Chapter 0133 The Ten-Tails is released again!!

Suddenly, there was a roar from the distant battlefield, and a dazzling golden light flashed at the same time!

Uchiha Madara quickly looked over and found a huge sphere appearing in the sky in the distance.

This sphere is still rapidly absorbing the soil from the ground, getting bigger and bigger, and rising higher and higher!

Under the huge sphere, Uchiha Obito’s body was broken into two pieces. The Ten-Tails was struggling to break out of Obito’s body and sensed the center of the ball.

Yamanaka Kaichi quickly said:”The Ten-Tails’ chakra reaction has reappeared.”

“what’s the situation?”

Tsunade also hurriedly asked, the reappearance of the Ten-Tails Chakra means that the battle has changed.

What specific changes are they are unwilling to accept! They can only let Yamanaka Kaichi explain the situation as soon as possible!!

So Yamanaka Kaichi He quickly explained to everyone, and explained in detail what the sensing ball sensed.

The fourth generation Raikage Ai asked:”Then what should we do now? Do you want to move forward to support Naruto Uzumaki??”

“Let’s listen to the Hokage’s opinion!!”

The Third Tsuchikage Onoki felt there was no need to panic!

Instead, we should see what the Fifth Hokage Tsunade would say, no matter what! Uzumaki Naruto still belongs to Tsunade’s subordinates.

Tsunade sat on the chair and kept banging on the table. In fact, Tsunade herself is anxious!!

But Tsunade also understands that being anxious is useless and cannot solve the problem at all. After Naruto showed his strong strength, everyone present was basically dominated by Tsunade.

Who let Mu There is such a strong man like Uzumaki Naruto! They can only be honest.

Otherwise, if they make Tsunade angry, what if Uzumaki Naruto gets angry?

Then aren’t they asking for trouble? Everyone The human spirit is not that stupid. Jiraiya looked at Tsunade and was also waiting for Tsunade to speak. In fact, Jiraiya’s opinion was to continue waiting, because he couldn’t help them when they went up.

Maybe it would be a waste of help, not himself. Lai didn’t want to help, so there was still no need!!

Tsunade raised her head and said with strong confidence:”We have to believe in Naruto. Naruto can definitely defeat Uchiha Obito.””

“Let the Fourth Ninja War end completely!!”

Everyone present nodded together. Indeed, now we can only believe in Uzumaki Naruto and defeat the enemy. Then the Fourth Ninja World War will be completely over.

The battlefield not far from the Valley of the End.

In the huge sphere created by the ‘Earth Blast Star’ Below, countless gravels and trees are still floating into the air, and are gradually gathering on the giant sphere.

Not far away, Uchiha Obito, who has been broken into two pieces, is trying his best to contain The Ten-Tails inside the body goes berserk

“It’s just that Uchiha was too seriously injured, and the Ten-Tails, which was the foundation for his promotion to the Sixth Path, was out of his control.

As a result, his realm had fallen, so for a while he couldn’t stop the Ten-Tails from swiping… With two sharp blasts of wind, Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu rushed to the battlefield and glanced at the huge sphere in the sky, and then glanced at Uchiha Obito who was wrestling with the Ten-Tails on the ground and had no time to recover from his injuries.

Uchiha Madara’s face was full of joking.

Black Zetsu beside him had a face full of joy.

There is no doubt that the scene before him undoubtedly showed that Uzumaki Naruto was sealed by Uchiha Obito’s ‘Earth Blast Star’.

And Uchiha Obito was severely injured again by Uzumaki Naruto’s final blow

“Woo woo woo……”

After seeing Uchiha Madara and Black Zetsu, Uchiha Obito was in great panic, while using his eyes to indicate the giant sphere created by the ‘Blast Sky Star’ in the sky.

He opened his mouth eagerly to say something, but because his injury was too serious.

His throat was full of blood, and he choked every time he spoke, unable to produce clear sentences at all.

Uchiha Madara smiled:”Obito, your mission has been completed.”

Uchiha Obito, who was still gesturing to the giant sphere in the sky, his expression froze when he heard this, and he was stunned. Because of these words, not long ago He just told Nagato.

Uchiha Madara said calmly:”Although your performance is better than I expected, there is no difference between you and Nagato. They are just puppets used by me.”

Black Zetsu also followed Uchiha Madara to Uchiha Obito’s around.

While admiring the Ten-Tails who was about to escape from Uchiha Obito, he let out a burst of roars.

While asking Uchiha Madara respectfully:”Madara-sama, do you want to do it now?”

“Let’s do it!”

After giving a faint instruction, Uchiha Madara looked up at the huge sphere in the sky and sighed:”I won this time!”

At the beginning, as an Uchiha, he challenged Senju Hashirama as Hokage, trying to re-establish the rules of the ninja world.

Just as Uchiha Madara was secretly sighing, Black Zetsu quickly turned into a pool of black water, slowly Slowly integrated into Uchiha Obito’s body.

