Chapter 0103 Uchiha Zuo assists in defeating Konoha Village!!

In a dark cave somewhere.

Konan gave Nagato a new pair of eyes. Even if these eyes were just ordinary eyes, it would have a different meaning if he could give Nagato light again.

Konan is not a professional medical ninja.

So he worriedly looked at Nagato who was wearing an eyeband and asked:”Nagato, do you feel anything is inappropriate or uncomfortable?”

“If so, tell me immediately”

“Um! I feel fine now, don’t worry about me, Xiaonan.”

Nagato hasn’t taken off the bandage yet, but Nagato can already feel that his eyesight has recovered.

Although it cannot return to its former strength, at least his combat power can be used normally.

Time passes slowly.

One day later, Nagato fully adapted Finally, Konan helped Nagato untie the bandage.

Nagato slowly opened his eyes and looked at the sight that reappeared. A long-lost smile appeared on Nagato’s lips.

However, the loss of the Samsara Eye caused Nagato’s overall combat effectiveness to drop a lot.

Konan was pleased. Said:”Nagato, congratulations, you regained your vision.”

“Thank you for your hard work, Xiaonan.”

Nagato understood that it was not easy for Konan, and it took a lot of effort to restore his eyesight.

Nagato continued:”The Rinnegan Eye must be taken back from Uchiha Obito.”

“However, Nagato……”

Konan said something but did not continue, because Konan was very worried that Nagato would not be able to defeat Uchiha Obito now that he had lost his Rinnegan.

What if an accident occurs! What to do then??

In fact, Xiaonan’s worries are not unreasonable, but Nagato does not allow Uchiha Obito to continue to be carefree.

When Konan saw Nagato didn’t respond, he understood that Nagato was determined to find Uchiha Obito.

Since Nagato has made this decision, then he will support Nagato. Konan’s only support now is Nagato.

Nagato said:”Let’s go! It’s time to set off. After disappearing for a while, it’s time to reappear.”


Konan nodded and responded.

Like Nagato, Uchiha Obito is also changing his eyes.

However, the difference between Uchiha Obito and Nagato is that he does not change both eyes, but only the left eye.

After all, one Bearing two reincarnation eyes in one voice is a big pressure for Uchiha Obito.

And Black and White Zetsu has always been with Uchiha Obito, and he is also afraid of Uchiha Obito’s accident 01 What to do if there is an accident in the middle??

Especially especially Black Zetsu was the most worried person. Everything was related to whether his mother could be resurrected in the end.

So everything was careless.

At this time, Uchiha Obito asked:”What is the current situation in the five ninja villages?”?”

“That was quite a lively event! They are constantly mobilizing people and horses, and it is estimated that a large team will be assembled.”

Bai Jue responded with a smile.

Uchiha Obito sneered and said:”Haha! Yeah? It doesn’t matter, it’s just an incompetent struggle!!”

“Soon, the ninja world will fall into infinite moon reading, and there will never be any more disputes.”

“Obito, we should increase our military strength. Just relying on one hundred thousand White Zetsu clones is probably not enough.”

Black Zetsu suggested at this time.

Uchiha Obito frowned and said:”One hundred thousand White Zetsu is not enough??”

“Every White Zetsu clone has a strength close to that of a chuunin, how could it not be enough??”

In Uchiha Obito’s view, investing such a huge force is completely sufficient to deal with the ninja coalition.

Uchiha Obito’s purpose is just to force the surrender of the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails, which is not at all important to the victory and victory of the war. Failure will not matter.

As long as the Ten-Tails is successfully resurrected, the battle can be declared over!!

Uchiha Obito sneered and said:”Ha! I can now feel the huge pupil power of the Samsara Eye”

“Obito, I will handle the matter of increasing the troops.”

Black Zetsu interrupted Uchiha Obito’s train of thought and said.


Uchiha Obito looked at Black Zetsu, this guy seems to have other ideas!!

But it doesn’t matter, let Black Zetsu take care of it!

So Uchiha Obito responded:”Go!”

As for whether it will make Uchiha Obito suspicious, Black Zetsu also doesn’t care.

Because Uchiha Obito knows that he is Uchiha Madara’s will body clone, so as long as he achieves his goal.

Black Zetsu follows White Zetsu. separated from the body and merged into the ground.

After Black Zetsu left, Uchiha Obito then closed his right eye and waited for his left eye to fully adapt.

The screen came to Uchiha Sasuke and the Eagle Team.

Suigetsu asked:”Sasuke, Do we really want to attack Xiuye directly?”

“Would it be too dangerous?? I’m a little scared!!”

The same goes for Xiang Rin on the side! Attacking Konoha, after all, it is the number one ninja village in the ninja world. There are only four of them, so the level of danger is very high.

But Jugo has a better mentality.

“If you’re scared, you don’t have to follow me to Konoha.”

