiong who was hiding in the dark corner,

Zou Ruyuan Zhumei wanted to persuade him.

After scanning the almost empty venue, her eyes suddenly lit up. She hurriedly said to Jiexiong:"Mr. Jiexiong, Mr. Fujii hasn't left yet! You still need to have a final match!"

Hearing this, Jiexiong raised his head and looked at the field. Mingye was already standing in front of the armwrestling competition stage.

He was looking at him meaningfully.

Through his muscles, Jiexiong instantly understood what Mingye meant.

"Don’t keep me waiting too long, come up quickly!"

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