: Jiraiya brags because of his drunkenness

Hearing Sansho Hanzo’s name, not only Jiraiya’s expression froze.

Konan, Yahiko and Nagato all looked shocked.

At this time, Sanshouyu Hanzo was not only the village chief of Yuyin Village.

He is even called a demigod by ninjas from all over the world!

It was so powerful that even Jiraiya was afraid at this time.

“Why are you investigating him?” Jiraiya looked serious.

“During this period, Konoha ninjas were at war with Amegakure Village ninjas. Two strategic plans had been leaked in advance, resulting in the sacrifice of many Konoha ninjas. Teacher Hiruzen suspected that someone among the top village chiefs was secretly colluding with Sansho Hanzo. So I was sent here to investigate.”

Chen Feng told the truth.

The mission was indeed sent to him by Sarutobi Hiruzen himself.

And before leaving, he told him to just investigate in secret, but he must not fight Sansho Hanzo. Saving his life is the most important thing.

However, Sarutobi Hiruzen suspected that someone at the top of Konoha was secretly colluding with Sansho Hanzo, and he was induced by Chen Feng.

Investigate whether Sansho Fish Hanzo is fake.

Taking care of Konan Yahiko Nagato for Jiraiya is Chen Feng’s main purpose.

Even if there was no reason for him to come to Yuyin Village today, Chen Feng could find many other excuses.

“Chen Feng, the level of your mission is S-level, right?” Jiraiya looked serious.


“Three years ago, Tsunade, Orochimaru, I and I fought against Hanzo the Sanshouyu on the battlefield… The three of us lost.” Jiraiya poured the soju into the bowl

. There were ripples: “Sansho Hanzo is called a demigod, and his strength is worthy of the name. Tsunade Orochimaru and I were given the title of Sannin of Konoha by him. In that battle, Sansho Hanzo had not left the three of us alone.” With one life, I might have died on the battlefield three years ago.”

Jiraiya has always been arrogant and refused to admit defeat.

But when he talked about Sansho Hanzo, his expression could not hide his fear: “Chen Feng, no matter what, please don’t fight with Sansho Hanzo.” “That’s natural, I don’t want to die, I want to live and wait for you

. I’m writing the follow-up to “Intimate Paradise”.”

Chen Feng said easily: “Teacher Hiruzen just asked me to secretly pay attention to Sanshou Hanzo’s movements.” ”

That’s good.”

Jiraiya breathed a sigh of relief.

“Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan, I have something to ask you.” Chen Feng looked at the three disciples that Jiraiya had accepted.

The three of them looked a little childish.

But his eyes are firm.

Nagato, who possesses the Samsara Eye, is particularly valued by Chen Feng.

In the original plot, it was these eyes that killed Jiraiya.

Chen Feng’s expression suddenly became serious.

If he is determined to take Nagato’s life before he has grown up, will it directly rewrite Jiraiya’s ending many years later?

This idea flashed in Chen Feng’s mind.

If Nagato were killed right now, it would probably make Jiraiya have new regrets.

“Chen…Senior Chen Feng, what’s going on?” Nagato was a little frightened by Chen Feng’s gaze.

Yahiko and Xiaonan still respect Chen Feng.

“Do you want to read this novel written by Jiraiya?”

Chen Feng laughed: “Although it’s only half written, the content in it is very exciting.”

“Wow! I want to read it!” Yahiko immediately said Feeling excited.

He took the “Intimate Paradise” that Chen Feng placed on the table and turned the pages eagerly.

Konan and Nagato also looked over with interest.

But the next second, Jiraiya quickly snatched the book away and said to the three disciples with a smile: “You are still young. It won’t be too late to read this book written by the teacher when you grow up.” After that

, .

Jiraiya glared at Chen Feng and poured Chen Feng a glass of high-concentration wine while talking: “This book by me is a banned book. It is suitable for reading under the covers at night. My three apprentices are so young. Do you have the heart to harm them? Give me a drink!”

Chen Feng also poured Jiraiya a glass of wine: “When will the second half of “Intimate Love in Paradise” be written?” ”

I will come up with ideas after the war is over.”

Several people were chatting.

The rain outside was accompanied by thunder.

The firewood in the cabin was crackling.

After taking a sip of hot wine, Jiraiya’s face turned a little red, and he took out a newly written book and gave it to Chen Feng: “Look at this book, it’s newly written by me.” The

title is “The Legend of Genxing Ninja”.

Chen Feng knows the story content of this book, and the writing style is completely different from “Intimate Love in Paradise”.

Opening the book, Chen Feng read out the name of the protagonist: “Naruto?”

“Does it sound good? It’s the name of the protagonist of my book.”

“It sounds good. This name has the potential to be Hokage.”

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“Hahaha, I am. I like chatting with you, so I will give you this book to read!”

“Have you written any other books?”

