"Askar, you stinky boy remember for me that your ship can wait for orders in port, do you hear me? "

The Warring States Society gave me a vaccination first, he was very afraid that Aska, the iron-headed baby, would have nothing to do in Alabastan, so he went to find one of the Seven Martial Seas, Klokdal, and the city of the Kingdom of Alabas had a big casino.

There are plenty of Berry.

In case ......

I'm sorry, but that's what Askar actually thought.

Don't rob the money of ordinary people, but big casinos can go.

Hearing that he wanted a casino, Tsunade almost pounced on him enthusiastically...... Of course, not in the system.

Tsunade: "Go to the casino, casino, Aska I want, I want!".

"My sister, don't do this, it will be uncontrollable. "

"Hahahaha. Tsunade was proud, not shy at all, but laughed.

Aska looked at the already hot sun outside.

Sun, sand, bikini!

No, no, no, there is scorching sunshine and blazing yellow sand, but people are wrapped in death.

Askar looked at Misalie, "It's so strict." "

"Askar, you guy, I know what you're thinking. "

Next to him, Menami snickered.

Estes: "The temperature here is annoying to me. "

After saying that, it seems to be going back to the cabin, but in fact, it is back to the system space of Aska, and the queen likes the cool and cold environment.

Misalie looked at Askar: "The marshal just said that our ships can be on standby in the harbor." "

Askar had already changed into casual clothes and was going to buy another set of Alabastani clothes: "Yes, the warship is in the port, you guard the ship, I will go on vacation and relax." "




Shi Luo and Misalie's eyes widened, as if there was nothing wrong with it.

Askar whispered, "The phone bugs are all brought to me, Shi Luo and Misalie, you will have something to do, I believe it will not be a few days." "

Several people watched as Askar disembarked in civilian clothes and walked away in the port city.

"The Colonel is really a freewheeling man. "

"He has his own principles. "

"According to his arrangement, now Menami and I are in command of the warship, and everyone will rest for a day, and then stay on standby. "



Azkar walks in the port city, the heat is blazing, this is the desert kingdom, and the water is especially valuable.

"No, it's not familiar. "

Askar noticed that something was wrong and asked the owner of the fabric shop, "This is not a rape flower port?"

"Outside handsome guys, the rape flower port is on the opposite side of the whole island, here is the fire tail flower port. "

No, it's the other way around, the port where Smoker and Ace and the others met was Rape Flower Port.

"I originally wanted to catch Ace, but I didn't expect it. "

His eyes narrowed, and he left the store with a sneer, deliberately walking to an intersection where no one was around. As soon as he got off the warship, people began to follow him, originally thinking that they were beggars, but now there are more and more of them, and there is no shortage of people who are physically fit.

Can do it, absolutely not more beeps.

Around the corner, eight people followed, and found that there was already a dead end ahead.

"What about people?".

The wind swept by, and with a click, the necks of the seven people turned a hundred and ten degrees at the same time, and they fell to the ground and were killed in an instant.

"Demon ...... Devil. Only one of them looked at Askar, who was standing behind him.

"Don't come, don't come here, I'm a billionaire elder of the Baroque Work Society, if you dare to touch me, you will die. "

Askar clenched his fists, and with a roar, the man was sent flying four or five hundred meters, and flew out of the entire port town.

"The answer was so positive that I said it myself before I even asked. "

"I'm really here for a vacation. "

Brubru Bru, one of the phonebugs rang.

Askar took it out and picked it up.

"How's it going?" said the rugged man's voice.

"It was very clean to deal with. "

"Who are you, billions of elders?".

"Dead. "

"Who can do it. "

Askar smiled at the corner of his mouth: "Dad, I did it." "


"Good ...... Phew, not good at all, Lao Tzu doesn't need a son of this age. The Baroque work club sounds very powerful. "

"You...... Boy, it looks like I underestimated you. "

"Mr.0, huh? Don't underestimate the Navy. "

"Young people, sharp-edged people don't live long, and you will let you know what a Baroque work society is. After saying that, Klockdahl hung up the phone bug.

See Nicole Robin next to her.

"This damn navy, toast and don't eat and drink, what strength can he have, contact me Mr.1 Before dawn, I want the result. "

Nicole Robin laughed, "That young colonel seems to have some strength. "

"It's just nonsense, it's just a gimmick deliberately promoted by the Navy, a twenty-year-old Navy Major, who has only been in less than a month, what strength can he have. "

"Oh well. "

Klockdahl, a financial wizard, never expected that the Navy really didn't brag nonsense this time.

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