Chapter 0127 Silver Wheel and Golden Wheel… Reincarnation Explosion!!

Uchiha Obito was also forced to choose to cooperate with Uzumaki Naruto. How could he not see that Uzumaki Naruto was forcing him to make a choice.

But it has to be said that Uchiha Obito also thinks Uzumaki Naruto’s proposal is a feasible strategy.

After all, one enemy can be reduced invisibly. When Uchiha Sasuke is dealt with, only Uzumaki Naruto will be left, which is relatively simple.

The biggest fear is that these two people join forces, then Uchiha Obito will definitely feel very passive.

“Tsk, do you think we can defeat me if we work together? What a joke.”

Uchiha Sasuke retorted unconvinced.

In Uchiha Sasuke’s view, what can Uchiha Obito and Uzumaki Naruto do if they join forces? He is no longer the person he used to be.

The power of yin and yang escape in his body gives Uchiha Sasuke was extremely confident.

Uchiha Obito glanced at Uzumaki Naruto from the corner of his eye and found that the other party had no intention of taking the lead. He frowned slightly. It seemed that he could only take the initiative to attack Uchiha.���Earth aimed at Uchiha Sasuke and launched an attack.

“Heavenly hand.”

Uchiha Sasuke had been on guard for a long time, so the moment Uchiha Obito launched his attack, the pupil technique was aimed at Naruto.

So Uchiha Sasuke switched with Naruto.

Naruto did not resist during the process. Instead, he felt how wonderful Uchiha Sasuke’s Reincarnation Eye Technique was!

As Naruto, who is in the realm of Blood Continuation Snare, can analyze many eye techniques.

Uchiha Sasuke said with a smile on his lips:”It worked..”

Uchiha Obito was also a little confused. Is Uzumaki Naruto going to fall like this??

However, just when the attack was only one centimeter away from Naruto, there was a hole in front of Naruto’s eyes opened by the Hirazaka Eye Technique. Appeared, and at the same time, there was a hole in the air behind him.

So Uchiha Obito’s attack disappeared in front of Naruto and reappeared behind him.

Naruto escaped intact from Uchiha Sasuke’s transferred attack.


Uchiha Sasuke was stunned. He originally thought he could successfully manipulate Naruto, but he was resolved so easily. It seems that it is not as easy as imagined to truly defeat Uzumaki Naruto. Uchiha Obito was also relieved. Fortunately, Uzumaki Naruto is not that simple.

If Uzumaki Naruto was killed by Uchiha Sasuke so easily, Uchiha Obito would suspect that cooperating with Uzumaki Naruto was a brainless decision.

But now it seems that it is not No.

Uchiha Sasuke clenched his fists and roared:”Don’t underestimate me, bastard Naruto.”

Uchiha Sasuke’s aura began to increase sharply, and a layer of blue chakra armor appeared.

In less than three seconds, Uchiha Sasuke activated his complete Susanoo body and gathered two chakra swords in his hands, attacking them respectively. The quasi-Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto slashed down.

Uchiha Obito condensed the Amanuma Spear with the Path-seeking Jade to resist the Susanoo Chakra Taito attack.

But Naruto just slowly raised his arm and used the Reincarnation Eye Technique. The repulsive force exploded.


The complete Susanoo sword seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and the huge repulsive force shook Uchiha Sasuke’s body.

On the other side, Uchiha Obito used Amanuma The spear also blocks Chakra Taito attacks.

“It’s almost time to end this fight.”

Naruto’s eyes became serious, and he did not intend to waste time with Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Sasuke’s eyelids jumped and he said:”Naruto, you mean you can defeat me at any time??”

“ah! Pretty much the same meaning.”

Naruto responded calmly.

Sky blue chakra flames appeared all over his body:”Tsensei Eye Chakra Mode.”

As soon as Naruto turned on this mode, his aura increased to another level.

This scene shocked Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Obito. Originally, Naruto Uzumaki’s aura was even stronger than them.

Now his aura increased again. Strength? This made Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Obito feel a strong sense of crisis.

At this time, Naruto said:”Uchiha Obito, join forces with me and don’t have any other small ideas.”

“Damn it, you dare to order me? Believe it or not, I’m going to attack you right now?”

When Uchiha Obito heard Uzumaki Naruto’s words, he seemed to be giving orders to his subordinates!!

He is the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki! He is the second Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki after the Sage of Six Paths.

These damn bastards must be given to them nice

“oh! Uchiha Obito, are you ready to fight me?”

Naruto said with a faint smile on his lips.

This made Uchiha Obito look very bad. If he fought with Uzumaki Naruto, he might be dragged into the water.

Therefore, Uchiha Obito was very hesitant and did not dare to take action on the surface. It’s just that he is struggling in his heart!! The reason why Naruto uses his strength is not only because of Uchiha Obito’s contribution, but also what Naruto is most worried about.

