Chapter 0145 Naruto left a secret hand in the meeting!!

In the conference room.

The Third Tsuchikage Onoki suddenly changed the subject and said to Uzumaki Naruto in a sincere tone:”Naruto-dono, this Ninja War was entirely caused by the Uchiha clan.”

“The two Uchiha, Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito, caused thousands of us ninjas to panic”

“Therefore, please and the Leaf Village must strictly check whether there are any accomplices of theirs in the Uchiha clan.”

As soon as the third Tsuchikage Onoki finished speaking, many voices of agreement came from the venue, and many people nodded.

There were those from Iwagakure, Kumogakure, Sunagakure, Kirigakure, and even some from Konoha. Ninja.

Uzumaki Naruto narrowed his eyes slightly, but still had a gentle smile on his face, and Tsunade also looked a little sad.

This seemingly reasonable proposal by the Third Tsuchikage Onoki actually concealed evil intentions.

He artificially connected the Uchiha clan with Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito who launched the Fourth Ninja War. Undoubtedly, he wanted to link the ninja alliance against the dead Uchiha Madara and the missing Uchiha Obito. The hatred is transferred to the Ochiha clan.

In this way, the negative influence of the Uchiha clan will form a gap and create a rift between the Uchiha clan and Konoha.

After all, even if the Uchiha clan has been exterminated, there are still people in the ninja world. There are still people of the Uchiha clan.

In any case, the Uchiha clan belongs to the Leaf Village.

So what the Third Tsuchikage Onoki wants to express is that your Konoha Village also has its own faults and mistakes!!

1 But if Konoha is disloyal, Konoha’s strength will be greatly reduced.

This is just like when Uchiha Madara turned against the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, which caused Konoha’s hegemony to rapidly collapse in a few years.

And it entered a period that lasted for decades. The weak period of 2000 gave the other four major ninja villages the opportunity to challenge Konoha.

Of course, as long as Konoha still has Uzumaki Naruto, the sage, in charge, direct internal strife is impossible.

At most, there will be some resentment between the two sides. and friction, but this is the only way that Onoki, the Third Tsuchikage, can think of to weaken Konoha and cause trouble for Konoha.

Tsunade couldn’t help but slap the table and said:”First of all, I want to declare that the Uchiha clan is the Uchiha clan. The Wave Clan, individual Uchiha are individual Uchiha, and Konoha Village is Konoha Village”

“Don’t lump some things together, and there’s no problem in each of you trying to separate yourself!!”

“Rebellious ninjas are found in every ninja village, and problems are also found in every ninja village. As for Onoki, the problems you are worried about are unnecessary.”

Everyone was unmoved. Everyone knew in their hearts that Tsunade was right, but the psychological trauma Uchiha Madara and Uchiha Obito left on everyone was too great.

Many Konoha 000 ninjas, including The ninjas inside felt instinctive fear and rejection.

This has nothing to do with anything else. It is simply that the Uchiha clan is too strong and too extreme, leaving no room for action.

Naruto smiled gently and said:”Don’t worry, everyone, I will investigate thoroughly.!”

Tsunade looked over doubtfully:”Naruto, you”

Naruto waved his hand:”We in Konoha have always convinced people with reason.”

Several Kage secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw this.

This was not only because Naruto agreed with them to thoroughly investigate the Uchiha clan, but also because Naruto’s reasonableness eliminated the fear in their hearts.

This time the five Kages The meeting was not so much a post-war aftermath meeting as it was a test of Konoha by several major ninja villages. Testing how

Uzumaki Naruto, the sage who overpowered the ninja world, would handle the affairs of the ninja world. Now I see Uzumaki Naruto. This sage is not the kind of extreme power-hungry person.

Like the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, he has no ambition to unify the ninja world, so they all breathed a sigh of relief from top to bottom.

For other ninja villages, they can recognize If you are timid, you can even accept becoming a vassal of Konoha to some extent, but you will never accept the fate of being annexed by Konoha.

It’s like they will fight to the death even if they know they are not opponents, on issues related to life and death.

Even if they face an invincible sage, they will not back down.

The Fourth Raikage Ai said again:”Naruto-dono, although Uchiha Madara is dead, his samsara eyes are still there. What should we do with these samsara eyes?” What about processing?”

In an instant, everyone in the venue cast their eyes on Uzumaki Naruto.

Therefore, these eyes are almost equivalent to power far beyond the shadow level. They are a step for mortals to reach the realm of immortals, even if they are not in the Uchiha class. Fight, but they also notified the previous perception ball to understand the power of Uchiha class.

Therefore, they can imagine the power of the reincarnation eye. It would be a lie to say that they don’t care.

For ninjas who lick blood from the edge of their swords, strength is It is the foundation of a foothold.

So when the topic involved Uchiha Madara’s pair of reincarnation eyes, everyone’s nerves were touched.

