Chapter 0130 Do you know? This is the Blood Continuation Snare!! high altitude.

In the turbulence of the rapids, after a confrontation, Naruto and Uchiha Obito faced off again.

Although the fight just now lasted only a few dozen breaths, the two sides fought back and forth for dozens of rounds.

The surrounding air smelled burnt due to the intense friction.

At this time, Naruto glanced at the ground and looked at the huge crater with a diameter of several hundred meters that had just been caused by the explosion of the ‘Qiu Dao Jade’, and his expression was slightly stern.

That seeking jade belonged to Obito Uchiha.

During the confrontation just now, Naruto didn’t pay much attention and knocked it away casually. Without thinking, a huge crater appeared on the ground like a meteorite impact.

In fact, after reaching the true ‘sixth level’, the effect of the ‘Jade of Seeking the Way’ plummets.

Because the ‘Qiu Dao Jade’ cannot kill the ‘Six Path Level’ strong men, so for

“For six-level powerhouses”

“Seeking the Way Jade is just an extremely condensed chakra that can change at will.”

This is also the reason why Naruto easily knocked away Obito Uchiha’s ‘Quest for the Way’ just now.

It’s just that Naruto has obviously not fully exerted his strength, and the ‘Quest for the Way’ is no threat to him.

But it is The ultimate weapon that can easily destroy a forest. His unintentional act just now is likely to bring great harm to the land of the ninja world.

For him, whose life level has changed, many inadvertent little things may be possible. It is related to the life and death of countless people!

Withdrawing his gaze, Naruto focused on what was in front of him.

Although the ‘Blood Successor Snare’ is stronger than the ‘Six Paths’ in terms of level, in terms of combat power, the ‘Blood Succession Snare’ is better than the ‘Six Paths’ The advantage of level’ is not so obvious.

This can be clearly seen from the fact that Otsutsuki Kaguya lost to Otsutsuki Hagoromo, Otsutsuki Hamura brothers, and Naruto and Sasuke. The blood successor net’s face ‘The Six Paths level cannot be won without thinking. If the tactics are not used properly, you will still lose if you should lose.

Just when Naruto was looking at Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Obito was also looking at Naruto secretly.

After just now With the test, Uchiha Obito found that he was at a disadvantage in terms of physical skills.

Moreover, the ‘Seeking Jade’, which he had used so smoothly before and was almost invincible, was completely ineffective when facing Naruto Uzumaki.

This made Uchiha Obito He was a little uncomfortable for a while.

At the same time, Uchiha Obito still had the feeling that Uzumaki Naruto didn’t really use his full strength.

So Uchiha Obito was cautious throughout the process.

After all, he just saw Uchiha with his own eyes. Ha Sasuke was sucked away part of the power by Uzumaki Naruto.

Therefore! Uchiha Obito is also worried that Uzumaki Naruto will also suck the power 753 from him??

If he really wins the bid, he can directly declare that there is no need to fight. It’s okay to surrender and admit defeat.

But Uchiha Obito is also thinking about that method to defeat Uzumaki Naruto.

If Uzumaki Naruto is not defeated, it may not be so easy to start the Infinite Tsukuyomi Plan!!

Suddenly, Naruto activated his reincarnation eye and entered the”tenseigan eye chakra mode”. His whole body was wrapped in a blue blue reincarnation eye chakra.

“do you know?”

After a pause, Naruto raised the corner of his mouth:”The thing the Tsangigan is least afraid of is facing him head-on!”

As he said that, the nine ‘Prayer Jade’ lingering around Naruto’——It flew into his hand and condensed into a dazzling golden sword!

Although the Tenseigan does not have ‘time and space capabilities, the Tenseigan Chakra mode can deeply develop and use the Path-seeking Jade’.

Therefore, the seeking jade, which has become useless in the same level of confrontation, can still be a magic weapon that can defeat the enemy in the hands of the owner of the reincarnation eye.

Therefore, facing the shock head-on, the reincarnated eye has nothing to fear!

Because the Tenseigan itself is a combat type, unlike the Rinnegan which is more multi-functional, its attack power is slightly inferior!!

Uchiha Obito immediately fell into a very vigilant state.

After all, Uchiha Obito also knows that after Naruto Uzumaki enters that mode, his attack power will be improved.

“Uzumaki Naruto, what are you waiting for?”

Uchiha Obito asked tentatively.

Uzumaki Naruto never launched an attack, which also made Uchiha Obito a little uneasy.

Naruto also saw this guy Uchiha Obito and started to get a little anxious., then said:”Uchiha Obito, do you dare to fight in another place??”

Uchiha Obito is not an idiot, how could he not hear that Uzumaki Naruto is using the provoking method?

Damn it, if you say you don’t dare, doesn’t it mean that you are inferior to Uzumaki Naruto in terms of strength??

