Chapter 0108 Naruto’s reputation in Konoha has risen sharply!!

After being reprimanded by this ANBU, Xiang Rin felt even more uncomfortable. Sasuke-kun was actually defeated. Was he defeated by the man named Uzumaki Naruto??

Doesn’t that mean that Sasuke-kun has no way to come and rescue them!!

Xianglin looked sad and wanted to cry but had no idea what kind of torture he would face next.

Just thinking about this, Xianglin couldn’t help but start to get scared.

Shuiyue muttered in a low voice:”Look at how calm Zhongwu is. We should learn from him.””


Xiang Lin followed his gaze and looked at his compatriot Zhong Wu. It was really like this! He was really calm, as if he was not afraid of being caught.

“I am used to it.”

Jugo simply responded and stopped talking.

The screen came to the Hokage Building Square.

Tsunade stood in front of everyone. These people in front of her were all the elites of Konoha Village.

Tsunade said loudly:” First of all, let’s express our gratitude to Naruto together”

“Without Naruto taking action to stop Uchiha Sasuke, we don’t know how much damage Konoha Village will suffer now!!”

“Hokage-sama is right!!”

“Naruto is our hero of Konoha”

“Hokage-sama is right!!”

“Naruto is our hero of Konoha”

“Hokage-sama is right!!”

“Naruto is our hero of Konoha”

“Hokage-sama is right!!”

“Naruto is our hero of Konoha”

“Hokage-sama is right!!”

“Naruto is our hero of Konoha.”

Large areas of Konoha Village ninjas responded in unison. This scene was like thunder. The voices that answered in unison were so penetrating that they could be heard clearly even from a distance.

The entire Konoha Village could hear it.

Konoha Village did not The villagers were all happy. It was safe to live in Konoha Village. At the same time, the deafening sound was particularly inspiring.

Tsunade raised her hand to signal everyone to quiet down, and all the ninjas also stopped shouting together!!

Tsunade Shou continued:”Although we escaped a crisis this time, we cannot let down our guard because of this!!”

“The Fourth War of the Ninja World has begun. Our enemy wants to plunge the entire Ninja World into chaos.”

“I know that it is impossible for you to agree, so let us ninjas of Konoha Village work together to defeat all enemies.”

As soon as Tsunade 01’s words fell, many Konoha ninjas shouted in unison again.

You are right, they will not allow anyone to trample on their homeland.

The time came to evening.

Naruto He asked Tsunade and met with Chiha Sasuke, who led the group of three people.

Naruto came to a cell.

Xiang Rin, Suigetsu, and Jugo were locked in three cells respectively.

At this time, the three of them heard Hearing the sound of footsteps, he raised his head to see who was coming, and saw a figure with golden hair approaching. The three of them also reacted one after another. The person coming was the Uzumaki Naruto who defeated Sasuke. The first one couldn’t help but roar. Said:”Damn it, it was you, Uzumaki Naruto, who defeated Sasuke-kun??”

“I want to kill you, but you bully Sasuke-kun. Naruto walked up to Xiang Rin, put his hands in his pockets and said with a smile:”You care about Uchiha so much?””

“But it seems that Uchiha Sasuke doesn’t care much about you who were once Orochimaru’s subordinates!”

Naruto’s words instantly stung Kaoru, Suigetsu and Jugo. In fact, the three of them just didn’t want to admit it!!

Because Uchiha Sasuke really didn’t care about them. To be precise, he shouldn’t care about them.

If If you cared about them, it wouldn’t be such a result.

In the end, the three of them were just tools for Sasuke Uchiha.

“Anyway, I figured it out, so I can only count myself as having bad luck.”

But Suigetsu admitted it directly and boldly.

If Uchiha Sasuke doesn’t care, then Uchiha doesn’t care! Anyway, he is just a prisoner now!! In the end, his fate is still at the mercy of Konoha. You don’t have to think about it to know that Konoha will definitely do it. Find ways to get information from their minds.

These are basic common sense in the ninja world.

So in Suigetsu’s view, there is a high probability that this Uzumaki Naruto came to see their jokes.

Naruto then responded with a smile:” Your name is Shuiyue, right? It seems that among the three of you, you are the more open-minded.”

“very good”

“And you? Stupid big guy, Zhongwu, the person with a special physique who provides the curse seal”

“you know me?”

Jugo looked at Uzumaki Naruto, does this person know him? Otherwise, how could he have said those words!! It seems that things are not as simple as imagined, even he knows that he is a sample of the curse seal.

Suigetsu and Xiang on the side The two of them were also very curious. It seemed that this whirlpool person knew many secrets.

Naruto said:”Does it matter whether you know him or not?” The important thing is that I know all your secrets”

“By the way, Kimima is also an important person to you!!”

