Everything I want to do has been done

Obito grimaced.

He didn’t answer Scorpion’s question.

The heartbeat is extremely fast.


Shortness of breath.

If Chen Feng hadn’t stopped him.

If it weren’t for the Scorpion in front of him, he would have been severely crippled and wouldn’t have survived for long.

He really wanted to give Xie a hard punch right now.

Beat the scorpion to pieces.

Revenge for everyone in that small country that was massacred by scorpions!

“I used the lives of everyone in a small country to train this puppetry technique. I originally wanted to use it against my country.”

Xie’s tone was still the same as before.



As if he was saying something completely normal: “In my original plan, if you and Chen Feng had not appeared, I would have destroyed the country I once stayed in, the Kingdom of Wind!” “What

? …What!”


At this moment, the entire dense forest suddenly became quiet.

Chen Feng let out a long sigh.

Shaking his head gently.

Nothing was said.

With a flicker of his body, he came to the elite Jonin of Sunagakure Village who had been poisoned by Scorpion before the battle between Scorpion and Chiyo.

He stretched out his hand and tested the breaths of several elite Jonin of Sunagakure Village one by one.

No snoring.

It looks like it’s dead.

Feel the pulse.

There was no jump either.

Even the heart is still.

Logically speaking, Scorpion and Chiyo have been fighting for some time.


The bodies of these dozen elite Jonin of Sunagakure Village still remain warm.

The temperature didn’t drop at all.

Chen Feng took out a bottle of pills.

It was an antidote to a certain poison that Tsunade once gave him.

Chen Feng gave it to the elite jounin of Sunagakure Village who was lying in front of him and drank it.

The medicine Tsunade gave me was very effective.

It’s like a special medicine.

It was only a moment.

The effects of the medicine are immediately apparent.

Breathing resumes.

Pulse responds.

The heart starts beating.

“Sure enough, it’s all fake death.”

Chen Feng.

look up.

Looking towards Scorpion not far away, his body was already swaying due to severe damage to the regeneration core area in his chest.

Chen Feng sighed: “In this battle between Xion and Gaara, Maki, Chiyo, and more than a dozen elite jounin from Sunagakure Village, the only person Xion really wants to kill may be himself.” As for

Xion Just said that.

He spent all the lives of a small country to train hundreds of machines to perform this ninjutsu.

Its purpose is to destroy the Kingdom of Wind.

Chen Feng believed Scorpion’s idea to be true.


Are Scorpios really willing to do this?

Scorpion fooled everyone.

But he couldn’t lie to himself.

After all, he still remembered the time his parents spent with him in the Kingdom of Wind.

I remember the atmosphere of his parents still lingering in his home and in the room where he spent time with his parents.


After hearing that Scorpion wanted to massacre his hometown, the Kingdom of Wind.

In front of Scorpion.

Obito’s expression suddenly froze.

Chiyo, who had already run behind Xia, stopped abruptly.

Chiyo’s eyes flickered.





These emotions eventually turned into a sigh.

“You’re such a hopeless guy!” Obito dropped these words, stepped heavily, turned around and walked towards Chen Feng.


Xie suddenly said to Obito.


Obito stopped.

Turn around.

His eyes fell on Scorpion.

“If one day, your country does something you hate and makes you betray your country, will you have the idea of killing your country in your heart?” “Impossible! My country will

never You will do something that I hate!”

Obito said very firmly: “Even if my parents died on the battlefield, I will not hate my country. My parents died gloriously, which is the glory of ninjas. !”

“Even if one day, like you, I betray my country, I will never have the thought of killing my country… No! No! I, Obito, will never betray my country! I I am Obito of the Uchiha clan. My hometown, Konoha Village, was originally founded by Senju Hashirama of the Senju clan and Uchiha of the Uchiha clan. I, the Uchiha clan, are inseparable from Konoha. Part of me, how could I betray my country!”

Obito’s tone was firm.


He stopped talking to Scorpion.

He turned and walked towards Chen Feng.

this moment.

Scorpion’s body could no longer hold up.

Take a final wander.

Fall backwards.

Didn’t fall to the ground.

Scorpion’s body fell into Chiyo’s arms.


Chiyo’s eyes fell on Scorpion lying in her arms.

what you want to say.

