Chapter 0116 The big guys in the hidden ninja world are alarmed!!

Different from the first three stages, in the fourth stage, he no longer has the ease he had before.

Wanting to completely integrate the properties of the seven all-attribute chakras of Yin Yang, Five Elements, and Five Elements is essentially an act that defies heaven.

Because chakras with different attributes are inherently mutually exclusive, it is already very difficult to fuse only two or three of them.

To completely integrate the seven attributes requires not only an exaggerated amount of chakra that cannot be estimated, but also superb skills and a calm heart.

In a hidden underground palace in the ninja world.

The moment Naruto was about to hit the peak of the Sixth Path and released his aura, a figure sitting on a tall stone seat seemed to suddenly sense something and suddenly looked in the direction of the Land of Snow.

At this time, a middle-aged man wearing glasses walked over.

The figure on the stone seat asked the middle-aged man:”Amado, are there any results?”

The middle-aged man named ‘Amado’ said to the figure on the stone seat:”Unfortunately, this experiment All the bodies have failed.”

After a moment of silence, the figure on the stone seat uttered two words:”Continue!”

After saying that, the figure stood up, waved his hand, and used the ‘Time and Space Ninjutsu’ to open a Time and space gate.

Amado asked:”Cixian, where are you going?”

The man whom Amado called ‘Cixian’ responded coldly:”I want to confirm something!”

Because Cixian just sensed the big tube The aura of the Mu clan, but that aura was something he had never seen before.

So Ci Xian went to confirm whether it was Otsutsuki’s tribe that came, or whether they were enemies.

Because although that aura is not that of Kaguya Otsutsuki, it is very close to that of Kaguya Otsutsuki.

After passing through the time and space gate, Ci Xian came to a desolate alien space.

In front of him, there was a huge mountain wall with three groups of exquisite reliefs carved on it.

These three groups of reliefs are composed of two special symbols one above the other, which seem to symbolize something.

The third group on the right was destroyed, and the specific symbols could not be seen clearly, only some unrecognizable lines remained.

Glancing at the group of symbols located in the middle of the mountain wall, Ci Xian’s eyes gradually became cold.

If anyone here is familiar with Kaguya Otsutsuki, they should be able to recognize the symbol at the bottom of the middle at a glance.

The two horns on Kaguya Otsutsuki’s forehead are almost identical.

Apparently, this symbol symbolizes Kaguya Otsutsuki.

There are three groups of six symbols on the mountain wall, which means that except for Otsutsuki Kaguya, the other five symbols also correspond to one Otsutsuki.

In other words, in addition to Otsutsuki Kaguya, there are at least five other Otsutsukis who have set foot here, or are about to set foot here.

Kaguya Otsutsuki, who is known as the ‘ancestral chakra’ in the ninja world, only corresponds to the lower symbol in the middle group of two symbols.

On top of her symbol, there is a symbol representing another Otsutsuki!

If the arrangement of these symbols follows the rule of superiority and inferiority, it means that Kaguya Otsutsuki has a superior, or at least a partner with equivalent status.

Not long after, Ci Xian retracted his gaze from the mountain wall and looked at his feet.

At his feet was a huge circular cell, with a pattern of the Rinne Sharingan carved on the dome of the cell.

Floating into the cell through the gap on the side, Ci Xian looked at the huge figure imprisoned in the cell.

This huge figure imprisoned in the cell is nothing else, but a Shio with the eye to see the six magatama reincarnations.

It’s just that compared to the ten-tails that Obito had just resurrected in the ninja world, this ten-tails is obviously a lot smaller.


Seeing Ci Xian’s arrival, Ten Tails struggled and roared, with anger and fear mixed in his eyes.

Ci Xian didn’t take it seriously, looking at the Ten-Tails with an indifferent expression, as if talking to himself:”Did you feel it too?”

The Ten-Tails’ struggle became more intense, but its body was counted Nailed by a huge peg, no matter how hard it struggled, it could not escape from this flash prison.

Ci Xian was still minding his own business and said:”I need to confirm it, so I have to absorb it a little bit.……”

As he spoke, Ci Xian raised his hand and reached for the Ten-Tails.


In an instant, a large amount of chakra escaped from the body of the small Ten-Tails and poured into Ci Xian’s body.

Ten-Tails suddenly showed an expression of pain and curled up.

Ci Xian, who had absorbed a large amount of Ten-Tailed Chakra, gradually developed ink lines on his body that were like those when the Yin Seal was released, and the chakra fluctuations on his body also surged.

Not only that, as the Ten-Tails chakra absorbed more and more, a long slanting horn actually appeared on the back of his head.

