
On the second day after the assessment, Jiraiya left Konoha Village.

Go to the ninja world alone to investigate information about the Akatsuki organization!!

After all, this Akatsuki organization is rumored to have been secretly investigating information about the Jinchuuriki.

So we have to be more vigilant.

One morning a few days later.

Not long after Tsunade went to work, an ANBU came over and reported that Temari from the Sand Ninja Village asked for an audience.

After Temari saw Tsunade, she quickly reported what happened in the Sand Ninja Village to Lord Hokage.

Tsunade immediately realized the seriousness of the situation.

That Akatsuki organization now dares to directly invade a great ninja village and capture the Jinchūriki, and at the same time it’s the Kazekage?

It just so happened that Kakashi Ban had been officially restored, so Tsunade immediately informed Kakashi Ban to come over.

Originally, Naruto was staying at home leisurely, but he was informed to go to the Hokage Building.

Although Naruto knew what would happen next, there was no need to rush and let everything take its course.

When Naruto arrived at the Hokage’s office, Kakashi and Sakura were already there.

Tsunade saw all the Kakashi class members arrived.

She said,”I’ll keep the story short.”

So Tsunade told Kakashi, Sakura, and Naruto about the situation Temari reported to her.

Temari on the side was also very anxious, worried about the safety of her younger brother Gaara.

But seeing that Hokage-sama was doing things very quickly, I felt a little more relaxed.

“learn.”Kakashi responded after taking the order.

Tsunade continued:”Now most of the personnel have been sent out to perform tasks.”

“In addition, I also informed Kai and his team to come and pick you up, but Kakashi, you are in contact with Kai.”

The other two classes of the Twelve Little Team, Yuhi Bene’s class and Sarutobi Asuma’s class are all performing tasks.

Kaiban has just finished the task, so he can take on this task immediately…………………….

Everyone simply packed up and set off with Temari to the Sand Ninja Village.

It can be said that time is very tight nowadays!!

There was basically no rest along the way, and we rushed to the Sand Ninja Village at full speed.

After arriving at Sand Ninja Village, because some Temari led the way, we quickly arrived at the Kazekage office building.

The current person in charge of Sand Ninja Village is Ma Ji.

At this time, Kakashi and Kakashi happened to meet each other, and the two nodded to each other.

Temari immediately asked about Kanjuro’s poisoning situation as soon as she returned!!

Maki responded:”Chiyo-sama is trying to save Kanjuro.”

At this moment, Chiyo, who came out, saw Kakashi and immediately rushed forward and was about to attack.

This scene frightened everyone, except Naruto of course.

However, Chiyo stopped when the attack was about to fall on Kakashi.

Kakashi was also speechless for a while. He didn’t know where he offended this old lady?

Why did you show murderous intent towards him when they just met? ?

So after an explanation, it was revealed that it was Kakashi’s father, the Konoha White Fang, who was the cause of all this.

At the same time, Sakura volunteered that she could undo the poison that Kanjuro was poisoned with.

At first, few people in the Sand Ninja Village believed that a little girl could undo the poison that even their Chiyo-sama couldn’t undo? ?

They are all more or less skeptical…………………….

However, after Sakura revealed that her teacher was Tsunade, Chiyo chose to believe in Sakura’s abilities.

After all, he is that woman’s apprentice.

During the Great Ninja War, that woman Tsunade untied her poison many times.

It can be said that he is quite good at medical ninjutsu.

Sakura also lived up to expectations. After several hours of preparing the antidote, she finally helped Kanjuro remove the poison from the scorpion.

At the same time, the Sand Ninja Village was also discussing how many people to send over to rescue Gaara Kazekage.

During the break, Naruto handed a bottle of water to Sakura

“I’m so exhausted.”Sakura was not polite and took the water handed over by Naruto and drank it.

Kakashi hid outside the window and secretly watched the latest book created by Jiraiya.

Originally, Maki planned to lead the team, but was Chiyo stopped him.

Chiyo planned to go with the ninjas of Konoha to rescue Gaara Kazekage.

In fact, Chiyo had another purpose, which was to meet his grandson Scorpion.

There was no time to waste.

Soon Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura and Chiyo went to rescue Gaara.

Kai, Hinata Neji, Rock Lee, and Tenten also received information about Kakashi. They went to the destination to meet up.

At this moment, Scorpion, Deidara arrived at a dark cave with Gaara who fell into a coma.

“Senior Scorpion, should we take a break, or should we notify the organization immediately? Deidara asked Xie’s opinion.

Xie said directly without thinking:”Don’t waste time. If the enemy catches up, you will avoid trouble.””……………………

Shortly afterwards, Payne, the god of heaven, appeared to channel the heretic demon.

At the same time, except for Deidara and Scorpio, who are entities, everyone else is an illusory phantom body.

Tendo Pain looked at the one-tail jinchūriki on the ground expressionlessly and said:”Let’s start!”

“The time it takes to absorb a jinchūriki is about three days. I hope everyone will do well during this period.”

The cave was also reinforced and sealed by Tiandao Payne and everyone to prevent people who are not discerning from seeing the scene inside.

Time passed day after day and came to the third day.

Kakashiban and Kaiban, two classes people also meet each other……………………………………………………………………

PS: The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers, tickets, and all kinds of data support. Thank you!……………………………………………………………………

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