
Sarutobi Asuma led Team 10, and finally investigated the traces of Hidan and Kakuzu from the Akatsuki organization in the underground bounty house.

After some searching, Sarutobi Asuma also found Hidan and Kakuzu.

A fierce battle ensued.

Asuma versus Hidan.

Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji faced Kakuzu.

Hidan’s strength is not very strong, but his fighting style is life-threatening.

Plus Sarutobi Asuma lacks information!!

Therefore, Hidan took the opportunity to scratch his face.

Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji were also suppressed by Kakuzu.

“Ha ha! It’s time to start.”Hidan licked the blood from the scythe into his stomach.

He activated the spell to kill the scythe with blood.

He set up the scythe and inserted it into his thigh.

Sarutobi Asuma’s thigh instantly bled profusely, and he fell to the ground in pain and could not move.

“Teacher Asma.”Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji saw that Asuma-sensei was injured for no apparent reason, and their hearts were in their throats.

Hidan stabbed directly into the heart this time. Every time, Hidan likes to torture his prey first, and then finally Kill the prey.

Asuma knew that he had been hit by the enemy’s ninjutsu and was about to die.

He quickly shouted:”You three, leave me alone.””

“Shikamaru, teacher, I have a favor to ask of you. Help Kurenai more.”

“I understand, Asuma-sensei. Shikamaru responded with tears in his eyes.

After saying that, he forced Ino and Choji to leave. It would be in danger for the three of them if they didn’t leave!!……………………

Hidan said:”Kakuzu, are you just going to let those three little guys go??”

“There’s no reward for those three brats, so just leave! It doesn’t matter.”Kakuzu didn’t even look at Shikamaru and the other three who were escaping, but kept looking at Sarutobi Asuma.

Kakuzu’s eyes were full of excitement and he said,”This Sarutobi Asuma has a higher bounty than that Jilu! A full 35 million”

“Ha ha! It’s been a fantastic few days, total revenue of 65 million. Hidan pierced Asuma’s body with his scythe, put it on his back and said,”I don’t know why you care so much about money?””

“You do not understand.”Kakuzu looked at Hidan like an idiot.

One day later, Shikamaru, Ino, Choji and their contemporaries all heard the news of Asuma’s sacrifice.

Asuma’s sacrifice made the three of them burn new ones. Fighting spirit, vowing to avenge Teacher Asuma.

The saddest person is Yuhi Kurenai.

This serious blow made Yuhi Kurenai unable to accept it for a while.

At this moment, Naruto was alone in the Forest of Death. Training.

Naruto stood quietly, looked at the shuriken in his hand and said to himself:”It’s obvious that the mark of the Flying Thunder God has been engraved on it, but it just can’t be used successfully?”

So Naruto sat on the ground, stopped training, and fell into thinking.

More than two hours passed slowly, and Naruto suddenly opened his eyes and threw the shuriken out and stuck it in the tree…………………….

Then the figure disappeared and appeared where the shuriken was stuck in the tree.


“I succeeded. The first section of Flying Thunder God was finally successful.”

“In future battles, as long as we can’t defeat them, we can’t just run away?”

“Although there is a second part of Flying Thunder God, the first part is enough to save your life.”

“Then the next operating space will undoubtedly increase a lot!!”

“During this time, Sarutobi Asuma also died, so it seems I have to speed up.”

Naruto put away all the shurikens he had trained. At this time, Naruto doesn’t want to reveal that he can fly the Thunder God Jutsu.

After all, intelligence information can also affect the outcome of a battle!!

At the same time, Naruto There is also a very bold idea in people’s plans, but they want to realize this idea.

One of the very crucial factors is Uchiha Shisui’s Mangekyō Sharingan of the Other Gods.

One is with Shimura Danzo. , but that only temporarily changes a person’s will. What Naruto needs is the Shisui left eye in Uchiha Itachi’s hand, which can permanently change the will of the Mangekyō Sharingan of the Other God.

After the last meeting with Uchiha Itachi, how many All have some effect.

Then the next time they meet, Uchiha Itachi must be asked to hand over Uchiha Shisui’s other gods.

But the acting skills must be good enough to let Uchiha Itachi take the initiative to hand it over.

If the plan is to be implemented, then it must not be allowed The Akatsuki organization disrupted the plan……………………

Find a suitable time to apply eye drops to Akatsuki.

After Naruto finished cleaning up, he walked back to the streets of Konoha and looked at the people coming and going.

It will be a pile of dust in a few decades.

Including Naruto himself is the same, but there are differences.

That is the Nine-Tailed Yang half body occupied by the other half of Naruto’s consciousness. In a sense, it has a very long, very long life.

But Nine-Tailed Naruto is not a human after all, but a tailed beast.

Suddenly Naruto’s stomach growled:”It turns out it’s dinner time. I was so busy that I even forgot about meal time.”

“Um? What should we eat? ?”

“It seems like you haven’t been to Ichiraku Ramen since you came to this world?”

“Yes, the destination is Ichiraku Ramen.”

So Naruto put his hands in his pockets and walked leisurely to the Ichiraku Ramen House.

After all, there is a plan, and there is no point in rushing. It is better to enjoy more time when you have time.

It can be said that from time traveling to now, Naruto has not really Relax in the sense of the word.

Of course, you must not relax until you succeed…………………………………………………………………….

PS: The new book is about to set sail. Please give me flowers and votes. Five hundred flowers will be added to add a new chapter. Please give me all kinds of data support. Thank you!……………………………………………………………………

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