But I don’t know what to say.

To the Kingdom of Wind, Scorpion is a sinner.

For those innocent people harmed by scorpions, scorpions are extremely evil.


at the moment.

The young man lying in her arms looked at her with a cold gaze, as if he looked like the boy who happily called her grandma when he was a child.

Chiyo couldn’t tell.

I want to hold Scorpion in my arms.

But he was afraid of damaging the regeneration core in Scorpion’s chest.

At this moment, she had already seen it.

Once the regeneration core in the scorpion’s chest is completely damaged, the scorpion’s life will disappear.

Chiyo’s face trembled.

Tears flowed freely.

The wrinkles on the cheeks seemed to appear a lot more at this moment.

She carefully reached out towards Scorpion’s regeneration core.

Five chakra thin lines spread out.



“Scorpion…I won’t let you die in such pain. I am your grandmother. I am willing to accompany you in the days to come.” The thin chakra thread on Chiyo’s fingertips has touched the broken regeneration on Scorpion’s chest. nuclear.

She hoped that Scorpion’s regeneration core could be repaired.

Don’t expect it to be completely repaired.

Even if it just makes the scorpion live longer.


The next second.


A chakra line suddenly shot out from Scorpion’s fingertips.

Like a sharp blade, it easily cut off Chiyo’s five chakra lines.


This branch of the scorpion, Chakra, has not stopped yet.

Fingers moved slightly.

Cruelty is on Chiyo’s wrist.



Chiyo’s arm, at this moment, seemed to be controlled and unable to move.

“Old woman, please give up the idea that you want to save me.”

Xie looked at Chiyo with still cold eyes: “Don’t you want me to die in pain? Oh, death is not painful at all for me. I want to do it. Everything I have done has been done, and the only thing left in my life is death, which allows me to make the final choice.”

Another chakra line spread out from Scorpion’s fingertips.

The scroll lying on the ground was tied with chakra threads.

Handed into Chiyo’s arms.

Xie said in a deep voice: “In this hundred-machine exercise, there are two hundred and ninety-eight puppets of mine. Each puppet has the ability to control the magnetic sand that the third generation Kazekage was proud of. Originally, I wanted to use this , destroy the Kingdom of Wind. Now it seems that I can’t do it. I’ll leave it to you, old woman… As for whether you will use it to protect the Kingdom of Wind in the future, I don’t care.” “Scorpion

, You have always been fond of the Kingdom of Wind, haven’t you?” Chiyo murmured.

She was very aware of the magnetic sand ability that the Sandaime Kazekage was once proud of.

It was an ability that was extremely practical and powerful enough to make the opponent despair in a battle.


The Sandaime Kazekage, whom Scorpion previously controlled, possesses such an ability.


From beginning to end.

Scorpion has never used it on her.

Even against Gaara, Maki, and Scorpion, they just used some inconspicuous tricks.

Xion never used the real killing move.

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Chiyo could not imagine it.

What kind of terrifying scene will it be when Scorpion controls a large number of puppets that can cover the sky and uses the ability to control magnetic sand at the same time.

“Am I commemorating the Kingdom of Wind? That is a country that I hate. Why should I commemorate it?”

Xie’s expression froze.

He lay in Chiyo’s arms.

His eyes passed over Chiyo and looked towards the sky.

The night sky is filled with stars.

Star bright.

The night wind blew Scorpion’s short pink hair.

The bright and cold moonlight shines on Xie’s fifteen-year-old body.

In front of Xie Xie, a picture suddenly appeared of his parents playing with him when he was a child, eating with him, teaching him the theoretical knowledge of ninjutsu, and taking him to play.

Pictures flashed through Xie’s mind.

The energy of the regenerative core in the chest has become increasingly fragile.

Scorpion’s vision became increasingly dim.

The images that kept flashing in my mind became clearer and clearer.

Two chakra lines spread.

Two scrolls fell in front of Chiyo.

Scorpion’s eyes did not look at Chiyo, but continued to look at the night sky.

At this moment, although he could control the chakra lines, his neck and eyes could no longer move.

Body stiffness.