Are you kidding me? He is Obito Uchiha, the second Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki after the Sage of Six Paths. How could he be afraid of Uzumaki Naruto?

“snort! What are you afraid of? Do you want to choose a terrain that is more favorable to you?”

Uchiha Obito’s eyes were fixed on Uzumaki Naruto.

This was a conspiracy, but Uchiha Obito had to choose to jump, after all, Uchiha Madara was watching.

There is one thing that Uchiha Obito also understood., Uchiha Madara will definitely find a way to get back his other Rinnegan.

Including the Ten-Tails, Uchiha Madara is also thinking about it.

So when facing Uzumaki Naruto’s provocation, Uchiha Obito only Choose not to lose momentum

“hehe! nice!”

Naruto responded with a smile, and at the same time, the Nine Magatama Samsara Sharingan emitted red light.

Huangquan Hirasaka activated.

Naruto’s figure escaped into it. This time Uchiha Obito hesitated, because Uchiha Obito did not know Uzumaki Naruto Where to change the battlefield?

Will it be very detrimental to him?!

After all, in the different space passage, Uchiha Obito could not sense anything. Uchiha Obito silently clenched his fists.

This kind of Uzumaki Naruto was The feeling of being led by the nose made Ochiha Obito feel that his whole body was very bad.

On the moon,

Uchiha Obito’s figure walked out of Naruto’s Hirazaka.

He looked around cautiously. Circle, Uchiha Obito asked:”What is this place?”

Obviously, Uchiha Obito followed Naruto through the spell of ‘Yomi Hirazan’, so he didn’t know where he was at the moment.

Somewhere on the moon, Naruto slowly opened his eyes and said:”It’s better to follow here. Yes!”

“But the speed is slower than expected!!”

“Humph, you are just pretending to be a ghost!”

After snorting lightly, Uchiha Obito directly launched the ‘Shinra Tensei’!

In an instant, the ruins of the temple, Otsutsuki’s original palace not far away, and even the rocks on the surface of the moon were all thrown away by the Shinra Tensei..

And as the dome was overturned, revealing the deep starry sky outside, Uchiha Obito was stunned for a while:”This…here is the moon?”

Naruto raised the corner of his mouth, and then a ‘bang’ sound shook the ground under his feet, and he rushed towards Uchiha Obito like an arrow from a string.

Uchiha Obito’s expression changed, and he quickly put away his surprise, and waved the Jade of Seeking the Way. The changing tin staff was protected in front of him.

Amidst the loud noise, the two people who collided rushed out of the moon’s interior from the broken gap and came to the moon surface.

They did not stop to appreciate the depth of the universe, nor did they look from the moon. Looking down at the ninja world.

The two people fighting together completely entered a state of selflessness, venting the power of the immortals in space without any scruples.

After Naru and Uchiha Obito disappeared one after another, the ninja Many ninjas in the world are also looking for them.

Kakashi frowned and said,”Where have Naruto and Obito gone??”

“The perception class didn’t notice it either.”

Kai on the side responded.

Yuhi Hong followed up and said:”It should be a different place to fight. I believe the perception class will be able to find it soon.”

“I hope so.”

Kakashi nodded and said.

The final battle between Naruto and Uchiha Obito is related to the future of the ninja world, and they cannot be ignored. The third Tsuchikage Onoki asked the fifth generation Hokage Tsunade beside him:”Or Didn’t find it?”

Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, replied:”There is no trace of them for a hundred miles nearby!”

The Fourth Raikage Ai was a little confused:”Then where will they go?”

At this moment, everyone looked up at the night sky, because next to the bright moon in the night sky, an extremely dazzling golden sword appeared!

“Did they hit the moon?!”

Everyone looked at each other for a moment, looking at the moon hanging high on Yan.

In the universe,

Naruto, who wielded the ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’ made of nine ‘Jades of Seeking the Way’, was invincible. He easily cut off Uchi with one sword. The ‘Qiu Dao Jade’ tin staff held by Hao Daitu


Uchiha Obito was immediately shocked.

Naruto didn’t stop, and took advantage of the situation to swing the golden sword in his hand to slash Obito again. Even if the chakra in his body was not as abundant as Obito Uchiha’s as the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, Naruto was also a veritable ‘blood successor snare’. ‘.

In his current state, there is no problem in playing for several days and nights.

After the amount of chakra reaches a certain level, it is no longer the key to victory, but the quality of chakra is the most critical.

Seeing Naruto Uzumaki slashing at him with another sword, Uchiha Obito became more and more panicked. He subconsciously shrank his body and hid in the ‘Kamui’ space.

After Uchiha Obito became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan seemed to have lost its power and became unable to be used.

But just now, under that kind of crisis, Uchiha Obito didn’t know what was going on.

He forcibly opened the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan, allowing Obito Uchiha to once again have the power to use the Mangekyō Sharingan.

