Chapter 0118 Blood continues to snare the realm!!

Of course, Naruto knew that there was another Ten-Tails, another sacred tree, in the ninja world.

That is, Otsutsuki Ishiki who came to the ninja world with Otsutsuki Kaguya.

Although the opponent’s Ten-Tails is not as big as Otsutsuki Kaguya’s Ten-Tails, it is still a Ten-Tails, even if it is only a small Ten-Tails.

In fact, as early as thousands of years ago, after the Otsutsuki clan discovered the ninja world, they had already judged that the ninja world was enough to support two”Blood Continue Snares” at one time.

Withdrawing his distant gaze, Naruto raised his head and looked at the colorful and dreamy seven-color rainbow in the night sky.

He looked at the desolate and dead ground again. This strong contrast made him sigh slightly and said with emotion:”None of the blood nets are innocent. They all absorb a large amount of chakra energy and have nothing to do with destroying the core of the planet. As Naruto’s blood-continuing net state gradually stabilized, the seven-color rainbow that resonated with his chakra across the ninja world and extended to the universe gradually dissipated.

Naruto also adjusted his mentality at this time and put away his emotions.

In short, he was lucky enough to reach the realm of Blood Continuation Snare this time, thanks to the gift from the ninja world.

Otherwise, after reaching the Blood Continuation Snare realm, he would not plunder energy in a large area within a hundred miles, so in the future he will do his best to protect the peace of the ninja world.

As for all the entanglements about killing and plundering, Naruto has long forgotten about it. Naruto has always been a selfish and pragmatic person. If he could do it all over again.

Naruto will still hold this ceremony without hesitation and attack the realm of Blood Continuation Snare.

Because nothing can stop him from exploring immortality and the unknown.

We have all traveled through time and come to the ninja world. If we had not pursued the ultimate, this life in the ninja world would have been in vain.

As the realm of Blood Continuation Snare stabilized, various abilities continued to appear in Naruto’s mind.

Even if it is just the first time to enter the Blood Continuation Snare realm, this realm can no longer be described as the Six Paths level.

The two are completely two concepts.

At the same time, all that is left of Nine-Tailed Naruto at this moment is his skeleton with a layer of skin. Skinny as a stick is no longer enough to express the state of Nine-Tailed Naruto!!

At the same time, the whole thing was still smoking, but 01 could estimate that in less than ten seconds, Nine-Tailed Naruto would be completely reduced to ashes.

Naruto flashed over to Nine-Tailed Naruto, and Naruto could no longer sense the aura of his other self.

If Naruto hadn’t advanced to the Blood Continuation Snare realm and was still only at the Sixth Path level, there might really be nothing he could do.

But after advancing to the Blood Continuation Snare realm, it doesn’t mean that Naruto has no solution to such a difficult problem!!

Naruto did not need to form a seal, but his hand gently touched the Nine-Tailed Naruto.

In an instant, the entire Nine-Tailed Naruto was sucked into Naruto’s body, because Naruto now belongs to the real Otsutsuki clan.

It is still in the Blood Continuation Snare realm, so as long as the tailed beast is not completely dead, it is still capable of being revived.

As the Blood Continuation Snare level chakra continues to cleanse the marrow, it won’t take long for Nine-Tailed Naruto to wake up.

It just needs to be like this again! It still requires a certain amount of strength, but being able to hold another body is already a blessing among misfortunes for Naruto.

At this time Orochimaru also woke up, licked his tongue and said with a smile:”Hey, you are worthy of being Naruto-kun.””

“The horrific scene just now made me almost think I was going to die!!”

“That kind of being unable to resist and being forcibly sucked away chakra happened in an instant. Just thinking about it makes people feel scared.”

“Then you are not living well now.”

Naruto responded with a smile, Orochimaru is a tough guy, even without a trace of his chakra injection, I don’t know how he will be resurrected by then!!

“Mainly thanks to Naruto-kun’s help.”

Orochimaru did not dare to accept such words. He must always understand that he is a servant in front of Naruto-kun. Naruto withdrew his gaze and looked into the distant space, deep in thought, and said:”I just hit the realm of Blood Continuation Snare, so The colorful light caused by it has attracted attention”

“Not only the outside world, but also within the ninja world”

“oh! Interestingly, what you said, Naruto-kun, means that the enemies in the future will be stronger and their genes will be more perfect.”

Orochimaru was not scared when he heard this, but was excited!!

Because Orochimaru has obtained many powerful genes from Naruto, but he still wants to see more powerful genes.

And what Naruto said is now all is happening, as Naruto uses

“”Yomi Hirazan” took Orochimaru and left the country of snow.

The scene returned to more than ten minutes ago.

Ji Xian stared blankly at the seven-color rainbow running through the sky, and after a long time he said:”How is this possible?”?”

Cixian looked in disbelief.

