We have different positions

Scorpion’s short pink hair fluttered.

A scroll fell beside him.

Smoke flashed.

The two puppets, ‘Father and Mother’, were summoned.

The thin chakra threads on his fingertips quickly connected to the two puppets.

The figures of the two puppets galloped into the dense forest on both sides behind them and hid in the blink of an eye.

Kakuzu slapped his hands on the ground.

A large number of black tentacles spread from the fingers and sneaked into the ground silently.

Behind the two of them.

Four figures flashed rapidly in the dense forest not far behind them.


Mu Tongwan’s eyes were staring straight ahead at Xia and Kakuzu sitting on the edge of the cliff.

“Xiao, I’m sorry. Although you just let me live, you pose too great a threat to my country. We have different positions. I can’t let you live.”

Mu Tongwan looked tense.

He and his three companions had the Kumogakure forehead protectors tied on their foreheads, which reflected light under the bright moonlight.

“Mu Tongwan, I said, I don’t expect to see you again at all. Your child needs your company.”

Xie didn’t look back.

He sat on the edge of a cliff.

Legs hanging.

Looking in the direction of the Kingdom of Wind.

In his mind, he remembered the scene when he saw the corpses of his parents when he was a child.

Xie sighed: “You could have lived a good life, but you really shouldn’t have come back…”

He didn’t finish his words.

Then he was interrupted by Mu Tongwan: “Xiao, I’m sorry!”

The words fell.

Mu Tongwan and his three companions surged forward.

But we have just taken one step.


A large number of black tentacles emerged from the ground behind the four people.

The movements of the four people stopped.

His body was already entangled and bound by Kakuzu’s black tentacles.

Screams sounded.

The black tentacles pierce the skin and sneak into the body.

The two puppets, ‘Father and Mother’, sprang out from both sides of the dense forest.


The screams died down.

Blood flashed.

Four heads rose into the sky.

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The tentacles embedded in the body were retracted by the horns.

Four bodies fell.

The blood dyed the surrounding grass red.

The two puppets, ‘Father and Mother’, stood in a pool of blood, making squeaking sounds from their mouths.

The puppet’s voice stopped.

‘Father and Mother’ are already controlled by the scorpion and included in the scroll.

There was silence on the edge of the cliff.

It was so quiet that the only sound left was the sound of blood flowing from the broken necks of the corpses of the four Thunder Kingdom Jōnin.

as well as.

Mu Tongwan’s head was blown by the wind and rolled to Xie’s side.

“This guy could have stayed at home and accompanied his child to grow up.” Xie turned his head and looked at Mu Tongwan’s head beside him.

The Yunyin forehead protective cord tied to Mu Tongwan’s forehead broke.

Cloud Hidden protected his forehead and fell to the ground.

Mu Tongwan’s eyes widened.

There was no light in his eyes anymore.

I will never die with my eyes in peace.

Scorpion stretched out his hand.

Close Mu Tongwan’s eyes.

Kakuzu grabbed Mu Tongwan’s hair, picked up Mu Tongwan’s head, wrapped it in pitch black gauze, and asked Xie with some confusion: “Xiao, why are you so kind to this guy? This is not what you usually do. His style of conduct.”

“Those who are willing to accompany their children to grow up deserve to be respected.”

Mu Tongwan’s Yunyin forehead protector was held in Scorpion’s hand.

Xie took a deep look at Yunyin’s forehead.


Kumogakure’s forehead protector was thrown off the cliff.

Scorpions look arrogant.

Chakra lines spread from the fingers.

Wrapped around the bodies of several decapitated ninjas from the Land of Thunder behind him.

A few bangs.

The body was smashed heavily and fell behind Xie.

Cracks in the ground spread like spider threads.

Dust stirred.

Xie stood up slowly, with a cold attitude, and inspected the corpses.

Chakra lines spread to the limbs and bones of the corpse, giving a keen insight into its chakra properties.

After realizing that these Jonin of the Kingdom of Thunder had the thunder attribute chakra like Mu Tongmaru before they were alive, Scorpion set out to make these corpses into puppets.

Angle looked at the list of ninjas with high bounties in the ninja world.

The wind in the valley is cold at night.

The bright moonlight is cold.

Xie sealed the puppet in the scroll and looked into the distance with clear eyes and a somewhat solemn look on his eyebrows. He sighed: “If strength can bring happiness, I would rather be a person without any ninjutsu ability.” Ordinary people who live with my parents… No one is willing to learn ninjutsu and strive to become stronger, but this world that talks about bondage and morality only talks about strength.” ”

Scorpion, did the death of your parents hit you hard? ?” Kakuzu stared at Xie.

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