Chapter 0074 Joint meeting, Naruto plan begins!!

When Naruto finally told the news about the Rinnegan, Jiraiya couldn’t help it.

Jiraiya asked excitedly on the spot:”Naruto, what is going on? Please explain it in detail.”

Compared with Jiraiya who was the most excited, Yuhi Kurenai’s Class 8 and Kai’s Class 3 were better, because they I’ve probably heard Naruto talk about it before.

But everyone else is also very curious about the Rinnegan, the first of the three major pupil techniques. It would be false to say they are not curious, so they are all waiting for Naruto’s next answer.

“I don’t know much about it, I just heard about the news that the leader of the Akatsuki organization is the samsara eye! There is nothing else.”

Naruto shook his head and responded, how could he act like he knew everything? It would be strange not to be suspected.

Jiraiya opened his mouth, and it was hard to continue speaking.

But only, Jiraiya knew in his heart., what is going on with the Rinnegan!

Tsunade also feels a headache. What happened just now about Anko being taken to Orochimaru’s base!!

Now there is information about the Akatsuki organization in the Land of Rain, and the leader is still a Rinnegan. Owner.

Now Tsunade’s thoughts have changed again. Originally, Orochimaru was a little more focused, but now the Akatsuki organization has to pay more attention.

Tsunade opened up the topic with everyone and discussed it for more than five hours!

After all, This incident is not trivial and must be taken seriously.

In the end, Tsunade plans to launch a five-kage conference to finally decide to take down the Akatsuki organization in one fell swoop.

If only Konoha takes action, no matter how big the loss is, Konoha will have to bear it. Tsunade would not do such a stupid thing.

Everyone agreed that Tsunade-sama held the Five Shadows Conference. After all, the Akatsuki organization was endangering the entire ninja world, so other ninja villages also had this obligation to work and contribute.

After everyone left,!!

Jiraiya sat silently on the chair without saying a word.

Tsunade knew at a glance that Jiraiya was thoughtful, so he asked:”Jiraiya, if you think you can, tell me, what Things make you so thoughtful”

“The leader of the Akatsuki organization who possesses the Samsara Eye is most likely a disciple I once took on.”

Jiraiya said this matter at this time. He really couldn’t say it just now.

Tsunade slammed his hands on the table and roared:”Jiraiya, what are you talking about? Are you saying it again? what is going on?”

Shizune on the side was also so shocked that her jaw almost dropped. Lord Jiraiya just said that the owner of the Samsara Eye, the leader of the Akatsuki organization, might be a former disciple? How could Shizune not be surprised?

Tsunade calmed down and asked,”Since Come on, tell me!”

“Um! This is what happened.” Jiraiya started talking about the time when the Sannin fought Hanzo, and how he accepted Nagato and his three disciples and then stayed in the Land of Rain to guide them for three years.

After hearing this, Tsunade suddenly realized and responded:”So I understand Jiraiya’s uncomfortable mood at this moment!!”

However, Tsunade still said seriously:”Jiraiya, now is not the time to be emotional, you should understand”

“I know, Tsunade, just keep busy! I’m going out.”

After Jiraiya finished speaking, he left the Hokage’s office on his own.

Shizune asked worriedly:”Tsunade-sama, is Jiraiya-sama okay? Look how sad he looked when he went out”

“Don’t worry, Jiraiya will adjust himself.”

Tsunade is not worried about Jiraiya being unable to adjust.

At the same time, in a dark room somewhere,

Uchiha Sasuke was lying flat on the stone bed, looking at the wall above his head blankly.

At this time Uchiha Obito walked in wearing a mask and said:”It seems you haven’t recovered yet!!”

“You have many doubts about Uchiha Itachi’s death!!”

“Tell me everything you know.”

Uchiha Sasuke’s extremely cold voice sounded!!

Uchiha Obito slowly approached Uchiha Sasuke, and the bright red Sharingan was revealed under the mask.

When Uchiha Obito and Uchiha Sasuke looked at each other!!

An accident happened, one of Uchiha Sasuke’s eyes turned into the same Mangekyō Sharingan as Uchiha.

And blood flowed out.

Uchiha Obito was hit by a burst of black flames unprepared.


“This is Amaterasu””

Uchiha Obito screamed in pain and kept stepping back.

Uchiha Sasuke quickly covered his eyes. Was that move just now made by Uchiha Itachi? Why does it appear on him??

Uchiha Sasuke was full of doubts about this.

After about ten seconds, the figure of Obito Uchiha reappeared.

The pain of being burned by Amaterasu just now left Uchiha Obito’s memory fresh, and he said in a cold tone:”Uchiha Itachi is very capable. Even if he dies, he will leave his strength in you to protect you.”

“Uchiha Itachi? Don’t mention him to me, I have nothing to do with him.”

As for Uchiha Itachi’s relationship, Sasuke didn’t even want to admit it to death.