If Uchiha Sasuke goes crazy and kills everyone, Use the Six Paths and Earth Explosion Star on him?

Naruto will be in trouble.

In fact, Naruto’s sudden change of methods also made Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Obito confused.

But no matter what!

The one who feels the most pressure is Uchiha Sasuke. Because Naruto, the bastard, was targeting him, he had to be prepared.

Nine blue seeking jade appeared behind Naruto. In the eyes of Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Obito, Uzumaki Naruto just casually grabbed it in the air. Suddenly a huge chakra reaction broke out.

This chakra reaction was so huge that both Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Obito, who had seen the tailed beast chakra, were shocked and shaken. As he slowly raised his hand, the nine Tao-seeking jade floating around him immediately merged into one in his palm.

At this time, an extremely cold voice came from his mouth:”Yinlun Reincarnation Explosion!”

The roaring huge storm driven by the Qiudao Jade swept across the entire valley in an instant!

Countless big trees in the valley were uprooted, boulders were blown away in pieces, and houses and sentries disintegrated the moment they came into contact with the storm. It turned into countless debris.

Crackling, everything turned into fragments in the storm, colliding together and making various sounds.

The entire valley was like a painting on paper, and was called Ginlun Reincarnation. The explosive eraser wiped it, and then only a desolate blank was left.

Uchiha Obito said in shock:”Uzumaki Naruto, is his power really that powerful??”

Fortunately, the attack launched by Uzumaki Naruto was not aimed at him, otherwise Uchiha Obito would have to work hard to resist Uzumaki Naruto’s attack. After all, such a powerful attack may capsize the boat in the gutter if he is not careful.

Uchiha Sasuke, who was the first to bear the brunt, was not so comfortable.

The Complete Susanoo was impacted by the Ginrin Reincarnation Explosion, and began to show more and more cracks.

Uchiha Sasuke also desperately used his pupil power to repair the Complete Susanoo Although Uchiha Sasuke tried his best to repair the loss of Susanoo, he could not catch up with the speed of the complete Susanoo’s fragmentation.

If it continues, it won’t be long before the complete Susanoo will be broken by Uzumaki Naruto.

Why Naruto? The power of a person’s Ginlun Reincarnation Explosion is so powerful because Naruto is in the Blood Continuation Snare Realm. The reincarnation eye level also belongs to the Blood Continuation Snare Realm.

In addition to Naruto’s high-intensity chakra���Enter, that’s why the power of the Ginlun Reincarnation Explosion is so powerful.

Complete Susanoo’s forehead has crystal structure cracks that keep appearing

“Can’t stand it anymore? hateful.”

Uchiha Sasuke looked very unhappy. He didn’t expect that even the complete Susanoo defense could not withstand Uzumaki Naruto’s attack.

Naruto continued to increase the intensity of the attack, investing more and more chakra. Naruto was eating Defeat Uchiha Sasuke.

The complete Susanoo must be defeated.


With a loud explosion, the complete Susanoo was officially defeated by Naruto’s Ginrin Reincarnation Explosion.

Then it took less than a second., Uchiha Sasuke’s whole body was swallowed up by the Ginrin Reincarnation Explosion!!

Uchiha Obito stared closely at the whole process, for fear of missing any details.

He said uncertainly:”Uchiha Sasuke was killed like this? It shouldn’t be that easy”

“However, Uzumaki Naruto is very dangerous. It seems that we have to find a chance to capture Uzumaki Naruto.”

“Otherwise, if Sasuke Uchiha falls, I will be next.”

Uchiha Obito has a thorough understanding of the situation in the field.

What Uzumaki Naruto’s ultimate goal is, these Uchiha Obito don’t know.

But it doesn’t mean that Uchiha Obito doesn’t know Uzumaki Naruto’s ambition.

With the disappearance of the chakra reaction of the final Ginlun Reincarnation, the entire forest valley was smoothed.

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you would definitely not be able to believe that the scene in front of you was real. Under a stone in the distance, Uchiha Sasuke was gasping for air. The scene just now was so thrilling.

If Uchiha Sasuke hadn’t used his Tenli Hand to move himself away in the end!! He would have been hit by Naruto’s attack just now. Once he was so exaggerated The attack hits.

It will definitely be seriously injured. At the same time, even if the power of Yang Escape is used to repair it, it will consume a lot of chakra.

That would be too much for Uchiha Sasuke.

Uchiha Obito is still looking for Uchiha When Sasuke appeared, Naruto had already looked at a rock in the distance with his peripheral vision.

Uchiha Sasuke’s move was already within Naruto’s budget.