“Who are you?”

Now Jugo can no longer remain calm. It’s simply too scary. Does this Uzumaki Naruto really know all his secrets??

Jugo has to be so suspicious, because these things that Uzumaki Naruto said continuously are all secret level. What happened!!

Naruto didn’t continue Torijugo, and the moonlight turned to Suigetsu. Naruto looked at Suigetsu, who made her murmur in her heart, and asked:”You don’t also know my secret, do you??”

“No! That’s absolutely terrible”

“I don’t have much interest in you. A stupid kid’s brother’s full-moon admiration for his brother is childish.”

Naruto said this sentence suddenly.

The corners of Suigetsu’s mouth kept twitching. It was so disgusting. If it weren’t for his whole body being restrained now, Suigetsu would have really wanted to rush up and fight Naruto Uzumaki.

He even compared him to a human being. Stupid brat? You look like you, Uzumaki Naruto, aren’t that old, are you!?

Suigetsu kept telling him in his heart that he must endure it and not lose his temper.

Suigetsu didn’t want to go up to the monster that Uchiha Sasuke couldn’t defeat and take his own life. Humiliating Naruto, he turned his attention to Xiang Rin again.

“Don’t try to get any secrets out of me.”

The moment Xiang Rin saw Naruto’s gaze, she immediately confronted him and said. The invisible pressure from Naruto Uzumaki in front of him was too great, which made Xiang Rin slightly nervous.

Naruto took two steps forward. Asked:”Uzumaki Xianglin, don’t tell me that you can’t feel the same blood power as ours.”

“You don’t have to worry too much. I didn’t let Tsunade torture you. After all, she is considered a usable talent.”

“Think about it! Joining Konoha is an opportunity for you to be reborn.”

After Naruto finished speaking, he turned around and left. Come here to see if these three people can win over each other. Yes is of course the best.

If you can’t win over them, just destroy them afterwards.

After Naruto left, Suigetsu, Jugo, and Xiang Rin is still a little unable to react?

What did Uzumaki Naruto mean just now? Did you ask them to join the Leaf Village? Aren’t they criminals who attacked the Leaf Village? How is this possible?

I guess there are many Leaf Villages outside now Ninjas who see them will probably rush up and kill them as soon as they see them.

They are not really idiots.

Xianglin asked:”What do you mean by what Uzumaki Naruto said??”

“What else could it mean? It just wants us to join Konoha and serve Konoha Village.”

Shuiyue turned into dead fish eyes and responded.

“Shuiyue is right! Jugo replied with his eyes closed. Jugo is still thinking about why Uzumaki Naruto knows so many of his secrets.

The three of them immediately fell into silence, because Uzumaki Naruto said that he would not let Konoha treat them. Torture.

Then most likely there will be no torture. At any rate, the man still has some weight in Konoha Village, and they know this. In the

Hokage’s office, Tsunade was about to go back to rest after work when she saw Naruto walking in..Naruto came to her at three o’clock in the afternoon and said that he was going to meet the other three people who invaded Konoha Village with Uchiha Sasuke’s consciousness. She wanted to win over, and Tsunade agreed to this.

Whatever Naruto decides now, as long as it is not Tsunade is very supportive of any big issue.

So Tsunade asked:”What are the wishes of those three people?”

“I let them make their own choices.”

Naruto responded simply.

Tsunade nodded, knowing that it was impossible to win over her all at once.

Then she asked with a smile:”Do you have the confidence to defeat the enemy in the next battle?”

“Of course, we must have confidence that we will win this war.”

Naruto showed a confident smile.

As long as the blood net is successful, any enemy will not be a problem to Naruto.

Under absolute power, everything will be destroyed!!

“Very good, Naruto, I’ll treat you to a barbecue tonight.”

Tsunade smiled knowingly, because Tsunade believed in the strength of Naruto and King Kuangrun.

“Ha ha! Can’t get it.”

Naruto agreed directly. Someone invited me to dinner, so I had to have a good meal.

At night, with the half moon hanging high, Uchiha Sasuke hid in a cave to rest. After all, after the battle with Uzumaki Naruto during the day, The consumption of Uchiha Sasuke was quite serious.

Uchiha Sasuke took two soldier food pills and said slowly:”Now, Suigetsu, Jugo, and Xiangren should have been caught by Konoha long ago.”

“Damn Naruto, if it weren’t for you, Mutu Village would have been destroyed by me.”

“Wait! When I gain a higher level of Sharingan power, it will be your death, Naruto.”

Uchiha Sasuke is very concerned about what Naruto mentioned to him during the day that there is a stronger eye power than the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

In fact, such a long time has passed from day to night.