Xie said in a deep voice: “Old lady, in these two puppet scrolls, there are puppets made from the corpses of my parents, and a puppet from the Uzumaki clan. In front of this puppet from the Uzumaki clan is a very powerful medical ninja. , I spent a lot of effort to kill him. His ability is preserved, and he may be of use to you soon… After I die, please make my body into a puppet and seal it with me. In the puppet scroll of my parents, this way, after I die, even if my soul is not with my parents in the other world, at least my body will be sealed with my parents, and We are together forever. This feeling is very beautiful. Old lady, can you agree to my request?” ”

I…promise you!” Chiyo gritted her teeth tightly.

She never took her eyes away from her grandson lying in her arms.

The temperature of the scorpion’s body dropped rapidly.

It was already as cold as the night wind.


Lying in her arms, Xie’s vision was completely dark.

Can’t see the stars.

Can’t see the bright moon at night.

He couldn’t even see his grandma who was holding him with tears streaming down her face.

He was still murmuring: “Old woman, can you agree to my request?”

“I promise you, Scorpion!” Chiyo responded again.

The light in Scorpion’s eyes has dimmed.

The eyes are empty.

Scorpion continued: “Old woman… why don’t you respond to me? Is it because I am too disappointing to you now?” ”

I’m not disappointed! Scorpion!”

One of Chiyo’s arms was bound by Scorpion’s chakra thread. Unable to move.

She pressed her other hand tightly against Xie’s arm and choked with sobs: “Xiao, you have never let me down. No matter how many people you have killed, no matter how evil you are in the eyes of the world, you are still me.” My grandson…”

Chiyo didn’t finish his words.

Scorpion murmured.

The words coming out of Chiyo’s mouth stopped immediately.

His expression was trembling.

Listen very carefully to what Scorpio says.

“Old woman… I feel like I can’t hear what you are saying. Is this what death feels like? It seems that it is not as scary as I thought. If you can’t live forever, dying eternally is also a commendable skill. Where’s the art?”

“The puppet scrolls that I’m so proud of have been handed over to you. It’s up to you to decide how to use them.” ”

Gaara, this guy, when I used the Senju Kung Fu to control him, I also had a lot of trouble with him. He used his subconscious mind to manipulate the sand. I saw his past. When this little guy took action, the tailed beast in his body killed his mother. The layer of sand armor that had been protecting him was his mother. What about the obsession to protect him before his death… He was regarded as a humanoid tailed beast weapon in Sunagakure Village. In order to prevent the one tail in his body from breaking through the seal, he had to fight against the tailed beast at all times. He was regarded as a monster by the people of Sunagakure Village. Swearing in fear.”

At this point.

Scorpion paused.

He snorted softly: “I can’t imagine how this little guy, at such a young age, could have endured it before… If it were me, maybe I would have given up the control of my body to the tail in my body. Beast, let Shukaku destroy Sunagakure Village unscrupulously…Old woman, please give Gaara more love. A kind-hearted child like him should not have to endure any more pain and walk on the same path as me. On such a heinous path, there are many beautiful feelings and things in this world. These beauties that I have long been unable to feel. It would be nice if he could feel them.” “Don’t worry… Gaara’s thoughts in his

mind I have already removed the hidden anger and caused no harm to him.”

Scorpion at this moment.

It’s like being plunged into endless darkness.

Out of sight.

can not hear.

There is no feeling in the body.

muttering to himself.

My mind is getting drowsy.

Drowsiness surged.

That kind of sleepiness, as if once you close your eyes, you will never open them again.

All the vitality in the body is about to disappear.

“After saying so much, I don’t know if you can hear me. I’m still lying in your arms now.” ”

Old woman, I remember that when I was a child, I often lay in your arms and listened to you talk about what happened to you when you were young. What amazing things I have experienced… All in all, it has been many years since I lay in your arms and listened to your stories. Now I have no body feeling and have long forgotten the warmth of your arms. I really miss it. ”

Xiao’s voice became hoarse and

weak .

Her empty eyes had lost their energy for a long time.

Chiyo gritted her teeth tightly, lowered her head, and looked at Xiao lying in her arms.

He knew that Xiao could die at any time at this moment.

His soul He will leave this world at any time.

Chiyo said nothing.

He listened silently to Xie’s words.