Uchiha Sasuke responded with a very cold tone as he walked on the road.

This time Uchiha Sasuke is determined to completely wipe out Konoha Village from the ninja world!!

“All right!”

Suigetsu had no choice but to follow Uchiha Sasuke all the way into the dark.

Whether he can come out alive in the end depends on fate.

Uchiha Sasuke looked back and saw Suigetsu, Xiang Rin, and Jugo. To be honest, for the three of them, Uchiha Sasuke also agrees with them, but he is an Avenger now.

There is no need for these cheap feelings.

The Eagle Team has also officially entered the Land of Fire, approaching Konoha Village. Go over.

After arriving at Konoha Village, as a perceptive Xianglin, he immediately noticed a barrier network outside Konoha Village.

Xianglin quickly said:”Wait a minute, Sasuke-kun, there is a barrier in Konoha Village, and the barrier must be given to Open it, otherwise we will be noticed immediately”

“Well done, Xianglin!”

Xiang Rin’s performance made Uchiha Sasuke nodded in satisfaction.

As Xian Rin formed seals with his hands, a hole was suddenly opened in the large semicircular barrier. This is a secret technique unique to Xian Rin.

After breaking the opening, a group of four people rushed in together.

However, Uchiha Sasuke and others still underestimated Konoha Village. Not only did it have barriers.

There were also barrier classes taking turns on duty 24 hours a day.

So there were four strangers in one breath. Chakra rushed in, immediately arousing their vigilance.

The defense was still in charge of Yamanaka Kaichi, and security must have been done well. The air defense alarm of Konoha Village immediately sounded!!

The ninjas on standby beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep!, all moved.

And the four people including Uchiha Sasuke who had just successfully invaded.

Xianglin said with a bad expression:”Trouble, Sasuke-kun, we have been exposed, Konoha has discovered us”

“Respond to the challenge.”

Uchiha Sasuke directly opened the three Magatama Sharingan. Since he plans to destroy Konoha, he will be exposed sooner or later. It is better to expose this matter to the Hokage’s office in advance.

An ANBU appeared in front of Tsunade and reported:”Hokage-sama, Uchiha Sasuke and four others invaded our Konoha”

“Uchiha Sasuke? act recklessly.”

Tsunade originally thought it was Akatsuki organizing Nagato to invade Konoha Village.

Unexpectedly, it was Uchiha Sasuke who invaded Konoha Village?

How can I bear this? Wouldn’t it become a joke?

“The ANBU all mobilized to stop Uchiha Sasuke and the other four, and captured them all. If not, kill them all!!”

Tsunade gave the order directly and would not give Uchiha Sasuke a chance.

After Tsunade became Hokage, she also knew the various reasons for the annihilation of the Uchiha clan, and Ochiha Sasuke was also innocent.

But at this moment, it was another matter. Dare to come and invade Konoha??

Tsunade will not show mercy to Uchiha Sasuke for various reasons in the past.

Naruto is at home, but his perception ability can cover the entire Konoha Village, so Uchiha Sasuke has just invaded, Naruto People will know.

Naruto took a sip of tea and said with a smile:”This guy Sasuke is a bit brainless!!”

“Actually came to invade Konoha? Against all of Konoha? Do you really think that after obtaining the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, you will be invincible??”

“Just let you be proud for a while! They really can’t clean up the mess. I’m here to clean up the mess.”

“However, it’s quite interesting. The original scene was Nagato’s invasion of Konoha, but now it’s Uchiha Sasuke’s invasion of Konoha??”

The moment Uchiha Sasuke invaded, Naruto noticed that Uchiha Sasuke’s chakra became colder, so he didn’t need to think about it to know that Uchiha Sasuke had obtained the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. For

Naruto, it was not turned on. Uchiha Sasuke with the Samsara Eye was not enough in Naruto’s eyes.

At the entrance of Konoha, various explosions and fighting sounds were heard continuously!!

Uchiha Sasuke kept sweeping past with various powers that crushed Konoha ninjas.

Uchiha Sasuke controlled Susanoo and roared rampantly:”Destroy! Ugly Konoha”

“Is Konoha something you, a brat like you, can destroy just because you think it can be destroyed?”

Tsunade came over with a group of ninjas, looked directly at Uchiha Sasuke and retorted.

Standing behind Tsunade were Kakashi Hatake, Shikaku Nara, Hinata Hinashi, and many other Konoha elites. They.

And behind them are Sakura, Ino, Shino, Kiba, Hinata, Shikamaru, and Choji. They all looked at Uchiha Sasuke with very complicated eyes.

Once upon a time, Uchiha Sasuke was also their teammate, but now Becoming an enemy is not what they thought, but now the fact is before their eyes, and they have to accept this fact.

As Uchiha Sasuke’s former leader and teacher, Kakashi is in great pain!!

