Chapter 0066 This arm and Hashirama cells work together!!

Black and white Zetsu came to a dark room to find Uchiha Obito.

Obito looked up and saw Black and White Zetsu coming, so he asked,”What’s the latest move over at Nagato?”

“Not yet, but there is something interesting!”

The person who spoke was Hei Zetsu, and at the same time he was showing off a little bit.

Uchiha Obito was rarely interested. After all, it was definitely not a trivial matter for Hei Zetsu to say something interesting. He asked:”What’s the matter! tell me the story”

“Shimura Danzo, Konoha’s super S-level rebel ninja, joined the Akatsuki organization at the invitation of Nagato himself.”

Black Zetsu told the news.

Uchiha Obito was stunned for a moment and said:”Nagato, are you stupid? Isn’t Danzo Shimura his enemy?”

“Even if Nagato forgets it, that woman Konan is also indifferent??”

“Who knows these!”

Hei Jue waved his hand and said that he himself didn’t know.

“Forget it, it’s all trivial matters.”

Uchiha Obito didn’t care, it’s just Shimura Danzo! In the final plan, he is just an insignificant ant.

Then he asked:”What about that guy Uchiha Itachi? What actions have you taken recently?”

“Uchiha Itachi was very vigilant and could not get too close. At the same time, his whereabouts had become more and more unpredictable recently.”

Black Zetsu told Uchiha Obito about Uchiha Itachi’s situation.

Uchiha Obito closed his eyes and fell into deep thought.

After a while, he opened his eyes and said:”It seems that nine out of ten it is for him. That younger brother!”

“Just keep staring”


After Black Zetsu responded, Black Zetsu disappeared underground and disappeared.

It has been three days since Danzo Shimura joined the Akatsuki organization, but there is one thing that has always bothered Danzo.

That is the lack of his right eye and left arm., making it impossible for Shimura Danzo to exert his true fighting power.

So Shimura Danzo finally couldn’t help it and went to laugh at Pain. After all, as the leader of the Akatsuki organization, the other party must have a way to help him get an eye and a suitable Arm.

In the past, whenever there was such a thing, Danzo would tell his subordinates to cooperate!

Now he has become a loner, which makes Shimura Danzo very uncomfortable.

When Konan saw Shimura Danzo, he wanted to kill Shimura Danzo immediately., the hatred was particularly deep, and he asked:”Duanzo, what are you doing here?”

“I’m coming to find Payne.”

Shimura Danzo could only endure the anger in his heart, and don’t let him seize the opportunity in the future, otherwise you, a woman, don’t want to continue to be arrogant.

At this time, Tiandao Payne appeared in front of Shimura Danzo and asked:”Say it! Danzo, what do you want from me?”

In front of Pain, Danzo is like an ant and can be crushed to death at any time, so he doesn’t know whether Danzo is jumping around in Will Village!!

“I’m trying to find a suitable arm, please help.”

No matter how angry Shimura Danzo was, he could only hold it in and endure the question. When

Shimura Danzo asked this, to be honest, Payne really had nothing to do!

Only then did Payne take a serious look. Shimura Danzo was in this state. He was missing both his right eye and his left arm, and he was like a waste.

Before, he had completely regarded Shimura Danzo as an ant, and he really didn’t pay much attention to it.

So he said:”It seems, Shimura Danzo, you don’t have much value! Then you can die”

“What, damn it, you are breaking your promise and are you just kidding me?”

Shimura Danzo immediately became angry. What does Shimura Danzo think of him?

He said he would not kill him and forced him to join the Akatsuki organization, but now he wants to kill him? What do you mean?

If a person is fooled like this, he will explode into murder.

God’s way Pain slowly raised his right hand, preparing to deal with Danzo Shimura with one shot.

Konan was also slightly surprised, why did Nagato suddenly change his mind again? But it was better to kill the murderer of Yahiko as soon as possible.

At this time, Black and White Zetsu suddenly Emerged from the wall, saw the scene in front of him and said:”Sorry, it seems I came at the wrong time! You continue as if I don’t exist.”

The reincarnation eye in Tiandao Payn’s eyes swept over Black and White Jue and asked:”Say it! Find out what news.”

Hei Zetsu responded:”This is how it is. Uchiha Sasuke and his team are looking for Uchiha Itachi and plan to fight to the death.”

“At present, Uchiha Itachi has also agreed and has agreed on the location of the decisive battle, I guess.”

Hei Zetsu said that he did not continue, waiting for the answer from Tendo Pain, and deciding how to answer.


Shimura Danzo snorted, regardless of the gazes of Tendo Payne, Konan, Black and White Zetsu and others.

He continued:”A decisive battle between the two brothers Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke? Really funny”

“In this decisive battle, it is impossible for Uchiha Itachi to kill him, so it will definitely help that brat Uchiha Sasuke.”

