Chapter 0062 One of the opportunities Naruto has been waiting for is coming!!

Kakashi, Sakura, ANBU Yuugao and another ANBU also came to Naruto.

The attack was too sudden, and Naruto’s hurricane-like ninjutsu forced them to retreat on the back foot.

Kakashi asked:”Naruto, where is Danzo Shimura?”

Everyone else was also curious about where Danzo Shimura went? Or has it been eliminated by Naruto!!

Naruto responded:”Shimura Danzo ran away, and the old guy finally used the Mangekyo Sharingan to save his life.”

“After resurrecting, he was already ten miles away.”

After Naruto said this, everyone roughly understood what was going on. However, Shimura Danzo ran away, which was very passive for the Leaf Village. As the root of Shimura Danzo who has been in charge for so many years and the leader who has been in charge for so long The top management can be said to have a lot of information about Konoha Village!!

At the same time, Tsunade also led a group of Konoha ninjas to the scene.

Along with Kakashi, Naruto, and Sakura, they will fight from beginning to end. After reporting to Lord Tsunade,

Tsunade realized the seriousness of the matter. To be honest, Tsunade was not prepared at all before. She just arrived at Taki Ninja Village and came to Konoha and said that Shimura Danzo secretly sent people to capture them. The Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Then I heard the Anbu report about Shimura Danzo’s serious violation of regulations!

To be honest, if Tsunade had been mentally prepared before and planned to take down Shimura Danzo, she would have at least been more prepared.

Now she is completely caught off guard. Be on guard!!

An emergency within an emergency, if Shimura Danzo can be successfully captured, then there is still a way to calm down this matter.

But now that Shimura Danzo, that bastard, has escaped, things will It became a sharp and serious increase.

Tsunade issued an order and said:”All personnel go back and prepare to hold a meeting.”

Only Naruto knows that although this wave will have a great impact on Konoha!!

But Naruto’s own goal has been achieved. For the future war of the ninja world, this kind of thing that affects Konoha will not matter. It’s basically irrelevant.

In the rest room arranged by Konoha in Takinin Village, a guard from Takinin Village came to the elder and whispered in the ear.

“Unexpectedly, such a big thing happened in Konoha? hehe! It really makes people laugh out loud”

“It’s really useless to not be able to catch even one Danzo, but now that Danzo Shimura has escaped, Konoha may push all the seven-tailed jinchūriki of our Taki Ninja Village away.”

The elder of Taki Ninja Village is not a vegetarian, and he immediately analyzed the pros and cons.

No matter how the changes are made now, then their Taki Ninja Village will definitely suffer the loss. Another Taki Ninja Village guard said:”Master Elder, then we have to Don’t go after Shimura Danzo?”

“Rescue the Seven-Tails Jinchuuriki?”

“Stupid, how can we handle this kind of thing ourselves? It’s obviously Konoha’s problem, but we continue to find ways to put pressure on Konoha. They have to find a way to deal with Shimura Danzo’s matter on their own.”

Taki Ninja Village Elder criticized back.

In less than two hours, the conference room of the Hokage Building was filled with important personnel of Konoha Village.

Everyone who could come was notified, except those who were performing tasks outside.

At the same time, Tsunade also sent three ANBU teams to pursue Shimura Danzo, trying to capture Shimura Danzo on the way.

After all, this matter is not a trivial matter and must be treated with caution.

Among all these people, only two people were the same from beginning to end. They were all restless!

When they moved to bed, Koharu and Mito Kabuto could imagine that Shimura Danzo would not only be mentioned at that time. The two of them would inevitably be mentioned.

Shizune stood next to Tsunade-sama, and Tsunade looked at When everyone who was supposed to come arrived, he said,”You must have heard some rumors on the way here.”

“One of the elders of our Konoha Village, Danzo Shimura, defected and seriously violated various regulations of Konoha Village.”

“It violates those rules in detail. Let Shizune tell you the reason now.”

Shizune took out the information that had been prepared and read it to everyone. The more everyone listened, the more surprised and shocked they became!

Unexpectedly, Shimura Danzo was so crazy and crazy, and secretly harmed the lives of many people in the Leaf Village.

Everyone was talking louder and louder, because the incident was so bad. It was many times more serious than Orochimaru’s crime when he defected.

Hinata Hizu stood up and said:”Tsunade-sama, we should send this message to the entire ninja world. Wanted, Danzo Shimura must be captured as quickly as possible”

“Dare to desecrate even the remains of the First Hokage and not get rid of Shimura Danzo, which is the greatest shame in the history of our Konoha.”

Naruto glanced at Hinata Hinata from the corner of his eye. He reacted so violently. He must have been tricked by Danzo Shimura.