Naruto slowly raised his arm, a huge gravitational force The wave was generated, and Uchiha Sasuke was immediately moved by this force.

“Oh no.”

After Uchiha Sasuke was dragged out, he realized that something was wrong and had to find a way to solve it.

The three magatama reincarnation eyes in his eyes exploded with power.

“Earth explodes and stars explode.”

The Earth Blast Star was delivered to Naruto through the air, and Naruto was used as the axis to launch the Earth Blast Star.

And Naruto also felt that his body was used as the axis by Sasuke Chiha to launch the Earth Blast Star.

Naruto laughed. Then he said:”It took a while! But it’s just a mere explosion of stars, but it can’t do anything to me.”

While Naruto was talking, the ground around him rose up, and everything, whether it was stones, soil or dust, gathered towards the center of Naruto’s body, and Naruto was constantly being hit by various things. Therefore, Uchiha Sasuke was pulled by Naruto’s gravity and was forced to terminate.

The power of the Earth Blast Star launched by Uchiha Sasuke with all his strength was also very terrifying.

Because Uchiha Sasuke himself carries the power of Yin and Yang Escape, the power of the Earth Blast Star is even higher. On the first floor.

Uchiha Obito looked at the huge sphere formed in the sky in the blink of an eye and said:”Uzumaki Naruto, can you break this Earth Explosion Sky Star??”

“At present, it seems that the Earth Blast Star used by Sasuke Uchiha is much more powerful than when Nagato used it.”

“This move of Earth Exploding Star will give me a headache!!”

“But that guy Uzumaki Naruto shouldn’t be defeated so easily.”

Suddenly, a dazzling golden light that could almost illuminate the entire night sky shot out from above the giant sphere.

“That is……?”

Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Madara, Senju Hashirama and Senju Kamonama, as well as Uchiha Sasuke who launched the Earth Explosion Sky Star, all raised their hands to block their sight.

Because the dazzling golden light that suddenly appeared in the dim night made it difficult for their eyes to adapt for a while, and they were unable to look directly at the golden light!

“Is that a sword?”

Senju Hashirama in sage mode did not need to adapt. He stared blankly at the dazzling golden light piercing the giant sphere in the distance.

Then he subconsciously let out a sound of doubt.

Senju Hashirama’s cheeks trembled slightly, and he was speechless. Said:”Sword?! Are you kidding? There is no sword thousands of meters long in this world!”

Thousands of hands and shoulders’ words are not unreasonable.

The dazzling golden light that almost illuminated the entire night sky pierced the giant sphere and shot straight into the sky.

It seemed to have pierced into the sky, and its length was at least several More than a thousand meters!

And such a length is obviously far beyond the scope of a ‘sword’ in the conventional sense.

At this time, the ninjas from the five major ninja villages in various battlefields one after another adapted to the dazzling golden light.

Immediately, Everyone looked at the sky in stunned silence, looking at this incredible scene in the distant field of vision!

Because it was so incredible.

Where was the battlefield? Such a terrifying battle broke out?

That golden light was 100% caused by the concentration of chakra. Well, what kind of person has such great divine power like a god?

At this moment, they feel that they are really insignificant!!

Like an ant on the ground, they may be crushed to death anytime and anywhere.


Feeling the extremely powerful chakra fluctuations in the dazzling golden light in the air, Uchiha Ban took a deep breath.

Subconsciously, he slowly floated into the air and looked out with a better view.

Seeing this strange scene in front of him, even he, as a ninja Shura, felt his heart pounding with fear!

Uchiha Obito looked up at the sky, his face uncertain.

He had always known that Uzumaki Naruto was very powerful, but he never expected that the other party would be so powerful!

In addition, Hei Jue’s expression was even more gloomy, but his face was dark, so it was not obvious.

The two brothers Senju Hashirama and Senju Kabutama were also shocked and speechless, especially Senju Kabutama. Unexpectedly, he was once the second Hokage of Konoha, and his friend also had a great reputation in the ninja world.

As a result, now that he has seen all this, Qianshou Jianjian finally understands how insignificant he is.

The previous world view of Senju shoulder room has been officially broken.

Senju Hashirama sighed:”I don’t know how that young man managed to have such powerful power.”

“Although he is still so young, his strength has surpassed mine many times.”

Uchiha Sasuke on the field opened his mouth slightly, with an expression of disbelief on his face.

“Why is this happening?!”

The Earth Blast Star, which was used with the power of Yin and Yang Escape, was so easily cracked by Naruto!!

Do you really have to use the Six Paths Earth Blast Star to defeat Naruto?

Uchiha Sasuke understands that he Once he uses the Six Paths Earth Blast Star, the Yin-Yang Escape Power in his body will be exhausted.

Uchiha Sasuke’s combat effectiveness will be greatly reduced in an instant.

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