Shimura Danzo, as one of the promoters of the genocide of the Uchiha clan, how could he not know that Uchiha Itachi cares about his younger brother. It is precisely because of this! Shimura Danzo dares to be 100% sure that this decisive battle will In the end, Uchiha Itachi will choose to help Uchiha Sasuke.

Tendo Payne said calmly:”It seems that you are not completely useless.”

Shimura Danzo secretly clenched his fists, only after being punished by Tsunade, the Nine-Tailed Jinchuuriki brat and others.

All the way to now, it has been very difficult, especially here in the Rain Country Akatsuki organization.

It seems that he Shimura In the eyes of these people, Danzo is an ant that can be crushed at any time.

In the past, Danzo Shimura saw others as ants, but now being seen as ants by others makes Shimura Danzo’s hatred continue to increase.

Since Danzo Shimura Zang is still useful, so Tiandao Payne looked at Black and White Zetsu and asked:”Is there any way to help Shimura Danzo reattach an arm?””

“This! Yes, my clone body can be installed on anyone.”

This time it was Bai Jue who responded to Payne’s words.

Tiandao Payne and Xiaonan were both slightly surprised. They really didn’t know this before. Bai Jue still has such abilities.

“Okay, give Danzo an arm!”

After Tiandao Pain finished speaking, he turned around and continued:”Danzo, you and Bai Zetsu come over there.”


Can Shimura Danzo still refuse? Danzo must really want to regain his arm! Danzo has had enough of the days of missing an arm.

After Black and White Zetsu and Shimura Danzo left.

Konan couldn’t help but said:”Penn, maybe your body can be restored using White Jue?”

“talk later! At the moment, I don’t even bother to use Bai Zetsu’s kind of limbs.”

Tiandao Pain’s tone was full of disdain for things like White Zetsu.

Shimura Danzo followed Black Zetsu to another dark room.

Now Shimura Danzo has nothing to be afraid of, after all, Danzo has also discovered it., he couldn’t escape from the Land of Rain.

At this time, more than a dozen White Zetsu clones emerged from the ground, which shocked Danzo Shimura!!

One of the White Zetsu clones walked up to Shimura Danzo and said The broken arm was still leaking liquid.

The main body Bai Jue said:”Just put that arm on your arm, and it will heal automatically.””

“It is of great research value.”

Shimura Danzo took the arm unceremoniously and hit it directly on the broken arm of his left hand.

In an instant, Bai Zetsu’s arm quickly fused with Shimura Danzo’s broken arm, and bursts of white smoke came out.

Shimura Danzo After moving his arm, he found that it was as flexible as his own, and he knew that these white skills were not simple.

At the same time, Shimura Danzo also discovered that this arm contained Hashirama cell energy. Although the energy was not much, it was indeed Hashirama cell energy.

As a long-term researcher of Hashirama cells, Shimura Danzo, who is equipped with Hashirama cell arm, can quickly sense Hashirama cell energy.

Shimura Danzo said implicitly:”This is not an ordinary arm!”

“I want to know where you got Hashirama cells, or where you got them from Orochimaru.”

“As expected of Shimura Danzo, the former high-ranking Konoha leader, he was very sharp! This can all be discovered.”

Black Zetsu didn’t expect that Shimura Danzo would discover the secret just after he put it on White Zetsu’s arm.

It seems that Shimura Danzo had secretly conducted research on Hashirama cells and used them at the same time.

Otherwise, it would not have been possible so quickly. Just noticed


Shimura Danzo sneered. The vitality of his body, which was almost dry, was quickly restored.

This surprised Shimura Danzo. It was more useful than the Hashirama cell arm he had installed before!! There has always been a violent chakra reaction conflict, but now that this White Zetsu arm is attached, there is no reaction conflict at all, as if it were his own arm.

This makes Danzo Shimura feel like he has regained his youth.

I have always thought about it before, How can we truly use the power of Hashirama’s cells, and���method to achieve.

Is it so easy to achieve now?

However, the energy content of the Hashirama cells in this White Zetsu arm was too low to be able to use the Wood Release Ninjutsu.

It can only improve your vitality!!

But for Danzo, it’s completely enough, and it’s also a good breakthrough.

It shows that there is a chance to obtain the real power of wood escape in the future.

“Nothing happened, so I left first.”

Shimura Danzo walked back after leaving. As for the right eye! Danzo didn’t plan to use White Zetsu, he wanted Sharingan.

Only by regaining the power of wood escape and Sharingan can Shimura, who had lost everything before, Danzo felt psychologically balanced.

After Shimura Danzo left, Uchiha Obito, who had been hiding in the dark, came out of the Kamui space.

Uchiha Obito said:”That old guy Danzo, after getting the White Zetsu arm, obviously started to Floating”

“It seems that Nagato made a bad move! Danzo would not be so kind as to help the Akatsuki organization”

“Obito, there is a saying that I don’t know whether to say or not.”