Uchiha Obito frowned, and immediately launched his Kamui at all costs and hid in the Kamui space.

However, just when he was about to use the pupil technique, he suddenly found himself His body was unable to move.

At this time, Black Zetsu invaded Uchiha Obito’s body.

He smiled sinisterly and said:”You think you can get rid of Madara by removing the curse mark that Madara left on your heart. Are you under control?”

“Uchiha Obito, you are too naive”


Uchiha Madara, who crossed his arms, chuckled disdainfully.

Not long after, the black water transformed by Black Zetsu covered half of Uchiha Obito’s body, and he forcibly controlled Obito’s hands to form a tail seal.

Uchiha Obito was unable to resist at this moment and could only let Black Zetsu control him to complete the seal bit by bit.

However, there was no longer the anxiety and panic on his face. On the contrary, his expression gradually calmed down, and he just stared at the giant sphere in the sky.

The only thing that Uchiha Obito cares about now is the man Uzumaki Naruto

“Ho ho ho!”

The earth-shaking roar of the Ten-Tails spread throughout the entire hundred-mile radius.

All the animals were frightened and fled because of the roar.

Originally, Obito Uchiha had his body cut off, but the Ten-Tails had not yet Completely freed from Uchiha Obito’s seal.

But as Black Zetsu unlocked the seal, the Ten-Tails was completely free of restraints and broke free from Uchiha Obito’s body in an instant.

“Congratulations, Mr. Ben!”

Black Zetsu quickly complimented.

Uchiha Madara did not hesitate at this time, and immediately dug out the other reincarnation eye that belonged to him from the eye socket of Uchiha Obito, and then placed it directly in his own eye socket.

When Uchiha When Uchiha opened his eyes, he already had a neat pair of Rinnegan eyes.

This also indicates that Uchiha Madara’s state has completely reached its peak!!

Whether it is Sharingan or Rinnegan, only one pair can bring out the strongest Eye power.

Then, Uchiha Madara launched the eye technique, controlled the Ten-Tails and sucked it into his body.

But no matter how hard the Ten-Tails struggled, he could not break away from Uchiha Madara’s control! He could only continue to be controlled by Uchiha Madara Inhaled into the body.

After all, the reincarnation eye has an absolutely overwhelming suppressive effect on tailed beasts. Black Zetsu also took advantage of this moment to leave Uchiha Obito’s body, and once again became one with White Zetsu beside him. Then he looked respectful. The attendant stood behind Uchiha Madara

“Yes, that’s the feeling, hahaha, I feel the power, the endless power……”

Uchiha Madara, who completed his resurrection and possessed the Ten-Tails, laughed loudly


At this time, the otaku Chiha Obito on the ground, who had been whipped with ten tails after being controlled by Black Zetsu, actually started laughing too.

The proud Uchiha Madara frowned:”Why are you laughing?”

Black Zetsu also cast a doubtful look.

Uchiha Obito smiled slowly and said,”Do you think I won the fight just now?” Before

Uchiha Obito could finish his words, there was a roar in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling golden sword pierced out from the inside of the giant sphere floating in the sky.

Then it drew an arc and instantly cut the giant sphere into two halves.

Uchiha Madara’s eyes suddenly turned sharp, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Black Zetsu on the side was shocked:”How is this possible?!”

In his opinion, even Kaguya, who is the ‘ancestor of Chakra’, cannot resist the seal of the Six Paths-level ‘Earth Explosion Star’, and Uzumaki Naruto is even more Needless to say.

Uchiha Obito said with difficulty:”He had already predicted it before I made a move. No, my move must have been deliberately induced by him.”

“The moment I focused on launching the ‘Earth Explosion Star’, Naruto Uzumaki chopped my body into pieces first, and used the pupil technique to release my control of the Ten-Tails. Uchiha Madara instantly grasped the key to the problem:”So……What you activated was not the Earth Exploding Star with six-level yin-yang escape power.’?”

Obviously, the situation at hand was entirely due to Uchiha Obito once again igniting the war in the densely populated Fire Land.

Naruto had no choice but to deliberately reveal a flaw to lure Uchiha Obito into action, and then took advantage of the opportunity to determine the winner in an instant.

Uchiha Obito did successfully activate the ‘Earth Explosion Star’, but before it could be activated, Naruto had already severed his body.

And released the Ten Tails in his body, giving him a blow, causing him to fall from the Six Paths level.

Therefore, the ‘Earth Explosion Star’ he activated was just an ordinary reincarnation eye technique, without the blessing of the power of the Ten Tails.

And this is obviously meaningless to Uzumaki Naruto as the ‘blood successor snare’. Amidst the loud noises of falling gravel, the figure of Uzumaki Naruto wrapped in the Chakra of the Reincarnation Eye appeared again. out.