“Could it be that in the ninja world, apart from the traitor Kaguya, is there anyone from Otsutsuki who has been promoted to the Blood Sequence Snare??”

“Things are getting worse and worse, and the budget has been greatly exceeded. Now I can’t even show up easily again, otherwise I may risk being exposed!!”

“On this planet, how does the other party use energy, but the realm of Blood Continuation Snare is born!!”

“never mind.”

Cixian has no intention of continuing to investigate further, because once the other party notices it, he will be in trouble. No matter whether that person is a friend or an enemy, unless it is Otsutsuki he knows.

Otherwise, he may end up… Become the opponent’s nourishment.

Therefore! Ci Xian plans to continue hiding. Thousands of years have passed. Ci Xian can endure loneliness. Isn’t it just time? Just waste it.

Only by waiting for the right time, naturally it is time to take action. He took action.

However, what Ci Xian didn’t know was that he luckily didn’t show up, otherwise Naruto would have recognized this guy as Otsutsuki Ishiki at a glance.

Because all the Otsutsuki clan were within Naruto’s hunting range.

Of course, Naruto also knew that Ji Xian was Otsutsuki Ishiki pretending to be, after all, he had seen the original scene.

And Uchiha Obito, who had just transplanted Hashirama cells to Uchiha Sasuke, suddenly looked at the sky in the distance

“what is that?”

Obito Uchiha looked at the abnormal sight on the horizon in disbelief!!

Sasuke Uchiha endured the intense repulsion of Hashirama cells and said:”That chakra energy fluctuation is very powerful.”

“yes! It seems that it is necessary to go and investigate. You should get used to the Hashirama cells here!”

Uchiha Obito responded with a frown.

Now that it’s time to start a war, such an anomaly suddenly appears. If Uchiha Obito doesn’t understand it, he will feel uneasy.


Uchiha Sasuke cut. To be honest, he can’t move now, because Uchiha Sasuke feels that he may fall into a coma at any time, but he is holding on.

In fact, there is one thing that Uchiha Obito did not say, no After knowing why he saw the seven-color rainbow, Uchiha Obito couldn’t help but panic.

Black Zetsu also saw the seven-color rainbow running through the sky, and felt strongly uneasy in his heart. It can be said that this seven-color rainbow, the entire ninja world Everything can be seen clearly.

Why does Hei Jue feel so strongly uneasy? Because Hei Jue seems to feel that the original body that produces the seven-color rainbow may have the same terrifying strength as his mother. What

Hei Jue is most afraid of now This kind of thing happened. After planning for thousands of years, it has reached the final stage. The result is that this period of time has the most troubles.

Now there is no room for Black Zetsu to continue to waste time. Black Zetsu plans to quickly use Nagato’s body to destroy Uchiha Madara. Resurrection. Nagato, now controlled by Black Zetsu, showed his Rinnegan eye in his right eye and said:”Uchiha Madara must be resurrected quickly.”

On the surface of a desolate planet in the deep universe, there stands a withered sacred tree.

Apart from this gradually decaying sacred tree, there is no greenery on the planet, no towns, no rivers, no any… Life, everywhere you look, is the desolate Gobi.

At this time, a strong figure floated to the sacred tree, and a mysterious man in gorgeous clothes who sat on the top of the sacred tree bowed and said:”Taoshi Sir, the search for this star map has been completed.”


The mysterious man named ‘Momoshi’ snorted, with a hint of impatience on his face.

There is no doubt that these two people who can travel through the universe are not ordinary people, but Otsutsuki Momoshiki, a high-ranking warrior of the Otsutsuki clan. With the lower warrior Otsutsuki Kinshiki, the purpose of their star map search was precisely to find traces of Otsutsuki Kaguya.

After swallowing a few highly concentrated chakra pills in his hand, Otsutsuki Momoshiki could not help but Yue said:

“After draining all the earth energy of this planet, I only refined this little chakra pill. What a waste of my time.”

Otsutsuki Kinshiki listened quietly and didn’t make a sound.

It was like destroying the entire planet’s ecosystem and refining all the life and energy on the planet into chakradan. What they did along the way was unknown. How many times has it happened, just like eating and drinking, it is not worth caring about.

After replenishing the consumption of crossing the starry sky, Otsutsuki Momoshiki waved his hand:”Go to the next star map!”


As soon as Otsutsuki Momoshiki finished speaking, a gorgeous seven-color rainbow appeared in the deep universe in the distance.

Almost instantly, the eyes of Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Kinshiki were caught by that gorgeous rainbow. Attracted by the seven-color rainbow.

His expression gradually became serious, and his arrogant and arrogant face showed a look of disbelief and shock.

Suddenly, as black pixel-like squares folded and opened, a space door suddenly appeared.

Then, a A man carrying a magic weapon, a fishing rod, walked out of the space door with a joking expression.