His best friend Obito went astray and started the Fourth Ninja War, and his apprentice Uchiha helped invade Konoha Village.

In addition, Sakura was also in great pain. The person he once loved the most has become completely different., completely reduced to a sinful person.

Sakura couldn’t help but asked loudly:”Sasuke, I will never forgive you.””

“I will never forgive you in my life”

“I have been begging Tsunade-sama to give you a chance to change your ways, but now I have given up.”

“You, Uchiha Sasuke, don’t deserve it.”

Sakura’s roar was clearly heard by everyone present.

Although Sakura’s words were somewhat inappropriate, Sakura’s feelings towards Sasuke could also be seen.

However, as Tsunade, Sakura Your Lord’s apprentice, but no one dares to say anything else

“hehe! Sakura, you are still so whimsical! Nothing can go back. Today, I am sure to destroy Konoha.”

The Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan in Uchiha Sasuke’s eyes responded with terrifying pupil power.

Now Uchiha Sasuke only thinks about revenge, and he doesn’t care about anything else.

Kakashi pulled up his left eye protector and showed his Sharingan. Eyes, said:”Sasuke, as your former teacher, I”

“I didn’t teach you well, and it’s my fault, but I won’t let you destroy Konoha.”

“Just you Kakashi? You are not a member of the Uchiha clan. You are not qualified to use the Sharingan. Go to hell!”

Uchiha Sasuke roared, and Susanoo in the fourth form raised his steps and approached.

“Be careful, my lord.”

Nara Shujiu on the side quickly reminded.

After all, it is the ultimate power of the Uchiha clan and cannot be underestimated, so you have to be careful, especially when the Hokage is still present.

Kakashi took the lead and rushed forward.

His left eye opened. Mangekyou Sharingan, his eyes were fixed on Susanoo’s divine power.

A vortex formed in front of Uchiha Sasuke’s eyes.

Susanoo, under the control of Uchiha Sasuke, used his hand to block this divine twisting power. Power.

In an instant, Susanoo’s entire arm was dragged into the Kamui space.

Uchiha Sasuke said in disbelief:”Will the fourth form Susanoo’s arm be swallowed up in one breath??”

“It seems that Kakashi, your Mangekyo Sharingan 847 is capable of���Unusual!!”

As soon as Uchiha Sasuke finished speaking, the huge pupil power of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan in his eyes was directly injected into Susanoo. The missing left arm immediately reappeared.

Now Uchiha Sasuke has the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, He has unlimited pupil power.

So repairing Susanoo only consumes a little chakra!!

It’s harmless!!

But Kakashi on the opposite side just used a divine pupil technique to devour Susanoo’s left arm fell into panting

“Destroying bugs.”

Shino also launched a sneak attack during this gap.

Now he and Uchiha Sasuke are in a hostile relationship, so he has to seize the opportunity to launch an attack.

“If you want to fight Sasuke, you must pass my level first!”

Suigetsu jumped out, and turned into a ball of water to block Shino’s destroying insects and prevent them from disturbing Sasuke.

Shino took advantage of the situation and started fighting with Suigetsu. If you can hold off one, then hold off the other.

“And me, Ya Tong Ya.”

Ya’s attack followed immediately. Uchiha Sasuke has now come to Konoha Village. Kiba doesn’t care whether they were classmates or not. However, Kiba’s attack was also blocked by Jugo. Jugo burst out with all the curse seals in one breath. Power:”Get out of here!!”

The right arm was like a jet pipe, knocking Yaya out, but Yaya reacted very quickly, controlled his body in the middle, and stopped.


Sakura jumped up, clenched her fists and mobilized all the chakra. Now Sakura was very angry, and all her attacks were with all her strength.

Uchiha Sasuke controlled Susanoo and also hit back with the same fist:” All your actions are invisible to my eyes.”


Sakura collided fiercely with Susanoo’s fists in mid-air.

Ino said in shock:”Sakura’s fists have huge strange power. I didn’t expect Sasuke’s ninjutsu to be so powerful.”

“She can’t beat Sakura in a fist fight.

Hinata, who rolled her eyes at the side, responded:”No, Sakura may not be able to withstand Sasuke’s ninjutsu.””

“Although I hate to admit it, Sakura’s energy is not on the same level as Uchiha Sasuke’s”

“”This” As soon as Ino showed a shocked expression, Sakura was knocked away by Uchiha Sasuke’s Susanoo fist. Kakashi jumped up quickly with quick hands and eyes to catch Sakura who was flying upside down.

Sakura said:”Kakashi Teacher, thank you for saving me”

“Sakura, I understand you, let’s work together to take down Sasuke.”

Kakashi responded with a firm look.


Sakura’s eyes also became firm.

Tsunade looked at Uchiha’s Suyu Nuru and said,”Can Mangekyo’s Suyu Nōhu?”

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