The horns on the head are the most dominant genetic characteristic of the Otsutsuki clan, but any Otsutsuki with pure blood will have various weird-shaped horns growing on their heads.

The Ōtsutsuki bloodline spread in the ninja world is all derived from Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, so the Ōtsutsuki bloodlines in the ninja world are basically the same as Ōtsutsuki Kaguya, with two relatively symmetrical horns on their heads.

What Ci Xian has on his head now is a bull-fighting bevel, which is completely different from Otsutsuki Kaguya in shape.

If the shape of this corner were visualized as a symbol, it would be exactly similar to a symbol on the mountain wall outside the prison.

And that symbol happens to be located above Kaguya Otsutsuki’s symbol!

After a while, Ci Xian stopped absorbing and whispered:”Can I only store so much??”

Then he converged the chakra, and the ink lines all over his body, as well as the huge horn sprouting from the back of his head, also disappeared..

The appearance changed back to the original appearance of a normal human being.

Then, he waved his hand and once again used the time and space ninjutsu to open a space door, and rushed in in a flash!!

Ci Xian wanted to confirm who the other party was, otherwise a person with such strength suddenly appeared in the ninja world.

If the plan is not corrected, there may be changes, which Ci Xian does not need. If Otsutsuki Kaguya recovers, Ci Xian may not bother to care about it because Otsutsuki Kaguya’s traitorous sons will go. Ci Xian doesn’t have to worry about dealing with her.

But when a new unknown person appears, it’s different.

Of course, Ci Xian was not stupid enough to meet that unknown person face to face, as that might lead to a fight.

Ci Xian just wanted to confirm whether he was a member of the Otsutsuki clan, an enemy or a friend. In addition, Ci Xian did not want to reveal his identity because the time was not yet ripe in the Land of Snow’s Rainbow Ice Wall.

Naruto, standing in the center of the altar, was completely enveloped by the surging chakra light beam. His whole body was bathed in the seven-colored light beam that shot out and shot straight into the sky. The system designed by Orochimaru was captured by Naruto at this moment. The Greer Ore Altar, where people have reached the extreme and are forcibly changing the nature of yin and yang, or the surrounding six towering clouds, which focus on the brilliance of the sun and reflect the brilliant rainbow.

Every instrument, every link, every component is working at full capacity!

Because of this, a very spectacular, even shocking phenomenon is forming in the current ‘Rainbow Ice Wall’ system.

That is a large amount of natural energy dissipated in the earth’s veins, in the air, and even in the sunlight.

Transformed and absorbed by this ritual, an extremely surging chakra tide was formed.

“this! It’s incredible!”

Looking at the surging chakra tide in front of him in the distance, Orochimaru was dumbfounded throughout the whole process. He opened his mouth and didn’t know how to describe it. It was amazing.

To be honest, although I had made a budget before, the actual ceremony was running After getting up, what he saw was amazing.

When Naruto-kun said he was going to carry out this plan at the beginning, Orochimaru felt that he would definitely create an incredible Naruto.

Now it seems that it is really the case!! At this moment, Orochimaru told Orochimaru that Naruto-kun is already very powerful now, but his strength is still improving.

Even if Orochimaru is not in the blood continuation fusion ceremony, he can deeply feel the amazing chakra wave. In front of such a scene, the beast looked like an elephant and an ant, which were completely incomparable.

Compared with the chakra tide that seemed to connect the heaven and earth in front of him, one to eight tails, dragon veins, etc., were not worth mentioning at all. There is no qualification for comparison.

Let alone one to eight tails, dragon veins, even the nine tails with the strongest chakra among the tailed beasts, compared with the scene in front of me, it is one out of nine! In other words, the nine tails absorb huge natural energy, just barely able to hook the tail of the scene in front of him.

It can be said that all the tailed beasts and chakra sources that Orochimaru has seen are nothing compared to the surging chakra tide in front of him. They are not even the same. In terms of energy level, the chakra tide erupting in the ‘Rainbow Ice Wall’ system in front of him has completely exceeded the limit of Orochimaru’s imagination.

There is not even a reference object to compare.

On the altar

“not enough! not enough! Also requires a lot of chakra.”

Naruto chanted softly in his mouth, and the expression on his face lost the previous calmness and calmness.

As the fourth stage of the ceremony gradually deepened, he had a new understanding of the Blood Succession Snare.

With the ‘Six Paths Level’ In comparison, there is no difference between heaven and earth in terms of power performance of the ‘Blood Successor Snare’.

But in terms of the use of chakra, the two are at completely different levels.

Compared to the ‘Six Paths Level’’,‘Blood Succession Snare’s chakra transformation is more complete.