“I support Hinata and Hinata’s feelings, Tsunade-sama.”

Yamanaka Kaichi also stood up and echoed.

As Hinata Hizashi and Yamanaka Kaichi or two opened their mouths, more and more people stood up and expressed their respective opinions.

“Um! I originally planned to make this decision, but now I am announcing another news. The two elders, Koharu and Mito Kadoyan, who have been transferred to the dormitory, are now officially dismissed from their positions.”

Tsunade announced another matter to everyone.

No one objected to this, and everyone supported Tsunade-sama’s decision.

Koharu and Mito Kadoen have occupied the top management of Konoha for too long. We should come down and let more people have the opportunity to rise.

After moving to the dormitory, Koharu and Mito Kadoyan knew that their situation was over, and coming here was like being called over for a formality.

Neither of them dared to speak during the whole process. Speaking of which, Danzo was really tricked by that idiot this time.

They were forced to move to Koharu and Mito Kadoyan, and ended up with a night of no guarantee.

They were all fucked off in public, which was serious for them.

Regarding the news about Shimura Danzo’s defection within Konoha Village, it quickly spread among the ninja world.

Shimura Danzo was directly listed by Konoha as a super S-level rebel ninja, which is half as high as the previous S-level rebel ninja. A level.

At the same time, a huge reward was announced. Anyone who provides information about Shimura Danzo will be rewarded 10 million taels, and whoever catches Shimura Danzo will be rewarded twenty times.

Such a large reward can be said to make countless people excited.

Why did Konoha place such a high bounty? The main reason is that Shimura Danzo committed a principled issue that is too serious to be ignored. As for the Akatsuki organization, due to the previous issue of Uchiha Obito’s identity being exposed, Nagato and Konan and others squeezed him out.

So now Uchiha Obito is temporarily separated from the Akatsuki organization.

Although Uchiha Obito no longer appears in the Akatsuki organization, some cooperation is still going on.

Including this time Shimura Danzo’s defection to Konoha, The Akatsuki organization also received the news very quickly.

Especially when Uchiha Itachi heard the news, his eyes became cold. The death of Brother Shisui was inseparable from Shimura Danzo.

Especially Shimura Danzo. There is another eye of Brother Shisui on Zang’s hand.

But now Uchiha Itachi has no extra time to do other things. His body has already reached its limit. He doesn’t know how long he can hold on, and Uchiha Itachi himself doesn’t know either. Clear.

Uchiha Itachi looked up at the sky and fell into deep thought.

One of the Orochimaru test bases in Tianno Country

“Ahhhh! Orochimaru lay on the hospital bed and screamed in extreme pain:”Has this body reached its limit?” hateful.”

The door to the room was pushed open, Kabuto walked in, put the medicine on the table, and asked concernedly:”Master Orochimaru, are you feeling well?”

“There is no problem for now. By the way, how is Sasuke doing now?”

Orochimaru’s whole mind is now thinking about getting Uchiha Sasuke’s body.

It’s fast, and he will soon be able to get the best body he has ever dreamed of.

Kabuto said at this time:”Master Orochimaru, something has come out of Konoha. Very serious matter!”

“oh! If it’s interesting, let’s hear it.”

Master Orochimaru was rarely interested when he heard this.

So Kabuto told Master Orochimaru what he knew about the series of events caused by Shimura Danzo.

After listening, Orochimaru raised his head and laughed:”Hahaha! Has that old guy Danzo finally fallen?”

“It seems that as the Hokage, Tsunade still has some tricks.”

“But the most important thing for me now is to get Sasuke-kun’s body!!”

“What’s good about Sasuke-kun?”

“Lord Orochimaru, the ceremony will take place in three days. I will go and get you some medicine now.”

Kabuto responded respectfully.

Then Kabuto exited Orochimaru’s ward. After

Kabuto left, Orochimaru closed his eyes and continued to endure the severe pain in his body.

As long as he persists for three days, he can get Uchiha Sasuke’s body.

Now These pains are nothing to Orochimaru.

In another room, Uchiha Sasuke was sitting on the bed meditating. He closed his eyes to rest and suddenly opened his eyes and said:”Orochimaru, you may have to attack me in the near future. Got it”

“I can’t sit back and wait, I have to strike first.”

Uchiha Sasuke stood up, picked up the Kusanagi sword and tied it to his waist, and walked in the direction of Orochimaru.

Uchiha Sasuke is not a person who waits to die. Since he knows that Orochimaru is going to attack him, he must find the right time. Counterattack.

At the same time, there is no point in getting more power from Orochimaru.

Uchiha Sasuke walked to the door of Orochimaru’s room, raised his hand and stabbed in with a Chidori sharp spear.

Even if Orochimaru was weak, The limit, the perception of danger is also quite obvious.

