Chapter 0148 Find the giant reincarnation eye of the Hyuga clan!!

In order to replenish the previous losses of the Nine-Tailed Naruto, Naruto has withdrawn more than half of the Ten-Tails’ chakra.

But the effect is also very impressive. Now the Nine-Tailed Naruto’s aura in Naruto’s body is getting stronger and more saturated.

After another ten seconds or so, Nine-Tailed Naruto’s status was completely replenished!!

The ten-tails indirectness in the outside world has also been reduced by several circles, because the huge chakra has consumed six-sevenths of it. Because it is ten times the consumption, so much is consumed.

After finishing, Naruto said:”Obito, the recovery work of the Ten-Tails will be left to you. Don’t be anxious, just recover slowly.””

“I understand, please don’t worry.”

Uchiha Obito nodded and responded. Without Naruto’s explanation, Uchiha Obito also knew that the Ten-Tails needed to recover.

Naruto activated the Huangquan Hirasaka Space Pupil Technique and left the moon. Naruto who left the moon did not return to the Leaf Village..

Instead, he went to Orochimaru’s research base.

As soon as Naruto appeared next to Orochimaru, Orochimaru licked his tongue and smiled:”Congratulations, Naruto-kun.”

“Became the strongest person in the ninja world and was also called a sage”

“Okay, stop flattering me, by the way, get ready to move the research base to the moon.”

Naruto didn’t talk nonsense, but directly told Orochimaru that after all, those so-called titles are meaningless in Naruto’s opinion. Only strength is the foundation.

Without strength, everything is empty talk.

After explaining Orochimaru, Naruto directly used the Hirazaka Space Eye Technique to come to Konoha Village and the old Xiang clan.

There is one thing that Naruto needs to confirm, that is, the Otsutsuki clan of the moon created a giant reincarnation eye.

So did the Hyuga clan create one? Giant reincarnation eye??

First of all, we have to confirm, so Naruto has a bottom line in his heart.

Hinata Hinata was watching a group of younger generations of the Hyuga clan training Soft Fist in the square of the Hyuga clan.

Suddenly Hinata Hinata saw Naruto appear. In front of him, he quickly said:”This is the end of your training, please get off!”

“Yes, the patriarch.”

A group of young people from the Hyuga clan responded in unison.

At the same time, when they left, they were all whispering about the appearance of Uzumaki Naruto. Now Uzumaki Naruto’s name is well-known in Konoha Village.

To be honest, many young people think of it. Naruto Uzumaki is their goal of struggle 01.

Hinata Hinata’s face is full of smiles, this is his son-in-law!! If the

Hyuga clan has Naruto as their son-in-law, then they will be the number one ninja clan in the ninja world. People can be replaced.

So Hinata Hizu looked at Naruto and was very satisfied no matter where he was.

He wished that his daughter would marry Naruto as soon as possible, so that it would be 100% finalized.

With this relationship, as long as Naruto If people are still alive, then the Hyuga clan will never fall.

Hinata Hizashi smiled and asked with concern:”Naruto, you are here! Hinata is not at home!”

“I’ll send someone right away to call Tian back.”

“No need, father-in-law, I’m not here to find Hinata, I’m here to find you.”

“Naruto waved his hand to indicate that he was coming to Hinata and Hinata.”

Now Hinata Hizu’s expression became serious, because since Naruto came to find him, the matter must not be a trivial matter, otherwise Naruto would not have to come here in person.

So Hyuga Hizu took Naruto to the tea room in the main house.

The two sat next to each other, Hinata and Hinata waiting for Naruto to speak, he was answering, otherwise Hinata and Hinata would not know what was going on!!

Naruto said:”Father-in-law, I want you to see the same thing.”

After Naruto said that, his eyes began to change and turned into white eyes. When Hinata Hiashi saw the white eyes in Naruto’s eyes, he was so shocked that his jaw almost dropped.

“Naruto…you…what’s going on with your Byakugan? You probably don’t have the blood of the Hyuga clan!”

Hyuga and Hinata almost suspected that he was under a genjutsu.

Otherwise, how could he see Naruto’s eyes turning into white eyes?

If people without the blood of the Hyuga clan can turn on the white eyes, then those of the old clan The status is really dangerous.

Furthermore, Naruto is the son of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato and Uzumaki Kushina.

Or there is a dangerous possibility, that is, Naruto takes away the Byakugan of the Hyuga clan.

In addition to the clan, there are I can’t take away the Byakugan at all.

Hinata and Hinata are waiting for Naruto’s answer. Since Naruto has come and opened his Byakugan, he must explain this matter.

Hinata and Hinata are also very concerned about this matter. Reason!!

Naruto then said:”Father-in-law, please continue watching.”

As soon as Naruto finished speaking, the white eyes in his eyes evolved again and became the reincarnation eye.