Black Zetsu changed the topic and said Uchiha Obito signaled Black Zetsu to speak out.

Black Zetsu said a fatal problem that might occur:”The function of White Zetsu’s limbs is guaranteed to be noticed by Nagato and used.”

“If Nagato uses White Zetsu limbs, his body that has been sick for many years will be restored, and his strength may have to be further improved by then.”

“So Obito, if you want to continue to have an equal cooperative relationship with Nagato, it becomes very unlikely.”

“It didn’t matter, Nagato recovered and was better able to collect tailed beasts in disguise.”

Uchiha Obito’s identity has been exposed now, so it is absolutely right to let Nagato take the lead!!

Konoha Village, Fire Country, Training Ground No. 3.

Kai gave a thumbs up and said:”Naruto, let’s start! Get used to it slowly first, don’t push harder all of a sudden”


Naruto crossed his hands in front of his eyes and squatted down slightly.

“First door, open the door”

“The second door, close the door and open it”

“The third door, the door of life is open.”

When Naruto opened the third gate of the Eight Gates Dungeon, an astonishing wave of chakra burst out all over his body.

This wave of chakra surprised Kai!!

Because Naruto himself has half the blood power of the Uzumaki clan, so the amount of chakra is quite astonishing.

The Eight Gate Dunjia opens the human body’s limit forbidden technique again.

Even the third gate, Shumen, allows Naruto’s chakra wave to reach a quite astonishing level!!

When Naruto planned to continue opening the fourth door, the injury door, he found that it could not be opened at all.

It was as if the location of the injury door in his body was blocked by a wall, and he was unable to break through the wall.

When Kai saw this, he quickly shouted Stop:”Okay, Naruto, stop and take a rest. Don’t continue to try to forcefully open the fourth door.””

“That will cause permanent damage to your body”

“Don’t force yourself.”

Naruto exhaled, exited the Eight Gate Dungeon state, and the chakra wave also stopped!!

Naruto clenched his fists, his sky blue eyes showed bright light, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:”Teacher Kai, you are worthy of it. It’s the Eight Gate Dunjia! The power is truly extraordinary!!”

“If you open the sixth door, the seventh door, or even the eighth door, what a grace it will be!!”

“Naruto, it’s better not to think about the eighth gate, it will kill you.”

Kai hurriedly emphasized again that opening the eighth gate would lead to death.

Although he had emphasized it before, looking at Naruto’s appearance, he probably didn’t listen at all.

Kai can also understand that the Eight Gate Dunjia Forbidden techniques that can increase strength very quickly are indeed very attractive.

But it is not that easy to learn the Eight Gate Dungeon.

Kaido is very satisfied with Naruto’s talent, but he didn’t know that Naruto in the past would be called a loser??

He is obviously extremely talented!

How long have he been learning the Eight Gate Dungeon? He has already been able to open the third disciple gate.

Naruto’s learning speed and ability are almost catching up with Kakashi.

So can Kai not be surprised? He is a genius, okay?

Naruto smiled and said:”Let’s continue! Life is about getting better”

“Haha, Naruto you are so funny, okay, let’s continue.”

Kai was also amused by Naruto.

Kai continued to teach Naruto about the experience in various aspects of the Eight Gate Dunjia, as well as the details that need to be paid attention to, so that Naruto can avoid many detours.

And when Naruto followed Kai to learn the eight Men Dunjia Training Ground No. 3, outside, Tsunade brought Shizune here.

Shizune hugged the piggy and said with great joy:”Tsunade-sama, Naruto-kun worked really hard! Very excellent”

“You have learned such a powerful Sage Mode, and now you are still learning the Eight Gate Dungeon. I think Naruto may have surpassed you now, Tsunade-sama.”

“More than my mother? I hope that Naruto can surpass me as much as possible.”

Tsunade doesn’t care at all about the fact that she, the Hokage, is surpassed in strength.

Because Tsunade has regarded Naruto as the number one fighting force in Konoha in the future.

Naruto who knows the Sage Mode, plus now learns the Eight Gates Dunjia, if the future learns to control the power of the Nine-Tails today, wouldn’t it be the strongest combat power??

In the future, it may be possible to reach the height of grandpa’s peak period. Tsunade’s expectations for Naruto are quite high..

Shizune knew that Tsunade-sama valued Naruto very much, so she dared to say that just now. Otherwise, who would dare to say something that would harm the Hokage’s face in front of the Hokage? Tsunade waved her hand, turned around and walked back towards the Hokage building and said:”Qingyin, I’m going back to correct the documents first.”

“You wait and notify Naruto. Tell him to come to my office later and I will give him a task.”

“Okay, Tsunade-sama.”

Shizune watched Tsunade-sama go back and responded respectfully.

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