When he sensed the danger coming, he immediately raised his hand to resist, and the Qianming sharp spear directly pierced Orochimaru’s arm.

Uchiha Sasuke walked in step by step.

Uchiha Sasuke mocked:”Orochimaru, it seems you���I’m about to die!”

“Then I will send you on your way in person.”

“Sasuke-kun, your wings have become stiff!”

Orochimaru said with a gloomy look. 0.

Uchiha Sasuke would not talk nonsense with Orochimaru and directly launched an attack.

Soon Orochimaru fell into a disadvantage. There was no way that Orochimaru’s current state was too weak.

In the end Orochimaru transformed. make a giant white-scaled snake

“Is this your true identity? Orochimaru is really ugly.”

Uchiha Sasuke said with cold eyes.

Orochimaru, with a white film on his mouth, said:”Sasuke, your body is mine.”

Uchiha Sasuke opened the curse seal and entered the second stage. He wielded the Kusanagi sword and cut Orochimaru’s body into sections one after another.

After killing Orochimaru, Uchiha Sasuke put away the Kusanagi sword and exited the second stage of the curse seal. Sections.

However, an accident happened at this time. Sections of Orochimaru’s body began to emit white smoke.

These white smoke dragged Uchiha Sasuke into a space created by Orochimaru. Uchiha Sasuke opened the three Magatama Sharingan and looked at this place. In the dark space, he looked at Orochimaru, which was made of foam in the distance.

“Sasuke-kun, this is the space I created independently. The reincarnation ceremony will be completed here. Come on!”

Orochimaru kept approaching Uchiha Sasuke.

At this moment, Orochimaru was full of excitement, because he would soon get the body that Sasuke had dreamed of.

In less than a while, the bubble Orochimaru made Uchiha Sasuke almost wrap up

“How could I be humbled by you, Orochimaru?”

The three Magatama Sharingan eyes in Uchiha Sasuke’s eyes began to rotate rapidly.

He used his pupil power to constantly fight against Orochimaru’s space.

Orochimaru and Uchiha Sasuke directly entered the stage of life and death struggle. Only the victor can get out. This space.

Uchiha Sasuke was swallowed by Orochimaru until only one eye was left exposed. Kabuto took the medicine and returned to the door of Lord Orochimaru’s room, but saw the broken door of Lord Orochimaru’s room.

When Kabuto It was time to walk in and take a look.

A figure came out.

“Are you Uchiha Sasuke, or Orochimaru-sama?”

Because he didn’t know what happened just now, Kabuto asked.

Uchiha Sasuke said expressionlessly:”What do you think?”

After leaving, Uchiha Sasuke left without looking back, leaving Kabuto standing there alone and thinking.

Kabuto said alone: “It seems that Lord Orochimaru has failed!!”

Uchiha Sasuke left Orochimaru’s base and prepared to find allies. After all, revenge against Uchiha Itachi cannot be fought alone. Because of that organization, as Uchiha Sasuke knew, they all worked in pairs.

Therefore, helpers are particularly important for Uchiha Sasuke at present.

Many Uchiha Sasukes are taking actions in the ninja world. Similarly, news of Uchiha Sasuke’s actions will inevitably spread.

Several times Days later, Konoha Village also received news that Uchiha Sasuke killed Orochimaru and left.

Konoha’s intelligence system is also top-notch.

Tsunade sat on the chair, tapping her fingers on the table.

At this time 0.1 Naruto and Sakura came over at the same time. When Tsunade saw the two of them, she knew what they were here for.

Just when Sakura was about to speak,

Tsunade interrupted and said,”Stop, I know you are coming. What am I here for?!”

“I will give you up to half a month to search for Uchiha Sasuke. If you don’t get any results, you will come back.”

“In addition, this mission is A-level”


Naruto and Sakura responded at the same time.

Kakashi went to perform another mission. As for the original Saai, he is currently under investigation because of his origin.

Sakura is so anxious because she wants to find Sasuke., and then see if there is any way to bring Sasuke back.

And Naruto doesn’t care about Uchiha Sasuke at all. This time Naruto is so anxious to follow Sakura to find Tsunade for another thing entirely.

Original scene, it was during this period that Naruto went to find Uchiha Sasuke, and then was approached by Uchiha Itachi.

Then he obtained the left eye of Uchiha Shisui Mangekyō Sharingan.

The one Uchiha Itachi has in his hand now is really The other god who can truly change a person’s will permanently.

Although the cooling time is as long as ten years.

The left eye of the other god Mangekyō Sharingan plays a very crucial role in Naruto’s overall plan..If he doesn’t get it, then Naruto will have to make new changes to the existing plan, and things will become more troublesome.

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