After all, Uchiha Itachi had made him endure too much pain and cry for so many years. He often had nightmares, dreaming about the scene where his parents were killed by Uchiha Itachi, it became Uchiha Sasuke’s dream demon.

Uchiha Obito asked:”Really?” Do you really not want to know Uchiha Itachi’s past??”

“Come on, tell me.”

Uchiha Sasuke stared at Uchiha Obito with cold eyes. Uchiha Obito was not showing off, but told Uchiha Sasuke all the news about Uchiha.

Because Uchiha Obito planned to use Uchiha Sasuke’s power to do things..Used well, you may get unexpected results.

As Uchiha Obito told Sasuke more news about Uchiha Itachi!!

Uchiha Sasuke’s hatred for Konoha also continued to rise..So much so that he had the idea of destroying Konoha.

This kind of being kept in the dark and the strong sense of mission of the Uchiha clan made Uchiha Sasuke instantly open the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Uchiha Obito said in surprise:”This will open the Mangekyō Sharingan.” Got the Sharingan?”

“As expected of Itachi’s younger brother, he is indeed excellent.”

Those who can open the Mangekyō Sharingan are the only Uchiha geniuses. The Mangekyō Sharingan has the supreme status among the Uchiha clan. In the Uchiha clan,

Sharingan registration also represents a symbol of status..

Uchiha stood up and said:”I take revenge on Konoha, where are my companions?”

“They were all waiting outside.”

Uchiha Obito already felt that the plan was almost successful. All he had to do was point Uchiha Sasuke’s finger at Konoha.

Uchiha Sasuke dragged his exhausted body and walked out.

Iwagakure Village, Earth Country.

Sitting at the top Onoki, the third Tsuchikage, threw aside the document sent by Konoha Village.

He said disdainfully:”That woman Tsunade is really making a fuss. To deal with a mere rebel ninja organization, do you need to unite the five major ninja villages??”

“When did the five major ninja villages drop in price like this??”

“To deal with the Akatsuki organization, let Konoha let them handle it on their own, and we won’t get involved.”

“At least you can save some face in the end!!”

In fact, Ohnoki’s words are true and false, false and true.

For the old fox Ohnoki, no one can know his true thoughts!!

Anyway, there is one thing, in any situation, you must���Yangakure Village strives for the most favorable situation.

Kurotsuchi on the side didn’t dare to say anything about her grandfather’s decision. She could just do whatever the arrangements were made at that time.

Kirigakure Village in the Country of Water.

As someone who has just come to power, he is actively working hard to contribute to Kirigakure Village.

Ao read the information from Konoha in his hand to Terumi Mei.

Terumi Mei nodded and said:”So, Konoha will unite with us great ninja villages to deal a fatal blow to the Akatsuki organization in one fell swoop.”

“That’s fine, otherwise an Akatsuki organization that specializes in housing S-class rebellious ninjas would be extremely dangerous.”

“Since they are still housing S-class traitorous ninjas, it means they have a big plan!! It feels really dangerous!!”

“Send a reply to Konoha and say that we are willing to work with them to deal with the Akatsuki organization.”

“Yes, Lord Mizukage.”

Ao nodded in response.

At this time, the door to Mizukage’s office was opened, and the marshal came here with two people. Terumi Mei asked:”Marshal, what can I do for you?”

“It was precisely because I had something to do that I came here. As for Konoha’s request to deal with the Akatsuki organization together,”

“Let’s avoid this matter!”

“We in Kirigakure Village don’t need too much fighting!!”

“Marshal, this is a good opportunity for us to form cooperation with Konoha. Otherwise, when will Kirigakure Village be able to recover its deficit by relying on ourselves??”

Terumi Mei asked back.

This marshal plays an important role in Kirigakure Village, so Terumi Mei’s many orders would be blocked, which made Terumi Mei very unhappy.

So the two sides ended up in a stalemate.

The Sand Ninja of the Land of Wind Village.

Ma Ji is now fully assisting Gaara and taking care of the Fifth Kazekage.

Ma Jihui reported:”Master Kazekage, Konoha invited us five major ninja villages in advance to jointly take down the Akatsuki organization.”

“How do you plan to arrange it??”

“Simply pack up and prepare to leave for Konoha Village.”

Gaara made this decision without even thinking!!

Heading to Konoha Village for a meeting. Regarding the dangers of the Akatsuki organization, Gaara is very clear about the dangers of the Akatsuki organization. Gaara can be said to be the fastest. As soon as he receives the news, he Make a decision immediately.

Ma Ji also hurried to prepare various matters!!

At the same time, in the Cloud Ninja Village of the Kingdom of Thunder.

The fourth generation Raikage Ai said arrogantly:”Is it the Akatsuki organization? Since Konoha has initiated an alliance, let’s unite!”

“If you dare to kill Yumuren, I will take revenge.

The assistant Mabuyi on the side immediately understood and said:”Lord Raikage, I will make arrangements now.””

The Fourth Raikage Ai nodded with great satisfaction. Mabuyi is so good that he doesn’t need to remind him of many things.

