Jiraiya! Who told you that I was flat-chested when you were a child?

“Don’t worry! Mr. Hiruzen, I will let the ninjas in the Land of Thunder see how powerful my ninjutsu is!”

Jiraiya laughed loudly: “It’s okay even if you get injured, Tsunade’s palm sensutsu The healing effect is very powerful, you can heal me easily.”

“I won’t heal you, you pushy pervert!” Tsunade glanced at Jiraiya.

“Who are you calling a pervert? In front of the teacher, please give me some face, Tsunade!” ”

Who told you to say that I was flat-chested when you were a child! I have always held a grudge about this!” ”

I had very little vision when I was a child. .” Jiraiya glanced at Tsunade’s body.

“Where are you looking!”

Tsunade’s fist hit Jiraiya hard on the head.

Jiraiya howled in pain.

Jiraiya covered the bag on his head and shouted to Tsunade: “Tsunade, I’m injured! Please use your Palm Senjutsu to heal me.” ”

I refuse.”

Tsunade glared at Jiraiya.

She crossed her chest with her hands and walked outside the Hokage’s office.

Jiraiya immediately chased him out, cursing: “Tsunade, you bastard! My injuries were caused by you, you need to be responsible for my injuries, please heal me!” Hiruzen Sarutobi looked at

Jiraiya Fighting with Tsunade.

There was worry in his expression.

Tsunade and Jiraiya had already left the Hokage’s office.

Orochimaru hasn’t left yet.

He stared at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

The golden eyes were shining with light: “Teacher Hiruzen, please rest assured that the three of us will definitely come back from the battlefield alive!” The

words fell.

Orochimaru’s figure disappeared.

There was silence in the Hokage’s office.

The sky outside the window is gloomy.

It was pouring rain.

The thermos cup on the desk is emitting heat.

Sarutobi Hiruzen took a sip of tea.

Come to the floor-to-ceiling window behind you.

The figures of Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru flickered a few times in the heavy rain, then disappeared into the distance.

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Sarutobi Hiruzen concentrated: “My three beloved disciples, I hope this disgusting war will not take away your precious lives.” What

pleased Sarutobi Hiruzen was that his three beloved disciples, Not only did he not die in the Second Ninja War, but he also made great achievements in the Second Ninja War and became known throughout the Ninja World as the Sannin of Konoha.

Only later.

Don’t know when.

In the eyes of Sarutobi Hiruzen, Orochimaru gradually changed.

Became increasingly taciturn.

As he spoke, he no longer respected him.

In terms of behavior, he is no longer as active as before in protecting Konoha.

What did Orochimaru change from?

Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn’t think of a specific time, probably after Orochimaru joined Danzo’s roots.


Sarutobi Hiruzen, standing in front of Orochimaru’s tombstone.

His expression could not hide his sadness.

“Orochimaru, I shouldn’t have agreed to your joining the Root Organization at the beginning. That guy Danzo hid a lot of things from me. If I had kept you by my side, maybe your thoughts would not be the same as before. Evil will not do anything to harm Konoha ninja, nor will he die before me.”

Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed.

There were many wrinkles on his cheeks.

The corners of his eyes have drooped.

The eyes were shining with crystal light.

In his mind, he remembered the scene where he found Orochimaru killing Konoha ninjas in Orochimaru’s underground research room a month ago.

that time.

After all, he didn’t have the heart to kill Orochimaru.

The picture in my mind disappeared in a flash.


Sarutobi Hiruzen came back to his senses and stood in front of Orochimaru’s tombstone, with a sad expression on his face: “Orochimaru, speaking of which, I, Sarutobi Hiruzen, have a great responsibility for you to be in this situation. I’m sorry… …”

His eyes suddenly fell on Chen Feng beside him.

Eyes widened.

Chen Feng was sitting aside, eating fruit.

He brought a fruit basket to worship Orochimaru, and Chen Feng ate most of the fruits in it.

“Chen Feng! This is the fruit basket I use to worship my disciple! Don’t eat it! You kid, you really make me angry!” In front of Orochimaru’s

tombstone, Sarutobi Hiruzen’s angry voice could be heard.

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