Then he looked around and said with a frivolous smile:”Where is the planet where Kaguya is hiding? Oh, thanks to that rainbow, it saved us a lot of time!”

There is no doubt that the figure who can activate ‘Yomi Hirazan’ is also an Otsutsuki, and he is also a member of the Otsutsuki family, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki.

His mission is the same as that of the previous Otsutsuki Momoshiki and Otsutsuki Kinshiki. He was also looking for Ōtsutsuki Kaguya.

As soon as Ōtsutsuki Ushiki saw the seven-color rainbow, he came back to look for Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki and Ōtsutsuki Kinshiki. After all, this is a big event!!

Ōtsutsuki Ushiki was amazed:”Tsk, it’s such a vibrant planet. Otherwise, it would be impossible to produce more than one blood net. No wonder Kaguya destroyed all the star map records!”

Because judging from the seven-color rainbow that was thrown into the universe before, there is probably a ‘Blood Successor Snare’ on that planet that is at the same level as him.

So Otsutsuki Ura Shiki did not regard it as a planet where he could do whatever he wanted. A ravaged ordinary planet.

Otsutsuki Momoshiki glanced at Otsutsuki Ushiki and said coldly:”Don’t you continue to explore the way forward? What are you doing running back??”

“You can’t say that. I came here because I saw the seven-color rainbow.”

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki waved his hand indifferently and responded.

He showed an indifferent attitude towards any of Otsutsuki Momoshiki’s questions. Otsutsuki Momoshi withdrew his gaze and did not continue to ask about this topic. Instead, he said:”Look. Come, where we are going is very interesting!!”

“If we didn’t have that seven-color rainbow to locate it, we would have to search for it piece by piece, star map by star map, and it would take at least nearly twenty years.”

“Go directly now, it won’t take a year to arrive”

“Hehe, the other party has already advanced to the realm of Blood Continuation Snare! Don’t let the boat capsize in the gutter then.”

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki stared at Otsutsuki Momoshi and laughed and responded.

After all, among the three of them, Otsutsuki Ura Shiki’s realm is the highest, the Blood Continuation Snare realm. Although he is not the one with the highest combat power, he has the highest realm!!

Otsutsuki Momoshiki said in a cold tone:”Really? Does blood continue to snare the realm? How about we try to see who is more powerful?”

From Ōtsutsuki Momoshiki’s point of view, what can happen to the realm of blood seduction? The Otsutsuki Ura Shiki next to him is the realm of blood continuation.

There is no one who is stronger than him.

So Otsutsuki Momoshi doesn’t care about the unknown blood sedition at all. People in the realm of snare

“I’m no match for you.”

Otsutsuki Ura Shiki waved his hand to express his refusal. He was not an idiot. He was fighting with Otsutsuki Momoshiki for no reason??


Otsutsuki Momoshiki snorted and said:”Use your Huangquan Hirazan to hurry up. We will reach Kaguya’s traitorous planet as quickly as possible.”


Otsutsuki Urashiki agreed without saying a word. After all, he himself wanted to see who the other party was. He was able to reach the realm of Blood Continuation Snare. This is among the elites of their Otsutsuki clan. In the ninja world In the void.

The Immortal of Six Paths was silent for a long time. He originally thought of using some means to limit this reincarnation of Asura.

But when the Immortal of Six Paths saw that the reincarnation of Asura reached that state, he began to panic.

Because even the Immortal of Six Paths, If you want to suppress the current reincarnation of Asura, you may not be the opponent of the other party.

Now things are really troublesome. The Six Paths Sage of the Ninja World has always been in a free-range state!!

I didn’t expect such a big problem to arise now., someone has reached the realm of Mother.

Suddenly the Six Paths Sage thought of a way, that is, to make them fight each other, and then he will finish it off.

Only this way can solve all unstable factors.

Naruto uses the Eye of the Moon ability, Huangquan Hirasaka returned to the base with Orochimaru.

Although I don’t know how much attention he attracted because of his advancement to the Blood Continuation Snare realm, Naruto didn’t care at all.

His own strong strength was enough to smooth out all of this.

Orochimaru Looking curiously at Naruto-kun’s appearance at this moment, he asked:”Naruto-kun, you are a completely different person from before.”

First of all, the color of the hair changed, turning into silvery white. At the same time, the eyes also turned into an unknown eye technique, and the coquettish blood-red nine-magatama reincarnation eye.

It is so terrifying that it makes people tremble inside!!

“This is the realm I have been pursuing. The blood continues to draw the net, and the life span is extended indefinitely, which is equivalent to immortality.”

Naruto responded calmly.

Orochimaru’s eyes immediately lit up when he heard this. Isn’t this what he has been pursuing?”

Naruto continued:”Orochimaru, you’d better change your body quickly!””

“Don’t let it rot in a few days.”

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