To put it simply, the ‘Blood Succession Snare’ is more digital than the ‘Six Paths Level’, and is no longer restricted by flesh and blood, or even by the spirit body.

Purely turning into a chakra condensed to the extreme.

This is also the reason why Black Zetsu used Uchiha Madara’s body to resurrect Kaguya in the original time and space.

Because Kaguya’s resurrection is not affected by mundane materials such as body and spirit at all, as long as there is a powerful enough chakra carrier.

Princess Kaguya can use the method of chakra invasion to resurrect the corpse and complete the resurrection!

As for whose body and whose chakra is used, it doesn’t matter to Kaguya of the Blood Successor Snare.

Because in her eyes, everything in the world is just energy.

And if you are not a Blood Successor Snare and the chakra is not condensed enough, then even the Six Paths Madara level is close to the Blood Succession Snare.

He could not resist the invasion of Kaguya’s chakra and could not prevent Kaguya’s resurrection.

After realizing this, Naruto integrated the properties of the seven chakra attributes of yin and yang, five elements and five elements in his body.

With new knowledge and understanding, the efficiency of property fusion has also been improved accordingly.

Nine-tailed Naruto is also constantly increasing the output of nature’s energy.

At the critical period, there is no relaxation at all. You must have the determination to succeed or succeed.

However, this improvement in efficiency does not come without a price.

As the fusion of nature in Naruto’s body accelerated, his chakra consumption also increased sharply.

He previously thought that the chakra consumption in the fourth stage of the ritual would be about ten times more than that in the third stage, but now it seems that his estimate is still too optimistic.

If it were not for Nine-Tailed Naruto to absorb a large amount of natural energy support, he might have to end up at the peak of the Six Paths level.

Fortunately, his character has always been cautious, and when designing this ceremony, he had reserved enough spare chakra in advance.

In addition, he has successfully mastered the magic of immortality and can make full use of the blood continuation fusion ritual system.

The entire system was squeezed to the limit, which was enough to maintain Naruto’s chakra consumption.

All in all, all the chakra energy bodies Naruto prepared were barely enough!!

Moreover, it is still in the late stage of the Sixth Path and approaching the peak of the Sixth Path, but has not yet truly reached the peak of the Sixth Path.

As for the six-level peak impact blood continuation snare, Naruto is not 100% sure!!

Fortunately, Nine-Tailed Naruto absorbed the natural energy of the three-headed Nine-Tails as support, otherwise Naruto would really not have the confidence to attack the blood net.

Naruto was also furious, and now he could only give it a try.

But this is natural, the chakra fruit that allowed Kaguya to achieve the Blood Successor Snare in one fell swoop.

But the sacred tree absorbed hundreds of thousands of natural energy to condense it.

Compared with the thousand-year absorption of the sacred tree, the ‘Rainbow Ice Wall’ system designed by Orochimaru and Naruto pales in comparison.


A layer of restrictions in Naruto’s body was shattered, and Naruto officially broke into the peak realm of the Six Paths. The terrifying aura spread throughout the Snow Country, and any weaker person who faced Naruto would be shocked by Naruto’s aura.

Orochimaru licked his tongue and smiled:”Haha! That’s great, Naruto-kun has become stronger again.”

“With such powerful power, Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara would probably not be enough to watch in front of Naruto-kun.”

“bring it on! continue!”

“Let me see, Naruto-kun, how far you can go.”

Naruto felt the change in his own strength, showing a confident smile, such a powerful fighting power.

People with a slightly unstable mentality will fall into madness.

When you have such terrifying power, what do you want to do in the ninja world?, basically you can do whatever you want.

But Naruto will not relax because of this. There is still the last step, which is also the most critical step.

In order for Naruto to rush to the peak of the Six Paths, Nine-Tailed Naruto also consumed nearly half of the Huge natural energy.

The Blood Fusion Ceremony is still going on, and Nine-Tailed Naruto is still continuing to output chakra.

Naruto’s realm at the peak of the Sixth Path is becoming more and more consolidated and stable.

In the void of the ninja world, an old The figure opened his eyes and muttered:”Is there anyone as strong as I am?”

“Who is it??”

Then the old man began to calculate with his hands. The appearance of such a powerful person in the ninja world is not a good thing!!

It must be treated with caution. After calculating, the old man frowned and said:”What’s going on? possible??”

“Is it the reincarnation of Asura? Why can the strength reach the peak of Six Paths??”

“No, we can’t continue to speculate, otherwise we will be discovered.”

It would be okay if the opponent is not as strong as him, but the opponent’s current strength has reached his peak.

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