The moment he opened the reincarnation eye, Hinata Hinashi felt a deep pressure.

As if it was the suppression from the blood, Naruto did not continue. Answer, but waited quietly for the old man to speak.

Hinata Hinata had heard that Naruto could open a pair of sky-blue eyes before, but it was the first time to see it at such a close range.

Just seeing it at such a close distance made Hinata Hinata He felt tremendous pressure.

Hinata Hinata was not stupid and could form bloodline suppression, which means that the sky blue eyes in Naruto’s eyes were more advanced than the Byakugan.

Hinata Hinata asked tentatively:”Naruto, yours The eyes evolved from the Byakugan, right??”

“Like the Sharingan of the Uchiha clan, can it evolve? If it is true, then our old Xiang family might be able to reach a higher level.”

It doesn’t matter whether Naruto has the blood of the Hyuga clan in his body, or whether the Byakugan was taken from him.

Hinata and Hinata just want to confirm one thing now, and that is whether the Byakugan can evolve.

If the Byakugan can evolve, then it means that Hinata With so many people in a clan, there will always be someone who will successfully evolve.

Then once more people successfully evolve the Byakugan, then the status of the Hyuga clan will become even more unshakable.

“Father-in-law, you guessed it right, the Byakugan can indeed evolve, and after evolution it is called the Tenseigan.”

“It is a pupil technique on the same level as the Rinnegan, and is far more powerful than the Mangekyō Sharingan.”

Naruto told Hinata and Hinata about the general situation of the Tsangigan.

“What? Naruto, is it true?……”

Hinata Hizu suddenly stood up excitedly.

If Hinata and Hinata didn’t have some sense left, they might have jumped up.

The current name of the Samsara Eye is also very popular!

That was the Rinnegan Eye of the Six Paths Sage, and it also shined brightly in the Fourth Ninja War this time.

Now his son-in-law Naruto told him that the Byakugan is a reincarnation eye that can evolve to the same level as the Rinnegan.

So excited, so excited.

Hyuga Hizashi quickly asked:”Naruto, tell your father-in-law how to evolve the Tsangikan. This is related to the future of the Hyuga clan.””

“Father-in-law, it’s very difficult, the possibility is slim.”

Naruto shook his head, dispelling the unrealistic thoughts of the old Xiang Jiuzu.

Hinata Hinata still continued:”Naruto will try even if it is difficult. After you and Hinata get married,”

“This leader of the Hyuga clan, I will let you sit here.”

In order to get a way to open the reincarnation eye, Hyuga Hizatsu also risked his life.

He directly pushed out the Hyuga clan and the throne of the clan leader.

Normally speaking, Hyuuga Hichizu broke the rules of the Hyuga clan for thousands of years.

Let Not a person of the Hyuga clan’s bloodline becomes the clan leader, but he can get the evolutionary method of the reincarnated eye!!

In the eyes of Hinata and Hinata, everything is worth it.

Naruto raised his hand to tell Hinata and Hinata to calm down, he was too excited.

Hinata Hizu took a deep breath. He was indeed too excited just now and could not stop the evolution from Ping to Byakugan.

This has never happened in the history of the Hyuga clan!!

Naruto explained:”I want to evolve. The Byakugan needs to be supported by a strong enough bloodline, otherwise the reincarnated eye cannot be opened at all.”

“So, father-in-law, your focus is not on reincarnation now.”

“The main purpose of my coming here this time is to learn about the history of the Hyuga clan, so my father-in-law took me to see the records of the Hyuga clan.”

“If so, then it is not impossible to achieve the Reincarnation Eye.”

Naruto didn’t finish his words, and Hinata and Hinata also understood that Naruto came here not to show the reincarnation, but to see the records of the Hyuga clan.

But it seems that the answer Hinata and Hinata want, Naruto The reason why people can’t answer is that they haven’t found the answer that Naruto wants.

Hinata Hinata didn’t waste any time and took Naruto over directly. He was about to be his son-in-law, so there was no need to ask too much about some things. Too detailed!!

Just have a good idea.

The elder of the Hyuga clan who was looking after the files saw the clan leader and Naruto approaching and took the initiative to open the door and let them in.

As soon as Naruto entered, it started Reading through the books one by one.

Time passed bit by bit, and Hinata and Hinata standing aside did not disturb Naruto.

After more than an hour passed, Naruto saw a book that recorded the original three hundred Years ago, the Hyuga clan experienced a disaster!!

As he watched, Naruto probably understood that it was the Otsutsuki clan on the moon who wanted to make the giant reincarnation more powerful.

So he focused on the people on the earth. The Hyuga clan wanted to seize the Hyuga clan’s Byakugan.

It was at that time that the Hyuga clan’s caged bird curse seal began to appear.