Mabuyi will think of it one step ahead, which also makes the work of the Fourth Raikage Fumi a lot easier.

You don’t need to do a lot of things yourself, as that would make the fourth generation Raikage less valuable.

So far, two villages, Sand Ninja Village and Kumo Ninja Village, have agreed to participate, but Kirigakure Village cannot participate due to internal restrictions. The

Ninja Village must The news is also delivered very quickly.

Therefore, Tsunade also received news that the two Ninja Villages, Iwagakure Village and Kirigakure Village, were unable to participate.

There were only Sand Ninja Village and Kumo Ninja Village. Although Tsunade was a little angry, I am also quite satisfied with the result.

Needless to say, Sand Ninja Village, at least the Raikage of Cloud Ninja Village led the team here, which increased a lot of confidence in the encirclement and suppression of the Akatsuki organization. This time, most of the people who will encircle and suppress the Akatsuki organization are basically Naruto For the sake of Naruto’s own plan, the Akatsuki organization must suppress the people who are sneaking in secretly.

As for how to suppress it? Of course, it is to take over the power of the great ninja village to deal with the Akatsuki organization. A few days later, the Kazekage Gaara and the Fourth Generation Raikage Wen, the two secretly led the team into Konoha Village.

Tsunade did not make any announcement, but asked the fifth generation Kazekage Gaara and the fourth generation Raikage Ai to attend the meeting as soon as possible.

On the basement floor of the Hokage building.

At this moment, there are a total of There were only six people, three sitting and three standing.

The people sitting were Tsunade, Ai, and Gaara, and the people standing were Nara Shikaku, Maki, and Abuyi.

Tsunade spoke Said:”I won’t talk nonsense anymore. Our purpose this time is to work together to destroy the Akatsuki organization.”

“The existence of the Akatsuki organization seriously harms the stability of the shinobi world.”

Gaara echoed.

The more irritable Raikage Ai said:”Send out a large number of troops and eradicate the Akatsuki organization in one go!!”

In the meeting, it is difficult to achieve true unity of opinion.

When they were meeting!!

Naruto secretly left a shadow clone at home, and the main body used the Flying Thunder God Technique to come to Orochimaru base.

All the way into Orochimaru Maru’s laboratory, Naruto came over to see the progress of the mission!!

Kabuto consciously withdrew from the laboratory, leaving space for Orochimaru-sama and Naruto-kun. Orochimaru smiled and said:”Naruto-kun, this research is currently Haven’t encountered any tough problems yet”

“It’s not difficult to copy your clone, but it hasn’t been integrated with other people’s chakra attributes and cells.”

“That’s pretty good too, keep going.”

Naruto had to admire Orochimaru’s progress! It was so fast.

Orochimaru then smiled and said:”Naruto-kun, next I need a lot of your blood and cells.”


Naruto readily agreed. These blood and cells were originally needed for research.

In addition, Orochimaru was controlled by other gods’ genjutsu and was only loyal to Naruto.

There was no change in his personality. He was still the same Orochimaru..

Although Naruto was unsure about this plan, it did not prevent him from making a bold attempt.

As long as it can be calculated theoretically, it can be given a try.

Orochimaru continued:”I’m really looking forward to it. What heights will Naruto-kun reach in the future?”

The trend in the ninja world is getting stronger and stronger.

Uchiha Obito is still tempting Uchiha Sasuke to join the Akatsuki organization.

After all, an Uchiha clan who can activate the Mangekyō Sharingan City still has great potential.

Furthermore, Uchiha Obito saw in Uchiha Sasuke that he had the hope of surpassing the Mangekyō Sharingan and achieving the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

After all, the Mangekyō Sharingan left by Uchiha Itachi was not for nothing!

It was specially made for Uchiha Sasuke prepared it in order to let Uchiha Sasuke gain stronger power.

Uchiha Sasuke did not agree immediately. After all, the other party would definitely not have any good intentions and the purpose was to use his power.

Uchiha Sasuke was not I don’t know.

In the end, after many negotiations, the Eagle organization established by Uchiha Sasuke belongs to the periphery of the Akatsuki organization.

Dao is not under the management of the Akatsuki organization.

Uchiha Obito has no objection to this!!

Because Uchiha Obito does not need to completely control Uchiha Uchiha Sasuke couldn’t control him even if he wanted to.

He could only use verbal guidance to make Uchiha Sasuke change his mind.

The current situation is not very friendly to Uchiha Obito.

Nagato and Konan are really wary of him. It’s too heavy.

Because Obito needs to find other ways to break the deadlock.

PS: Put it on the shelves, flowers, tickets, please support with various data, your support is the author’s motivation.

I am very sorry today, because the author I have a cold and a fever, so I have no status, so I can only update one chapter.

When the author recovers from the fever, I will make up for today’s work.

Please support me a lot. Even if the author has a cold and a fever, he will still code for you. A chapter.

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