Because Uchiha Obito vividly displayed the power of the immortal in front of everyone.

The kind of shadow that will The power that super strong men regard as an ant is something that no one present can resist.

But everyone including Ai, the Fourth Raikage who asked the question, also understands that the ownership of the pair of Rinnegan Eyes is just a matter of a word from Naruto Uzumaki..

If Uzumaki Naruto, the immortal, wants to cheat, no one can do anything about him.

Naruto smiled and said:”If the Raikage has any ideas, you might as well say so.”

The fourth generation Raikage Ai glanced at the third generation Tsuchikage Onoki and the fifth generation Mizukage Terumi Mei.

Then he said bluntly:”In the war against the Akatsuki organization, against Uchiha Obito, and Uchiha Madara, our five great ninja villages is one”

“Now that Uchiha Madara has been killed, the Rinnegan Eye he left behind should also be the common trophy of our five great ninja villages!”

Uzumaki Naruto nodded gently:”Yeah.”

Because of this war, each ninja village did not participate in the war alone, but formed a ninja alliance.

Therefore, according to the agreement in the alliance ceremony, the spoils should be shared.

Therefore, although the reincarnation eye left by Uchiha Madara is very sensitive, the covenant It was clearly written in black and white on the paper, and it was undoubtedly a trophy.

Tsunade’s face looked a little ugly at the moment. He signed the covenant on behalf of Konoha.

Now other ninja villages use this as an excuse to get a share of the Rinnegan. This makes She felt very uncomfortable.

It felt like shooting herself in the foot. If Naruto had such overwhelming strength before,

Tsunade would not sign that kind of agreement. In fact, Tsunade’s original purpose It was just to allow other ninja villages to use their full strength to deal with the Fourth Ninja War.

Instead, it has now become the biggest stumbling block, leaving Naruto in a passive position in this negotiation!!

She, Tsunade, has a big role in this. Reason!!

Next to me, Koharu, Mito Kabuto, Jiraiya and others also showed displeasure.

No one wants to give away a strategic treasure like the Rinnegan, but it is restricted. The covenant, they can’t lose face and act rogue.

Seeing Uzumaki Naruto nod, the third Tsuchikage Onoki said tentatively:”Since it is a common trophy, then each of our ninja villages should have the right to study the Rinnegan, right?””


Naruto pondered for a moment, and then nodded.

The third Tsuchikage Onoki said:”We Iwagakure are applying for research on the Rinnegan Eye. We can discuss the time limit.”

“We definitely have no desire to covet the Samsara Eye, we just want to study the mystery of the Samsara Eye.”

Onoki, the third Tsuchikage, spoke up, and Ai, the fourth Raikage, and Terumi Mei, the fifth Mizukage, also applied.

After all, it is a powerful treasure like the Rinnegan, and no one will be tempted, so in this matter Applications were made one after another.

All the senior officials of Konoha were resisting, but they could not refuse, so they could only keep a sullen face and said nothing.

Only Uzumaki Naruto remained gentle, and even waved his hand indifferently:”In this regard, we Konoha had no objection.”

Soon, everyone discussed the order of studying the Rinnegan Eye.

The custody of the Rinnegan Eye belongs to Konoha, but other ninja villages have the right to research it, and the first one to study it is Iwagakure, followed by Kumogakure, Kirigakure. Hidden, Sand Hidden, the time limit for each village’s research is three months.

As for Gaara, even if Gaara doesn’t want to, it doesn’t mean that other people in Sand Hidden Village don’t want to, because it is the Samsara Eye, not an ordinary pupil technique.

It just hinders Due to Uzumaki Naruto’s powerful strength, they were on tenterhooks and did not dare to put forward any other unnecessary opinions!! They could only ask tentative questions bit by bit, fearing that Uzumaki Naruto would be angry and send money, which would not be worth the gain.

In addition, there was no People can understand why Uzumaki Naruto was so nice to hand over the research power of the Rinnegan Eye.

In fact, Naruto also had his own plans. Besides, if he didn’t have a plan, how could he hand over the Rinnegan Eye to others for research? Just kidding.??

And Naruto’s ultimate goal is to see if he can use the Rinnegan to attract the Otsutsuki Ishita hidden in the ninja world. Otherwise, even if Naruto has reached the level of Blood Continuation Snare, there will be no way to find the hidden Otsutsuki. Mu Ishiki.

So of course you have to release some bait to tempt!!

It depends on whether Otsutsuki Ishiki will take the bait. Of course, it is the best to be able to take the bait.

No one knows this, so there are more in Konoha Village People don’t understand why Naruto is so easy to talk to.

Naruto already has such great strength. With just one sentence, how dare other Ninja Villages to fart??

I guess they will all lie down obediently. How can they dare to be like this? Tentatively asking for the bottom line??

Jiraiya supports his apprentice. No matter what his apprentice does, Jiraiya will support him.