The Uzumaki Naruto floating in the air was thoughtful at this moment, and murmured to himself:”This time I finally understood the principle of the ‘Earth Explosion Star’.”

On the ground.

Uchiha Madara’s expression gradually became serious.

Black Zetsu, who was standing behind Uchiha Madara, looked even more hesitant, as if he was weighing something.

Just now, Naruto also planned to give it a try, but of course he didn’t do it without thinking.

Since you have mastered the power of yin and yang escape, you can activate the Six Paths Earth Explosion Star.

Does that mean Obito Uchiha, who became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, can also activate it??

Although it didn’t happen in the original scene, Naruto had to take it into consideration, what if? Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality.

So in order to find out, Naruto planned to try it himself!!

Of course, part of the reason is because this place is now���Within the Land of Fire.

This is quite far from Konoha Village! But there is no guarantee that Konoha Village will not be affected.

Once it is affected, it may cause unpredictable consequences.

Uchiha Madara, who was crossing his arms, raised the corners of his mouth and said with a leisurely smile:”I didn’t expect that a brat like you would appear in the Uzumaki family, but I am different from that trash Uchiha Obito.……”


Before Uchiha Madara could finish speaking, Uzumaki Naruto flashed in front of Uchiha Madara.

Under the flying robe, the ‘Golden Wheel Reincarnation Explosion’ in his hand was instantly chopped off!

“So fast!”

Uchiha Madara, who was caught off guard, didn’t even have a chance to activate the Eye Jutsu Ring Tombside Prison. He could only barely dodge sideways and raised his arms to protect himself.

However, the strong body of his Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki was defeated by Uzumaki Naruto. Like tofu under the golden sword, the entire left arm was cut off instantly.

Then, Naruto’s left hand suddenly reached out, and instantly grabbed Uchiha Madara’s head, twisting Uchiha Madara in his hand, and said lightly:”Uchiha Madara, I heard that you are very strong? Why don’t I believe it?”

When Uzumaki Naruto instantly cut off the arm of Uchiha Madara, who had become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki, and twisted Uchiha Madara’s head at will, the whole place was extremely quiet. In the cold night wind, Uchiha Both Obito and Black Zetsu on the other side were stunned on the spot, their eyes full of surprise.

Who is Madara Uchiha 957? That was Shura in the ninja world back then. He existed like an evil ghost and made people in the world afraid..

Even Uchiha Obito, who had previously become the Ten-Tails Chuuriki, did not dare to underestimate Uchiha Madara.

Because the name Uchiha Madara alone can bring endless pressure to people.

Unexpectedly, just now it was just In an instant, just a face to face!!

Uchiha Madara had an arm cut off by Uzumaki Naruto??

If you hadn’t seen it with your own eyes, you wouldn’t believe what you saw was real, but it was indeed real.

Uchiha Madara had one of his arms cut off by Uzumaki Naruto in just one encounter, and was even held in Uzumaki’s hand.

Uchiha Obito knew that Uzumaki Naruto was very strong, but Uchiha Madara was suppressed so easily..

This is what Uchiha Obito didn’t expect.

It seems that he takes Uchiha Madara too seriously. In fact, his strength has already surpassed Uchiha Madara.

Uchiha Obito himself became the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki. Even he can’t beat Uzumaki Naruto.

It doesn’t mean that Uchiha Madara can defeat Uzumaki Naruto by becoming the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki.

Doesn’t that mean that Uchiha Obito is too immodest?

Black Zetsu was even more frightened to see it., Fortunately, the whole face is black, otherwise I don’t know what kind of expression he will show.

Originally, Black Zetsu thought that letting Uchiha Madara become the Ten-Tails Jinchuuriki would give him an advantage.

I really didn’t expect that what happened in front of me Will this be the result?

At the same time, Uchiha Sasuke, who originally planned to escape, did not escape very far. He also stopped in the middle and chose to watch the battle.

The power of Yin and Yang Escape gained was absorbed by Naruto. The power of Yin Escape was taken back by the Sage of Six Paths.

As a result, Uchiha Sasuke’s current strength has plummeted.

But it does not mean that Uchiha Sasuke does not pay attention to the current situation!!

Even if he is targeted, he still has a pair of three The magatama samsara eye’s Tenli Hand Technique can be used to escape.

Therefore! Uchiha Sasuke has the courage to come back and choose to watch the battle, but Uchiha Sasuke is also afraid!

If that guy Naruto comes to kill him, Uchiha Sasuke will not Confidence can be achieved.

However, Naruto’s strength really exceeded Uchiha Sasuke’s expectations.

Uchiha Obito is no match at all, including the current Uchiha Madara.

That guy Uzumaki Naruto!!

Uchiha Sasuke Gritting his teeth, Uzumaki Naruto’s strength has improved too much.

Uchiha Sasuke himself can no longer see through Uzumaki Naruto.

Fight! Fight! Fight to your heart’s content!!

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