It seems that Naruto’s guess was right, that is, the Hyuga clan also has their own giant reincarnation eye.

But the giant reincarnation The eye was fused with the Byakugan of more than a hundred people who disappeared without any chance at that time.

Now that it has been locked, we have to start looking for where the giant reincarnated eye belonging to the Hyuga clan is hidden.

Hinata Hizu saw the corner of Naruto’s mouth exposed Smiling, he asked:”Naruto, did you discover anything??”


While Naruto responded, he handed the book in his hand to Hinata Hizu.

Hinata Hizu took the book handed over by Naruto, and as he looked at it, Hinata Hizu asked in confusion:”What’s this? Problem? Naruto”

“The original disappearance of more than a hundred people has been determined to be a conspiracy, which resulted in the loss of more than a hundred people to the Hyuga clan.”

“No, it’s to create the giant Tenseigan.”

Naruto interrupted Hinata and Hinata and told the information about the giant reincarnation eye.

“Giant Tenseigan?”

Hyuga Hichizu really feels that he, the leader of the Hyuga clan, has really been in vain. He doesn’t know more information than Naruto does. I feel really ashamed!!

But since Naruto has already raised it, he should know how. Find the so-called giant reincarnated eye.

Hinata Hizu said:”Naruto, I will cooperate. Even if you ask, I will definitely help you with all my strength.””

“No need for the moment, I haven’t found the hidden location of the giant reincarnation eye yet!.”

Naruto shook his head and said.

Naruto believed that the former Hyuga clan would definitely leave traces, just in case.

He flipped through all the books here and suddenly saw a parchment!!

Naruto held it Looking at the parchment in detail, suddenly Naruto opened his palm, and flames came out from the palm of his hand to burn the parchment.

As the flames burned the parchment, patterns began to slowly appear on the parchment.

Hinata and Hinata never knew that this inconspicuous The parchment actually hides such a secret!!

It’s so shocking…

Naruto looked at the terrain on the parchment and said:”In the territory of the Land of Fire! It looks like it’s in a very remote place!”

“Father-in-law, let me go.”

As soon as Naruto finished speaking, the Eye of the Moon and the Nine Magatama Rinnegan Sharingan on his forehead opened. The

Huangquan Hirasaka Space Eye Technique was activated, and Naruto stepped in and disappeared from the eyes of Hinata and Hinashi.

“How awesome! The momentum at that moment made me unable to move.”

“Although my daughter does not have any advantage in the future of ninja, in terms of choosing a target, she is unprecedented and unprecedented.”

Every time I think of Naruto’s powerful strength, Hinata and Hinata can’t help but be happy. Naruto is powerful, and Hinata and Hinata are full of face.

After Naruto left the Hyuga clan’s clan, he came to the Fire In a cool underground cave on the border of China.

Looking at the humid environment here, Naruto could tell at a glance that no one had been here for at least hundreds of years.

Naruto walked deeper.

When he walked less than a month When I was 100 meters away, I saw a suspended stone ball.

The diameter of this stone ball was only just over two meters. Compared to the giant Tenseigan on the moon used by Naruto, there was no comparison at all.!!

In terms of physique! It is dozens of times larger than the current one.

Why did Naruto immediately know that this was a giant Tenseigan as soon as he came in? Because Naruto’s eyes are Tenseigan. There is a connection between them.

It’s just that the giant reincarnation eye is currently sealed, so even if Naruto has the reincarnation eye, he doesn’t feel the existence of this giant reincarnation eye because of the distance!!

In front of reincarnation’s eyes, he pressed his palms on it


As Naruto let out a low cry, the giant Tenseigan shook violently!!

The stones including the giant Tenseigan fell down one after another, revealing the radiant blue giant Tenseigan light.

The entire cool space seemed to be illuminated, The temperature is getting warmer and warmer.

When Naruto opened this giant reincarnation eye, a lot of information was passed into his mind.

As this information came in, Naruto finally understood the cause and effect.

It seems that the original Hyuga clan It was really just to resist the Otsutsuki clan on the moon that the giant reincarnated eye was created.

Otherwise, the Hyuga clan at that time would not have had enough power to resist the Otsutsuki clan on the moon.

But because of this giant reincarnated eye, The Caged Bird Curse Seal of the Hyuga clan also firmly gave the clan the absolute power to suppress the branch family. It was originally used to protect the Hyuga clan, but in the end it was used by future generations to enslave the branch family.

It is really sad!!

Naruto check it out The state of the giant reincarnation eye at this moment is very bad.

Even if the giant reincarnation eye is sealed, it has fallen into a trough. Naruto mobilized the Blood Continuation Snare level chakra in his body to integrate into the giant reincarnation eye. After being replenished with chakra from Naruto’s blood net level, the giant reincarnation eye became active instantly, and his condition got better and better.

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