“You also wrote “The Heroic Jiraiya Story”. Hey, I can’t show you this book. This is my autobiography, and I won’t show it to others until it’s finished.”

“Show it to me now.”

“You bastard, you curse me to death!”

After a while, Konan, Yahiko, Nagato and Kazuo started drinking and chatting with themselves. Come and chat with Chen Feng.

Jiraiya, who was getting drunk, told his proud past to his three apprentices: “You three little guys, when it comes to my romantic history, I never brag. Chen Feng can testify that I used to be in Mu. Ye is very popular. Whichever girl I confess my love to, that girl immediately joins me happily, which makes many people envious…” As he

spoke, he grabbed Chen Feng’s clothes and shook them: “Right? , Chen Feng, you can testify.”

“Okay, okay.” Chen Feng was almost stunned and had no choice but to perjury.

Yahiko’s eyes lit up when he heard this: “When I grow up, I want to be an outstanding man like Jiraiya-sensei so that no woman will reject my confession!” He became excited and turned around to try to confess to

Konan: ” Xiaonan, I…”

“Shut up! I refuse!” Xiaonan threw out a piece of paper and blocked Yahiko’s mouth.

Jiraiya continued to brag proudly.

After three drinks.

Jiraiya finally blushed, smelled of alcohol, and continued to talk about the sad things in his childhood: “Why do all the girls I confessed to reject me… I confessed to Tsunade many times before, and Tsunade was ruthless every time. She rejected me…but I still like her so much…especially when I came back from Myoboku Mountain and found out that she was no longer behind the washboard at the airport…” Yahiko apologized to

Xiaonan in a depressed tone: “I’m sorry Xiaonan, I just It seems that I was deceived by Jiraiya-sensei…”


Jiraiya asked Chen Feng to take care of his three apprentices while he was secretly investigating Sansho Hanzo in the Hidden Rain Village.

Chen Feng agreed.

At night, the rain stopped.

Nagato Yahiko and Konan have fallen asleep.

Jiraiya, who had sobered up, was sitting outside the cabin with Chen Feng.

The two talked about their time training as children when they became disciples of Hiruzen Sarutobi.

“I haven’t seen Tsunade for a long time. I wonder how Tsunade is doing now. Has she made any progress in the past few years?” Jiraiya lay comfortably on the grass and looked at the stars in the sky.

“Tsunade-hime? She has been in Konoha. Her ninjutsu has been improving and she is now very good at medical ninjutsu and taijutsu.” ”

I’m not talking about Tsunade’s ninjutsu, I mean…”

Jiraiya said. As he said that, he raised his hands and gestured to the air: “Her breasts, Tsunade’s breasts, have they improved?” “Well, they have also improved

.” Jiraiya

is still the same Jiraiya.

“Is there still progress? Then I must see Tsunade when I go back and confess my love to her again!”

Jiraiya laughed and said, “I can’t believe that the airport washboard when I was a child can develop into such a heart-warming thing. To the point.”

“Tsunade already has someone she likes.” Chen Feng suddenly said.


Jiraiya sat up suddenly.

The subsequent topics all revolved around Tsunade’s lover, Kato Suan.

At the end of the conversation, Jiraiya said unwillingly: “I’m really unwilling. That guy named Kato Dan took advantage of the few years I was away from Konoha to steal the woman I like! If he wants to do something to Tsuna in the future, If his hands are not good, I can’t spare him!”

The summer wind made people sleepy.

The two lay on the lawn under the stars and fell asleep.

When the sky glowed with light, Jiraiya woke up, and Chen Feng was not around.

Jiraiya knew that Chen Feng should have sneaked into Yuyin Village to investigate.

Jiraiya returned to the cabin.

He took a deep look at Yahiko Konan and Nagato who were sleeping soundly, then turned the sign that belonged to him on the wall to the frog side, sat there for a while, then gently closed the door and left.

“Are you leaving?” Chen Feng came back just in time.

“Yeah.” Jiraiya nodded reluctantly.

“Eat a popsicle before we go.”

Chen Feng took out a double popsicle: “I just bought it, it hasn’t melted yet.”

“Haha, okay.”

The double popsicle was broken in half, and Chen Feng and Jiraiya each had one.

“Chen Feng, I remember the last time I had this double popsicle with you was when we first became Hiruzen-sensei’s disciples. Do you remember? At that time we were training to climb trees while keeping chakra in the soles of our feet.”

” I remember, that night, I met Matt Dai, who told me that when you were training to climb a tree, you fell into a pig’s head several times.” “Damn! Why do

you remember my uncle’s scandal so clearly? I finally climbed to the top of the tree. Do you remember his handsome posture?”


“You bastard!”

After finishing the popsicle, Jiraiya stood up.

He took a deep look at Chen Feng, his expression no longer meant to be joking, his tone was low, and his eyes were sharp: “Chen Feng, please promise me one thing!” “What?” Chen Feng was stunned


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