Orochimaru’s research makes Konoha unprecedentedly powerful

Six years later, Orochimaru and Chen Feng were thirty-five years old.

Chen Feng’s mission progress in this life has reached 50%.

Under Chen Feng’s inducement, Orochimaru and Chen Feng established a Chakra Element Laboratory.

Orochimaru’s explanation to the outside world was very clear about the purpose of establishing a chakra element laboratory.

“I want to understand all the truths of this world. The first person to mix blue and yellow called the resulting color green. I am just doing the same thing now. Blue is chakra. Yellow is seal, and green is ninjutsu. Just like when different colors are mixed in different proportions, new colors will always appear. In this world, colors are endless, and ninjutsu is also endless. I established an element experiment The purpose of the room is to understand the essence of ninjutsu.”


Orochimaru discovered the law of chakra transformation.

Invent a vessel that can melt chakra from different elements.

In the Kingdom of Wind, the Kingdom of Earth, the Kingdom of Water, and the Kingdom of Thunder, blood inheritance limited ninjutsu can only be obtained through inheritance.

But from a few years after Orochimaru established the elemental laboratory, all ninjas in the Land of Fire were able to use blood succession limited ninjutsu.

This phenomenon frightened the other four countries.

Five years later, Orochimaru and Chen Feng were forty years old.

Orochimaru invented the chakra synthesizer.

Can make chakra bombs.

Able to be mass produced, as Konoha’s military weapon,

each chakra bomb is ten times more powerful than Jiraiya’s Rasengan.

Chen Feng invented a weapon called a pistol that can shoot chakra bullets.

Pull the trigger to fire the bullet.

The trajectory is so fast that the trace is almost invisible.

More powerful than kunai and shuriken.

Bullets are easy to carry.

It is also used in Konoha’s military equipment for mass production.

Since then.

Konoha ninjas no longer carry kunai and shuriken when performing combat missions.

Instead, carry enough bullets.

The bullet is loaded into the magazine, mixed with its own chakra and fired instantly.

On the battlefield, this move was called masturbation by the other four countries.

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When encountering ninjas who can jerk off on the battlefield, you must avoid engaging in combat.

Because the power of the Fire Country makes other countries fearful, the other countries have already united in private.

The Akatsuki organization speeds up the process of capturing the tailed beast.

one year later.

Orochimaru and Chen Feng are forty-one years old.

The progress of this life’s mission has reached 90%.

Under Chen Feng’s inducement.

Orochimaru discovered that kinetic energy, light energy and electrical energy can be converted into thermal energy, thereby establishing thermodynamics.

Another year has passed.

Orochimaru and Chen Feng are forty-two years old.

When there was no progress in thermodynamics, Chen Feng took out the arranged experimental data and said: “Orochimaru, have you noticed that when we calculate the energy of ninjutsu, we always set the mass of an object to a fixed mass. Only then can we calculate it.”

“I have discovered this problem a long time ago, but in order to develop more ninjutsu, I didn’t pay much attention to it.”

Orochimaru fell into deep thought: “What exactly caused it.”

Three months later.

Chen Feng and Kakashi Obito were eating Ichiraku ramen.

The ramen has just been served.

Chen Feng picked up the chopsticks.

A figure appeared beside him.

Orochimaru lifted Chen Feng’s face, swallowed it in large gulps, and took a long breath.

He looked extremely excited: “Chen Feng! I finally understand why when calculating the energy of ninjutsu, an object must be set to a fixed mass, because the mass of all objects in this world is fixed!” Kakashi and Obito stood aside

, I was confused.

Chen Feng was dragged to the Chakra Elements Laboratory by Orochimaru and asked to study with Orochimaru. .

Chen Feng’s voice rang out on the street: “Orochimaru, I haven’t eaten my noodles yet! I’m hungry and have no intention of studying with you!” The words


A figure flashed past the Ichiraku Ramen Shop.

The curtain of Ichiraku Ramen was lifted.


Obito’s cursing voice sounded: “Senior Orochimaru, you are so shameless, you took away my ramen! Kakashi, please give me your share!”

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