Uchiha Sasuke has always felt in his heart I am very confused.

That is, I have opened the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, and I can obviously feel that the Sharingan is almost tapped to the limit.

How can I have a higher level on top of the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan? Lou’s eye power??

That guy Naruto didn’t have to do that at all.

He obviously defeated him, and finally restored part of his chakra, allowing him to leave with a little strength.

Uchiha Sasuke felt that he was here alone You can’t come up with the answer just by thinking randomly.

So Uchiha Sasuke thought of one person, that is Uchiha Obi.

That person definitely knows whether there is a higher level of pupil power above the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan.

After thinking of this, Uchiha Sasuke simply tidied up, got up and left.

He didn’t even plan to rest at night. After all, this place still belongs to the Land of Fire and is not very safe.

Uchiha Obito has now fully adapted to it. Now Uchiha Obito’s eyes are combined, that is, the left eye Rinnegan and the right eye Sharingan.

At the same time, he also put on a new, harder mask.

Uchiha Obito walked towards a passage Walking inside, as Uchiha Obito continued to go down, a large space appeared underground.

There were dense white figures everywhere, and these white figures were all White Zetsu clones.

This was the use of Uchiha Obito, heretics The chakra of the seven tailed beasts in the golem’s body increased the production of one hundred thousand White Zetsu clones.

These one hundred thousand White Zetsu clones were used by Uchiha Obito to fight against the ninja coalition.

They forced the opponent to hand over the Eight-Tails and Nine-Tails together..At this time, Black and White Zetsu came out from the wall, and Black Zetsu said:”Obito, I have found a way to increase our overall military strength.”

“And the most critical one, the Nine Tails, can also be replaced.”

“oh! Yeah? Well done, Black Zetsu.”

Uchiha Obito was also slightly stunned. He didn’t expect Black Zetsu to be so powerful.

Although he doesn’t know where Black Zetsu came up with the method, it doesn’t matter, as long as it doesn’t affect the final plan.

Uchiha Obito then asked:”What exactly is the plan? Come on, show me the results!”

“This is the Forbidden Jutsu Utsuchiden created by the Second Hokage of Konoha���, 023 is actually leaked from Orochimaru.”

“But what I found was only an incomplete technique of reincarnation in the dirty soil, but it is enough for us.”

“This forbidden technique can summon people who died in the past. Of course, its strength is estimated to be less than one in ten. After all, it is an incomplete reincarnation technique.”

“I see! So what’s the deal with Kyuubi’s replacement?”

Uchiha Obito then asked. For a moment, Uchiha Obito thought about whether Lin could use this so-called filthy earth reincarnation technique to resurrect Lin.

But Uchiha Obito gave up. That was not what he wanted. Yes, now he just wants to activate the infinite Tsukuyomi.

So Black Zetsu told Uchiha Obito about the situation of the former Cloud Ninja Village and the two people of Golden Horn and Silver Horn at that time.

Because those two people possess a small part of the Nine-tailed Chakra, if it is impossible to capture Kyuubi in the end.

Then we can only resort to these alternatives.

Just before, the heretic demon also absorbed one of Kyuubi’s tail chakras.

Uchiha Obito’s eyes showed a sharp look. Said:”Then do it!”

“Okay, Obito.”

Hei Jue responded, Hei Jue is also anxious now!!

He is also thinking about how to resurrect his mother as soon as possible, because Hei Jue has been waiting for too long.

For such a long time, it is actually a kind of pain for Hei Jue. Suffering.

But now it is almost over.

For some reason, Hei Zetsu feels that this generation of Nine-Tails Jinchuuriki is weird. What is so weird about it?

Hei Zetsu can’t explain it for a moment, as if he has an uneasy feeling in his heart.

I feel that Uzumaki Naruto may eventually ruin the plan.

After Black Zetsu left, Uchiha Obito closed his eyes again and entered into a state of meditation.

Now that Uchiha Obito has absolute power, he will not Too concerned about the big moves of the ninja villages in the ninja world.

At the same time!!

Nagato and Konan were looking for the whereabouts of Uchiha Obito.

Regardless of the reincarnation eye, whether it belongs to him or not, but Nagato has The obsession with the Rinnegan Eye is very deep.

At the same time, Nagato does not think that Uchiha Obito can bring any peace to the ninja world.

Because of the other party’s ideas, Nagato does not agree with him at all, and it is impossible for him to be right.

PS: Happy New Year, flowers, votes, please support with various data, your support is the author’s motivation.

The more you support, the more the author will be able to kill himself!!

From the end of last month to January 24th now The number has been updated every day.

Because I was recovering from Yang on December 22 last month, and the Chinese New Year is approaching, the author keeps updating once.

But next, the author will resume two More above.

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