It can be said that after Obito Uchiha became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, he was still able to use the divine power.

To a certain extent, it has been a disguised increase in the overall improvement of Uchiha Obito’s combat capabilities.

Naruto showed a slightly surprised expression. He didn’t expect that Uchiha Obito could actually use his divine power in a severe crisis.

It seems that Naruto himself has put a lot of pressure on Uchiha Obito!!

Otherwise, Uchiha Obito wouldn’t have been forced out of his limit by Naruto all of a sudden.

The ‘Eye of the Moon’ between Naruto’s brows rose sharply, and the ‘Yellow Spring Hirazan’ followed him like a shadow.

The portal opened directly on the twisted vortex of Uchiha Obito’s Kamui, and the whole person also plunged into Uchiha Obito’s Kamui space.

Naruto, who had chased into the Kamui space with a rumble, slashed out with his sword, and with a loud noise, the stone platforms in Obito Uchiha’s Kamui space instantly shattered into pieces.

And just when the sword light was about to touch Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Obito’s body shook.

Leaving the ‘Kamiwei’ space, he appeared in a desert in the ninja world.

Immediately afterwards, Naruto’s sword light also passed through a deep space door, chased out of the ‘Kamui’ space, and stabbed Zacchiha Obi’s back impartially.

Uchiha Obito had no choice but to change places with the newly separated Ring Tomb clone.

He narrowly avoided the golden sword, and the ‘wheel tomb clone’ he replaced was instantly pierced by the golden sword and shattered into pieces.

At this time, Naruto also crossed the time and space gate and came to this strange desert.

Uchiha Obito looked at Uzumaki Naruto in shock and said in shock:”How could you be so strong?” The tin staff that sought the transformation of the Tao Jade was cut off instantly like a wooden stick, and the solid Rinnaku clone was easily cut off like a piece of paper. shred.

Not even space could stop Uzumaki Naruto’s pursuit, and Uchiha Obito was really shocked.

Naruto smiled slightly and said:”Uchiha Obito, are you confused? This is”

“Bloody snare!”

“”Blood continuation snare”

Uchiha Obito’s gloomy face flashed with a trace of doubt.

Although it is not clear what the blood continuation snare mentioned by Uzumaki Naruto is, it is possible that Uchiha Obito cannot guess that it is a A realm!!

I don’t know anything else, but Uchiha Obito knows that he is now in the same realm as the Sage of Six Paths.

Could it be that the Blood Continuation Snare mentioned by Uzumaki Naruto is even higher than the realm of Sage of Six Paths? Want to go to the next level??

But how is this possible??

“He doesn’t have the Ten Tails, so how did he do this? Is it just because of the Nine Magatama Rinne Sharingan on his forehead?”

Gradually, Uchiha Obito had more and more doubts in his heart.

The huge sense of absurdity gave him a sense of time and space dislocation.

After gathering his thoughts, he stared at Uzumaki Naruto.

Uzumaki Naruto under normal circumstances People, speed and strength are already above him. After entering the ‘Reincarnation Eye Chakra Mode’, this gap is further widened.

Even Uchiha Obito has a suspicion that he has become a ten-year-old man. Why are the Tailed Jinchuuriki not as good as others??

If he had not become the Ten-Tailed Jinchuuriki, wouldn’t he be like an ant in front of Uzumaki Naruto??

In addition, the almost indestructible golden sword held by Uzumaki Naruto, even

“He was able to cut off the beheading jade with one sword, which made Obito Uchiha feel fearful from the bottom of his heart.”

Of course, what frightened him the most was the failure of the ‘Shenwei’!

In the past, no matter how powerful the enemy was or how complicated the situation was, as long as he hid in the ‘Shenwei’ space, Zhai Zhibo and he would be safe and sound. Away from the battlefield.

Now that the ‘Kamui’ has expired, the safest haven in Uchiha Obito’s heart has also disappeared. A sense of insecurity with nowhere to hide instantly filled his mind, making him unable to I suppressed the fear and uneasiness!

Anyway, Obito Uchiha could see it. His divine power was like a child facing an adult in front of Uzumaki Naruto’s Time and Space Eye Technique. Regardless of the power of the Mangekyō Sharingan Eye Technique, or the power of reincarnation. The Eye Jutsu Ring Graveside Prison all had no effect on Uzumaki Naruto.

This made Uchiha Obito completely confused about what to do.

As the battle continued, Uchiha Obito would probably be able to tell that he would Will be defeated.

Uchiha Obito is very unwilling to do so. He finally became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki and reached this point.

It seems that he will be able to realize the unlimited Tsukuyomi plan soon.

All his previous efforts are about to be wasted. Uchiha Obito is very unwilling. In front of him, Uzumaki Naruto, Uzumaki Naruto.

No, there should be a way to defeat Uzumaki Naruto. The opponent cannot have any weaknesses at all. It should be a mistake like this!!

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