Kakashi feels that Naruto has grown up, not only in strength, but also in people. He also became very calm.

No matter what Naruto did, Kakashi felt relieved at this moment.

Although in this matter, their Konoha Village was at a disadvantage!

But as long as Naruto was there.

At the meeting, everyone seemed to fall into a brief silence, after all, the most critical issues have been discussed.

The remaining issues are basically minor issues.

Naruto said:”Then this meeting ends here! I’ll tell you what the rest means later.”

“I agree.”

The Third Tsuchikage Onoki responded.

“I agree.”

The Fourth Raikage Ai responded.

“I agree.”

The Fifth Mizukage Terumi Mei responded.

“I agree.

Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage, responded. Tsunade supported Naruto’s decision, and Tsunade had long planned to hand over all power to Naruto!!

Naruto ended the Five Shadows Conference.

After leaving the venue, The fourth-generation Raikage Ai and the fifth-generation Mizukage Terumi Mei who gathered together were a little excited.

This meeting not only proved Uzumaki Naruto’s attitude, but also obtained the qualification to study the Rinnegan, which was undoubtedly a great opportunity for them. A huge victory.

Onoki, the third generation Tsuchikage, frowned, seeming to be thinking about something.

Terumi Mei, the fifth generation Mizukage asked:”Your Excellency Tsuchikage, Uzumaki Naruto’s attitude is clear, now we should have nothing to worry about. Bar?”

“hope so!”

The third Tsuchikage Onoki said, but his brows were still furrowed.

For some reason, he always felt that Uzumaki Naruto would not be so easy to talk to, as if the other party had already known that they would do this.

The third Tsuchikage Onoki had a very strange feeling. It felt like they had fallen into a trap regarding this matter.

But what was the problem? The Third Tsuchikage Onoki couldn’t explain it at once, so he could only hide his doubts in his heart.

At the same time, the Third Tsuchikage Onoki also had a feeling that……Uzumaki Naruto is different from the first Hokage Senju Hashirama.

That’s right! It seems to have this feeling!!

Now the third generation Tsuchikage Onoki can only hope that Uzumaki Naruto is the same as Konoha’s first Hokage Senju Hashirama.!!

Because only in this way can the other four ninja villages have hope of continuing to survive in the ninja world. It is really ironic to say this!!

On Konoha’s side.

After leaving the venue, Kakashi quickly caught up with him. Uzumaki Naruto said:”Naruto, are you really going to hand over the Rinnegan Eye to other villages for research?

Uzumaki Naruto smiled and responded,”What’s wrong?”

Kakashi said in a deep voice:”Aren’t you afraid of any accidents during this period?” The samsara eye is of great importance”

“If something unexpected happens and it falls into the hands of careerists, it may cause another disaster!

Naruto patted Kakashi on the shoulder:”Can we refuse them?””


Kakashi struggled for a moment, but finally shook his head.

Without Danzo taking the initiative to take the blame, no one among the top leaders of Konoha could bear to be so cruel and cruel to the allies who fought side by side yesterday.

Uzumaki Naruto smiled and said nothing more, but activated the ‘Yellow Springs Hirazan’ and stepped into the space gate alone.

In an instant, Uzumaki Naruto arrived at Uchiha Obito’s Kamui Space. After Naruto left, Tsunade and Jiraiya came to Kakashi.

Jiraiya said:”Kakashi, don’t worry! Naruto is not a child anymore.”

“He has grown up, and Naruto must have his own reasons for doing this, so we shouldn’t worry about it.”

“Besides, Konoha Village will be handed over to Naruto sooner or later.”

“Right! Tsunade”

“Jiraiya was right! We don’t need to worry too much, as we won’t be able to finish it if we worry too much.”

Anyway, Tsunade has looked away. It won’t be long before she hands over the position of Hokage to Naruto. She doesn’t have to worry about it now.

Even if she wants to worry about it, if Naruto doesn’t agree, what can Tsunade do? There’s nothing she can do. Way!!

Kakashi saw that both Jiraiya-sama and Tsunade-sama were so open-minded.

Why did he worry so much??

After Kakashi figured it out, he started to show his usual dead fish eyes.

Jiraiya said jokingly:”Kakashi, my new work is almost finished, so are you ready? Kakashi??”

“Really? Lord Jiraiya.”

Kakashi’s dead fish eyes immediately disappeared and turned into a look full of hope.

Lord Jiraiya’s latest work, Kakashi has been looking forward to it for a long time, but he didn’t expect Lord Jiraiya to be so efficient.

Tsunade Looking at Jiraiya and Kakashi with disdainful eyes, these two guys are really low-level.

It’s really embarrassing to be with them. Tsunade quickly moved away from Jiraiya and Kakashi, waiting to avoid unnecessary trouble. Being misunderstood!!

The two of them don’t care about their own face, but Tsunade cares about her own face.

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