“This is the first time I have said so many words in one day since I betrayed the Kingdom of Wind… Those bastards organized by Akatsuki, There has never been a member who is recognized by me in terms of art. I have a lot of things in my heart and I don’t want to say it to them. Maybe one day in the future, there will be a member in the Akatsuki organization who is more artistic and recognized by me. I don’t care anymore. … Speaking of which, the evil curse that was full of killing in the eyes of the world gave me a lot of warm moments after I betrayed the Kingdom of Wind. ”

Scorpion was lying in the boundless space of consciousness.

The surroundings were dark.


. Silent.

Figures flashed in front of him.

Each figure was wearing the auspicious cloud robe of the Akatsuki organization.

They were always cursing at him, saying that he was seeing The irreverent Kakuzu. Pain

who always tells him with a straight face that he must protect himself. Loquat Juzo who

often uses his puppets as training in an attempt to improve his sword skills.

And the one who is always with him when he is with him. Every time after he killed someone, he would always make small flowers out of Japanese-style paper and place them on the corpse of the deceased, silently praying for the deceased. …


betraying the Kingdom of Wind.

In Xie’s mind, Da Part of it is the memories with the members of the Akatsuki organization.

Apart from these,

the remaining memories are bloodshed.


The heinous deeds done in order to create a puppet technique that can destroy the country of wind.

Those of the Akatsuki organization Members.

Every one of them is a rebellious ninja from various countries. They

more or less hide some secrets in their hearts that they don’t want to tell.

Every member, in the eyes of the world, has an extremely weird personality, even perverted.


It just so happened

that they were these guys with weird personalities.


Scorpio, who was on the verge of death, felt a bit warm when he recalled it.

It was an indescribable kind of dependence on each other in the killing, which was different from the warmth of parents accompanying each other. .

“Old woman, I have said so much, but I don’t know if you can hear it. Please listen to me. I don’t want my soul to see you soon in another world. Don’t you want to protect me? The Kingdom of Wind, just protect it forever and live well. “Don’t say it anymore. You talk too much and it seems pretentious. ”

The words fell.

Scorpion’s arm suddenly shook.

Then, with

a fierce force,

he slapped his chest hard.

With five fingers, he pressed the regeneration core on his chest.

He grabbed hard.


There was a tearing sound.

There was a burst of puppet joints. The sound of parts being torn off exploded.

Scorpion’s chest was broken to the point where only half of the regeneration core was left, which had been torn off. It was

firmly grasped in Scorpion’s palm.

“Scorpion! ”

Seeing this scene, Chiyo

shouted in shock.


Xie’s originally weak voice became extremely hoarse at this moment.

His body shook and


He raised his hands to the sky with difficulty. With the regeneration core on his body, he murmured: “Grandma, are you still with me… With your current puppetry skills, I’m afraid you won’t be able to use the Hundred Machine Operation Scroll I made… Maybe you can just use my regeneration core… …Grandma, take it and protect your beloved Kingdom of Wind…”

Chiyo reached out to catch it.

Her subconscious thought was to put the damaged regeneration core into Xia’s chest again.

Trying to make Xia be able to regenerate. Survive for a period of time.


before she could take Xie’s broken regeneration core in her hand,

Xie’s voice stopped suddenly.

Her body no longer trembled.

Her arms dropped.

On her fingers, a ring with a jade character printed on it fell off.

The palm of her hand fell off. The regeneration core that Zhong was holding tremblingly rolled down on the grass.

At the same moment,

on Scorpion’s other palm, the thin chakra thread that spread out from the fingers and bound one of Chiyo’s arms disappeared.

Quiet and


Chen Feng and Obito were not far away, taking the antidote one by one to the dozen or so elite Jounin of Sunagakure Village who had been put into suspended animation by scorpion poison. Waiting for these dozen or so elite Jounin of Sunagakure

Village Awakening.

Most of the toxins in the body can be cleaned by the medicine made by Tsunade.

A small amount of speed requires thousands of hands to remove it.

At this moment,

the two stood

up. Standing.

The tall figure, under the moonlight, the shadow was pulled It was very long.

The two turned their heads and looked in the direction of Scorpion and Chiyo.

“Scorpion of Red Sand, is that guy dead? “Obito’s eyes were focused on the scene of Chiyo holding Scorpion’s corpse.

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